"The specific personnel transfer has begun! I'm running back and forth. It's quite inconvenient in the phone! "

"So?" Ding Yu looks at Han Quan and says, "let me go?" Take a pat on your clothes! "I said, political commissar Han, I can understand your anxiety! Running back and forth is not such a thing! You have a lot to do! I have a lot of things to do! But is it really so urgent? Can't you just give me a break? "

"Do you want to go or not?" Han Quan glared at his eyes, "you want to say, I will arrange it now? If you don't want to go, I'll pull people down here for you now! I think it will be convenient for everyone! "

"It's too much!"

Ding Yu muttered! A shout of Gao Zhuo! "Go! How about Guo Kai's performance? I haven't seen him for two days! I think he should have made considerable progress! Get to know it up close! "

Said to leave, Ding Yu did not have any ambiguity! I don't worry that Han Quan and uncle Han will bring the team here! Not likely! It is even a situation of approaching nothing! For this, Ding Yu can still do a few things in his heart! As for the origin of these guys! Ding Yu doesn't care too much!

Just pick the right one! As for those who are not suitable! It's not that they are not excellent, and have nothing to do with it! It's that they don't adapt to themselves! That's it! Ding Yu still has a considerable judgment on this!

Don't overestimate yourself! Also did not mean to belittle those officers and men! To be able to come here, they are quite an excellent group of people, which Ding Yu's heart still can do a few!

"Political commissar, Ding Yu is a little happy this time!"

Sitting in the car, the man beside Han Quan looked at the back with his body on his side! The face is full of smiles! "I'm afraid it's the political commissar who can make director Ding so happy! Other people really didn't see director Ding give such a face! "

"Ah Han Quan scratched his hair and felt that in the past two days, the hair fell a little bit faster! "The director of our university! Do you want to give me face? This can't be said like this. He did this to give the military considerable face, he! There's still quite a mark on the body

"Anyway? This is a good start for us! I really hope to be able to select a few excellent talents! Good training, for us to play a role, may be unimaginable! "

"That's what it says! no problem! But what will happen? It's hard to say! " Han Quan is still worried about this! "Yes! Is Lao Liao here? The report has already been called! "

"Coming soon! Not come before the headquarters there should still be quite uneasy, so should be more admonished two! Commissar, even you are the same! Sometimes, director Ding's methods and methods are really unbearable! The officers and soldiers who came here, I believe they will not have any problems, but what will happen to the cadets? It's hard to say! "

"Yes! What will happen to those students? It's really hard to say! The head office is also worried about this. They haven't been able to face the society, and they don't know much about some problems. Director Ding of our company! But a good hand in this field fell into his hands, ha ha! "

I'm afraid not to die is just the most basic! When the time comes, life is better than death is the most terrible! Don't doubt director Ding's means! To know that those rumors are not rumors, even some things are very true, whether it is Han Quan, or the people next to them have a considerable understanding!

When he came to the military area command, he deliberately set up an office for Ding Yu, and even arranged quite a number of staff for Ding Yu. He was in charge of some secretarial work. In addition to Gao Zhuo, Ding Yu only had security personnel. There were no other people!

As for those security guards, when they came to the military area command, they were honest and did not make any action at all! It reflects a very good quality! Of course, if there is no Ding Yu's reason, I'm afraid it's impossible! Obviously, Ding Yu has great respect for the military!

"This aspect is really a little bit wild!" When Ding Yu came in, the officers and soldiers standing in the office felt that there were some differences. What was the origin of this young man?

The above told the chief to let them concentrate on the responsibility! But are some of the leaders too young! However, the one next to me attracted the envious eyes of many people! At the same time, there is considerable respect!

"The place is a lot of simple, not like your family's!"

Ding Yu has a white eye! "Commissar! Do you mean to make fun of me or embarrass me

"All right! No more jokes! Those officers and soldiers were gathered together one after another! Will you like to have a look at it? Is it a little long to leave the barracks? I think you should have other senses! ""What else can I do when I come to your land? Just listen to you

Ding Yu found his own desk, which was similar to his own situation on the farm! Although a little bit simple, but the overall look, very standing! Gao Zhuo stands beside Ding Yu. As for the documents on the desktop, Ding Yu doesn't mean to open it immediately! Just the old God is sitting there!

