But the final result obviously let everyone down! Even some people can't help but start to scold.

Ding Yu, this bastard, can't you be a little more honest? Or is it more straightforward? Why do you have to play with all these frills? Even if you give you those women gifts, you don't need to take such a way and means! Make everyone nervous! I'm afraid there are some problems and problems!

Really, if there is any situation, then beat to death, the consequences will be very serious!

But who could have thought that it turned out to be just a few gifts! It is true that these gifts look very good. It should be made by Ding Yu himself, but you don't need to be! Right? Grandma's!

People are very angry about this! But there are still some small blessings behind the anger! Because it's not something that can't be a big deal. At most, Ding Yu has such a little mischief! Now I'm relieved!

As for the cooperation between Ding Yu and the military, we all know quite a lot. After all, such a large-scale mobilization would be too useless if we could not get even a little information! But what is the content of the cooperation? For this point, there are really not too many people know and clear! Ding Yu is hiding too deep! And the military for this aspect of the information blockade is very strict!

It's very irritating to Ding Yu! If the Chinese military is angry again, the result may be unimaginable! No one is willing to face these two forces of terror at the same time!

Now at most, it's better to have a look outside and feel it. If you can't see it, it's better. If you can't see it, then wait! After all, all the things will come out after all! isn't it?

When Su Quan knew the news, he also felt that he was a little angry. Was he a nephew who was so ridiculous? Do you think you're 28 years old now? Is there such a leisurely mood? What are you thinking about in your head?

But blame your nephew? Obviously, it is not appropriate, and there are some unlikely! My nephew is not a person in the system. This is a private matter of others! OK or not? Although I said I was an uncle, I couldn't preach because of such a thing? No reason!

However, after thinking about it, he still called his sister and said, "there are so many nonsense in the boss's side. You, as a mother, really ignore it? Isn't that good? "

"What? What do you say? " Su Yuan was also a little unhappy, "the third brother won't call because of this, right? If there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up first! "

"I called my boss earlier and advised him to take his children back to have a look during the holiday! By the way, take a look at Mr. and Mrs. Wang. Don't be bored there all the time! There are so many not quite appropriate, but the performance of the three children is very good! No matter in study or life, they are excellent! "

"You can even know about this. I remember that you are from the European Department! Didn't hear about your promotion? What's more, it seems that it's against the rules to probe into this aspect through special channels! "

"Someone told me that!" Su Quan said with a smile, "but such a thing is not a great event. If you know it, you will know it. But no one dares to get close to him. We all know what kind of person the boss is! So at most, it's just a look, and that's it! "

"Personality is the boss Su Yuan sighed slightly, "the second one can't go now, and Qiuyan can't go either. At most, he videos with his children, but he doesn't have too much time. Xiao Gang's affairs seem to have so many things on his back at a young age, which is cruel enough!"

"What many people can't ask for! You grandmother! It can be said that care is chaotic, otherwise you ask Wang Yang and Qiu Yan, two of them? Are they willing or not? Besides, I heard that Qiuyan has another one? "

"Well! When Shangnan came back earlier, they came too! It's a happy thing to say so! "

"Is Shangnan back? when? Didn't you hear that? " Su Quan mentioned it unintentionally!

When he put down the phone call, Su Quan thought about it and found out Shangnan's phone. It took a while for the phone to be connected. "Uncle? I'm Shangnan! " Shangnan is still a little surprised to receive his third uncle's phone call!

"Are you free? I want to talk to you for a second

"I'm at home!" Shangnan feels that there is something strange about Shangnan. The relationship between the third uncle and himself can be said to be average, not to say how bad it is. There is no relationship with this point. The main reason is that the third uncle works in the Department of information management. In such a department, there are some people who can't explain clearly!

"OK, I'll call you later!"

Not long ago, Suquan drove to the downstairs of Shangnan's house. When he saw Shangnan, Suquan played a car light here! The driver and the guard got out of the car at the first time and stopped at a certain position!"Uncle! So late? You haven't rested yet! "

"When has it become so polite? Is Wang Li at home with the children? "

"Wang Li isn't here. There's something wrong with the museum. She's the head now! Need to sit down in person, I am at home with the child! My father and mother are here too! I came out on a pretext Shangnan said with a smile!

