Although Wang Li said that married into the business, even in the business is also occupied a considerable position, but does not mean that Wang Li can do things unscrupulously! In particular, when dealing with such a matter, Wang Li needs to be extremely cautious and careful!

Because a little careless words, it is easy to bury the trouble! For the harmony of the whole family, there will be an inexplicable impact! Of course, I don't care too much about it, but then my husband and children are in a dilemma! After all, I am not only the daughter of the Wang family, but also the daughter-in-law of the merchant!

So when you need to come forward, you will stand up without hesitation, but some things do not need to come forward, there is no need to stand up to flaunt one's power, let people feel disgusted out of thin air!

"I'll tell my mother and second aunt about this! If I explain, the effect may be better! They are also, such thing big brother already is quite embarrassed! They're making trouble with it

"What you don't see is adding chaos. I think the biggest possibility is that you care about it! Some people may take advantage of this, not to mention, this psychology is really good! "

Wang Li is so angry, so is Shangnan. After all, she is involved in her second aunt! Mother and mother-in-law, we should know that the three of them would never be like this in peacetime, but this time such a low standard, there is no problem behind this, the ghost will not believe it!

And three at the same time? ha-ha! It's not a common skill!

"Call first! First of all, solve all the problems in front of you

Wang Li found her mother here. She played with her two children very well, but this way? Let Wang Li also don't know how to evaluate? No wonder big brother took all three children away! To a certain extent, it is too doting!

This is absolutely a wrong demonstration for the growth of children, but from the perspective of their own mother, there is nothing wrong with loving two children! So Wang Li is not good at this point too much to insist on what! Want to influence your mother? I don't think I can do well on this issue! It doesn't exist!

"Mom, let the two of them eat for themselves."

Su Yuan slightly hummed, and did not put down the chopsticks and spoon in his hand! What's wrong with feeding the baby yourself? When I served you, what was your mouth like? Not now?

"Did you call the boss?"

"Yes! I also called Shangnan! Mom, I don't want to tell you how this happened. But you, er Gu and my mother-in-law are all out. Don't you think this is a little strange? What's more, it's even more strange that you don't have any reaction

Yeah? Su Yuan, who was holding chopsticks, was stunned for a moment, and then his face was pulled down!

Su Yuan is not angry with her daughter, but Wang Li said this thing, let her suddenly wake up! Speaking of Su Yuan, there were some worries before, so she came here. But after her daughter mentioned this matter, Su Yuan also felt that something was wrong!

What kind of goods is the boss of your own family? Other people don't know. Don't you know? Does he need to be worried? And he experienced those things, although he did not fully know, but at least also heard some! Only when he let others eat the shriveled share, when others let him eat the shriveled share?

"Is your brother the same as before?" Su Yuan asked without expression!

"There's nothing wrong with big brother. He's always in the same situation. There won't be too many changes! As for the situation of Shang Yun and others, I have no intention to ask. The elder brother never likes others to mix hands with others. Although I am his sister, it is the same. What's more, I have no interest in this matter at all! "

"I think I know about it! I didn't expect things to be so turbulent?! Hum

Looking at his two little grandsons, Su Yuan was holding a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth for the two of them. Previously, he was so confused! But now even if it is not fully awake! At least for their own situation, but also have a certain understanding, some people are really not the general bold ah!

Not only confused themselves so simple, even associated with the business is also pulled in? What is this for? And the eldest son should have known about it! Fortunately, I don't have too many movements here. If I really have any actions, I'm afraid I can't stop now!

My eldest son? ha-ha! But what I'm more interested in now is, who instigated this matter? What's more, it's still provoking this time around the capital? Along with their own and in laws there have been news!

"Is your mother-in-law free? If you have time in the afternoon, have a tea together

Wang Li didn't feel too strange about her mother's being able to change at the first time. However, she was also greatly relieved. "I asked Shangnan to call. The specific situation is not so clear, but I think it should not be a big problem. I'll prepare for it!""It's OK. Don't worry. How's your brother's mood?" Calm down Su Yuan, this time is another kind of attitude! "At most, it's just embarrassing for shangyun. Why do other people react so much?"

