Two people got into the same car, "Haozi! Didn't you go to the capital? But this car is not from the capital? And I have never seen secretary Wu come to pick up the station in person. You must know the origin of secretary Wu! "

"Isn't that nonsense?" Small nine did not have a good breath of hum, "you know, I Wei Hao don't know?" Slightly white one eye! "You will know the details then! But I said in advance, this is not too small! It's even a little scary! "

"I know you have a lot of connections in the capital, but I listen to the family! Didn't you ask for something

You want to keep this from everyone? It's just impossible! Especially like their relationship is more private! There are not many possibilities! So Luo Chengzhou didn't have too much hesitation and said it directly!

"At that time, I was confused. I begged for my childhood, but I almost stepped on the mine. Is there only follow-up? I don't know what happened now? The fog at one end is not clear! "

Luo Chengzhou blinks his eyes. Grandma Wei has been dead for some time! At that time, I also participated! How now it seems, things seem to have a lot to do with it! It's true that there is no one in Xiaojiu, but it doesn't mean you can't understand it at all! After all, what the Wei family asks for has a lot to do with grandma Wei! This is not a secret!

"Is the joke a little too big?"

When Ding Yu saw his uncle, he bowed slightly and asked about it! Liu Daochang is the same, two people bow to each other, salute! It's just a Taoist way, not an ordinary one!

"Yes! It's your aunt. It hasn't changed much! The face is also a little more smile, it is a good family, it is a pity! It's a little bit early to go! "

After great joy and sorrow, Liu Daochang has obviously been able to control his emotions!

"I asked them to seal things, martial uncle. If you have anything, please tell me!"

"Ah! forget it! Originally, I just wanted to stay for a while! As for her things, she can make the decision herself! After all, it's her will! Be safe in the land Liu Daochang said slowly!

"Uncle, if you say so, I don't think there will be any other opinions! But she's just left here alone? "

"Well! Just your aunt! But it's also a dead end! Fortunately, the Wei family did a lot of protection at that time, so your aunt's life was pretty good! Although your aunt is not so beautiful, she is free

As for Xiao Jiu, he was left outside at this time! Can only be helplessly watching!

"Second brother! This is Luo Chengzhou. Now he is secretary to secretary Wu Mingyu! The best of us

"Brother Mingyu is already a secretary! Fast enough Wang Yang obviously has some small accidents. At the beginning, he also served as a Secretary for his elder brother for a period of time. What's more, his wife was once the housekeeper of the courtyard! "No wonder I saw sister Chen Feng just now! But she didn't give me any good looks

"Second brother, secretary's wife, we haven't met too many times! Usually, I live in seclusion! "

"Hi! You know a ball Wang Yang did not have a good breath of hum, "I just saw someone accompany them to go in together! How old are you? I'm familiar with all the people in your family, but I really don't have much impression on you! "

I look at that person more familiar, but I really don't have too much impression. I am familiar with the white family, but that is not my own home after all. Moreover, there are many brothers and sisters in their family. Some of them don't know or are not familiar with, which is also a very normal thing!

"My fourth brother! Now, there is a strange teacher! But the wind review is very good! The whole person is a little bit old-fashioned! In addition, there is no other problem. I don't know how it happened. I have a good relationship with the fourth brother, but you also know that I'm a semi useless person! "

Wang Yang snorted, looked up and down and shook his head, "can you go in there? It proves that you are absolutely not a waste. If you let other people hear you, you will definitely type your brains out! What's more, if you let the elder brother hear this, you'll have a good time! "

"I don't feel that big brother is different! It's just that the whole person is a little bit serious! Very serious! " Recall, small nine speak from the heart and hair! This is how I feel!

"How much do you know?" Wang Yang did not have a good breath of hum, "you this time! But I'm lucky! I really haven't seen big brother and housekeeper go out together! There is even Liu Daochang. Things are slightly exaggerated. At least in private affairs, they are ranked on the list! "

"Second brother! How can I hear that no one is allowed to enter the farm! But the place where big brother works seems to be the innermost part of the farm! What's more, the protective measures inside are even more exaggerated than those of my father. I didn't see one or two people with live ammunition. I was so scared that I couldn't breathe! "Luo Chengzhou is nearby, and his heart is also a huge earthquake! Things for themselves, really not the general exaggeration!

