Ding Yu is used to the situation of two children! This is how I came when I was a child! There are no other problems!

What's more, what are the practical reasons? They have received considerable training since childhood, although Ding Yu also gives them considerable space, but this kind of space comparison is limited! It's not like it is now! Such freedom and indulgence!

Although it is in a small county! But they are very good to indulge themselves! remain free! Also do not need to care about what kind of influence, or even what other people's views and opinions! As long as they are happy!

Originally, all the things are under the eyes of the people, just like in the capital! Or abroad! They seem to have no restrictions, but in reality? All things can not go beyond! So they are not as happy as they think!

It's not the same here! Very happy every day! Freedom! Everything is so beautiful! It's really wonderful!

As for grandparents? They didn't say much about it either! Even for quite a while, I went down the river to catch fish and shrimp with them! There's no sense of restraint at all! Is sometimes for them to eat will be a little dissatisfied! I always feel that their appetite is a little big! But not eating is really hungry, OK?

"So late? You can see the stars so clearly

Taixi sits on the bed, the skylight is open! Although this is the case, but the whole environment can not see any mosquitoes! If this is placed in other places, it may be unthinkable! But here, it is really not difficult!

And it's not only Ding Yu here, but also Wang Xiaogang!

"There was not too much pollution in the small county town, but in the early years, pesticide was not as much attention as imagined! So it caused some serious consequences! But in recent years, there has been considerable improvement, plus the distance from the county seat is not far, that is, the sea, the air is particularly fresh! This is incomparable to other places

The two children have been washed clean! Around his father and mother, looking at the stars above the sky! Is also chirping, this is what star! What's that sign? awfully!

Unconsciously, Taixi and Sanxiao all fell asleep! Little four eyes is very clever today! Is lying on the ground not far away! I can't hear anything! Ding Yu found the summer cool quilt and covered it together!

But in the morning, because of the skylight design, and last night I went to bed earlier! So the two children began to cry on the bed! Tai hee is also defeated by the energy of two children! Don't say it! The feeling is really different!

It's not cool! The sun is just right! The only thing that feels a little noisy is two children! Let them exercise! Otherwise, I really don't know how to comfort them! What's more, I feel that the whole body suddenly becomes lighter! What is the reason? Could it be psychological?

Breakfast is in Ding Yu's side! In fact, no matter where you eat, it's the same! There won't be any difference! When Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came over, they found that their grandson and granddaughter had already got up! Little faces are all red! The spirit of the head can be said to be full! At this point, let alone children! Even adults can't compare!

"One of your mother's old colleagues is getting married today! I won't be back at noon! "

"Yes! I went back to see grandma with Tai Xi at noon! At noon, I'll have it with my uncle! "

"Don't be in such a hurry?" Zhao Shuying also advised! "Your grandmother! Now some things are confused! Age is really old! But there is nothing wrong with the body! That's good! "

"I have nothing to do with Tai hee! But the two kids have classes in the morning! So maybe it was a little late in the past! Taixi's work here is also a little busy! I don't know how long I can stay this time! Go and have a look first! "

Obviously, Ding Yu also has considerable consideration! Grandma always treats her own problems in a different way. However, she treats Tai Xi and the two kids equally! This point, also really let Ding Yu quite have so some helpless! Anyway, I don't have any way!

It's impossible to do this old lady's job! And home for this matter, also has long given up! At least there is no wishful thinking! Anyway, the old lady is so old! Do what you want! This is also very good!

"Just leave their two children at home, is that all right?"

Taixi still has some worries about this! Ding Yu didn't mean to care at all. He drove to the city with Taixi to get some things, but he couldn't go back empty handed! There are always so some inappropriate!

What's more, almost all of grandma's clothing, food, housing and transportation are handled by Ding Yu! With their own grandfather and grandmother, in addition to the living environment, almost no two! Even some aspects are even better!Some things? Remember it in your own heart! Give Ding Yu an impression! If you have any problems or problems! Grandma will still support herself! But the same, still won't give oneself what so-called good facial expression! Grandma is very attentive to herself, and vice versa!

