Li Xiang went to America! Judging from the time, it was a little bit hasty, but in the process, Li Xiang and his mother! My sister, including lawyers, has witnessed what the palace level basketball looks like!

Jiang Yuan and her best friend are the kind of stupid eyes. Although they haven't watched TV at ordinary times, they still hear some of them at least. However, on-site observation shows that they are not the same at all! These guys are so big! What's more, there are some muscles on the body, too obvious! It's like a piece of iron!

But one thing is that these guys are not mellow at all! With a word to describe, may be the best, that is stupid big thick! One by one, they are so fierce! It's just the non-human kind!

During the process, Li Xiang had a video chat with Wang Xiaogang. Li Xiang suffered a blow to a certain extent, but it was obvious that the attack did not cause too much damage to Li Xiang. It can even be seen that he was still a little excited! This is unexpected!

Ding Yu in this period of time has not any movement, this let the outside world feel that there are so some elusive, Ding Yu this guy really want to do? What's wrong in his heart?

Although he seems to be honest now, just like the sleeping Maitreya! But everyone knows that this is just the appearance, as for the back, it is really hard to say! Anyway, as long as some relaxation vigilance, Ding Yu may give you a big move, and such a big move, it is really impossible to guard against!

You should know that there has never been a consortium like Ding Yu's, which has been able to rise so quickly and still be able to stand on its own feet. This is not a normal thing, OK?

We must know that a consortium must involve many aspects, and to a certain extent, it is also robbing people's jobs. It is bound to be suppressed by other consortia! Under such pressure, it is difficult to hold on to other consortia, but the problem is that this hand has no effect on Ding Yu at all!


Wang Xiaogang hopped to Ding Yu's side position, "just now my grandmother called me, and my grandfather wants to come over to check the work! Uncle and I are here! Grandma is going to come and have a look! "

"I see!" Ding Yu is still the same as before. He didn't show much difference because his father and mother wanted to come over. He came and came! Tai Xi with two small in the capital that side of the transfer, and then took the way to South Korea, this for himself, has long been not what news!

"Uncle! Do you want something to bring you! I think it's aiwowo in the capital city! "

Ding Yu glanced at his nephew, what AI Wo Wo, such things for him, it would not have too much attraction, just to use this thing to point out himself, this guy is a smart kid!

"Yes! Ask your grandmother to bring something here. "

Got Ding Yu's instruction, Wang Xiaogang is also very happy, strides own six relatives not to recognize the pace to leave! I want to tell Grandma such good news! In fact, Wang Xiaogang's heart is very clear, he is here, in fact, there is no lack of anything, regardless of food! Use, or play! It's all true!

But Wang Xiaogang can still feel something different from her grandmother's voice! Therefore, Wang Xiaogang also mentioned a request to his uncle! Although this request does not seem to be so in line with the matter!

Su Yuan has made considerable preparations. Even her daughter Wang Li has been pulled over. Of course, she can't go with her husband all the way. He is going to check the work! It's not that I went to see my grandson Wang Xiaogang deliberately!

The original time did not open this aspect of the cut, now is even more impossible! So Su Yuan either went alone and ate with him when he was free in the evening, or? Let Wang Li together, anyway, she has nothing to do, as if to go out to relax! Also very good!

Wang Changlin is not interested in this matter? There are still some worries, but how to really care about it is not such a thing! Anyway, Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan often go to see Wang Xiaogang, and they hear that the conditions there are quite good. Their father didn't say anything, so it's even more difficult for them to say anything!

As for the boss? Wang Xitai and his grandson came back with a sigh! Needless to say, we all know that this must be Taixi's attention, and the boss will never have any relationship!

What's more, after the boss took Ding Yun and Ding Chang away, did he face this matter? They all have quite a few opinions. Of course, from the perspective of factions, most of them are receptive, but there are a lot of murmurs behind them!

Of course. What about this one? Can only be behind, no one wants to put this matter on the surface! On the one hand, it is because Ding Yu, the eldest son, is really not able to be provoked! It's quite heartless! Any more? These people who were brought up by Ding Yu's eldest son? It's really that some people can't understand!Whether it is the first echelon and the second echelon, or Hou Tianliang and song Tianren and others! Any pick out one, it is mouth watering, to say it is really Ding Yu to choose out, also not completely correct, to a certain extent, they are sent to Ding Yu's side, maybe Hou Tianliang is a little special!

