For Han political commissar to go back to the matter, Ding Yu know return to know, but really there is no other meaning!

Taking advantage of this time? You're not kidding, are you? Ding Yu has never been a willing to take the initiative to do things! What's more, this time it's still a mutual cooperation with the military. Under such circumstances, let Ding Yu take the initiative to do something? Are you playing?

"Director! The Naval Academy gave us a report. After all, Guo Kai is a freshman. They want Guo Kai to go back to report first. It's not a good arrangement for the province?! I hope you can approve it! "

"Old fox!" Ding Yu said with a smile! Of course, I know how it happened? Those guys must have smelled something, so it's normal to make some other plans and actions at this time. There's not too much improper! Ding Yu has no other views and ideas about this!

"Let Guo Kai go back! I don't have any requirements here. Besides, Han political commissar is not here now. I'd like to say hello to the ancient political commissar in this respect. After all, he is the leader of the ancient political commissar, and he needs to approve it! "

Cai Guangyu made a salute! This thing naturally knows how to deal with it! "Director! If there are other situations, should we deal with them accordingly? "

"Smart?" Ding Yu looked up unexpectedly and nodded his head slightly, "OK! If there is such a thing happening, it is good to deal with it! It's not so convenient for me

As for whether it is a refusal or Ding Yu's speech, no one knows, at least no one can go to Ding Yu's heart to have a look? Right? But now Ding Yu has spoken! For some aspects, is it really a considerable opportunity?

But also, some forces feel a little bit tricky about this. Why? To know that Ding Yu has never been a good character! Under such circumstances, if you really overreact, what will happen?

Guo Kai has been transferred away?! There is a good reason for this, but what about the others? Can I transfer it now? What's more, Guo Kai was temporarily transferred out of that kind! There is a considerable time limit!

What's more, Guo Kai is quite different from others. To a certain extent, Guo Kai has been selected by Ding Yu! He and Zhang Piao and Wudong two people, formed a very solid iron triangle! For those players who have been selected, they have a considerable influence!

So whether he leaves or stays, the impact is not so big, but what about others? Will Ding Yu really show such a good temper? For this, no one dares to make this guarantee!

Why are there still forces now? Oppose it! There are quite a few reasons for this! Because of the echelon, Ding Yu has shown considerable influence! And these influences will start to ferment as time goes on!

Fortunately, what about Ding Yu? It is quite sensible, he did not go to do such things in succession! But now Ding Yu has no official career. Instead, he has expressed considerable interest in the military side. Can this still be tolerated? If even the military side has considerable influence? What to do in the future?

So absolutely can't let this thing go on so smoothly, but the idea is good, but how to operate? Is this a problem? And it's a big problem!

At the beginning, the performance of those echelon students trained by Ding Yu was very good, and it was also quite moving. However, at that time, Ding Yu was too tolerant, which made everyone ignore it! Can't that happen again now? Can't just let Ding Yu feel better!

But after some discussion, at most, the so-called muzzle gun was fired, which almost did not work! Not even a little bit of movement? Are you kidding? What's the difference between stopping such a thing and seeking death in front of the overwhelming majority of military forces?

For the military, these people will become seeds in the future. Some people even want to make trouble. What do you want to do? Can't stand director Ding? Or are there other ideas and purposes for the military?

Therefore, the military has also expressed considerable concern about this matter, but that is to say, it is just a matter of considerable concern. If there is any action on the part of the military, there is really no action? At least there won't be too much movement right now! Don't you see that director Ding didn't do it for a time?

But speaking of director Ding? The military side is also quite speechless? Why? Ding Yu has always been in the farm! The range of activities is basically in the farm, the gate is not out of two doors, even if you are a houseboy, you do not need such a house? Right? Good or bad activities!

But Ding Yu didn't have any activities at all, which was really hard for him! Can you sit still? Did he have 502 on his butt? That's why you can be so secure? If you go out more, you won't die! It won't be tired either!