"The specific situation is not so clear, but I think there should be other aspects involved!"

I really don't have so much time and leisure to pay attention to this matter during this period of time. However, if you don't pay attention to it, it doesn't mean that other people don't pay attention to it! "Wang Yang, what are you doing?"

Wang Yang, who received the phone call, said, "I'm at home! Now Qiuyan's body is not so stable. I just went to have a check-up before. The doctor said that we should have a good rest! "

"Let Qiuyan have a good rest! If you come to my house, my mother has something to look for you! "

After saying that, hang up the phone, Wang Yang is slightly pulled a corner of his mouth, why to find himself! I don't know how good it is to be at home now? It's really good to have a hand with yourself?

However, his sister called, he really did not have too many ways, with Qiuyan and the nanny said, Wang Yang drove to his sister's home, saw his mother, deliberately said hello, and then also with two nephews in the same!

There is no way, the rabbit at home has not been there, he can only find some sense of existence from the body of two nephews? Not to mention, the two of them have been playing well with themselves! This age is the most fun time! Have a lot of fun!

"Do you know what happened there?" Then Wang Li also simply said something about her mother!

Wang Yang narrowed his eyes, "who is it?"!? So arrogant, how dare you plan on your family? "

"Is it a matter of another matter in the calculator? Now what you are asking is the situation of elder brother, do you know?"

"I know something, but it's no big deal." Wang Yang, who was sitting on the sofa, looked bored. "Isn't it always such a situation for elder brother? It's not the first time that many people want to gather around! Why are you so nervous? "

"Don't you chew and grind your teeth here! Ask you something serious? Just say it

"I know something! This time, although it is not said that the elder brother took the initiative, it still has a considerable impact. You should know that because of the echelon, the elder brother has caused considerable influence on his official career. Now these students, if we say that they are really successful in the future! Then big brother's influence in the military will be further expanded! "

After saying that, Su Yuan and Wang Li took a look at each other, and they both understood why such a thing happened earlier! Previously, I didn't think of the situation in this respect! But from the current situation, the boss played a little bit big!

"No wonder! They are also willing enough

"I didn't know it would be like this. I thought I knew it at home." Wang Yangcai didn't plan to carry a black pot. "I didn't expect that they started so fast. Even mom, you've been startled!"

Looking at his mother and sister, Wang Yang sighed, "in the past, they didn't do this! Because this has already involved the bottom line problem! It's no big deal to the big brother, even to the students, even to Shang Yun. But it's a little too much for the family to do it! "

"Go on!" Su Yuan has a gloomy face!

"If I'm a little insidious in this way, I'm really going to look at home from a small angle! At that time, the elder brother can't be merciful. If he is merciful, there will be no way for him to restrain those students and Shang Yun! Similarly, if you don't show mercy, do you have a relationship with your family? At that time, I'm afraid it will be discussed in succession. It's very difficult! It's hard to do it! "

For Wang Yang's judgment, no matter Su Yuan or Wang Li, did not speak, but his face was so embarrassed! You know, if it's Wang's, it's better, but it also involves businesses!

Good guy, I'm really ready not to stay alive!

"You see it yourself?"

"Mom, you don't need to look at this matter at all. As long as you collect enough information, you can understand it naturally. I'll see! There are people who deliberately deceive the family and deliberately block some information. You should know that you and the business aunts are basically not in charge of the business! "

It's really a tiger that doesn't get angry. When I'm a sick cat, isn't it? The expression on Su Yuan's face began to gradually calm down, but the more so, the more it showed that Su Yuan would never let go of this time!

Wang Yang looked at his sister, and then made a wink, let himself carry the pot, you old man is really good meaning, he really do not believe, sister did not know! But forget it!"Mom, how do you want to deal with this matter?"

