"Director Ding! Are they going to get through? "

In his spare time, Minister Liu had some questions that he couldn't hold back! Ding Yu took out cigarettes and lighters from his pocket! So placed on the desktop! A sign to minister Liu! After seeing that he didn't have any opinions, he didn't mean to smoke!

Although Ding Yu said that he also smoked, but only occasionally, he really didn't have too many hobbies in this aspect!

It was the people who saw the fish coming in from the outside! Ding Yu's eyebrows could not help jumping for a while, and then whispered a word! "It seems that a good young man has come in!" Minister Liu was stunned for a moment, and even the whole person was in a trance. What did Ding Yu say just now? Your ears are not wrong!

When he reacted, Ding Yu continued the action just now! Mentioned a previously mentioned problem, and then looked down at the note in his hand, but it is easy to take up the cigarette on the table, light a cigarette for yourself! The action is a little bit casual!

However, after they all discussed, Ding Yu stopped their discussion and asked abruptly!

"I just smoked! Now I want to ask how many of you have noticed! What kind of cigarette do I smoke and what lighter do I use? I don't need you to know the brand, but I hope you can elaborate on it! "

Yeah? What's the problem?

Standing there, the two chief and deputy squad leaders hesitated for a moment, but there was a low voice behind them to remind them! There is no need to stand out immediately! "Report, smoking should be one of the small cigars! The spices inside are very special, which are obviously different from ordinary cigarettes. As for the lighter and frosted one, there is a very obvious logo on it, cuboid, but it looks very round and black! There should be twelve cigars in the cigarette box

Ding Yu took out the cigarette from his pocket and handed it to minister Liu next to him! But oneself is slightly interested in looking at a person in the team! Eyes are a little big! But the eyes are full of cunning! Very interesting!

"You stay! The others are disbanded! "

After hearing Ding Yu's words, they were all in a daze, but soon everyone's breath was also so short. In one night, they experienced many groups, but there was no one whom Ding Yu was optimistic about! But now Ding Yu suddenly mentioned one of them! What will happen next?

For the one who stayed, Ding Yu once again mentioned the issue of the previous US dollar!

"If you're the captain, tell me about your choice!"

"Report! One hundred million dollars, a ton of weight, five people, each 200 kg! Besides, there are also operational tasks. This is simply not appropriate! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I didn't think you were a greedy man! It's interesting! Why make such a choice? Tell me what you think. I want to hear your opinions and thoughts! "

"Report, that money can only be two results! Either destroy or stay! But all of them are left. This is the one with its own disaster, but all of them are destroyed! The problem is also very big, so I personally think! Destroy part of it, hide part of it! And then take a part of the evacuation! If it is successful, it will be regarded as the military expenditure supporting us! "

"How much is destroyed? How much is hidden? What's more, how much do you carry when you evacuate? " Ding Yu doesn't want to let him!

"For five people, it's better not to exceed 400 kg. In fact, I think 300 kg is a standard choice! As for part of the burning, not too much! This is not to destroy, but to give an impression to those who support. If they dare to do something, we dare to destroy all the rest! As for the hidden part, my personal opinion is to delay time! "

"The idea is very personal!" Ding Yu also looked at Minister Liu next to him. Liu's face was a little dark. Director Ding's idea was too strange. He could not support it now, but also could not express his opposition! Standing in their own perspective, they can not look at the problem like this!

But from Ding Yu's point of view? Nature is another thing! It is really not good to do this aspect of the judgment! It's just a hypothesis! It is a kind of test given by Ding Yu. For such a thing, it has no significance!

"Have you seen money?"

Ah? Peng Shan Leng for a moment, slightly nodded a head, this words have so some joke! Who hasn't seen money!

"How much at most? I mean the money in front of you

"If it belongs to me, it should be 216000! My mom bought the house! If it doesn't belong to me, it should be more than a billion! Maybe more, not counted! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, "have you ever carried out an escort mission?" In addition, Ding Yu really can't figure out how he would have seen so much money. Seeing Peng Shan nodding, Ding Yu snorted, "what's your feeling about those money! Have you ever thought about taking it for yourself? ""The report, at the beginning, it was so exciting! There are even some small expectations, but after carrying out the task, I found that? That's a bunch of dead objects! It's no use than waste paper! What you earn is your own! It's not self-made, or do not have any contamination! It's exciting to carry out the task, but I feel a little helpless to carry out such a task again! Because it's really useless

"So you have a supportive attitude towards earning money by labor force!"