Wang Yang looked around, "forget it! I won't provoke those guys. I really can't beat them. And maybe my elder brother will kick me. There's no need for annoying things! I don't want to be annoying! Xiao Jiu, tell me about your fourth son! It's amazing that he can follow the elder brother

"Fourth brother is a teacher, teaching high school! Many people here like to send the children to the fourth brother! Fourth brother's education method is quite different from others. The success rate is still relatively high. There are many people who have been admitted to colleges and universities in recent years. There are many people from all over the world, even from abroad! However, his whole mind is on teaching. To talk about the relationship between the family and his ability, the principal is a little difficult, but not so much trouble! But now I'm just a head teacher. At most, I'm fond of antiques! "

"It's not strange that people who have the ability are like this."

Wang Yang sighed! "But since big brother has already come! I'm just following you to see the excitement! I have to go to your house in the evening! When I came, the old man told me in person! If I don't have etiquette, the old man can knock my head off when I go back

"When I went to the capital, I didn't see Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang. What a pity!"

"How old are they already?" Wang Yang sighed, "don't talk about you! Even if I can't see it sometimes, I really don't mean to shirk anything! "

But what about this? To a certain extent, there are really some perfunctory!

My grandfather and grandmother are getting older, which is one aspect. What about the other? Or because the identity of small nine is not enough! See their own father and mother, such things can be done by themselves, even without too many problems! After all, it is small, the relationship between each other's home is OK!

But seeing granddad and grandma, this is the problem of rising to another level! This matter is known to each other, even small nine also does not have any complaint!

Small nine in the identity of the Wei family may not be so prominent, but after he went out, every word and action is on behalf of the whole Wei family! Wang Yang? Luo Chengzhou's heart seems to suddenly think of what? Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang are not Mr. Wang and his wife, are they?

I'll go! It's a little exaggerated! Luo Chengzhou looks at small nine in the eyes, there are so some different! Mr. Wang himself may not be too much of a legend, but the succession of minister Wang seems to be a bit shocking! Walk is very calm do not say, and bearing extraordinary!

The second brother of Wang is the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family? But in Wang Er GE's body also really did not see that there are too many maneuvers! There is no pride in all things, bearing may be less than different, but other aspects, just like ordinary people! Bragging and Farting!

Give oneself the feeling, he is like a common citizen! But think about his identity? If you think about these guys in the provincial capital, they have a little power, and they can't be tolerated under the heaven and earth! Fortunately, after secretary Wu came, these guys basically disappeared! There's really not a lot of kicking!

But the so-called "no jumping" means that they dare not play too much fancy in the province, but in other places? It's another thing! However, there is a sentence how to say, don't look at the fun now, carefully pull the list in the future!

"Second brother, you see, big brother, they are coming! Do I have to prepare for it? " Then Xiao Jiu also touched Luo Chengzhou. Don't pretend to be a dead dog!

"Second brother! Secretary Wu has also explained that there was something wrong with the station. If you have anything to do, please do not hesitate to... "

Before he finished speaking, Wang Yang waved his hand and said, "your kindness is in my heart! If I come alone, this is not said! Eat and drink, just a few of us, no big deal! But this time I came here, the family told me the task! This is one aspect. What's more, big brother hasn't spoken yet! You also pay attention to a point, big brother this person does not like too much publicity! It's better to keep a little low key! "

"Second brother, you didn't tell me about it! And the farm thing

Wang Yang snorted, "where's the farm? On the whole, it's all big brother's! " As soon as this word comes out, no matter is Wei Hao, or Luo Chengzhou, two people are almost a buttock sitting there! It's a little embarrassing!

But even if they have stabilized their bodies, they are still contaminated with dust because of the wall behind them. At this time, they can't afford to pat them! There is no such idea at all!

"Second brother! This is not a joke, is it

"Joke? Are you kidding? The farm was created by big brother! Although this is said to be a secret, but in a certain range, we are still aware of it! It's just big brother! Sometimes too low-key! He has no interest in these things at all"Let me go. The satellite is a little too big! I can't stand it! " Both of them were so shocked! After all, the farm also has a considerable development here, but we do not know the origin of the farm! Now I know! But it felt like a bolt from the blue!

