After eating, Ding Yu went back to the office and didn't mean to have a rest immediately! Watching the situation on the screen, the sky has begun to dark down! It's already this month, the sun has set very early!

"Director? They don't have a lot of outstanding performances now! " Gu Zhuang, who had already come back, reported with Ding Yu that they were quite good, and they could complete the designated plan well

Ding Yu leaned over there, holding his chin with his own hand, showing a little lazy! This is slightly different from the ordinary Ding Yu. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu slowly said! "There is no time limit for them, but their pace is still in a hurry, but it is not disordered yet!"

"I can feel it, but the cooperation between them is very good! There are still rules and regulations! "

"Nothing else should happen tonight! I think about it. Should I give them a little surprise? " Holding his chin hand, is also some dishonest, tapping his cheek!

As for director Ding Yuding's attempt to destroy this matter, Guzhuang can't stop it. He wants to ask one or two questions, just don't know if Ding Yu will agree to come down! "Director Ding, add considerable difficulty to them. There is no problem with this, but how to test them is a difficult problem."

"This 200 kilometers is just an appetizer for them! Let them have a little activity, and when they arrive at the site, let them re select the launch site, and another 200 km, this time is a test! Give them a fair set of conditions, since they are the leaders, then they need to have a considerable commitment! That's the standard for selection, isn't it? "

Gu Zhuang felt that his forehead was bulging, not angry, but felt that Ding Yu, director of the University, was really so bad, or even cruel? Why? What is the so-called commitment? Does this need to be explained?

"Commissar, it seems that their consumption is a little high." After a period of time, Ding Yu said it was a surprise!

Guzhuang then nodded, "I don't have much experience. I think it's just a drill. There's no follow-up arrangement and plan! There is no food in the kennel! " When he finished speaking, he also sighed!

Did you perform well? It's just passing the customs! However, it can only be said that they are very good. I feel a little blush after listening to the words. It is not close to the distance and far is not as far as imagined, but it is also a kind of test!

"If you don't have anything to do at night, have a rest earlier! No one is going to catch them. As for their own vigilance? Ha ha Ding Yu didn't mean to aim at them. There was no need for this aspect!

"I'll just stare! Relatively speaking, they are all young students, and there must be some unsatisfactory performance. This is what needs to be found and corrected in the future! " For these students, Guzhuang performance is very dutiful!

Ding Yu didn't refute this, but he didn't take any tough measures, because there was no need. As for the seriousness of Guzhuang's political commissar, he still felt admiration. He really hoped that all these young people could be selected.

Standing on his shoulder, Ding Yu left the office. When he saw Ding Yu leave, Qu he, standing outside, followed Ding Yu's back. "When you're free, don't stand guard here! Look for those security guards and talk to each other! I'll get them to coordinate! You can't catch up with those sentinels when you're on guard. Even if you put on a pretence, you're far behind! "

"Yes! Director

Qu he can't laugh at this time, because he is not such a person! Moreover, according to Qu he's observation, the director doesn't like this. In the past few days, I haven't seen the director's face loosen. I really don't know how these people around the director bear it?

Look at their appearance, it seems that there is no sense of this aspect, but for themselves, it is really a little nervous! I don't know what the reason is!

In his own office, Ding Yu made a certain plan, and then watched a video for quite a long time. The plan is related to those students, but the video is about surgery. For Ding Yu, this is the best recreation, which can make him calm and calm down as soon as possible!

Isn't it a little weird? It doesn't matter. At least Ding Yu doesn't take it so seriously!

The next morning, when Qu he got up, he found that Ding Yu had already got up! He even began to exercise. Qu he sipped his mouth and didn't say much. His time to get up was earlier. But look at the director over there, it seems that the director has been up for a while!

Better than you, but also more efforts than you! It's true that people die more than people, goods are still better than goods! Fortunately, Qu he's mentality is still good, otherwise, if you really want to cover his face and leave, you can't afford to lose this person! Even if you are a little bit frail psychologically, you will die of shame at this time!"I said, ancient political commissar, look at your dark circles. You didn't have a good rest last night! We are not so desperate, at least now is still far from it! It's better to take it easy! "

"Not bad! Squint for a period of time, the performance of these guys is OK! There is no big problem! Everything was ok, so I took advantage of this time to have a rest! Enough! "

"Are they all resting? Can't you? "

Because it's on the way to the canteen, Ding Yu and Guzhuang communicate with each other without any obstacles!

"The longest rest was six hours, the shortest was two hours!"

Ding Yu sipped his mouth and snorted slightly! But that's it. There's no need to show too much at this time! What's more, he has not seen the specific situation, so it is extremely inappropriate to add any judgment!

Six hours of rest, right? It must be wrong to rest for two hours?

Things can never be seen like this! Too much stereotype! Ding Yu has already passed that age. Now Ding Yu can still look at some problems rationally! And no facts as a basis, arbitrary judgment, can only highlight their own shortcomings!

"No one left behind?" Ding Yu asked casually!

