"I learned something from my brother and sister, mainly from my uncle! My parents are very concerned about my studies, but one of them is a half baked director, the other is a former teacher! It's what my uncle said! I didn't say that! As for the teachers who can get by, this is my description! "

Wang Xiaogang's words are a little naughty!

"Your uncle?" Jiang Yuan is quite interested. Why? Because just mentioned, I seem to feel vaguely! Wang Xiaogang's uncle, in his mind, even more respected than his father!

"Yes! I always follow my uncle's instruction a lot! Brother and sister are uncle's children, they are the same! Uncle is a doctor, there are other things, usually very busy! Basically not much time! In fact, the relationship between uncle, father and aunt is very good

"Is your uncle a doctor?"

"Well! He is famous as a doctor of Harvard general hospital, has his own office in the hospital in Beijing, and is also a professor of medical school Speaking of this time, Wang Xiaogang is also a little excited!

"Ah? Uncle Ding is a doctor. He didn't even say that! " Li Xiang also inserted a sentence! "I didn't see it either!"

"My uncle is not too high-profile! It's even low-key, so people can't understand it! "

Jiang Yuan looked at her son, "have you met?"

"Well! I have met uncle Ding, but also had a meal together, the amount of food is great! I can't eat uncle Ding, at most one fifth, maybe more! But Uncle Ding how to eat did not feel fat! It's a very enviable point! "

"Well! Uncle, and the elephant and I had dinner together! I want to see if there are any loopholes in my plan! It's convenient to check and make up for the missing, but everything is OK! At least for now

"I see! I will deal with it, but you are here today as a friend of the elephant. I hope you can have dinner at home in the evening! Elephants rarely bring friends with them! You are also one of the few guests in the family

Wang Xiaogang thought about it for a moment, "OK! But I'm going to make a phone call to my uncle. My brother and sister follow my aunt to the capital. The uncle is alone

I'm afraid Li Ming is the happiest to stay in the elephant's home! I didn't open all the gifts I brought! But I like the gifts that have been opened! If it wasn't for Wang Guoguo, maybe Li Ming would have jumped!

"Wang Guoguo, don't you eat it? It's delicious

Wang Xiaogang shook his head, "I'll forget it! Deeply poisoned by it! I feel that the teeth can't hold on! And I'm afraid it will change teeth in a while! Eat more words, for the future will not have too many benefits, but if you want to eat, it is best to brush your teeth before going to bed! This is the best way

Yeah! Yeah! Li Ming Keeps nodding. As for Li Xiang, he is busy. In fact, he doesn't need to be busy! As for his room? It's a little bit small. Wang Xiaogang has seen it. Apart from putting a bed and a bookshelf, he can't see anything else!

"You have a lot of trophies." Looking at the furnishings on the bookshelf, Wang Xiaogang has so many small envy!

When Ding Yu knew that Wang Xiaogang didn't come back for dinner, he didn't pay much attention to it!

"Brother! What about Guo Kai? "

When receiving Ding Yu's call, one elder brother still had some Leng, but then he woke up and said, "the situation is still good! In the past two days, he has always been out of the field, and his performance is OK. Although he has been hit quite a bit, he can still bear it at present! "

"Bring him back and let him have dinner with me in the evening. After dinner, I'll see the situation and say, if there is any problem! Send it back to him again There was a pause. "How are the two of them? Is there any problem? And their inspection report. How's it going? "

"The problem is still quite big! But I can't understand some of them! From the current situation, director, you still have the effect of adjustment! From the inspection above can see the considerable change! But to be specific, I think you need the director to help yourself! "

"I see! Let them both come back together! What's more, you didn't let them die

"No! This is my mission! "

"Uncle Ding!" Guo Kai standing in front of Ding Yu should have taken a bath! Otherwise, in addition to the sweat on the body, it should also have a rather earthy smell. How can it not be contaminated by the frequent rolling in the mud?

Ding Yu took a look, did not have too much expression, and then turned his eyes to two people beside him! After watching for a period of time, he nodded, "what's the situation now? I mean, are you going to have the same symptoms on both of you? How much relief is there? "

"It will still appear, but it is not so obvious, and now it is more or less able to bear it!"Two people's answer is very concise, it is obvious that they have received considerable treatment, and this kind of treatment, also played a certain effect, obvious or not obvious, their heart is the most clear and understand!

