After receiving two gifts, the three members of the Wei family sat down. However, Zhao Hongxiu's mother and daughter were in the next position, which was a little bit far away! After all, Liu Daochang and Ding Yu are a little strange to them!

"Xiaoyu! Is there anything else in the evening? " Liu Daochang is very concerned and asked!

"I'm not so clear about the details. I'm afraid the eyes of those guys outside are already red! But I won't rush back all night. I haven't come here yet. Let's meet again! He has been in the port city for the past two years! I've seen the two adopted children, too! Very good performance! He is still very strict! It's a little different from you, uncle! "

Liu Daochang hummed and expressed his dissatisfaction! But I also know that Ding Yu said this is a joke, not really! "What about Wang Yang? I think he went there! "

"How dare he shirk the things that are explained at home! As for how he arranged it, it didn't matter. There should be considerable discretion! Uncle, you don't have to worry! But I'm afraid I can't stay here for a long time! Let Wei Hong go to the capital when you have time in the future! Recognize the door, too

"It's OK to go to my place! If you go to your courtyard, there will be some difficulties in Wei Hong's future! " Liu Daochang is very clear about the situation of the quadrangle. Even if he is himself, he doesn't often go there? More is Ding Yu going to his side!

It's not to say that I have any other views and ideas about quadrangle, which has nothing to do with this point! But I know the courtyard? Absolutely what you see on the outside!

"Grandfather Liu, do you live in the courtyard?" XiuXiu is very curious! I have seen the courtyard, but I really don't have too much contact!

"Well! Come home to play in the future, but the place I live in is not so big, at most is to move hands and feet! If you can go to your uncle, the scenery there is still very good! However, the threshold of your master's house is a little higher than that. There are not many people who can enter the courtyard of your master in recent years! "

"Master, I'm not a tiger's nest! It seems that there is something frightening about what you say

"You! It's just a man eating tiger hole, isn't it? " Liu Daochang did not agree to say a word! "If you let ya ya go now! What do people outside think? What's more, Wei Hong has given him too much pressure, which is not good at all! Let him develop slowly! You? I don't know yet? "

My nephew! It can be said that he is a gifted genius. I'm afraid that the idle people are afraid of his family. But only those who understand know know what kind of talent this nephew has!

Just my nephew! Too low key! Low key let people ignore his talent! It's not a good thing to let Wei Hong rise now! He needs a lot of training! This is the right way!

Ding Yu pondered for a while and nodded his head slightly. Since martial uncle had arranged this way, it was not easy for him to refute anything. For this matter, Ding Yu never cared so much!

"Uncle, I don't have too many things here, you! After a day's hard work, it's time to have a rest earlier! After all, I'm a little old! Pay more attention Ding Yu changed his words!

Listening to Ding Yu's words, Liu Daochang is also a sigh of relief!

"You've been running all day, Wei Hong? Is also a collection of some things, certainly not as good as your eye, but with a look, as a distraction! I don't know when you'll leave! Anyway, I'm free

Zhao Hongxiu bit her teeth slightly. Her husband has quite a collection, but most of the time it comes from collecting leaks! The real purchase of things is not as much as imagined! But as far as I know, there are still many good things at home! But I just mentioned it! It's not as good as elder martial brother's eye!

How much under his heart still have so some not quite convinced! But on second thought, it looks like this thing? It really needs to be discussed! Why? Whether it is to send their own things, or to Yaya things, there are so some unusual! At least there are not many things in the house that can be compared with!

I am not an expert in this field, but I still know how much I know! So naturally know the weight of two things on the table! If it's your own! Is absolutely reluctant to take out such a good thing! This kind of thing is used to be the family! When there are problems and conditions in the home, this can be taken out!

Otherwise, it can be said that it will be sealed forever! It doesn't look like a senior brother. It's like a gift! From this point of view, the elder martial brother seems to have some losers! There are so good things to give people!

Of course, to put it in another way? That is, people don't care so much about it! What else can be the reason?

