"Boss, give me something practical, can't let me make such a call in vain!"

Since hard can't, then call soft! My nephew! Although soft and hard do not eat, but sometimes, or more common sense, this is their own feeling! But whether it is appropriate or not is really another matter! It's hard to say! But now I am soft!

Shame or not, in other words, no one else knows!

"Uncle, what do you want to know? They are just a bridge between me and the military. After all, I have a lot of things to do. I don't have so much free time, so two more secretaries can handle things better! Why do we all have considerable conjectures about this? I don't understand that too! "

"Do you mean that when you say that and I listen to it?" Su Quan sighed helplessly, "but the problem is that we don't look at it like this! How do you want to deal with it? "

"How to deal with it? Ha ha Ding Yu snorted, "what's the matter? Is this a matter of heaven or earth? It doesn't seem like a big deal? OK or not? It's not something that's really amazing! Feel everyone's nerves, as if there are so some too nervous! And it's the kind of over nervous! "

"Are you really nervous? I'm afraid only you know the most about this problem! For no reason, I transferred four people to the past. I can't stand it for anyone else! " Su Quan's words are also very intentional! It's not for your nephew, but for the fact that the situation is like this, and you don't need to add any more explanation!

"Look at their opportunities."

Ding Yu revealed a rare sentence, "they are not selected by me! Who knows what will happen! It's hard to say After sighing, Ding Yu also said, "my third uncle called me, and I just want to mention one thing. Your two people sent me here, the cost is not small!"

"What?" Su Quan couldn't help being stunned, "I said big nephew, don't take such a good? Your words are a little exaggerated! But since you mentioned it! There are one to say one, in a considerable range, I believe it can still meet your requirements! After all, this is... "

Don't contradict yourself, don't you know that your nephew doesn't have a joke like this?

And the previous two team members placed in their nephew's hand, believe that after their nephew's transformation? They will stand up again, even stronger than before! I have a lot of confidence in this!

We should know that they are not the first batch of experimenters. Some of the previous experimenters have already put themselves into the new work! But are there any? Up to now, there is no movement, even I can't hear any news from them! He is the Department of emotion management! This thing needs to be highlighted!

Even not only themselves, I am afraid there are many forces that want to find these people, but these people are like ghosts, disappeared without trace! Is it a change of appearance and identity? Or other aspects, it is difficult to say, but I can be sure that these people must be in the hands of their nephews!

As for their nephew's side of those security, they are certainly very powerful, but they are all above the surface! To some extent, it's just a target to attract fire! Do you really want to take them as the main force? Ha ha, what kind of problems and conditions will appear then? It's really hard to say!

Anyway, I don't think they are the core strength of my nephew, behind it! There must be a lot of them!

"With your words, I'm relieved." Ding Yu also followed the trend, "yes! Uncle, I just have something to trouble you! I don't have anything here. I believe you have quite a channel! There is no need to have too much consideration for the problem of funds. Within the scope allowed, it can be accepted! I'll give you the list later! You see? "

"Yes! I get it Su Quan snorted, "is this totally depend on you? Isn't it? "

I didn't mean to refuse my nephew. There was no need. I really hope that my nephew can open his mouth, even the one with lion's mouth open. If this happens, it will be great good news for myself and even for the intelligence department. But what can I do?

My nephew is absolutely the essence of human beings! Pull out the eyebrows are hollow that kind! Don't think about it! This kind of thing to him, did not see can't do, just is not willing to show up! In addition, Su Quan can not think of other reasons!

"Yes! One more thing! Ding Yun and Ding Chang, as well as Xiao Gang, have all gone to school! Generally, the above situation is known at home! But when my uncle said a digression! If you're free on October 1st, come back to Beijing and have a look! When I visited Mr. and Mrs. Wang two days ago, I also mentioned this matter! ""Yes! I know about it! If there is nothing else, I'll arrange it then! "

Ding Yu's words have come to an end, and there is no need to make any so-called decision. It seems to be very simple to say! But the actual control, not so good arrangement! After all, I still need to take care of my father Ding Lin and mother Zhao Shuying's feelings, right? This is also very important!

