"Things over there still need refreshments! Me and your mother! Wang Li goes back by car in the evening Wang Changlin is very indifferent to his eldest son said!

"Not a few more days?" Ding Yu said a rare word! I hope my parents stay here. After all, the environment here is better than that in Beijing! They are also rare to come out! It has nothing to do with others!

"Forget it! Xiao Gang's situation here is still very good! But let your mother always follow, I'm afraid she can't bear it! As for Wang Li, she also has two children, which is not so suitable! Xiaogang has your care, and the family is very at ease! "

The meaning of Wang Changlin's words still shows the recognition of Ding Yu's taking care of Wang Xiaogang! There's nothing wrong with it! Of course, some aspects of homework in Su Yuan's view is not necessary! Even for a child, these things are a little bit heavy!

But some of the problems and situations, whether Wang Changlin or Su Yuan, are not so clear as to understand. In such a case, don't be too talkative! Other aspects of the impact of the impact is really not very good!

The length of stay is a little bit longer. It is true that it has no impact on the eldest son, but it still has some influence on Wang Xiaogang! These things boss did not mention, does not mean that his heart is also unclear!

So take advantage of this opportunity! Or go back together! Good for everyone!

"I asked the people on this side of the farm to prepare something! Especially the grandfather and grandmother, their legs are not so convenient, there is no way to come! In addition, there are so many things on my side, and there are some things that I can't get rid of! "

Ding Yu's explanation is so perfunctory! But people can't pick out any problems! At least in Su Yuan's understanding of this! My eldest son! Sometimes too careful eye!

How long has it been since then?! It's hard for him to remember that at this time. Even after he said that, up to now, the boss has no intention of visiting the house again!

Over the years, I don't know how many people have comforted me! I don't know how many people come forward? But it doesn't work? The eldest son dealt with it very well! But actually? Who's face has no meaning to give! Is also really lets the human extremely helpless!

So now his boss mentioned this matter, Su Yuan slightly skimmed his mouth! But what about it? There is another consideration! It is true that he has a lot of dissatisfaction with him! But the dissatisfaction in the heart is even better! If he really said it, who knows if he would make any so-called pettiness! Hard to say?

Really, if the old man and the old lady's things appear again, he and his father really have so some can't bear!

"Lao Han called me earlier and praised you a lot! It's not easy for him to say such words on this stone! He has devoted his whole life to the military

"I can see it. It's hard work!"

Ding Yu didn't mention too much about the military! It is true that his father knows a lot, but he knows that it is one time thing, and he says it is another. On this point, Ding Yu still abides by the principle!

"There's one more thing, it's Gojo's side! He? Put it on your side for the time being! "

When talking, Wang Changlin looks at his eldest son! Under the heart also really has so some worries, why? Is it not that the eldest son refuted his own face? Not much to do with this! I don't expect Gaozhuo to be wasted! Without Ding Yu, his progress may slow down!

This is a certain thing! My boss has quite a lot of problems and problems! But there is a point that other aspects have no way to compare! He's absolutely capable! The rate of finished product can be said to be abnormally high!

Ding Yu took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, motioned to his father, and then pulled out one of them! After lighting, then add in their own hands position!

"I don't have too many problems, but can you bear the pressure, dad? Is it a pity that some of the affection of the military side is used in this

Pull the ashtray on the table! Ding Yu's smoking action is very gentle, Wang Changlin has seen his son smoking, but for Su Yuan, it is really the first time! Do you smoke for your eldest son? Not too much disgust, but also can not say what like! But he's so old! Some things are better not to mention!

"Gao Zhuo's performance is still very good! If it's such a waste! It's too bad to have some! I hope he can cherish this opportunity Wang Changlin said earnestly!

Ding Yu stood up on his shoulder. Since his father has made this decision, he won't say anything! Just in time for such an opportunity! So it is not so difficult to operate! If placed in other times, it is not so suitable!Simply tidy up a bit, when parents and they leave, Ding Yu gets up to see him off! You don't have so much to carry with you! As for the things to be sent home, Ding Yu has already let the logistics deliver them there! Even earlier than they arrived at the capital! This also makes them more convenient!