"What a shame that I didn't have to rely on labor to earn money! My father used to be a small worker, I also went to work for a few days, it was a little tired, a little bitter! But it's good to make money! "

"Used to be a small worker, that is to say, not now!"

"Now I have some assets. I used to be a small worker. Now, in the words of ordinary people, it's a contract worker!"

"Is it a small asset? Why did I see more than 200000 yuan of money! This is a bit out of the ordinary sense! "

"I am big! No, yes

"I can understand! The so-called big is the meaning of Dad! But there are not so many such traditions now! "

"My father said his son should be strict! It's not that I haven't seen money, but I've never seen any big money. I've hardly done my father's car! Don't let me sit! "

"Is it your father's idea to be a soldier, or do you mean it?"

"Report, that's what I mean! My father supported my personal choice on this point! Anyway, as long as we don't violate the law and discipline, he won't draw me with steel bars! I'm afraid of that thing! "

No one has ever asked Ding Yu to say so much. This is the first person, and someone has brought Peng Bin's information to me! Minister Liu carefully read beside, if that is from the above information, it seems that there are so some not very appropriate! The above commentary is obviously polarization!

Good is extremely good! A lot of praise, but bad? Especially some bad! Extremely bad!

Did Ding Yu fall in love with such a candidate? It's really worrying! "And me? Not a good man! To a certain extent, we give me the evaluation, the majority of bad people! Head sore! The bottom of the foot is purulent, such things in some people's mouth, even some of them are used to it! So, I give you a choice! What about one? I guarantee you, one upgrade, another? Follow me, as for the price of following me? You may have left the current army and still have the rank on your body. You won't be promoted much! "

"Report, I want to follow you! I've said a lot, make a choice and don't regret it! "

"A little clever!" Ding Yu knocked on his desk with his hand, "Minister Liu, what do you think?" For those materials on the desktop, Ding Yu didn't mean to see them at all! Nothing to do with yourself!

To know their own files, some places have been written flowers! So what? If you really care about it, can you come to this point? It's impossible!

"Peng bin! You have passed the preliminary assessment, but if you want to pass the final assessment, from the current situation, it is so difficult! But fortunately you have a good start! Sit by and record it! I hope it will help you a lot! "

Until six o'clock in the morning, he didn't continue to select the right candidate. Ding Yu didn't have much feeling. However, for people like Minister Liu, he stayed up all night and followed him all the way. Director Ding Yu didn't have any slack or even single-minded!

I can't pick out any problems. As for not selecting the right person, it's not Ding Yu's fault. I can only say that everyone is not suitable for Ding Yu, that's all! This situation has been made clear by Ding Yu before!

Whether it is excellent or not is not as important as imagined for Ding Yu. For Ding Yu, choosing the right person is the most important thing! Excellent talents, not suitable for themselves, where to go, delay time not to say, and even may be counterproductive!

This is why Ding Yu is so strict. After all, what about them? It's a guarantee for the future of the military! It's quite different from those in the echelon!

"Change your clothes and follow me!" With ready-made people do not use, waste! This is Ding Yu's consistent principle!

"Master! When did you arrive? I was a little busy last night! I didn't have time to pick you up! You have a big stomach Seeing his teacher's uncle, Ding Yu came forward to greet him! Feelings can be said to be particularly sincere!

Yang Ming took Ding Yu's hand and patted it attentively, "I know you are busy. I mentioned it to my younger martial brother before! If you don't have time, you don't need to care so much. We two old guys can come here! Now the legs and feet are still relatively agile. If the legs and feet are really inconvenient, we need to see you! "

"Nothing! It's just that I'm a little busy. It's not a big problem to worship my aunt today! What about the two kids? Didn't you bring it? " Ding Yu looked at it for two times, and asked about it!"The two of them are so naughty now. The conditions at home are much better. They are sensible, but the incident is a little sudden. They went to participate in the activities! I couldn't leave for a moment and a half, so I didn't ask them to follow me, but they often went to the mainland to play, but they were very clear! "

Wang Yang at this time is looking at Peng bin, his elder brother left with security! But when I came back, I brought a person here. At least as far as I know, this is definitely not the security or secretary of big brother. At least I haven't seen this one in the courtyard!

