Dinner was not eaten on the farm or at home, or in an old restaurant!

"It's very skillful to order! Have you been here? "

When Ding Yu looked at the menu, Wang Xiaogang had already written about it! Ding Yu was stunned to see it! I really didn't think of it! He carefully chose this place, did not think Xiaogang is very familiar with this! Just look at the order! Definitely not the first time!

"Well! Yes, I also introduced these to my brother and sister. When they have free time, they will come here to eat. I think they will come here during the holiday, and then they will fly back to the capital together. If you eat in uncle's place, it's not interesting. It's better to find some more distinctive! Meaningful place

"It's beautiful to think about it!"

Next to the waiter looking at Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang two people, the heart is very strange! I can hear that they are Uncle nephew relationship, but the relationship should be very good. Moreover, the temperament of two people is very different!

It is not a small number of high-ranking officials who come to this hotel! There are grumpy, gentle and elegant, but in terms of temperament, there are really not many people can catch up with the two people in front of them!

From my own understanding, they have opened two boxes in total. There is no noise and no commotion. It is obvious that they come here to eat, and there is no other purpose! But if you think about it, it's just a hotel! Isn't it the place to eat?

There are so many things to order, but there is no drink. Even in the other room, there is no drink! Such a situation is too rare to see in northern cities! Even unimaginable!

At least in the impression of the waiter, such a thing is really too rare to see! Not a hundred tables can meet a table!

"Uncle, why don't you drink? I think my father will drink a little sometimes, but not so much at the same time?! Mom doesn't have too many opinions and thoughts about this, so she can murmur at most! "

"A lot of reasons!" Because there is nothing to do, Ding Yu is also happy to have a good communication with Wang Xiaogang at this time, "I am a doctor. Doctors can't take too much alcohol, which will have a considerable impact on their nerves. This is one aspect. Moreover, I am a warrior, a warrior? Blood gas excited too fast, very easy to get excited! And once people get excited, it's hard to keep calm! "

Wang Xiaogang's understanding of this is not so profound, "uncle, is drinking good or bad?"

"If you're an adult, a small amount of alcohol will do more harm than harm, but a lot of alcohol will do more harm than good! As for you children, the growth of body organs has not finished. If you drink alcohol now, the result will be a lifelong problem, and even if you want to correct it, you can't even correct it! This is the difference! "

"It's a little scary!" Wang Xiaogang said with lingering fear! "But uncle, why are so many people drinking?"

"There are many reasons, good and bad! For example, if we eat now, what you like to eat doesn't mean that other people also like to eat, but what's the reason why you think it's delicious? Is it because of the taste? Species? Or other reasons, no! Because those are objective, subjective reasons? Because you like it

This reason let Wang Xiaogang simply can't refute, directly a stick to be killed! Wang Xiaogang looks at his uncle with the eyes of resentment, but think carefully, it seems that there is no problem with this statement!

I just like it. I have nothing to do with others! But just because you like it doesn't mean others like it too! For example, I like to eat cherries, but my sister is not as loving as I thought! You don't know what the reason is!

"Uncle, will you go back on October 1st? Not a few days! "

"I'm afraid I can't go back! Just go back! Especially you, have been out for quite a long time! And it's quite far away from home. On this issue, I have some neglect, or deliberately do it, some of which deprive you of some personal feelings, and I don't know whether it's right or wrong! It's hard to say

"Uncle, I think it's very good here, at least very free, and I have my own good friends. Everything is perfect, whether it's life or study. As for the so-called little loneliness, I don't have much feeling. Don't you still have uncle? What's more, I can try to get in touch with my brother and sister! "

"Don't try to be nice! You are very sensible, this is a good thing, but some lost innocence, not so good! We adults! I hope you can grow up faster and be more sensible, but I don't want you to grow up and have more childlike innocence. Anyway, it's just a word, contradiction

It's a very good description. When Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang, and even Ding Yun and Ding Chang communicate with each other, they are basically regarded as their peers. It is not to say that they are regarded as children and all of them are children. It is easy for them to have dependent psychology and treat them as peers and have equal dialogue! Can better motivate them!But dinner! Wang Xiaogang did not eat much, which is also relative to Ding Yu's food intake! Wang Xiaogang doesn't think that he will defeat his uncle in this respect. This may happen in his lifetime? But not now!

