"Yuanyuan, I never knew that the inside of the farm was so big, and there were so many detection instruments on this side of the farm! Are some of them too much? "

Feng Nan did not hide his curiosity at all! Jiang Yuan didn't have a lot of good ways to do it. She pulled it over by herself! Moreover, the attitude of the farm is also very obvious. Guardians and lawyers must be present at the same time, otherwise, some laws will be violated. These are all things that the farm should try to avoid!

It seems that there are some inhuman, but it reflects their attitude to the greatest extent!

"You! Be honest! Otherwise, you will be regarded as mentally ill! " Although it is a word of blame, but from this tone, but can not hear any smell of blame!

"No! I don't see how much they respect me

"They just respect your profession! And nothing else has anything to do with it, OK? " Jiang Yuan felt that she was really defeated by her best friend! But it is a pity that Mr. Ding Yuding didn't show up. Wang Xiaogang is here! Look at that, there is also a child around, the child looks like a student!

At least the childish face has not been completely eliminated! However, it seems that he has encountered considerable trouble!

"Pretty?" Feng Nan looks at Guo Kai and nods, and that's it! At least Guo Kai has not mentioned Feng Nan's interest! Don't look at Feng Nan's clamor, but in reality? It's just a little boring!

Guo Kai has always been thinking about Li Xiang's things, feeling that he has not been able to consider understand! All the materials of Li Xiang are placed in front of him! What's more, Wang Xiaogang also told himself all the information! Under such circumstances, what does uncle Ding want to tell himself? I feel like my head is going to explode!

Li Xiang's body side can be quickly completed, but other aspects of the examination need considerable time, absolutely can not be completed in a moment! And there are some that need to be done in other ways! At least today is not likely!

"Jiang Yuan, what have you done?"

When the phone rang, there was a very angry voice inside! Even a little bit angry! "Uncle!" Jiang Yuan knew quite a lot of problems at this time, so her tone was more peaceful!

"What do you want? Do you know how important Li Xiang is? He didn't come back in the evening. It doesn't matter. But do you know how many clubs have taken a fancy to him, but now they can't contact him. What does he want? Are you already... "

"There are quite a number of clubs that have found a door. I know that I have no intention to ask him to sign a specific club. Uncle, as I have known, signing up for some clubs now will not benefit Li Xiang's growth, or even have too many prospects and directions!" Jiang Yuan's voice is very peaceful! Of course, it also revealed quite firm!

"Who do you listen to?" Obviously, there are many people who want to call their home to find out if they have lost their mind! However, Li Xiang couldn't be found at all. In his own hands, Li Xiang could hold on! Everyone else is free!

"Uncle, Li Xiang and I will never forget your cultivation of Li Xiang these years!" Jiang Yuan said it carefully! No matter whether this thing is right or wrong! Some things still need to be maintained. If we break some rules, it's nothing for me, but for Li Xiang, it's not good! You need to think about your child's future!

What's more, Li Xiang doesn't really know what happened? I haven't seen it, but Li Xiang has never mentioned it in front of his face or even mentioned it behind his back!

As for Wang Xiaogang, it can be seen that he is not very satisfied with Li Xiang's uncle and grandfather. However, when he stops talking, he does not mean to go deep! Others can do it. Why can't they?

"Yuanyuan! You! If you don't have contact with this profession, you may not know so much about some things. What about some things? There are still some troubles! " People on the other side of the phone changed their tone!

"I see! Uncle! I still have something to do here. When the sky is free, Li Xiang and I will visit you! Just finished the game, you are also very tired! Pay more attention to rest! "

There is no need to say things too clearly, and there is no need to tear this face directly! Li Xiang was under his uncle's hand at the beginning! Many things have been experienced. What have you got? What's missing? Each other's heart is very clear! So just put this word in place!

It's like the Mr. Ding Yuding I saw last night! That's the real power. He mentioned quite a lot of things to himself, and even some things were very profound, but he didn't arouse any antipathy and even made him have considerable interest!But Li Ming over there has been so impatient to wait! I came here to play and came to the gymnasium. What is this? But the good thing is that there are more snacks around! This can relieve Li Ming's emotion!