"From the current situation, you still need a lot of relief! This kind of relief physical strength above is one aspect, but the spiritual aspect also needs special attention! Now you can start walking! Pay attention not to the big one. It's just walking. You don't need to add anything messy! "

Ding Yu's words, there are some warning elements among them, two people also stand at attention, hit a salute! "Eat together! Anyway, there are no other outsiders today! "

"Yes, chief!" Two people really have nothing else! But then he left too! They come with Guo Kai. They know something about Guo Kai, but if they know it, don't mix it up!

"What have you learned?"

Yeah? Standing next to Guo Kai Leng for a moment, but also quickly convergence of their own emotions and spirit! "Uncle Ding, I don't understand!" This word has the taste of some tentative! But in Guo Kai's opinion, this is his most correct way!

"What did you learn from the military area command?"

"Uncle Ding, I have been training there these days, including the way of the army! Regulations and specific training and so on! "

Hum! Ding Yu couldn't help but hum, "such a way can be described as stupid! Do you understand why? " Looking at Guo Kai shaking his head, Ding Yu snorted again!

In fact, Guo Kai's heart is also so some small fear, he has been very hard these days, dare not have any slack! But came to Uncle Ding's side, unexpectedly will be used such an answer, let oneself do not know what kind of answer should be made for a moment! Even the whole person has so many puzzles!

"Uncle Ding, is there something I didn't do right?"

"You! Was your father infected! There are so many heads that are not enough! " Ding Yu is very unhappy about this! "Is your head really in water? So now it's just a paste. I asked you to go to the military area command to train you? If you train, where can't you? Where do you have to go? "

Yeah? Guo Kai can not help is a Leng, this words let him really have so some silly!

"I want you to see and think, instead of asking you to do it. If I do, who can't do it? I have to waste so much favor and send it to the military area command for you? You think the military area is so easy to get in! Even if you are not a soldier, or even say that you are a reserve, you are too early for that! "

"Sorry, uncle Guo, I let you down!"

"It doesn't mean much to me to be disappointed! The question is what you see there and what you learn. That's what makes you go in the past Pointing to his head, "this is the key to your life! As for other aspects, it is just a supplement! It's like deciding how much water a bucket can hold, not the highest one, but the lowest one! But the highest one can determine your upper limit

"Yes, uncle Ding!"

"I'll give you two days to tidy up! Originally intended, if you can understand by yourself, I don't need so much trouble. I'll send it back to you tonight! But now, you lack this ability, I really don't know if you should be described as stupid! Leave it for two days! "

Ding Yu feels a little headache for Guo Kai! There is really no way! His own ideas are good, but Guo Kai is so stupid that he never thinks of the significance. What can he do?

So it can only be a temporary change notice, let him stay for two days! "Clean up, get ready to eat, and call the first brother over!" When the first brother came back, there were some differences and Guo Kai's expression was so depressed. Could it be that something else happened in the military area command? It shouldn't be!

As far as I know, in the military region, everything is relatively smooth, and his training is also very hard! Why is the director dissatisfied with Guo Kai's situation? Such situation, oneself still very easy can see out!


Ding Yu pointed to his head, "Guo Kai left for two days, his skull is broken!"

Ah? One brother almost called out, and his expression was quite puzzled. Ding Yu also explained, "I asked him to go to the military area command to let him observe and think! Instead of letting him go there to exercise and recite the rules, this guy doesn't understand the meaning of going to the military area command! "

"Director! Some of the tests are too high! For him, I'm afraid that he has not experienced these, now let him start to think, it is really a bit of a dilemma, or even a little too much! Even the vast majority of people will not have such ability, or thinking! "Facing a practical and realistic one, Ding Yu snorted, "his father is my old comrade in arms. He took care of me in those years. You should have seen this in the information! Although not so detailed, but in the end should still have! It's good to be long, but now we can see that the ability is still quite poor! "

"Director!" First brother also has some feelings! After all, not all children are like Ding Yun and Ding Chang, or Wang Xiaogang! It's impossible! The three of them are not children at all. They are not enough to be described as monsters!