As for Gao Zhuo, he stood beside Ding Yu! The attitude is very respectful! To be able to stay like this has been mentioned by the minister to himself! He even told himself quite a thing! Such an opportunity must be seized! And you have to catch it! Never waste enough!

Since the birth of director Ding, how many people want to ask for such an opportunity, but not for it! This time, the minister came forward in person, and this matter of the military is special! So the director gave this face! If you say you don't cherish it well, I'm sorry for the expectation of the minister, and I'm sorry for the cultivation of the director!

Ding Yu didn't send his parents to the station! There is also no intention of sending a special plane! There's no need for that! After all, father, they didn't come alone! If you do it like this, it seems that there are some publicity, which does not conform to Ding Yu's character!

Ding Yu has been waiting for the vehicles to leave! There are not too many movements, Wang Xiaogang is standing in his uncle's side position! He blinked his eyes and said, "uncle, Grandpa and grandma are back!"

"Well! Your brother and sister should be back! But I don't think I'll stay here too long! " Ding Yu turns around and goes inside! "The next day is up to you! I think you should be quite used to it now! What about? Do you have any other ideas? "

"There are some plans! But why did brother and sister come back so early? "

"Just in junior high school, they have quite a plan to train a week in advance! So that they can quickly adapt to the outstanding life, they are not too special! As for homework, they don't need to worry too much! What about you? I also need to adapt to the new school life! "

"Fortunately, I have already inspected it! All aspects of the school conditions are good! Since other children can adapt to it, I will not have any other problems! " Wang Xiaogang took Ding Yu's hand and shook it!

After coming back, Wang Xiaogang left by himself! However, Gao Zhuo is a little bit anxious to stay!


Ding Yu pointed to his position in front of him, "your specific job now is to coordinate some things between me and the military! Sometimes I'm not very convenient to come out, you are responsible for delivering some messages! I think you can adapt to this job! "

"Yes, director! I will do a good job in it

"Look! Think about it! Do more! Don't talk! This is my basic requirement for you! As for other aspects, you can do whatever you like! I don't have so many articles! Control yourself! This is particularly important! "

After Gao Zhuo left, there was still a little excitement, but there was no news from the military side! But Gao Zhuo is still quite prepared. He goes to bed around 11 o'clock in the evening and gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning!

Relative to the director, when he sleeps down, he has not yet gone to bed. When he gets up, the director has already got up! This is really not the reason for their laziness! But the director's energy is too much! Don't say it's yourself, even those security guards can't bear it!

Gao Zhuo has realized this problem for a long time, so he didn't mean to force himself!

"Good morning, chief!"

"Good morning Ding Yu said hello! Words are a little bit simple! Even some of them don't care too much! But this is Ding Yu's style! Nothing else! Don't say it's Gaucho! Even their parents, it is the same!

Breakfast is very rich! Wang Xiaogang widened his eyes and looked at his uncle. Ding Yu glanced at him! "What? What are your plans today? Why look at me like that? "

"Uncle, the deer is back today! I'm going to play with him! You may come back at night, a little late! " Wang Xiaogang's expression didn't have too many twists and turns, "today's things are arranged a little more, we are going to see a movie! I want to go to the playground, but the elephant may watch a movie with me! He doesn't have so much time, but his sister has a lot of free time! "

Ding Yu put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand! "What else? I'm not supposed to handle these things! Make your own arrangements! Basically, I don't interfere too much! "

"Hee hee! Uncle, Li Xiang's birthday is today, so we want to celebrate it for him! "

"No wonder!" Ding Yu nodded, "there are not too many problems to celebrate, but it can't be too ridiculous! Do you understand? "

Wang Xiaogang gave Ding Yu a salute, and then ran away! Gao Zhuo feels that there are so many can not understand, it is true that Wang Xiaogang is more obedient of that kind! But just let them play, and still a few children? Is that really good? Anyway, I feel that there are so many inappropriate!"Director? Are you so relieved? " After seeing Xiao Gang go, Gao Zhuo is so frightened!