Otherwise, look at Wang Xiaogang, who runs out for a walk in his spare time! You this when uncle, so at ease, let him go out alone with friends, you don't watch? Are they all primary school students?Without any effect, Ding Yu is still a kind of unrestrained! How about the others? Is that someone else? How about me? I has the final say. Other people can not do any interference, to put it bluntly, it is so simple!

Some people want to mix this up with the military? At least can't let Ding Yu continue to spread his influence, but the idea is good! But when it comes to specific aspects, I don't know how to make a move? Because we can't find any direction at all!

From the military? Stop bullshit, OK? Many of the military are about to break the head for this matter! They're all thinking about how they can add more people and want to destroy them? Nima, do you want to die?

What about Ding Yu? Where to start? Ding Yu, this guy, can't get out of the gate, but he can't step in the second gate! Even if it is blocked in the position of the gate, there is no effect! As for finding fault from Ding Yu's body? It seems that there are so many unreasonable! Suddenly mentioned! Can only let people grasp the handle!

So now there is a choice! How to operate this matter? Is it to continue looking for Ding Yu's flaw? Or the military? But these two seem to have some problems and conditions?

But if you don't do anything, judging from our previous understanding, if Ding Yu's operation is really successful, it will definitely have a considerable impact on the whole military, and the diffusion of Ding Yu's influence will be incomparable. This is what many people don't want or want to see!

Want to do it? But don't know how to do it, don't do it, it means sitting and watching such things happen? How is that possible? Right? So we have to face a choice in the end!

And this choice? To a large extent, it is aimed at Ding Yu! Because for the military, the consequences are more serious, at least compared to provoking Ding Yu, provoking the military is a kind of dead without a whole body!

If possible, it is better to let Ding Yu know that he is not worthy of sitting in this position. Why should he insult himself? Right? Is it true that there are people like Hou Tianliang in front? But what about that? Hou Tianliang doesn't represent everyone? Right? Who knows if he is just an example?

What about Ding Yu's black material? We do have it. Ding Yu has never evaded this point. From this point alone, he wants to influence the military's judgment. This is obviously not appropriate! Or need Ding Yu over there to some so-called Sao operation, he resigned this position, this is the best choice!

Can this still return to the previous old problem? How to do, Ding Yu this guy since came to the provincial capital, has been nest in the farm side! It's not that everyone can see Ding Yu! Since you can't see Ding Yu? Still thinking about getting started? Is it really possible?

Gu Zhuang in the phone is also complaining with Han Quan, "political commissar, my chief political commissar, our director Ding, is really too stable! Good guy, it's all gossip outside now! But what about director Ding? The one that doesn't move! You don't know what he's thinking about? It's on the farm anyway. Am I really convinced? Anyway, come here and give some sweetness to those guys outside! Don't always be there

"Director Ding has never meant the past?"

"Never! I didn't even have a phone call. I invited! But director Ding did not give any response at all! I'm sitting on the other side of the farm! Do I have some doubts? How can he sit still? After all, in terms of his age, is he still a young man? As for such composure? "

"Director Ding did not look like this before. The former director Ding was a little bit radical. What about this kind of radicalization? It's still a kind of tyrannical, even if someone is blocking in front of them, he will rush away recklessly! This is his style, but now this style changes a little fast

"It's not changing fast, so simple! Fundamental changes have taken place, OK? The experience of director Ding in the past has not played any role and effect at all! "

"We're not so used to it! But what kind of expression do you think the other guys will look like? I'm afraid they are more miserable now, because this way is not suitable for them! Even when they are confused, I believe that if they go on like this, they will have considerable problems and conditions themselves! "

"Political commissar, do you mean that director Ding did this on purpose?"

