"There should be quite a few people looking for you these two days."

"Well!" Li Xiang's expression was so complicated, "there are quite a lot of people who have come here, including the club and the provincial team! They all put forward quite a condition! In your words, it's quite tempting! But I haven't told my family all the time. I'm afraid there will be some worries at home! "

"It seems that they have put forward quite a condition, say it and listen to it!" Wang Xiaogang is very interested!

"Are you all right?" Li Xiang looked at Wang Xiaogang. He had heard quite a lot of conditions before. It can be said that there are so many hard work! But now I'm not old enough to give a lollipop to be sold out!

Family hardship, as well as the pain of losing father, let oneself experience too much! Although Li Xiang's age is very young, but because of too much experience, so let him be very sensible! This is why Wang Xiaogang values him!

"Tell me about their conditions, and I'll give you some advice."

Wang Xiaogang shook the tablet computer in his hand. "But for friendship, I'm not a capitalist, but I'm also a beneficiary of interests. So I may not mention too many conditions now, but it's hard to say in the future."

"That's a little too straightforward! Isn't it a little bad? " Hearing Wang Xiaogang say so, Li Xiang is in a good mood! I can't tell what the reason is!

"Potential is one thing, but how to show it is another thing! You are my friend, at least in my mind, you are my good friend! Although the time of getting along with each other is very short, but I am optimistic about you

"You're acting like a little capitalist now!" Li Xiang laughed, "but we are friends." When talking, Li Xiang nodded heavily. Obviously, he recognized Wang Xiaogang as a friend!

"They have given me some conditions. My mother has already got a job, so they will not make any other arrangements. They are mainly responsible for some of my training, all of which are free of charge. They mentioned to me considerable resources! And some questions about my sister! That's all about it

"It's very flexible! There are so many words that are not true! "

"I don't quite understand!" Sitting there, Li Xiang looked at the clip above the video, and his heart was also a little shocked. Previously, he was quite confident, but watching the children above the video, he was quite shocked!

"On the surface, these conditions have some advantages, but from a practical point of view, what does the so-called free training mean? They didn't point it out one by one. To be exact, they are only optimistic about your talent, not so optimistic about your future, so this investment is not very big! If you win, you will get a good return, but if you lose, there won't be too many problems! "


"So now do you want to make a choice and bet on your future?" Wang Xiaogang's words are quite tempting!

"Bet on my future. It seems that this is a bit too much! I don't believe it in myself

For a long time, I have never met such a friend. I'm young, but my conversation with each other is completely beyond this age. Li Xiang is forced to mature because of his family and life. But what about Wang Xiaogang? Li Xiang doesn't think so much!

"I'm optimistic about your future. I convinced my uncle to let me operate this matter alone! At least for now! Of course, if I can't keep up, I'll let uncle take over! "

"You're alone!" Li Xiang felt that his head was not enough!

"Yes! Alone, this matter will be explained to you slowly in the future. Do you want to bet on your future now! I'm optimistic about your qualifications, but from a friend's point of view, I don't really hope that you will be pulled down at this age where the foundation is most needed. In that case, you will be further and farther away, and even can't catch up with you in the end! "

"Can't catch up?" Li Xiang's eyes are a little bit sharp, which is not seen in the past!

"I don't believe it!" Wang Xiaogang looked at Li Xiang's eyes and slid the tablet computer in his hand with his hand, "these are some teenagers in Europe! You are the same age as you, let me show you their training plan! The diet, and the daily competition, you will know the difference between each other

An hour! Li Xiang watched the video clip above! The eyes are still so sharp, even have quite unwilling! But there is no sign of frustration!

"Are they the limit?" After watching the video, Li xiangshen said!

"No, it's not. There are the" brutes "in the NBA. Apart from this word, I really don't know how to describe it! It's just freaks, non-human. I even have some doubts about whether these guys get the favor of God! But again, what about their EQ? It's not that high! ""I don't quite understand!" Do not know is not know, there is no need to pretend to understand, this is Li Xiang's principle and personal attitude!