People in the office are silent, not even too many people to see! What is the origin of this one? No one can say clearly, since it is not clear, then don't ask, easy things! At this stage? Just finish their own task! This is also ordered by the above!

After staying in the office for a period of time, Ding Yu suddenly thought of something! Pick up the document and look it up! Then he stood up and said, "go! Go and see Zhang Piao

"Zhang Piao?" Gao Zhuo thought about it for a while, but he didn't say anything else! Director here, do not need to express any opinions and opinions! And he is not a man of many words!

For Ding Yu's departure, there are at most two guards to follow and accompany! There's no other big bang! However, when Han Quan knew about this matter, he also laughed! Ding Yu's this is to show clearly to play a small character! But for this, I have no good way! Let him make a fuss, also did not see what bad thing!

Zhang Piao is sorting out the internal affairs. In fact, the whole person still has some muddled circles! All of a sudden, the one was selected and transferred. In the whole team, there were only himself and Lao Wu! What's the reason? I didn't give any information. I asked myself and Lao Wu to attend a training session!

But what is the purpose of the training? And where we are now is the northern military region! There is no reason and reason for cross military training! And things come too suddenly, they have not considered to understand! But now that I'm here! Then observe and observe first!

From the understanding of the situation, the surrounding comrades in arms are also quite confused! Everyone is from all over the world! And a lot of them are heroic troops! They are all the top men in every army! It will never be a small thing to gather these people together! Next still need to perform well!

"Stand at attention!"

The officer on duty at the door saw Ding Yu's arrival and called out loudly! The people in the room are busy all the time, stop their own housekeeping, and then the first time to stand their own position, straight waist! Look ahead!

When Ding Yu came in, he looked at him! There may be so many people coming! Now the first step is to tidy up their own internal affairs, the so-called beds are first taken up, bedroom for them, it is impossible! But the good thing is that the cleaning of the house is very clean! You can't see anything messy!

"Report! Class 16, group 8! Cleaning up the house! Please direct me

Ding Yu looks inside the tent! Slightly nodded his head! Took two steps, came to Zhang Piao and Wu Dong two people in front of! When they saw Ding Yu's face, they were stunned! This face is absolutely familiar to them! But in a place like this! It feels a bit incredible!

Ding Yu looked them up and down! "Report!"

But this word did not get any response from Ding Yu! On the contrary, Ding Yu examined and looked at for a period of time, and suddenly started to kick the two people's thighs in the past! There was no defense at all! Ding Yu's two feet down, to kick a stagger!

But two people immediately return to the original position, stand up straight their own body, Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with looking at two people! "What? Become an official? This basic thing can't be! Have you learned to be lazy now

"Report?" Zhang Piao and Wu Dong hesitated for a moment! What do you call at this time?

Gao Zhuo at the back yelled in a low voice! "Call the chief!"

"Report chief!"

But Ding Yu did not pay any attention at all! Looking back at the duty officer, "physical fitness is the most basic! This is not the purpose of your training here this time! I don't care what you usually ask for, but now? I just saw your laziness! Go out for two laps! Armed

Not only Zhang Piao and Wudong, but also the whole group. The fully armed one stood outside the training ground! However, many people have seen this scene and even heard quite a few things. Everyone is quite curious about this!

Just arrived, was such a demoralized? Is it a little too much? Usually they have to encounter such a situation in training, but this time it seems that there are so some different situations! There's a chief on it, no sign on it! After coming, it is indisputable to directly find Zhang Piao and Lao Wu!

There is nothing else in this! That's pure deception!"Lao Zhang! That's a big joke! The chief came up and kicked you and Lao Wu! You don't have a festival, do you? "

The whole group is quite curious about this! It's no big deal to let them run in full gear! They are all officers, but the origin of this matter is so confusing!

Zhang Piao is a little silent. He really didn't expect to see Ding Yu here. What's more, his identity is even more exaggerated than he imagined. At the beginning, he was already very exaggerated? OK or not? Now? Good guy, more on a floor!