Lunch is not how to eat, we went to the farm side together! Li Ming is a little bit excited, but he always grasps his own pot hand and doesn't mean to let go! And Jiang Yuan was walking behind with her best friend!

"Elephant training seems to be very good! Yuanyuan! I'm a great credit, isn't she? "

"What do you want?" Jiang Yuan is very "vigilant" looking at her good friend!

"I heard that the things on this side of the farm are very good!" Feng Nan's eyes widened. "I've seen the information about your elephants. The full amount of them is even clearly available. It's not too much to give your baby to be a girl!"

This is what happened! Jiang Yuan also said, "you! It's really food! I don't know what you are! What's more, even if it's for you! Will you do it? You'd better spare those good things! Come home and eat when you have time! It's not as bad as you! "

Li Ming is a little excited and even tired! I've been sleeping before I eat at night!

However, Feng Nan saw Ding Yu not far away, and her eyes suddenly glared, "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, you see, what a handsome little wolf dog! It's my food to feel that the milk is fierce and the milk is fierce! "

Seeing Feng Nan's target, Jiang Yuan patted her best friend, "OK! Don't think about it! That's Wang Xiaogang's great uncle! It's said to be a very good doctor! His wife and children came here earlier! But now to the capital! You! Don't think about it! Think about the one that's superfluous! "

"As long as the hoe is well waved! How can there be a corner that can't be dug? "

"Hello! Mr. Jiang! " Then Ding Yu also said hello to Feng Nan, "Hello, lawyer Feng!"

"Mr. Ding, this is my good friend! She is a professional lawyer

Ding Yu stretched out his hand and gently grasped it, but it was just the front of the hand! But Feng Nan didn't have any scruples. He not only grasped Ding Yu's hand, but also scratched it twice. Ding Yu was slightly stunned for a moment and then laughed! But really did not take a thing!

Seeing Ding Yu's appearance, Jiang Yuan knew that her best friend had done something wrong! However, I also know my best friend in my heart. I don't think she speaks carelessly, but what about the actual situation? There is a ghost in my heart! That is to say, it's just a picture of music on the mouth! As for the others? She certainly won't!

"I'm afraid it will take another two days, but it seems that the problem is not so big. If you can, the farm will handle your passport for you! You need to go to America! For Li Xiang, this is a process to let him know! He can't delay his studies! "

Nodding, Ding Yu also left! But Feng Nan put her head on Jiang Yuan's shoulder and was disappointed! "Yuanyuan, what to do? My method failed! How happy it would be if I could catch such a fierce wolf dog! It's a pity that such a thing is far away from my mother. He didn't give me any response! "

"What bad things have you done?"

For his good friend's bad deeds, I have heard quite a lot, even personally experienced a lot! So now it's no wonder! Feng Nan sighed slightly! "Originally, my mother wanted to give him a chance, but you can see from his eyes that he didn't pay attention to it at all! I really don't have any idea! "

"Do you still have these?"

"Simple knowledge of psychology! I'm a very outstanding lawyer, OK? Don't underestimate my major! No one is allowed to trample on it! " Feng Nan is just like a kitten with bristles! A little bit fierce! "But this doctor Ding is really graceful and charming, which makes people fascinated."

"You must be restrained! Your saliva is going to stay

"But really handsome! Moreover, he was quite elegant and curious. What kind of person was his wife? It's very comfortable to look at, but it's a little cold! I'd like to ravage it! " When Feng Nan talks, the whole person is about to fly!

Ding Yu and Guo Kai had dinner together!

"What did you conclude?" Ding Yu still looks cold and does not have any so-called good face to Guo Kailu!

"Uncle Ding, I don't think it's aimed at Li Xiang alone. The same farm plan is a little bit too big, and from the time point of view, it will take at least 10 years to see some signs, and this is only a preliminary sign! The cost of the process is relatively large! "

"What do you think of Li Xiang?"