"Director Ding doesn't want to undertake this task at all. For him, it's unnecessary for him to put so much pressure on his head! But because of the feelings with the military, Ding Yu made a considerable choice! Now that he has made a choice, director Ding can't be unprepared at all! "

"Our director Ding? I'm not old, but I'm really good! As an old man, I boast to be well-informed, and even have heard a lot about director Ding. However, after mutual contact with each other, I found that the understanding of director Ding is only a drop in the bucket! A drop in the ocean is too scarce! ""Now that's all! There are so many early for it, director Ding must have some of his own plans and ideas! However, it is not so realistic to communicate with him. However, we should not have too many problems and situations to disclose our ideas! Anyway, there are people who stayed there! "

"Political commissar, do we support director Ding? Will this cause dissatisfaction in some aspects? "

"We support director Ding's work. After all, we have a cooperative relationship with him now. If we don't support his work, will we have to tear him down?" Han Quan was also discontented to say a word!

"I see!" Guzhuang is also clear at this time. It directly shows the attitude of the military and gives Ding Yu platform. It's not that it can't be. But at least this time is not suitable! What's more, director Ding Yuding has never been willing to do so! However, it is necessary to communicate with each other!

As for this matter? Give it to Shang Yun! Although director Ding didn't mean to be optimistic about him, it didn't mean that he was really indifferent to him! It's not true! If it is true, then the previous Zhang Piao and Wudong two people, how to explain?

As for shangyun, do you understand it? This point is not so important for the military, it is better to understand it! If you can't understand it, it's a pity, but director Ding doesn't have any opinions and ideas. What is it when other people come forward?

What's more, people have been sent to Ding Yu's side! How to discipline and recuperate Ding Ding Yu is entirely the business of director Ding. If other aspects are involved blindly, who knows if Ding Yu will have other opinions and ideas? No one dares to make this guarantee! Even if there is a huge power behind it, but what about that?

Isn't the power behind the merchants strong? If it is placed in other places, it is absolutely frightening. Even the relationship between the merchants and the Wangs is extraordinary! But after Shang Yun came here, was there anything inappropriate or arrogant?

Honestly don't say, even more than in the past even more duty and honesty! The halo that family brings to them can't play any role in Ding Yu's side, and even the so-called counter effect will appear!

After Shang Yun received the message, the whole person also felt a little confused. Of course, he could understand the meaning of the political commissar's words, but let himself tell these things. Is it really good? We should know that director Ding's impression on himself is not so good as he imagined! I am now on the pole, it seems that there are not too many good results!

But after coming back, Shang Yun still knocked on the door of Ding Yu's office. After getting permission, he pulled the hem of his clothes, and then walked into the office. He had just come back from the military area and had not had time to change his clothes!


After getting Ding Yu's permission, this happened and said, "director, I just came back from the military area. The ancient political commissar asked you to take advantage of your spare time to go there and observe the teaching situation. If you don't have the time and leisure, let those students learn first for a while?"

Ding Yu Leng for a moment, then is clear to come over, over there actually want to own transmission what meaning! If this is the meaning of the ancient political commissar! It's impossible! It's not that you look down on anyone! But such a thing, Guzhuang can not make this decision alone!

Even if he is the political commissar of South Korea, he can not make this decision unilaterally! Because this is a matter of principle!

Obviously, this should be passed on by the military! But it is obvious that the military can not directly express the meaning of this aspect! That's why it's safe to go in such a way on the one hand, and on the other hand? It's also training Shang Yun! Pour really is to have quite the mind! Ding Yu can't refuse!

After Ding Yu wants to understand, he also hums to Shang Yun! "What do you think of it?"

"Report, I think there are quite a few problems and situations in this matter!"

Ding Yu disdained to hum a, "I am not asking your opinion, you are not what kind of adviser, I am now asking is how you think about this matter, think well to reply again!"

Shang Yun feels that the corners of his mouth are so crooked! This big brother to himself? It's really good enough! You want to say he's unreasonable? It's not true, but what about the matter he mentioned? Is the requirement a little bit high?

But at this time, I can't be silent. Who knows if the elder brother will regard this as a kind of behavior on purpose! If it's really like that, I really cry and I don't know to look for that grave bag!

"Report! My understanding of this is that someone has other ideas behind it? But who is it? I don't know. Otherwise, the commissar would not have told me so! But it's definitely not the military. If it's the military, they will clean it up by themselves! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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