"What to deal with? Now there is no commotion. What's the matter? What's the urgency? There is not so much need! "

Su Yuan now wake up to come over, but is not anxious about this matter! "Tell Shangnan that there's no need to worry about your mother and mother. It's the same with his second aunt! It's no harm to wait a little bit. If you have time, you can have tea! Have a chat

"Mom, I know!"

As for the decision made by her mother, Wang Li readily agreed that at this time, there is no harm in calming down, and even has considerable advantages. If there is any action, it is bound to be associated with other aspects, and this situation will be more and more with the development of time!

So it's better to stop now, so that everyone is at a loss. In this case, it can only be stopped. If the Wangs and merchants don't start, it doesn't mean that they don't have the ability, but there is not much need under such circumstances! Earlier or later, it doesn't matter so much! It's not about face!

The so-called slapping on the face is not based on the temporary situation! Need to set your eyes a little later!

It's true that Su Yuan has a lot of problems with his eldest son, but it doesn't mean that Su Yuan is letting others bully him? And since the eldest son came back, it seems that no one dares to plan the Wangs for many years! ha-ha! This time, it's not just the courage, it's so simple!

When Su Yuan met his mother-in-law, there was not much news. Not only the two of them, but also a second aunt of Shangnan and three wives sat together to drink tea. They were very indifferent and did not talk about anything about the children!

But in each other's heart already knew how is a matter! Now! There is no need to worry too much. There is no need for this! If they mess up, they will let others have a chance! But if they can live calmly, then it is another thing!

About the capital! Ding Yu knows, but there is really no language. It is not so good to mention too much now! The family will deal with this matter naturally. It's just a wake-up call!

Wake up a little earlier, then there will not be too much involvement, wake up later, then it will show quite passive, that's all! There are not too many problems, at least from Ding Yu's point of view, it is like this!

However, it can also be seen from this that some aspects are really poor. They should take such a way. You should know that such behavior is not so simple as hurting others and injuring yourself!

For Ding Yu, hitting the face is like hitting the face! Did not see will put in the heart above, but for the Wangs and merchants, was beaten in the face! And still take such a way to face, if not to find back this field? ha-ha!

The end of all aspects can be foreseen now! This is not something hard to guess. If you don't do it now, it doesn't mean that you don't do it in the future. It doesn't mean that you don't do it in the future. It's just time. You will find this face in the end!


When Shang Yun and other four people saw Ding Yu, they were all so ashamed. What happened in the vault made them lose their face! It took such a long time to wake up. It's really not so simple as humiliation! Anyway, standing in front of Ding Yu, all of them are hanging down their heads!

"What happened to the vault? Right and wrong, I just don't want to criticize, because for you, it's just an entry-level test! It is too early to mention whether you have passed or not! Is to let you understand a truth, temptation is everywhere

"Report! Director! We will deeply understand the problem! "

"I hope so, but I don't want to urge you after the village, because it's not my duty!" Ding Yu's words are very direct, "let you get used to it a little bit, so that you don't have much preparation at that time! If nothing happens, disband it! When you have time, go to the ancient political commissar for more classes! "

Obviously, Ding Yu's doing so has some disgusting meaning! However, from another point of view, Ding Yu's doing this also means protecting them!

However, this matter can not be said in front of the business cloud! Now to mention this matter in a critical tone will also make them restrain themselves! Then more modest!

For the return of shangyun, Guzhuang naturally knows what it means! But before this, I also criticized them seriously! Ding Yu let them back, not only to make them calm, but also to protect them!

Now continue to let them stay with Ding Yu? In view of their previous performance, they have not been able to carry it! What to do under such circumstances? For Ding Yu, it doesn't matter whether the four of them succeed or fail! But the face of the military will not be very good-looking then!So send them back first, so that they will not experience the storm! This has considerable benefits for everyone!

Through the storm, but also need to see the time, to see the timing, not to say any time can! Can you get considerable benefits? How can it be possible? If the timing is not appropriate, what is the final result? It's likely that it's gone, nothing left! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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