"I have a certain understanding, but the specific information is from the above, and I have less contact with him. It's just a more extroverted personality. But he has his own way of dealing with people. It seems that he is human, but to a certain extent, he has considerable reservation. I have seen his family situation! Therefore, it is not surprising that he has such a performance. I even think that he has some outstanding performance. It is not an easy thing to grow up under such conditions! ""A certain height! Now I ask you in turn, what do you think I asked you to go to the military area command for? "

"Vision!" Guo Kai answered quickly! "Let me have a considerable understanding of the army, but also let me have a considerable feeling, this is the fastest, and also the best way, but I ignored it!"

"Part of the reason! Let you broaden your horizons, is it just one aspect, its other purpose? Is to let you stand on a certain height to consider the problem! I thought you chose the Navy! It's because you have a considerable height and vision, so you have made a considerable choice, and later found out that it is only a kind of interest! "

"I'm sorry, uncle Ding, I let you down!"

"Disappointed? There is no such thing Ding Yu pointed to his position in front of him, "I always think that interest is the best teacher. If it is the so-called persistence, there will always be time for relaxation, and to a certain extent, there will be considerable resistance. This resistance is not only physical, but also psychological!"

"I don't feel resistant!"

"That's because of interest, even to a certain extent, it will turn into responsibility! But this transformation will take time! Interest will urge you! And will not let you have any slack! This is a very important point! Again, what do you think you should do now? "

"I think we should sort it out again!"

"Well! It's not easy to understand this thing! It's hard for you to be so old! To be able to understand such a thing is really quite a difficult thing! It seems that today's events have a considerable impact on you! In that case, I won't explain! Anyway, you still have one day or two nights. I hope to see something real about you

For Ding Yu uncle Ding's pressure, Guo Kai also took two breaths of air conditioning, and soon returned to his own room! For the layout here, Guo Kai really didn't mean to put it in his heart! But the first time to open the computer, and then put a notebook in front of their own!

Only in this way can we use the shortest and fastest way to sort out our own!

This time is a little bit long! Guo Kai has sorted out almost all his experiences and written down his ideal or dream! It's on a document, every period, every thing you experience, some thoughts at that time and so on!

Looking at the things on the form, Guo Kai also has some doubts, whether he was so naive at the beginning! Why did you think of such things under the circumstances at that time? Fortunately, I had the habit of taking notes, so some things could be sorted out basically!

But the same, also pull down a lot of things, there are a little bit of things in the head, now thinking about all the things to recall, is simply impossible!

It seems that tomorrow, is the time to ask for instructions, is not able to bring their own notes, because they are now in urgent need! Hesitated for a moment, Guo Kai felt that tomorrow, there may be a little bit of procrastination! So I took a look and went to find Ding Yu. Of course, I didn't forget my own form!

"No rest yet?"

"Uncle Ding, this is what I've sorted out, but I need some notes and diaries at home now, so that I can fully understand some things. If I put them tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be so late!"

Ding Yu looked at the time on his watch! "There's the phone! Say hello to your father for me! Someone will bring everything back from you! If you don't say it, I still have some forgotten! However, after these things are taken back, they need to be stored! It's not good to stay in your home! "

"Yes, uncle Ding, I'll arrange it right away!"

"I'll make a call to the man over there! forget it! Let the first brother arrange it! He is the person of this profession originally, need not be in vain! Let him take full responsibility for this matter! There must be no left over and no leakage allowed. He will understand what this represents! " Ding Yu told me!

A brother in the know quite a thing, is also very surprised to see Guo Kai! Time is not a little bit so fast, to know, to a certain extent, this is also a kind of protection for Guo Kai! And this kind of protection? There are so many unusual!

"I see! Go and call! Although it's a little late, I believe your family will understand it! " The first brother made a considerable arrangement, "if there is anything, it's better to make a video call. In that case, it's helpful to check and make up for the loopholes. No one hopes that there will be other problems in this process."

"Can I call my girlfriend?"

"Eh? This problem is beyond my jurisdiction! " First brother waited for Guo Kai, this bastard! "I don't have any opinions and Thoughts on this matter, but from my personal point of view, I think you'd better consult the director! It may or may not, and no one knows! "I still have some say in other things, but I really dare not make any guarantee because I am not sure what the director thinks!

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