May take a way not to let people agree, but really played a considerable effect!

What's more, the cultivation of the following children, not to mention the winter camp and summer camp problem! That is, the three children in the family, including the children who have not yet become the eldest students, now I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at!

By the way! Wang Changlin suddenly remembered a thing! I heard that the boss took another one! It's the child of his old comrades in arms. I've really read the relevant information about Guo Jie. I believe many people here in the capital have seen it! After all, there is one more person around Ding Yu! What if this happens to someone else? But what happened to Ding Yu was different!

But after you have seen it, there are some bitterness in your heart. Why? Because Guo Kai has been reserved! He just went to university, and went to the military academy! So lucky for the military? They picked up the ready-made ones directly!

There are so many people who have no reason!

Do you want Professor Ding Yu in other aspects? All for granddad! Tell Grandma! But even if it is, it's basically useless! Ding Yu doesn't like it at all! But what about this one? Is Ding Yu because of his old comrades in arms? It seems that the possibility is not so big as imagined. Anyway, there are so many incomprehensible!

But one thing is certain, that is, Ding Yu still has a good feeling for Guo Kai. If not, will he take Guo Kai to his side? Will Guo Kai get used to the military area command?

After all, such behavior is already a strict super standard!

But Ding Yu still did so! If it is for the friendship between "comrades in arms", no one will believe it! It is true that Ding Yu has quite a precedent, but to say that Guo Jie is not Ding Yu's comrade in arms, can only say that the relationship between each other is OK!

So the problem is very simple! There must be something on Guo Kai that can move Ding Yu. No one knows what it is. But Ding Yu has begun the preliminary training. I believe this is not the end, even now it is just the beginning!

The military knows whether it knows the news, of course! Even when the Navy got to know the news, they were so overjoyed! I never thought that such a big pie could fall from the sky. Now they all have so many happy dishes! I'm really happy!

There are many people with Ding Yu belt, but there are not many people in the military! There are many reasons for this. Hou Tianliang came out very hard. It was also hidden by the emotional management department, just like a baby's pimple!

For this point, we can understand that if we are ourselves, we will do the same! Such a baby, if released now, may be a careless word, will be robbed! There won't be a hair left!

So Guo Kai's side! We must watch! Watch it! Absolutely can't let Guo Kai have any accident! Since he entered the military academy, he has been a Navy man since then! His body will be engraved with the brand of Shanghai army, which will never be changed!

Even if he's not in the Academy yet? But the navy has already regarded Guo Kai as their treasure!

It's just that Guo Kai is under the care of Ding Yu, so it's not very good to start, but there are still some new ways and methods! Contact Guo Jie first, right? Tell him the news that Guo Kai has been admitted. I believe that, even if Ding Yu knows it, he will not mention anything else!

Wang Changlin for all this, also is to see in the eye! But there is no use in the eyes. Why? The navy is not able to intervene. Even the military side, this means that boss Lu wants to intervene. There are some things that are not possible!

It's true that everyone is from the military, but there are still quite different services, isn't it? It's not easy to see such a big pie falling from the sky. It's our turn to eat it. If you stick your hand in it, what's this?

Su Yuan and Wang Li are packing up things. Although they are a little bit messy, they are not as many things as they are imagined! However, Su Yuan is quite interested. These things have nothing to do with Ding Yu's eldest son. Many of them are for Wang Xiaogang! That's the baby in my heart!

As for the boss in the family, I won't pay attention to it! If you pay attention to him, I'm afraid you will be angry!

"What's the matter? It seems that the spirit is not good? I have something on my mind

Wang Changlin took a drink from his water cup. "Did you hear that?" Looking at Su Yuan shaking his head, Wang Changlin explained, "the boss has brought a new student. The college entrance examination has just ended, and the Naval Academy is over! The score is enough! And other aspects are also qualified! ""Oh? Is there anything like that? " Su Yuan also hummed. "He is very idle. How could you be in such a mood? " Obviously, this talk has a little bit of a rush!