"In fact, it's not a big deal. I heard that the two children came back! Much more honest than before Su Quan expressed considerable interest in children!

"Well! More sensible than before! Young, but quite malleable

"Good training, don't be too spoiled! If you have a chance in the future, I'll go to see if I can have this chance. What about my family? There are a lot of children, but Xiao Gang is the only one. Obviously, there are some not enough! I don't know if your brother can look up to it, but before this? Lay a good foundation for children, don't be afraid of hard work

"Wang Li is very supportive of this matter, and her family also attaches great importance to it, but sometimes it's not right, so the two little guys keep complaining!" In this regard, Shangnan also has some bad ideas!

It's natural for everyone to know how the so-called improper method is. After all, Ding Yu's way is too special, which is not suitable for all children. However, Ding Yu does not have so much time to teach in person. Besides Ding Yun and Ding Chang, Wang Xiaogang has such luck!

"After more contact, the mind is a little chaotic, this is common sense, for them now, reading is no better than watching animation! Eat snacks, even play and so on, need to let them realize the fun of reading, this can better stimulate them! When you have time, contact your elder brother more often

"Big brother's action is very busy, in general, I am not too good to disturb!"

For this, Shangnan naturally is quite respected! Not only because at the beginning, he promoted himself and Wang Li, but also for many other reasons. If it was his own, could he do this? impossible! Can't do, this is not underestimate oneself!

"You should be careful. What about me? There are some things I need to find your elder brother, but other people have not seen this face. So I'll look for you. There are quite a few drugs in his small pharmacy. I want two things! "

Shang Nan blinked his eyes and then began to smile bitterly, "uncle, I can help you with this matter, but I really don't know whether the elder brother will agree or not! I don't dare to make any guarantee. As for this side of the house, I think Wang Li even knows it! I won't say anything! "

Do you dare not? It's impossible! So why bother? There's no need!

So Shangnan was very happy and agreed to come down. As for the elder brother, he told us about the situation. It depends on the meaning of the elder brother! As for yourself? It's really not good to talk too much about what!

"You are smart enough. No wonder you can be in this position now. OK! I'm looking for you for one thing! Go back and educate my two children well. My business is not so important! "

After Shangnan returned home, his two sons had already fallen asleep. After saying hello to his parents, Shangnan also returned to his study! Take a look at the time on the watch, it should be appropriate. As far as I know, big brother will never rest at this time!

It didn't take long for the phone to get through! "Hello! Hello It's not big brother's voice over the phone!

"Hello! I'm Shangnan. Is elder brother there

"Just a moment, please." The person on the other side of the phone obviously knew who Shangnan was. At this time, he didn't mean to hang up. Obviously, he went to ask for instructions! Shangnan knows that the elder brother is not deliberately not answering his phone, should be busy!

It wasn't long before the phone was connected! Inside came his familiar voice! "I'm Ding Yu!"

"Big brother! I'm Shangnan! You haven't rested yet? "

Yeah! Ding Yu's voice is still as usual, there is no enthusiasm, even to outsiders, there are so some cold! "Are the two children back? I had a look at their reports earlier and found that there was a little more nutrition supplement! And there are quite a few problems! Have you read the report? "

"Yes! This is the problem of Wang Li and I. both of us have carefully read the report on this aspect. We didn't expect that there are so many problems and situations in it! "

"Children are good children, but there are so many small problems in what you provide! Gradually start to solve the problems inside! "

Ding Yu said a lot more than before! "There is another problem, let Wang Li not too anxious, her mind has not been quiet, with her mother yes! This is not good! "

Eh? If there are other things, Shangnan really can say, but it is related to Wang Li, Shangnan can't help but make a fuss about his head. For himself, it's really a headache! It's not so simple to say!"Big brother! I'll do my best! "

"Hum!" Even if Ding Yu's family is not satisfied with his family's affairs, what's more, it's not too hard for Ding Yu to take care of his family's affairs!