"He can't say he's grown up now! It's a bit premature to say this, but I've shown great interest in the society?! This is not a bad thing! Early contact with society, let him see some things clearly, is also a choice! And he made his own choice

"Director, will this have a considerable impact on him? After all, he is not yet an adult! There is no maturity in thought at all

"So you're worried about this!" Ding Yu shook his head. "For some children, early contact with society will certainly suffer considerable impact, even inappropriate, but for him? Even for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, this is not a bad thing. Their understanding of the world and society is very different! "

Ding Yu did not worry about this aspect, even had some initiative! Gao Zhuo can't understand this, but he has considerable consideration about it. It doesn't matter what is right or wrong! Proper adjustment is necessary! But don't stop it! On the contrary, it will hinder the growth of children!

But today, Ding Yu didn't mean to go to the military area command! It's staying on the farm. Why? It's not because of laziness. When I left yesterday, I didn't mean that I had any opinions and ideas about the military area command. I need to let go at an appropriate time!

It is true that this time things are their own dominant, but it does not mean that they all need to intervene! The military has its own excellent tradition. In this regard, Ding Yu is very confident, because he was once one of them!

"Director! The new political commissar wants to talk to you! "

Under the sign of Ding Yu! Gao Zhuo brought the phone! "Hello, commissar gu! I'm Ding Yu! "

"Hello, director Ding! I am Guzhuang! "

The two introduced each other. When he came yesterday, Ding Yu already knew it! It's not that Ding Yu deliberately avoided anything! But if he stayed there, it would certainly have a considerable impact. On this issue, Ding Yu still has his own positioning and understanding!

"Director Ding, this is the situation! There are still some ups and downs in the ideological trends of these new officers and soldiers! I don't know what kind of arrangement you will have, director Ding. If I have time, I'd like to give them some systematic training! It may take a little time! "

"Is a week feasible?" Ding Yu did not speak to Guzhuang in a tough tone! It has been said that Ding Yu is a difficult person to get along with! But it also depends on what kind of things it is! Ding Yu is not an extrovert. We all know that! But it doesn't mean Ding Yu doesn't know anything!

"Director Ding! I will try my best to cooperate with you

Guzhuang is also very responsive to talk to Ding Yu. In fact, Ding Yu doesn't need to be like this, but Ding Yu still does it! Is it all because of yourself? That's not the truth! To some extent, it's because of the military! Ding Yu still respects the military, so he said so!

Thank you Gu Zhuang said a rare word! "Director Ding! I don't know when you have time! Two more people have been selected here. They are all waiting for you, director Ding! "

"When it's all over! I don't have much meaning in the past! The ancient political commissar should give them a lesson first and train them! I'll hurry up on my side! "

Ding Yu deliberately pushed this matter off! At least this time, I don't want to get in the way! It's true that I am in charge! But what about that? Ding Yu has a very clear positioning for himself! Now, in the past, show your sense of being? There's no need for that, OK?

For a week, Ding Yu did not have any news! Just stay on this side of the farm! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are back! But they didn't stay for two days, so they left! Back home! Just two people, not too many people to accompany!

Gao Zhuo still has some opinions about this! Is the director too indulgent in the management of children? But throughout these children, they are quite restrained! This is really amazing!

They are all children! Why keep such restraint? It's totally unimaginable! You know, even at his age! Sometimes it's hard to avoid some indulgence! But this is completely invisible in the three children!

Ding Yu and Ding Chang are old! So it can hold on! But Wang Xiaogang? Is he not old at all? Is he so persistent? This is really a problem!

I really have so many can't understand! What about Wang Xiaogang? There are so many "wanton", but what about director Ding Yuding? Wang Xiaogang's education is not always a problem? It has not brought any bad influence, which has to be reflected by people. What is the difference between them?The director's way of education in his own head of the family, there are so many too children's play, but the effect of such children's play is really so good! Even good is too much!

Is the difference between people really so big? Why are the children of the director's family all children of other families, while the children of our own family are totally bear children. Now we can see such a big difference and grow up in the future? What kind of situation is it? When I think about it, I feel that there are so many headaches!

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