"They! I wish I could stay at home! What kind of pressure doesn't happen! Can you control yourself if you are at home? I think it's hard! Even if it is unintentional! There will be considerable pressure on them at that time! "

"But if they are not at home, will they care?"

"I really don't need to worry about this! In view of this? Sometimes it's good to stimulate their interest! Like watching the stars last night! From the point of view of the truth, it is someone who gives them the knowledge of this aspect! To say that these knowledge can really play a big role? It's hard to say! Want to use the way of examination to verify, this is not the most appropriate! In another way, for example, last night, let them tell it by themselves! It's not the same! "

Not to mention, Ding Yu's parenting classics, played a considerable effect! Taixi also agreed with this very much!

"I didn't think of it! I've read so many books, but now I want to deal with it, there are still some in a hurry! " For the child's father's performance, Taixi is very satisfied!

"Me! A lot of it's from the nanny! Really want to say I have how ability, too much joke! Sometimes I will discuss with them! After all, they are the most professional! For such things, listen to professional people! Add some of our understanding! This can complement each other! "

"I have consulted some experts! They have quite a view of it, too

"Just bear with the children! We all come from this age! There are considerable advantages and disadvantages in stocking. Just listen to them attentively! Sometimes they do wrong, just adhere to their own starting point, and this starting point, some funny, so some sincere, really can not be completely denied! "

"Including smashing your walnuts?"

"How many years ago was that?" Ding Yu also touched his nose, such a thing is actually very helpless! Although I said that I didn't care too much about the play! But it's from home! They are quite outstanding, they are good! Directly use the door to clip the walnut!

Then he told Ding Yu that the walnut was broken! It's full of slag! Angry Ding Yu doesn't know what to say! My own walnut plate is not young! Of course it's scum inside! But they told themselves that the walnuts inside were bad! There is no way to eat!

What can I do? Their starting point is good! It's just a kind of performance unintentionally! Is it hard to beat them! Don't look at Ding Yu's higher requirements on their studies, but they really haven't done much. Basically, they are all started by Taixi!

To say that Ding Yu is absolutely ruthless to others, but in the treatment of children? It's really not contaminated with one of their fingers! It's hard to say whether you really can't control yourself!

They went back for a walk and even had time to go out for coffee. It was a leisurely environment. Of course, when they went back, they also brought some cakes for their two children! Although there is not necessarily a home cooked delicious! But to let them know that they and Taixi two people eat outside, I'm afraid it will be bad food!

On the way to grandma's house, Ding Yun also mentioned the morning study! The performance is very vivid, when the time comes, Ding Chang is eating the things brought back by his father and mother, the taste is general! It's also a small mediation! When Ding Yun finds out, there are only two pieces left!

For the two people fighting, Ding Yu seems to have not seen the same! Or Tai Xi came forward to appease the two children, Ding Chang, this child, more and more like his father! There are some black bellies!

"Grandma! We've come to see you! "

Two small jump out of the car to come, is also a loud cry! Grandma is a little old! It's a little earless! Speak louder! But the same! Too big! The old lady will also be quite dissatisfied! They will say that they are not deaf, so what is the loud voice for? In any case, my uncle and aunt can master this service and serve her well!

"So it's Taixi coming!" My aunt didn't take Tai hee as an outsider!

"Uncle! Aunt Tai Xi asked! Then I went into the door to see the old lady. Then I went up to the Kang and didn't come down! But Tai Xi did not have any dislike! It must be said that the old lady is really enjoying her life! Clean up!

"Is it too hot?" Taking advantage of his leisure time, Taixi also asked! It's summer now, isn't it? But the dress on Grandma's body, how does it feel like spring and autumn!

"The old lady always looks like this. Fortunately, the temperature in the room is relatively constant! If she was allowed to go out, she would put on a coat for herself! The body is not too many problems, but the elderly have their own set of rules! You should know that in the hospital, even in summer, there are some old people who have sweaters and sweaters on themTai Xi clearly nodded his head, the elderly may have some of their own psychology and ideas, this is really very difficult for outsiders to interfere! This is not to say more than two words can solve the problem! And after all, it's not your own care for grandma. Don't stand up and talk without low back pain. You still need to put yourself in a position to think about it!