"What can I do for you?"

"My third uncle came to me earlier. He wanted to go to the pharmacy to find two things! I'm afraid it's not so convenient there, so I want to talk to you! On the whole, it is such a thing

"I know! okay! That's it

"Yes! Big brother Shangnan's words to the mouth of the position, suddenly closed his mouth! "Big brother! Nothing more! All of a sudden, I think it's wrong! "

Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "I know! Among the four secretaries who came earlier, one named Shang Yun is your brother? When I saw his name, I paid attention to it! I didn't expect it was your second aunt's son! The information on the file is better. I don't know if it's embroidered pillow! "

"Elder brother, I heard a word mentioned by my family when I came back, but I didn't know the specific situation at home. I didn't mean to be talkative. There was no mention of this matter in my family. He is the son of my second aunt, but there are not many people who know about his affairs in the army."

"Talk to me?"

"No, big brother, from my point of view, if you can, please be a little more strict with him. I don't think there are too many disadvantages, and I don't know whether this way is correct, but it should have considerable benefits in the end! My personal opinion is like this. I don't think there will be too many objections at home! "

"I know about it!"

With that, Ding Yu hung up the phone! There is no politeness at all. Shangnan is also aware of his elder brother's character, so he has no complaints. He wakes up when the door sounds like moving!

"Dad, you haven't had a rest yet?"

"No! What's up? What can I do for you? I saw you out earlier! When I came back, I sat in my study! "

"Nothing. I just called big brother!"

"Ding Yu?" Seeing his son nodding, the man sitting there nodded his head slightly! "Which of your brothers is OK?"

"Good! However, it is still the same as before, without any change! I wanted to ask about Shang Yun, but when I got to my mouth, I swallowed it! "

"At this time, it is quite inappropriate to ask about shangyun! He! With my mother's surname, I don't think our family is so strong, but at that time your uncle had other considerations, so he was given the surname Shang! "

"I know that Shang Yun has no idea about this matter! But Dad! I didn't say that, but who is the elder brother? He still guessed it! So I mentioned a sentence! He said it! Shangyun's files are very beautiful, but when he does things, he always does things right, not people! "

"This is his character and his style! You! It's a long way from your big brother

"Dad, I'm your own son. Do you say that about your son?" Shangnan took a look at his father and said it was his father. In fact, his father is not so old!

"Your brother! Genius is not for the idle! Not many people see through him! Even if it is me, also dare not say to see through his one or two, do things to look at ruthless, but actually still quite atmospheric! You guy! It's a bit of luck to be valued by him! "

"Dad, what's wrong with your old man today?"

"It's not because of the two children that they really learned! Your mother and I really like it before, but there are still so many children who are too naughty! I was really worried about giving them dandies, but later I read the report and knew what the problem was! Your brother! It's amazing

"Dad, I've heard that some people follow the cat's advice?"

"Hum! Those guys! Seeing money, is to play some fancy things, drawing tiger can not become anti dog, said they, and this matter! If it doesn't last too long, there will be other activities soon. After all, it's about the children. What problems and conditions have arisen will have quite serious consequences at that time! "

"You're too old! Look after these two children! There must not be any problems! I don't know what kind of situation director Ding Yuding is. I really want to go there! "

"Just for your two grandsons?" Shangnan soon understood the problems and the situation. "The difficulty of this matter may be a little bit higher. Let alone the temperament of elder brother? Anyway, the elder brother's disciples are not as many as you think. If our family comes out, will other things come out? It's hard to say"Ah! I also have quite worry about this, and such a thing has become! If not, there will be no way to mention it again! "

Looking at his father's appearance, Shangnan slightly nodded his head, "Dad, you and my mother don't have to worry about this matter!" I can only type my words here. As for what my father knows or doesn't understand, I still can't say it now!

After all, this matter is very important, and it is all operated by Wang Li! If the family is rash, who knows if there will be other changes, this is hard to say!

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