After dinner, Ding Yu sent Wang Xiaogang home and then turned back to the farm. Some of them were in an orderly way and didn't see any disorder. However, for some forces, Ding Yu's actions are really suspicious, and no one can guess what Ding Yu is doing behind this?

However, we still know about Ding Yu's affairs in the military area command. But after knowing, there are some changes in our hearts. Why? I really have some worries. After all, that guy is Ding Yu!

This guy, to a certain extent, is a second Leng. If it is not because this time's thing is too special, no one really wants to provoke him? He doesn't develop his official career, and has no direct interest relationship with everyone. Under such circumstances, it's unwise to provoke Ding Yu!

And now what is the situation, we have known! Ding Yu went to the military area? I didn't hear that he had reached any so-called agreement with the military area command, but the problem is that Ding Yu went to the training ground? This makes people have quite a guess!

Why have you guessed about it? Is it difficult to say such things clearly? Who knows now Ding Yu is not angry? No guarantee! If Ding Yu is really acting, what will happen next? Will he be desperate?

After all, such a thing is not to say that we can not find the so-called precedent! We don't really don't know Ding Yu's temper. When he doesn't have any action, everyone is far away from him, for fear that there will be problems! Now when Ding Yu's attitude is revealed, who is not shivering? There are so many fears in my heart!

Ding Yu went to the training ground, does it mean that Ding Yu will have some action next, and after coming up is the big one? It's hard to say?! It is also true that there are so many bad to say!

The so-called fear of ten thousand, just in case, Ding Yu this guy is not reasonable? It's really reasonable! I'm not a prisoner if you don't attack me! But if people offend me, ha ha, so now some forces are worried!

There's no way to worry! If Ding Yu is really desperate, how will it end? He can definitely do such a thing, after all, it is not the first time! It's a total expert, OK?

When Su Yuan knew quite a bit of news, she was also surprised. Looking at her husband, she was silent. She carried water to her husband, Wang Changlin! "What do you think of it? Don't you feel like a problem? "

"What do you think?" Wang Changlin held up his own water cup and couldn't help laughing, "this thing! It's really the boss's style, you guys! There are so many too anxious! In other words, they! It's not just a guilty heart, it's a complete fluster! "

"What do you mean? Make it clear! "

"Who is the boss? It's cruel and ruthless. But if you look at it all over the place, it seems that there is no thread to follow. But in the end, you will find that he has a certain purpose in doing things. If he turns his face now, it will be too early! "

"Too early? So the boss did it on purpose? What is the purpose? In order to frighten some people, is this situation a little too much? And now this is the time to show? Is it a little early? "

"Early or not? I'm afraid that only the boss's heart is the most clear, others at most see a surface! Who is the boss? Will he fight for what's in front of him? From my personal point of view, there is a possibility in this respect, but this possibility is definitely not as large as imagined! "

"So what does he want to do? Layout? " Su Yuan is very confused!

"It's possible, and it's extremely possible. You don't know the boss's personality. He always does things in a marginal way, and his attitude towards doing things is different from others. If he wants to let people know, he will let people know. If he doesn't want to let others know, he will secretly block some information. It's very powerful!"

For example, is there any so-called news about the layout of the No.1 electronics industry so far? Not at all!

To know that such a large layout, there is no so-called message? What is the boss hiding in this? What's more, at the national level, what about this? May not know? Impossible, absolutely know! But it is also because of knowing, so deliberately pretend not to know!

The longer things are delayed, the better for the whole country! Now lay a good foundation, and this foundation is also calm, the better! Even if we pay something for it, we will not hesitate!