Came to Wei Hong's study, the study is a little bit so big! Wei Hong also opened the next cabinet! It was a cover up! Ding Yu looked at this cover up, and then he laughed slightly, "martial uncle, have a look! It's exaggeration"All right! What exaggeration is not exaggeration! I see! It's quite normal! When someone has good things, they don't hide them. I don't believe that there are no so-called good things hidden in your courtyard. What's more, your small pharmacy is well-known. However, many people just know their names and don't see their faces! "

My uncle even pointed out this matter! The moral is very obvious. Ding Yu looks at his martial uncle and says in a low voice, "uncle, are you not afraid to be contaminated with the cause and effect?"

"Bullshit, what about the others? Forget it! I'm not really so enthusiastic, but Wei Hong's situation is not quite the same! Although the time of getting along is quite short, but some people! Just a glance is enough! "

With that, he also took a look at Ding Yu! Ding Yu is a smile, this thing reminds me of that time, that is to say, when we met, uncle followed him! I put my uncle in the capital, and they are all made in the heart! Some words between two people are naturally not more than said!

When two people talk, Wei Hong is to carry a few things out, put on the carpet like this! Seeing this, he should still want to move some things out. Ding Yu waved his hand, "younger martial brother, these are enough! As leisure time, chat to comfort! Don't bother like that

"Elder martial uncle, elder martial brother, I still have two treasures. They will be ready soon."

Wei Hong is a little introverted. His words are not very much, but we can see that he is really happy. He didn't listen to Ding Yu's advice. He quickly took out all the things, but put them on the carpet!

"Elder martial uncle, elder martial brother, please start!"

"Forget me, old man! Please have a look at your senior brother and the housekeeper! They are the two of them

Wei Hong looks at her elder martial brother, and then she looks at her elder martial brother and housekeeper! Elder martial brother, don't say much! I already know something about elder martial brother! There's information from home and from teachers! Anyway, my elder martial brother is absolutely amazing! But look at this meaning, the housekeeper nearby seems to be the same!

Ding Yu looked at the things on the carpet and sat down like this, without any dislike or other reluctance! The feeling is very friendly and casual! Staring at the objects on the ground, "housekeeper, you also open your eyes! And Weihong, do you have gloves? There are some things that can be used directly. There is no problem with direct starting, but there are some things that are not easy to use directly! "

"Yes! There is a regular supply at home

Zhao Hongxiu took a pair of white gloves and Ya Ya followed her mother carefully! But more often, I still look at my uncle, who is really handsome! How to see, there are so many to see, but! I have so many want to take it as a screen saver!

But just now, my mother said it! If you take a photo secretly, it's not only impolite, it's even sure to make this master very unhappy! Yaya has a little disappointment about this! So now this is the time to have a look! Take a look at it!

Ding Yu didn't mean to start too much! Just watch carefully. After a period of time, Ding Yu pointed to the watch in front of him, "this 304 looks good! What's rare is that it's so well preserved! It's rare in the market now! "

"It's from home! Although there are some on the market, they are all hidden in the hands of some people, which is difficult to buy. Moreover, many 304 are mixed up in the market, and the appearance is not so good! Since I left this watch, I have been collecting it, and have done some cleaning and maintenance! "

Naturally, Wei Hong also noticed that the watches on her brother's hand were quite different from the brands that she had seen, and even she could not recognize them. She was not a collector and player in this respect, but she knew some well-known brands! But how to really turn over the memory in the mind, there is no impression!

Zhao Hongxiu and Ya Ya looked at the teacher who was sitting on the ground, and felt a little bit unruly! It's not that there is no place in the study, nor is it that there is no space. It's really not so! There are a lot of tables, chairs and benches in the room, but he just sat on the carpet, feeling a little strange!

You need to know the general self-esteem of the person! It's rare to do this! But he did it! I can't think of it!

Wang Yang has nothing to do with nothing, so he also comes with Xiao Jiu Yi! Looking at the elder brother sitting on the ground, Wang Yang is not too surprised! I have been used to this for a long time! Big brother has always been such a situation, almost do not care about other people's eyes, some of the more accompanying! Yes, of course! Big brother is qualified to do this!

"The watch looks good! I remember there's another piece at home! "

Wang Yang at most is to have a look at it, and does not have any intention to start! Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is sitting there, but Wang Yang is just squatting there! Although the Wang family is the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family, it also depends on whose side! In front of Ding Yu, the elder brother, it's really different!Xiaojiu can be said to see everything in his eyes! But that is to see in the eyes, dare not have any more words! My father told me for quite a long time! Director Ding Yuding's background is bigger than expected! Even his father has some taboos!