"And! Pay more attention to your body. You are a martial arts practitioner and a doctor. I don't need more words in this respect. Take good care of yourself At the end of the speech, Su Yuan also expressed his concern!

"Well! I see! "

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu shook his head slightly, not to say that he had any opinions and ideas about his uncle!

I also know that this matter will certainly make some waves, but now, the waves are bigger than what I imagined! It doesn't matter what's good or bad! But whether these four secretaries can be trained or not is really a matter for discussion!

Is the main reason why you transferred them here? Or because of the lack of communication with the military! Gao Zhuo had already shown this problem when he was there before! He's not from the military! And the lack of foundation and support in this respect, sometimes in short supply!

So I arranged him to other places! Since Gao Zhuo is gone! Then there is bound to be other people to fill this position, continue to use their own people! It's obviously inappropriate! It's not appropriate! It's just that you seem to care too much about it! This is not very good!

It doesn't matter whether you are satisfied or not. Let's look at the performance of the four of them! Staying here doesn't mean that they can really go to the sky one step at a time. It's impossible! It's also unrealistic. I don't have any panacea to solve this problem!

Call your own steward! "After lunch! Let them gather, and I'll tell them something

"Sir, do you need any other arrangements?"

"I don't need it for the time being. They may still have a little fear now! Let them be at ease! It's not for the sake of war or for communication. There's no need to work hard at them! "

The security guard slightly pursed his mouth. He really didn't have to tell them what the four secretaries were like. Mr. Zhang would look in his eyes! Sometimes, we still need to see how their savvy is? It's important to work hard naturally, but there is no direction. The more you do! More mistakes!

There was not much to do in the morning, but the four people on the farm were slightly nervous! When they came, they read quite a lot of materials, but all they read were about the military, but the information of this chief was still relatively limited!

And the whole morning, except for the placement of them, there was no other news and news! Is this silence worrying? Will this be another test? Facing such a test? How to deal with it?

Until about noon, the attendant came up and said, "after dinner, sir, I want to see you! May talk to them about some work! Please get ready

It's very simple and clear!

Four people in the office, you look at me, I look at yours! There is a little bit of confusion! They have a good understanding of work, but what will the chief executive start with? What's more, what kind of preferences and preferences does this chief have? These are all unknown! Need to understand slowly!

The lunch seems very simple, but after tasting it will be found that the meal is still very rich! Breakfast is on the farm side, and they all eat in the canteen, each other's heart is so small surprise! If this is the case in the long run, is the cost a little bit so large?

"Hello, chief!"

After eating, I cleaned up carefully, and even deliberately arranged my clothes on my body! It's better not to see any wrinkles, after all, this is the first time we meet! Still hope to be able to leave a better impression to the head!

However, the chief executive sitting there is really young. The temperament shown in the materials is quite different from the temperament shown in the reality! Ding Yu looked at four people! Stand up and shake hands with the four of them! Very simple, but also the first time to pull into the relationship between each other!

"Hello! My name is Ding Yu! A, B, C, D! Feather of feather! It's too flattering to call me the chief! I've left the army! It's quite inappropriate to shout like this

"Yes! Director Ding Four people said with one voice! Yeah! Good attitude!

He pointed to the sofa next to him. After Ding Yu sat down, four talented people sat down!

"The four of you are mainly responsible for some work coordination between me and the military region! I have a lot of work here! Even more messy, sometimes will be separated from the lack of skills! So you're going to need a lot of things! "What should be said, what should not be said! Ding Yu needs to say something about them! "You are new here! So let's divide you into two groups. One person from each group is responsible for the Secretary's work, and the other two are responsible for the back support and communication! There are contact tools and so on, someone will provide you! Is there any problem? "


Ding Yu emptied his hand and said, "this is not a military camp. There is no need to be so serious and formal! And on the farm side, it's better to wear casual clothes! There is no hard and fast rule on this point! "

No hard and fast rules? There are not too many expressions on the faces of the four people, but there are some small complexities in the heart. This young chief has a little special, and this kind of special does not mean that people can not adapt, but make people feel some differences!