Take a look at the eldest son of his family. You should know that he has never been a willing bear! But now? What on earth has he endured for the sake of electronic layout? Other people are not clear, anyway, Wang Changlin has a considerable understanding of this, which pay ah! Still really is lets the human have so some heartache!However, this thing is known to you, but there is no meaning to reveal. Don't make such a joke! Even in Chenglin? I also have a lot of advice! This chess is very big! If it is really because of their own reasons, then regardless of whether they are the father of the boss, the end can be foreseen!

So now I'm pretending I don't know anything. I'm looking at the boss to do something! Don't say, so look down, but also found the boss many different places, if it is their own, at least at this age, is absolutely not show such calm! It's a little non-human!

"But is it really good for the boss to do this? Do you want us to do this? Anyway, the family now also has this aspect power! It's not that bad, don't you think? " The reason why Su Yuan said so was that he had his own consideration!

"You underestimate the boss too much! Some of them are too high for us Wang Changlin shook his head slightly. "This thing can't be done like this. The boss has his own arrangement. We don't have any action here. For him, it's the best!"

Su Yuan pondered over what her husband said and thought about it. It should be like this! The boss has a lot of ideas about what to do! As for discussing such matters with the family? Also basically did not happen! I really don't know where he comes from? Is it because he started from scratch?

It's not clear what's going on here. Anyway, Su Yuan doesn't have any opinions and ideas about it. It's impossible for him to communicate with the boss. He seems to have been avoiding such things all the time, and he doesn't know what he thinks? Is it possible to harm him in the family?

However, if you think about it yourself, if you really say it, you will break your face! There will be no chance to save! "Do you want to say hello to the merchant! It was caused by their family! Our family is a passive one! "

Wang Changlin waved his hand, "this is a bit too biased! Even some of them are not right! Is this really caused by businesses? Not necessarily. Maybe from my point of view, merchants! It's the kind of thing that's been dragged down. It's caused by our boss! "

"You old man, turn your elbow out!" Su Yuan expressed serious dissatisfaction with her husband's words!

"Ha ha, it seems that you have a clear understanding of this point. The matter is aimed at our eldest brother! The business side because of the business cloud, so contaminated! If it's not the boss of our family, people won't go to provoke the merchants? Don't they know the details of the business? Do you really think the merchants are made of noodles? "

"Oh! Just bullying our family, right? Should our family be bullied? What's the reason? "

"What do you think should be done when the boss's matter is placed on other people's bodies?" Wang Changlin slightly sighed, "fortunately, he has no intention of official career, so the pressure he is facing is relatively small. If he really has the mind in this aspect, I don't know how it is!"

In this regard, Wang Changlin performance is very positive, Su Yuan is dissatisfied with a white look!

"The previous matter has been investigated! The old Qian family seems to ignore this matter and don't know what they think? However, it is impossible to hide such a thing from everyone's eyes! Usually, the relationship is still very good, now come to such a hand? What do you think we are? "

Wang Changlin did not comment on this, because if the reason is really put to the point, it is worthless! If it were anyone else, it would be the same situation now! It won't make any difference!

"That's all! It's not as important as you think! As for how to deal with it in the future, it depends on the situation! The old Qian's family doesn't know what the situation is now! "

"I hear it's very unpleasant!" Su Yuan is a little happy about this. When she cheated them, she really had to do it! If not at that time, Wang Li reacted, the Wangs and businesses were all involved in it! Then what will happen, no one dare to do this prediction!

"That's all for Lao Qian! As for the boss? " Speaking of this, in fact, Wang Changlin also had some headaches. "Anyway, he didn't say anything. When he had time, he would make a phone call to ask the children when they would come back. It will be October 1 soon."

Su Yuan snorted, didn't he know this? Don't say, I miss my three children very much. The three of them have no conscience. They haven't come back since they went out, especially Ding Yun and Ding Chang. They even have a lot less contact!

When they come back, we must make up for them!

As for the boss? It doesn't matter whether he comes back or not! Come back if you want to! There will be no one to stop him. As for not wanting to come back, what can I do? Can you pull and drag? I can't do it!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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