"Let's start with the advantages. The physical fitness is explosive and the personal skills are excellent! These are their capital! Dare to confront! Say again the shortcomings, psychological tolerance is relatively poor, team cooperation ability can only be said to be general! As far as they are concerned, Le Zhong is dedicated to fighting alone! But I didn't sum it up! "

"I want to see how big the gap is between each other!"

"Are you sure?" Wang Xiaogang took a look at Li Xiang, "as a friend, I think you need to do some psychological preparation. The physical quality of these guys really can't be said! If it comes to fighting alone, there is no problem. I can beat both of them alone. There is no problem even when I am two or three years older! But if it comes to playing, they can hit me at least two! I'll be beaten and can't find the North! "

"I've tried your strength, and I even have some doubts. How can your little body contain such power? I can't even push it! Win you, just because I play basketball more time than you, plus I also have some basketball skills! Otherwise, it will be very irritable

Li Xiang and Wang Xiaogang competed on the basketball court! Wang Xiaogang for the power has a very clear understanding, want to promote him, is a very difficult thing! You should know whether it is age, weight, height, he has so many of his explosion, but the results are so unexpected!

"So these guys are gifted, but because of some reasons, the people who can make it to the NBA stage can be said to be one in a million, and many of them are just going through the motions."

By pressing the tablet in his hand, Wang Xiaogang adjusted some clips to show the difference between these animals and human beings! This is a gift! To a certain extent, they are about to become their instinct!

"I have consulted quite a lot of people. Basketball is so different from other sports! The traditional strength training method is not feasible, because the basketball game process is the need for all parts of the body to coordinate the force! Oneness is too weak in this, especially in joints and ligaments! If we can't coordinate well, there will be no problem now, but in the future, we may become a glass man! "

"I want to have a try!"

Looking at Li Xiang's firm eyes, Wang Xiaogang also narrowed his eyes, "are you sure, we haven't started to talk about conditions yet! Some of your so-called ideas have revealed your intentions! "

"Aren't we friends?"

Wang Xiaogang looks defeated! "Previously, I thought you had a high EQ, but I suddenly found out that you are a bit too joking Look like you've been defeated!

"I look after you! Friends are just another level of reason! I hope you understand! "

"Xiao Gang, I don't understand why you know so much at your age? I either underestimate others, or feel quite puzzled, as well as your brother and sister, I feel that they are so small and terrible! "

"Sister Yun Yun is better! Although sometimes, but more is a joke! As for brother Chang! " Wang Xiaogang sighed deeply, "I would rather provoke Yun Yun elder sister than Xiao Chang elder brother! There are so many troubles. Brother Chang is very dark, just like my uncle! It's tricky! "

Li Xiang slightly grinned his mouth, "I feel like you are afraid of your uncle!"

"No! Although uncle has some cold faces, he is very nice! Sometimes there will be some belly black, but I can't beat it! " Wang Xiaogang scratched his hair. "I really didn't find anyone who could beat him! But uncle has a good impression on you. It's not easy! "

"I don't understand! When I look at him, I feel a little fear in my heart! "

"Say so! There are not many people who can be taken by my uncle! I am not valued by my uncle! Because he is my uncle, plus the family reasons, so uncle took me! Relatively speaking, my qualification is still a little poor. In terms of the basketball court, my qualification is actually very general! "

"I'll go! Xiao Gang, I think you are so joking about this

"No need! Facts are facts! But I am very interested in you! So do you want to listen to the terms I offer you and bet on your future! "

"I don't know! I need to discuss this with my family! "

"Listen to my terms first! Before you entered professional basketball? You and your sister will be in charge of your studies! Even if you look away, you won't have anything in the future. This is preparation for both hands! "

"Is this too heavy a burden?" Li Xiang has such a little vigilance!"It's because of your talent. It's so good! Even make people feel so greedy, otherwise you will not get such a chance! As for your training! Yes, there will be people in charge, including competitions and so on! Special responsibility, of course, if you can, you need at least four months to stay in the United States every year, so you need to do your English well as soon as possible! Communication is the first condition! "

"To America?"

"Yes, to America! In the domestic exchange, will only block your vision! You can't see what the future looks like! Only the personal contact with all this, there will be a considerable possibility! Take good care of your future, how to do with you, this is two things! This time, I bet a little bit too much. After all, this is the first time I have come to operate this business. I don't know whether it can be done, but I hope the result is good! "

"Your first operation?" Li Xiang once again felt that his head was not enough! What's all this and what?