What's more, the situation of the previous military visit was also in the eye! It can be said that the home for the military is low posture, but how does this big brother deal with it? There are so many of their own do not dare to imagine! It's horrible!

"Wei Hong's collection! It looks good! "

"It's so much better than the salesmen at home! The piece at home seems to be in uncle's hand, but there are some scratches on it. But now it's still very accurate. I wanted to change it for uncle, but I was told by uncle! "

A few people say this every sentence! When stealing the sky, Wang Yang touched his elder brother, "elder brother, the military side inquired for me earlier! But fear will affect your rest

"It's about you!" Ding Yu snorted slightly! "Don't get involved in this military affair! It's not good for you not to say, even in the future it will be dragged down! "

"No wonder that there is a cover up, but the capital is very noisy about this matter! They are very cautious and careful about this, but most of them are not from the military. "

"Fiddling about!" Ding Yu said casually, and then he also looked at the jade cicada in front of him! After a period of time, he looked at the housekeeper, "what do you think?"

"Good thing! But it wasn't handled properly! What a pity

"After a good maintenance should not be a problem!" Ding Yu pointed to Wei Hong next to him, "this thing is still very good! It has considerable value, but the maintenance is not very good now! Take good care of it and save it to save your family income! "

"Elder martial brother!" Wei Hong called out!

But in the middle of this speech, Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "there are really a lot of these things in the home! But a lot of things have been sent to GuBo or Guobo! I am not so interested in this aspect! What you give me is pure waste! Keep your own good appreciation, but also cultivate your own sentiment

Wei Hong has so many blushes. Her elder martial brother gave her a lot of good things, but she didn't have any expression in this aspect. It's really inappropriate! But he did not wait to speak out, elder martial brother there refused!

"Big brother, if you let the second sister hear about this, you must be bored to death!" When I speak, I take a look at the housekeeper. This kind of thing is to bother my elder brother. If I really want to kick the door, I'd better forget it! Because there is no role in the quadrangle housekeeper at this point, ruthless!

In any case, there are not many people in the 49 cities who dare to kick the gate of siheyuan, and even there are not many people close to it. There are many people eating in the restaurant with the housekeeper, but there is no expression of other meanings! Yes or no, it's such a situation!

"Elder martial brother, I just collected this thing! There are still some things that I can't see! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "you can't see, I'm not this material! I don't have so much research on this aspect. Housekeeper, please show me Ding Yu let this opportunity go!

The housekeeper nodded his head, then he looked at the things placed on the tea table. Even after looking at it for a period of time, he began to use it. "Sir, I feel that I can't see this thing!"

"Can't you see it or can't really see it?"

"I can't see! It's a little strange! " The seal is placed there. At first, it seems that there are some ordinary things, but after the housekeeper starts to use it, he feels that something is not right! For ordinary people, the difference of this weight is not felt at all. It can only be felt like a housekeeper!

Ding Yu tried it, then put it in his hand and weighed it, "it's really a little different! I can see that it should be a good thing! " Then he put the seal down again, "look at this trace! It should have been used many times! Some of them have been ground down! "

Housekeeper a Leng, seems to think of something, directly put the seal to take up, is facing himself! Even after watching for a period of time, he was very convinced and said, "it seems like this! art beats nature! If it is modern technology, it is not difficult to achieve this! But in ancient times, it was a big problem! "

Wang Yang looked at things, there are so some curiosity, he carefully observed! I even looked at the magnifying glass next to me, but I didn't see any difference! The housekeeper saw that Wang Yang had considerable interest, and he also resisted the past! "Look carefully!"

But Wang Yang took it in his hand and looked at it for half a day. After placing it under the light, he still didn't find anything. Finally, he could only sigh! "Brother! Housekeeper, what riddles do you play? Why didn't I find anything? ""Treasure it well. There are still some good things at home! This represents the ancient craft, and also the painstaking efforts of our predecessors. Don't waste the painstaking efforts and intentions of our predecessors! This is the best collection! It's also the best protection! "

Ding Yu didn't feel much about the seal, but at most he was a little sigh! That's it!

What good things to own, Ding Yu really did not have such a mind, at least Ding Yu is not a greedy person! As for how Wei Hong will do it, that's his thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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