What's more, his clothes are too obvious! Standing very straight, you can see that it is the style of soldiers! Can't it be that big brother picked it out? Wang Yang knows something about the military!

"From above the army?" Wang Yang is very polite to say!


Wang Yang waved his hand, "don't be so polite. It's not in the army now! And I'm not a member of your army. You should be younger than me. My name is Wang Yang, the third in my family! That's my big brother

"Three little good!"

"Bullshit, if you call me like this again, believe it or not, I'll call you out! When did you learn to be so glib? It's very face saving to call me the third brother! There is that you follow the elder brother's side, pay more attention to it, big brother doesn't like this kind of address very much! If you dare to call big brother like this, he may kick you out

Looking at Peng bin, Wang Yang nodded, "the body looks good, but for big brother, it should be a matter of one foot! There shouldn't be any more! "

"I'm the champion of LianWu competition, and I'm the sixth in the whole brigade!"

"It's not enough for my big brother to do it with one hand! At least I don't think it's the best choice if you start with big brother! But you can have a try. What's the result? I can't promise! But I think the security guards will be very happy about this! "

But when Ding Yu came to see this scene, he snorted slightly, "Wang Yang, come here! Don't be fooled by him! He! The ghost in the stomach is cruel! Although his appearance looks very harmless, but if you really get up and make sure you get into the ditch, you don't know how to get in? "

Ah? Wang Yang also exclaimed, and then looked at Peng bin badly! But Peng Shan didn't have much surprise! Is still smiling, looks like some stupid appearance!

Small nine is standing there, there are so many Snickers! Second brother was teased! This is a very interesting thing! I still used to call Wang Yang Er Ge! Now change mouth three elder brothers, always feel so some not quite smooth!

"Get to know each other! Wang Yang, please restrain your childe's temper. This is not the capital city. You don't need to watch people's dishes! As for Peng bin, you always kick your other mind to see others! There are not too many benefits! "

When Ding Yu left, Wang Yang was gnashing his teeth and looking at Peng bin, "you guy, wait for me. I must let you know the power of it! Hum

However, small nine patted Peng bin, "there is nothing, the second brother here is not really angry! He is very magnanimous, but sometimes the way we deal with things is slightly different! Don't take it too seriously! "

Wei Hao for one of the things know is not so clear, but his second brother for how much or know some! So after following Wang Yang for a period of time, he also asked, "second brother, who is Peng bin? You don't like it? "

"Wrong! Being able to be picked out by the elder brother, and even with the position around, is by no means ordinary, you are optimistic about it Wang Yang is very strange smile!

"What do you mean? second elder brother? I don't understand that! "

"Elder brother's eyes are not generally high. It's not to say that elder brother is aloof and arrogant. It has nothing to do with this. People who can be looked at differently by elder brother always have some skills! I get along with big brother a lot of time, this is what I summed up! Of course, many people go to see it like this! In other words, those who follow the elder brother are not rubbish! "

"I think the housekeeper is very ordinary."

"Butler? You just see the most common side! The housekeeper can be said to be a master of antiques. Many people are looking forward to the housekeeper's action. However, apart from the quadrangle, there are few real people in the housekeeper! This doesn't mean that you can knock on the door if you knock! You can't, second sister. I can't either

"It's just that my elder brother's face is a little dark. Everything else is very good."

"You! Far away from the capital, I don't know much. Sometimes my elder brother's attack is very dark. You'd better pay attention to it. Don't offend the elder brother's hand, whether it's me or your brother Bao! So we do things are always very clean! It's no problem to be a rich man, but don't be a mess! "This is the reason! Xiao Jiu nodded his head!

"Second brother, I understand! In fact, I think it's a good thing to be a rich man. I don't need to worry about so many things! I'm not that kind of material

Wang Yang slightly nodded his head, "such an idea is really a good thing! When you have time, come to Beijing for tea and drink, you don't have to think about it! I'm old now! I don't have that idea anymore! "

"Yes! second elder brother! Brother Bao is busy over there? I didn't see him this time! "

"He! It's so busy there? " Wang Yang ha ha's smile, "previously made some things come out, I see him! Is afraid of big brother looking for him, then do not know how to deal with it? So now it's time to hide and seek! I don't know when I'll wait, but it's all a trouble! "

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