"Yes! Everything has its first time! However, I haven't finished my previous work. After a lot of conditions, I still need you to pay a lot! The first point is that the agent will find you a top NBA agent, and there should be no problem with the specific conditions. Second, if you need help, you may be asked! To be specific, it should be some operation in the commercial aspect! "

"Business operation?"

"Yes! As far as I know, what about the basketball game on this side of the farm? It has been carried out to a certain scale, and even some other movements have been carried out in succession, but it will take quite a long time to expand this influence! So you've made the layout ahead of time! I think you'll agree with me! "

"These guys are really good!" Watch the people on the video! Including their training, as well as their diet and so on, Li Xiang felt that he was once again impacted! Previously, it could only be said that it was the impact of big rivers at home, while that of foreign countries? Should be the impact of the Tsunami! I have so many preparations!

"You can spend the day here! But in the evening, eat with my uncle! Uncle will not refuse

"It's OK in the daytime, I'm afraid not at night. I need to return to the team!"

"It's OK. Uncle will say hello there! But you'd better give your uncle a call! The necessary respect is still needed! " Wang Xiaogang's attitude, there are so some disapproval!

To be sure, Li Xiang's uncles and uncles are not worthy of their respect!

One day, two people are holding in the room, but someone sent them food, looks more delicate! Two people sat on the ground, and Li Xiang was so crazy! Just staring at the TV, almost motionless! He was fascinated by the images on TV!


Ding Yu looked at Wang Xiaogang and Li Xiang. There was no change in the expression on his face. Li Xiang saluted immediately, "Hello, uncle." The attitude is very respectful!

"Take a bath and clean up! Then ready to eat! There's nothing to avoid, right? "

Wang Xiaogang is dragging Li Xiang together to the bathroom side! The space is very big! No soap At home, I always use soap, as for other things, I really don't!

"Just use this! Universal

After washing, Wang Xiaogang and Li Xiang changed their clothes again! This side is already ready! As for dirty clothes, they are separately put into the washing machine! There's no point in letting the nanny do it! Li Xiang is also a little puzzled! There's a babysitter at home, don't you?

"Most of the time, they are responsible for my education and safety. As for other aspects, they are generally self-made and have enough food and clothing. When they have time, they will let you have a taste of my cooking and cooking! The taste is OK! At least it doesn't have much to eat, but it's quite different from my brother and sister! "

Li Xiang's clothes are a little bit big, and they are a little sloshing!

But wait to be done on the dining table, look at the decoration above! Li Xiang feels a bit restless! What's this for? Know that they can eat, so give yourself a basin into the basin of the upper end! It's a little too exaggerated! I'm not a pig, OK?

Wang Xiaogang is a giggle, "came to the home, it is not what outsiders, give you dishes such things, I have no hobbies, let go of your own appetite!"

Good guy! Li Xiang felt that he had already let go of his appetite, but he was defeated by Wang Xiaogang! His mouth didn't stop at all! And it's all beef or fish. I don't know how he ate it!

For myself, in addition to the taste of a little light, everything else is very good, and even their last stomach to hold up! What's more, uncle Ding Yu is just a monster, OK? There is basically nothing left on the table! It's all cleaned up!It's really clean! His stomach is not bulging! I don't even know where those things have gone! After dinner, Wang Xiaogang took Li Xiang to clean the table together! Li Xiang didn't mean to refuse this! I often do such things when I am at home!

"Very convenient!" The things in the kitchen are very modern! "But I didn't expect you to do that again!"

"Although there is a dishwasher, it doesn't mean to put these in the dishwasher! Also need to take the lead in cleaning up the residue and so on, the total can't be diligent, no matter what, my uncle said! If you really become a rice worm like that, you'll get rid of me! "

"It feels so strange in your home! I have never encountered such a family, the conditions are so good! But in every way, you feel like me! I even have some doubts about how you grew up? "

"This is called the cultivation of ability, OK?" Wang Xiaogang snorted, very angry!

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