Lao Wu? "You little grasshopper also want to know? OK! When you carry Venus on your shoulder, I think it will be almost! Don't say I didn't remind you! It's no good knowing too much! "

The duty officer in the middle of the team obviously heard something! A cry! The team immediately quieted down! But Lao Wu took a look at Zhang Piao beside him! A question in a low voice! "I said Lao Zhang, how did I meet him?"

"How do I know?" Zhang Piao feels his tooth root has so many ache!

Lao Wu did not ask what? It's also a little tight on their own equipment. The weather is a little hot, and it hasn't been to a circle yet? The sweat on his body has come down! For myself, the problem is not so big!

Gao Zhuo was accompanied by Ding Yu and stood behind him! "Director?" A tentative question! Gao Zhuo didn't understand that, but to a certain extent, he also asked for the military!

"It's not a shame!" Ding Yu looked at the team not far away and said in a low voice, "what kind of training are they doing in the army? That's their own business! Let them come here, not let them participate in such training, put the cart before the horse! But look at their appearance, there are some not very spiritual! So let them wake up a little bit! "

"Director, I think their physical fitness seems to be very good!"

"Soldiers? Physical conditions should be very good! If there are some physical problems, it will be a great drag on the army! No matter it is all walks of life, all need to have a quite standard! As for their willpower, I don't mean to doubt it! Just let them run and sweat! I don't want to affect the next performance! "

Show? What's wrong with Gao Zhuo? What about the two guards at the back? There are so many can not accept!

About ten laps! Someone informed the duty officer, but the people who came down from the playground were sweating like rain. In such a hot weather, they were fully armed. They didn't run dizzy! It shows that their physical fitness is excellent!

And no one was left behind, even when they came down from the playground, we could still keep a steady pace, so it can be seen that the general! Zhang Piao and Lao Wu are intuitively brought to Ding Yu's position in front of him!

"You are all officials! And it's all up! Something to be happy about

The words are like this, but I don't know why it sounds so harsh! It's really harsh! It feels like a kind of irony! What about the irony? Even more stabbing than imagined! But they don't know what to say? What can be said under such circumstances?

"Report! Chief! We are not complacent

"No pride?" Ding Yu snorted! The voice is very disdainful! "Zhang Piao, before you entered the army? Is it a college student? so what? It's stagnant! You think the college diploma is enough for you! Anyway, they've already knocked on the door, so it doesn't matter, does it? "

"And you, Wu Dong! I'm not in charge of smoking and drinking! I'm not a picket! But as far as I know, the duty force is not allowed to drink! And you're obviously injured! Under such circumstances, you still drink! How can you ask me? "

"Report!" Zhang Piao called out!

"Chief! Lao Wu's company commander is gone! Out of the army! It's the old company commander we went to see him off. The old company commander never drank wine because he was on duty, so we all accompanied him to drink wine together! "

"Do you think I will accept your reason?" Ding Yu said calmly! "From the perspective of human relations, this reason is very sufficient, but from the perspective of a soldier, it is not enough! Even for such reasons, it's light to punish you for two days of confinement! "

"Report, chief, we know it's wrong!"

Ding Yu snorted, "do you smoke or drink? I can't worry about such things. Zhang Piao, what's your problem? When I came to the army, did you find out your textbook! Say it all! You're an officer, too! There are a few people under the hand! In their eyes, you are already a top student

"Report, chief! I know it's wrong

"Wake up to yourself!" Looking at the two people who are not competing with each other, Ding Yu snorted a little, but Gao Zhuo always looked at the two people with a smile. Looking at Ding Yu who left, he nodded to them slightly, and then followed Ding Yu's steps and left quickly!"Director! Look at the two of them, they are a little bit afraid of the director? "

"Hum! If you scare people, you'll make do with it. As for others? Don't think about it! It doesn't work at all! This time I came here to remind them that there were still some incense sticks at the beginning! It's OK to keep the foundation, but there are still some problems. If we don't knock, we can't do it! "

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