"Your office and accommodation have been arranged." Looking at the four people nodding, Ding Yu continued to say, "you are mainly responsible for the military affairs, as for other matters, there are other secretaries!"

This means that you can intervene in military affairs, which is your work. But if it is not the work of the military, please keep your mind in mind and do not have other actions! The so-called first villain after the gentleman, said nothing! Now we have mentioned quite a warning. If you violate it again, you will not be polite!

"Yes! Director! We will do our best! "

"The team changes jobs every two people a week! So I hope you can do a good job in connecting each other! "

Previously, when Gao Zhuo was here, some documents could not be taken over! But now things are different! Some things Ding Yu doesn't need to rush to the military area command in person! It can be handled directly on the farm side! It's not that Ding Yu is really lazy and has nothing to do with it!

Two people stay at the farm side, the other two people go back to the military area command, vehicles and communication facilities are arranged by the farm side! Relatively speaking, the car is a little bit better! Maybe from the outside, it's average, but only when you sit in the car, you can feel what the difference is!

After the two returned to the military area command, they briefly introduced the relevant situation. Director Ding did not have any rigid requirements or too many arrangements. At most, they were divided into two groups. They had their own independent office location and residence, and the items in the office were the same!

What computer! Printer and so on, these are the most common configuration! Including the password box and safe, and even weapons and so on, are all available, together with their accommodation, is quite advanced!

Han Quan looks at Gu Zhuang beside him. Gu Zhuang shakes his head slightly. Don't ask me about it! For this matter, you do not know, I do not know! We have a good understanding of director Ding Yuding, but we have a good understanding of his personality and some people's behavior. It doesn't mean that all things are clear in the heart!

However, looking at this meaning, director Ding Yuding is not very willing to come to the military area command. Previously, because of the special situation, Ding Yu gave some guidance. But after that? Director Ding has the meaning of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days! Is it true that we don't know the way inside?

After the report was finished, Han Quan and Guzhuang sat together again.

"Commissar, what happened to director Ding?"

"He! I'm afraid no one is more slippery than him! It's really the feeling of sliding without leaving your hands! But to say that he really does not work hard, it is not like this! It can only be said that he has a good grasp of the propriety, which is not what he mentioned! It's just a coincidence

Guzhuang also laughs at this. The cause of the incident is very clear to him. The military is very interested in this matter, but for director Ding Yuding, this is not the case! So he has a little bit of small mood, this is also a natural thing, as for his small temperament? It's just right!

If it's too early, it's not appropriate. If it's too late, it's easy to be criticized. So now is the right time! Anyway, now his responsibility is not so big! So it is also put out a little attitude, really let people love and hate, but in addition to the root itching, there is no other way!

"We director Ding! I really don't know how to say it

"How to evaluate director Ding? This is not what we should do. What's more, the discussion behind the scenes is quite inappropriate." The words are so said, but Han Quan or slightly wrinkled his brow, he did not have too many good ways to this! Obviously, director Ding is intentional, but let you have no words!

"The work here is very smooth, but I'm afraid it can't go on like this endlessly, and there are those students who, to a certain extent, seem more naive! There are quite a lot of good ones, but what about these good ones? Now there is no definition at all, which can be said to be particularly difficult! "

"There are times when you complain, not often!""Commissar, it's not really complaining, it's their children! They have not been baptized by the military academy. Now they just have a great enthusiasm. Under such circumstances, let them adapt to director Ding! This is an Arabian Night! Guo Kai is such a kind of child, although it can not be said that there is no one in a million, but it is also rare to see! "

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