"Let's talk about it. Suquan is about to explode! Didn't he send two people to the boss? What kind of attention did you play at the beginning? It's hard to say, but now? Don't say how sorry you are

"I've heard about it! But the specific inside information, I am not so clear! There are other problems in this? "

"Suquan called me and said that although it was obscure, the elder brother had already called me. He could not show up. Instead, he introduced Lao han to me. Lao Han obviously had some ideas!"

"Lao Han?" Su Yuan rubbed his head. "This is a bit of a problem."

Although I am not satisfied with my eldest son, I still boast that I know so much about some things! Want to let his eldest son speak, how possible things! Dream! Even if the conditions are quite good, they have no effect!

He is interested in one thing, but forcing him is another. It doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the world, but he knows it very well! But the problem is that sometimes he doesn't sell the favor at all! The one that nobody knows how to do!

"Would it be so abrupt! The boss's temperament! It's hard to say

"I don't know. I'm just helping you make up! Originally, Guo Kai wanted to apply for the air force, but his body was limited, so he applied for the Navy! It is said that ginger has been annoyed for a long time for this matter! Can't get on the plane, is there any other major? The air force is not just a professional plane! "

"If you let go of such a person, it will be difficult to cultivate yourself in the future."

Wang Changlin said with a smile, "we all look at Hou Tianliang's affairs. Others are not so clear about what he has done. However, they must be quite clear within the military, and their ability is one aspect. But at his age, he has a certain pattern in life and doing things. It is really rare!"

"What? Do you have any other ideas about Guo Kai? Or is there something wrong with the boss? Not really! After all, I haven't been to military academy yet! Is it too early for some of them? "

"I'm really not so clear. Who knows the specific things?" Wang Changlin also spread out his hands. He is not from the Department of emotion management. It is impossible for Su Quan to tell himself the news in this respect. You should know that there are two people in the boss's hand!

And he's not so good now. Why? Compared with Guo Kai, the two people he sent to the past are really not very responsive! Especially in the contrast with Guo Kai! It's even more embarrassing!

The original idea is good, but who can think of such a thing? Su Quan is also so anxious to get angry! Whether it's true or not! Anyway, at least now we have to pretend, otherwise there are so many accounts can not pass!

But call his nephew this time, or forget it! At least at this time there are so many not suitable! Wang Changlin is also aware of this matter! Now if Suquan calls Ding Yu, there will be quite a joint!

"I'll be there first tomorrow. I don't know what's going on there with Xiaogang."

Wang Xiaogang personally to pick up! Of course, I also brought my uncle. Anyway, uncle has nothing else to do! Stay on this side of the farm. It's like going out for activities!

Wang Xiaobo just got in the train, so I didn't follow the train! The coach over there has a good impression of the elephant! Made quite a plan for the elephant! He also put forward some pertinent opinions and opinions for his discovery! It's very targeted! "

"So?" Ding Yu came to his side and took a look at his head! Wang Xiaogang's careful thinking can't hide his eyes!

"Uncle, hee hee!" Wang Xiaogang is not confident to touch his head, and even have some desire to stop!

"Xiaogang, you should be very clear about a question. Do you want to get it? The question is, what can Li Xiang give? This is the most important problem! Can he sink his mind? After all, Li Xiang is just a child now! He is not civilized on some issues! This is not a derogatory term, but a factual situation! "

"Uncle, I don't think much about it."

"Yes! You don't think about it thoroughly, even if there are some problems. You don't fully consider the situation of Li Xiang. You should know that everyone is different! It doesn't matter if such pressure is placed on you! Because you have experienced quite training, also experienced quite the test! But do you think it is appropriate to place such pressure on Li Xiang's body? "

Wang Xiaogang is so silent!"Expectations are good, but many problems and ideas are ignored in this overscale."

"Uncle, if Li Xiang can't bear the pressure, what will happen?"

"How about it? Crash! What else can be done? " Ding Yu's reply seems to be very ruthless, "at least adopt the way you are now, for him, it is absolutely not a good thing! It can give him considerable pressure, but if the pressure can not be fully transformed into power, then for Li Xiang, the harm will be too great! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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