"Cut! Big brother didn't take it as a thing at all! However, the investment inside is not small, but the elder brother really did not have the help of external forces, they were founded by themselves! "

Luo Chengzhou listen to talk, suddenly found that there are so some small nine beside the wrong! "No! eldest brother! eldest brother! ...。” After a few words because of excited reasons, did not say at all!

But Wang Yang slightly nodded his head, "you know it! No one knows about this matter. There are still many weeks to go. Don't ask about it, and you haven't asked about anything in this respect. Someone will come to see you when the time comes. You will be Secretary to Mingyu brother. The future should be good! Cherish it

This is not a simple statement! It's just a warning!

Next to Xiao Jiu, there was nothing to say. He tugged Luo Chengzhou for a moment. "Second brother, don't worry. If the mule dares to say half a word, even if he tells his parents half a word, I will beat him even if he doesn't know his parents! It's up to me! "

"In fact, it's no big deal. There are many people who know about it, but what about some things? It's quite involved, so it's not so convenient! So just stay in your heart! "

"Second brother! Don't worry, I'll bury it in my heart! "

Although Xiao Jiu doesn't mix up in official career, or even in the circle, it doesn't mean that he is really a waste! Just kidding! That's just a way of saying he's modest!

"In fact, big brother didn't see it, so he really put it in his heart, mainly because there were so many involved, so he didn't want to let the outside world know too much. What about the people who know it? Also is rotten this matter in own belly! But to really say that there is no one behind the discussion, joking! It's just that sometimes big brother is a little cruel! "

When talking, a group of people came out of it! Ding Yu and the housekeeper are in front of him, while Wei Laosi is supporting Liu Daochang. They are very harmonious!

Looking at Wang Yang, the housekeeper also nodded to Ding Yu and took the lead to go forward! "Wei Hao? Find a quiet place and have a word! Wang Yang, there's a bag in the car. It's what Mr. Wang asked him to take with him! "

"Come on! Housekeeper, can such things be cheaper for me? "

For the housekeeper's words, Wang Yang did not have any hesitation, almost a trot left! See Luo Chengzhou and small nine two people are also so some dumbfounded! I'll go. What's the origin of the housekeeper? Judging from his clothes, it doesn't seem to be a big deal?

But it is such a sentence, the second elder brother seems to be a shopkeeper like to run out, did not have a long time, with both hands carrying a bag came over! However, that is to send things to the door position, there is really no intention to go in!

The housekeeper checked, "come in and have a look! But just take your own eyes, not your mouth! If you can't, just stay here

After saying that, is also the first to walk in! "Second brother, what's the origin of this one?"

Luo Chengzhou and Xiao Jiu, who haven't entered yet, are looking at Wang Yang with expectant eyes! Wang Yang sighed! "It's not easy to be provoked or provoked. Big brother has a courtyard. Xiao Jiu has seen it! That place is the big manager has the final say. If I go there, when the housekeeper is in a good mood, he may let me go in for a cup of tea. I'm in a bad mood! I can only be a kind of closed door, whose face is not easy to use! Just can't get in! "

"Elder sister can't get in?"

"Don't mention her! Good guy, we have a lot of good things in our quadrangle. We can even take out a lot of things separately. Buying big brother's quadrangle is a little exaggerated, but it's also the kind I don't want to let. But basically, it's all ruined by the second elder sister! The housekeeper is more reluctant to see the second sister

"This is really a big deal!"

"Cut the crap and get in! Remember it all! No matter what happens, take your own eyes, not your mouth! If anything happens, I've never been able to save you! "

After finishing the clothes on his body, three people went in a line! But no one put their attention on their bodies, three people looked at the layout of the room, honestly found their own position, so standing there!

"Master, you have tea!" Wei Hong kneels in front of Liu Daochang, holding a tea bowl in both hands! This is not a Taoist rule! It's more like a rule to the elders! Liu Daochang took over the tea bowl! After a drink of their own place!

Then a sigh! "Not bad! It's not a failure of your grandmother! My younger martial sister! There are still some arrogant people in my bones. Being able to take a fancy to your grandfather shows that your grandfather still has considerable ability! " Finish saying words, also take out a small pocket from own bosom inside!After opening the bag, there is a yellow thing in it! But Wang Yang saw that thing, subconsciously is to cover his mouth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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