As for Tong Tong, I have some information, but I have no way to look it up! For myself, it's just like the forbidden zone!

Guo Kai's performance in his own view, is quite good! Over time, you will definitely become an excellent soldier, but it takes time, and it can not be completed in a moment! But what! The director's eyes are so picky! I really don't know what to say!

The dinner in the evening was a little dull, but everyone was not surprised at the amount of Ding Yu's food!

It is Wang Xiaogang with Li Xiang a guy over, let everyone quite have so many accidents!

"Hello, I'm wang Xiaogang's uncle, Ding Yu!"

"Hello, I'm Li Xiang's mother, Jiang Yuan!"

When she came in, Jiang Yuan had noticed! Although there are not many people on the table, there are three soldiers. One of them has no title, but the other two? One is a major, the other is a captain!

"Excuse me for your dinner! Sorry

"It's almost finished!" Ding Yu looks at Wang Xiaogang's mischievous appearance and stares at the past! "Xiaogang, you take aunt Jiang to the next living room, and I'll be right here!" When he spoke, he rubbed his head, and Wang Xiaogang snorted with pain, but then he ran away jumping!

Ding Yu cleaned up for a while, and then came out to meet Jiang Yuan! It can be seen that she is an intellectual woman, but she is a little thin and weak. What's more, her face is slightly pale, and her clothes are clean at most! But you can see that it took a little longer to wear it!

There is a little girl beside her. She is so timid. When she looks at Ding Yu, she is afraid! Even the whole person has a little formality and uneasiness!

"Xiao Gang, stop drinking! Go and get some snacks and ice cream for my little sister

Wang Xiaogang should, and then the first time to take the elephant out! The speed of two people is a little bit faster! "Mr. Ding, you are in trouble! Some of our elephants are too careless

"I think elephant is a good boy! Xiao Gang was lucky to meet him! This child! Sometimes I think a little bit, but I really need a few more outgoing children, but I really don't know what to look for, is the most appropriate! Sometimes is also more worried, he will not because of friends, there are other things! Ah

Ding Yu sighed slightly, "but fortunately, he came into contact with an elephant. He is an excellent child."

"Mr. Ding, there are a lot of people who say he is sensible, but he is an excellent child. This is really a bit of a compliment!"

"It's different from everyone's point of view! At least in my eyes, the elephant is a very good child, human? No one is an all rounder, Wang Xiaogang is not, Li Xiang is not, the same, I am not! Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses! In my opinion, the outstanding thing about Li Xiang is that he has a more cheerful personality and has his own cognition and understanding of external affairs. Similarly, his physical condition is relatively good. He loves basketball and is also quite enthusiastic. These are his advantages! "

"I am Li Xiang's mother, but I did not expect that in your evaluation, the child will be so excellent!"

"Maybe the distance is a little bit close. Li Xiang is very sensible, but it's not that there is no problem at all! Sometimes too much pursuit of peace! This may have something to do with his identity and his environment! Maybe under the domestic conditions, there are not too many problems, but if you go to the United States in the future, this is not the best! At least in the development of basketball, the United States is the best! There is no meaning of worshiping foreign countries and admiring foreign countries! "

"Mr. Ding, are you so optimistic about elephants? You should know that such a large investment, if there is a problem, everything will be in vain, for our ordinary family, it is simply unimaginable! "

"Capital comes to the world, and every time there is dirty blood in the pores, which is right or wrong! Don't have to argue too much! There's no need. For the farm side, if one of these children can come out, it's enough to make the whole farm gain a lot and even make a lot of money! ""Some don't understand. I feel that the whole cost is so big!"

"This is a long-term process. For the farm, there are not too many problems. Moreover, this is systematic cultivation. Even if they can not find the development direction in this aspect in the future, they are still in the farm system. This is a very critical step, and they will be farms in the future Employees

"Farm staff!"

"Yes! The farm will not let their education go! This is a fundamental problem. We can't let them develop limbs in the future, but they are not light minded. In that case, they will have no significance and value. This is absolutely not allowed! "

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