It may not be a problem to wait for a day or two, but if the time is longer, would you like to have a try?

Lunch is a little simple! And are the characteristics of this side, there will not be too much difference, a lot of two snacks! See Tai Xi also have so some fear! Two kids have been eating so much all the time, really good? Would their stomachs have been stretched out? Looking at their stature, they have grown a lot, but they are not fat at all!

"Uncle, how's that ancestor at home?"

"Good! Now the little face is open! It's really cute! I just want to take a bite

Get it! It's such a bad problem again! Their mother is like this, Ding Yun and Ding Chang when they were two small, mother like to bite them! Sure enough, it's the same kind, but I really don't have this aspect of heredity!

"Just take a bite! It's hard to imagine! "

When two people talk, they are in the outer room! Ding Yu, the nephew with Tai Xi, also has children, even if he is addicted to smoking! Never smoke in the house! I took one, tried two, and then caught it in my hand! I am not so interested in this!

"I heard that there were so many small disturbances in Lin Qian's house? Is it? "

"No exaggeration! There is a little problem with my parents! It's their little couple's business anyway! We can't worry about it? Isn't it? " My uncle is very open to this matter! "What's going on there? They'll handle it by themselves. They'll have a family and a business already."

"Ah! Some things we as parents can not rub fire! Right? How are you doing! That's their own business! Our old couple just want them to have a better life! "

"Ding Ding called me earlier! You know how angry she is! I also have some worries. After all, I can say a few words on the other side of the capital! "

"No more!" My uncle waved his hand! "It's not a big deal, it's not something that can't resist the past! I'd like to ask you a favor. It's OK! At least it can be said in the past, but this thing? It's up to the army to deal with it. "

"Yes! I'll give ding ding ding a word! She! This period of time is furious! I've picked up the children at home! If you really put it at home, you'll soon become a dandy! "

"I think the two little fat people are lovely!"

"Who doesn't know Ding Ding Ding's character? Cao Zhendao is a good character! And his work is also relatively busy, let Ding Ding do all the things at home! That child is very good, but the way of education is still poor! Sometimes, it's not a bad thing to let children suffer! Don't let the sugar jar get too big! No way

"It is! Need a good wrestling! Otherwise, it will not be a success! Just like the army! The original time is also this heartache, that heartache! You need to let him wander around and know the power of it! "

"How's aunt?"

"Don't you know your aunt yet? Talk to me at most when I'm in the back! There is absolutely no problem with big right and wrong! "

"Yes! I got it! I'll tell Ding Ding Ding about this! She's in the capital anyway! Just let her pay attention! It's all over the capital! Anything can be negotiated to solve! If it's not so decent, we can't let them bully people too much, can't they? "

"After all, it's a small county going out. I feel it's very good to have a place to make a stick in a city as big as the capital! Xiaoyu! Anyone here? Always rely on their own! This time? I love the army. I don't mean your uncle's personality! I know you are good to the old lady! I know you are good to the army! But it can't just be used to the army! Develop his temperament in this respect! "

"I see!"

In this matter, Ding Yu really can not refuse his uncle, although it seems to be a small matter, but uncle has such backbone, is also a good thing! At least for the army, it's quite a good thing!

"Yes! I heard you brought all the children back to study in the city? Why don't you go to the capital? The conditions there are better! Anyway, I heard that the children were sent to the capital, but I really didn't hear about sending the children back! This contrast is a little bit big! The army is already registered in the capital! It's not a difficult thing for you

For his uncle's incomprehension, Ding Yu pondered for a while, then shook his head!

"It's good to be a big city! But the living environment can only be said to be general! What's more, putting children in the spotlight is not so powerful for children's growth! So I'm going to let the kids stay here for a while! Let them be happy! It's not impossible to go abroad! But that place? It's not your own home after all"Everything else is easy to say, but what about the academic side?"

"At most, this is to invite some teachers for them. Now the network is very developed? It's not difficult! "

"You boy!"

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