"It hasn't happened yet!" Ding Yu did not make any comments on the length of the break, and really let Guzhuang Gao have a look! Obviously, Ding Yu is also a practical school, not a theoretical school! Only the practical school can understand the implication? If possible, the theory will come out!

However, it is also necessary to mention that the so-called theoretical school or practical school is just a general term and does not have any practical significance!

From the perspective of theorists, there is almost no light and no guide at night! Rely on their own side of the road, just rest for two hours, it is not in line with common sense! It's better to have a few more hours to rest, so that we can have a better March tomorrow!

And from the perspective of the actual combat faction? At any time, we should adjust measures to local conditions. Living people can't let their urine suffocate, can they? Although the night black wind is high, but also depends on the specific situation, after all, in the previous time we were in different places, we all have a considerable map, according to the change of the situation, make a considerable decision! This is the basic quality of a commander!

Looking at Ding Yu from the perspective of Guzhuang, though young, is not as impulsive as imagined, but at the same time, it is quite flexible. It is not easy to combine each other! He can take up this position, absolutely not for nothing! The superior still has considerable consideration to this!

Breakfast is no different from last night's dinner. Ding Yu's meal is amazing, but we don't have any jealousy. Why? The reason is very simple, Ding Yu did not open a small stove, eat and drink with everyone is the same and equal! Just eat a little more! Is there a problem with this?

The food of the army is quite different from that of the past. At most, it is enough to eat! As for the others? Don't think about it! Condition not allowed! But now? At the same time, it also needs to ensure nutrition and value, which is also a reflection of the country's comprehensive national strength!

Do not underestimate this point, to know that this is related to the vast number of officers and men's jobs, do not properly solve these problems! There's going to be big trouble then! There is a saying that people are iron, rice is steel. If even this point can not be guaranteed, then how to ensure the combat effectiveness of officers and men?

"They've eaten them all in the morning? How are you eating? "

"Well! Not bad! There are no other problems! But some people's performance is very ordinary! Not able to eliminate and cover up in time, this is also a problem! The typical Gu tou ignores him! Obviously, they still lack considerable experience and experience in this respect! "

Ding Yu, sitting on the chair, looks at the contents of the video and records some contents in his notebook, but there is not much speech. Just look at the actual situation! As for the performance of those students, they are already on the screen! If there is something wrong, you can play it back there!

"Did someone get hurt?"

"It's ankle sprain! In the March last night, there were some people who were not very careful. He was in the front of the line, so it is inevitable to see such a situation again! " Guzhuang has a good understanding of the situation, so for Ding Yu asked about the situation, but also blurted out! "But the whole team didn't receive too much drag."

"It's a good team! I just don't know if it will still be good in the future? It's hard to say

What about Ding Yu? Guzhuang obviously felt the problems and the situation, but it was one thing, but how to mention it was another. And now he didn't want to disturb Ding Yu! It's going to be tricky then!"Ancient political commissar, do you have any other questions?"

"They're all moving a little faster! Can not maintain their physical strength, if continue to maintain the current situation, then the next turn back, for them, is not so simple a test! At that time, there will be quite a situation, and even a considerable Elimination! "

"Give me a chance, I need it!" Ding Yu suddenly let go of his mouth at this time!

But this release of Ding Yu made Guzhuang very suspicious. He never thought that director Ding Yu was a "good man". It was impossible for him to do anything. He hoped that director Ding would be merciful and his head would be flooded with water?

"Director! They are still too young after all! Without a detailed list of experience, relying on the accumulated experience, the role will never be as big as imagined! "

To a certain extent, this is already pleading! Ding Yu just squints his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked up, do not know what kind of intention, but it seems that the ingredients of bad ideas are more?!

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't have any words, Guzhuang didn't mention too many things. During the whole day, you can see these students marching! The speed is a little bit faster! But it's definitely not the kind of forced army!

If you want to know that if you force the army, it may cause permanent damage to these students. After all, the current training is also scientific, not a kind of nonsense! So you just need these students to keep a good speed! They don't need to keep the speed of the force. There's no need!

What's more, Ding Yu didn't give them any time limit at all, and even told them that they would encounter quite a lot. At that time, they would have a two-hour rest. Although these students still maintain considerable vigilance in their hearts, such vigilance will gradually relax as time goes on!

Keep vigilance all the time, which is impossible for students! It's not very realistic! After all, we are all human beings, not gods! To know that even machines can make mistakes, let alone people?

"Director, judging from the present situation, if you hurry up, you will arrive before 12 o'clock this evening. As for the slowest one, it will definitely arrive before six o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Since they are willing to take the lead, create a little obstacle for them, let people block them in the front position, and let them have a rest! Save too much work! They don't have much vigilance now! "

For Ding Yu's arrangement, Guzhuang completely implemented it thoroughly!

It can be said that the first team to arrive at the site was caught and then shut down for two hours!

It's because of Ding Yu's relationship. It's not so sure. It's about to arrive at the destination soon! So we also relaxed down, did not expect this time to be such a hand, there is no way to guard against it! So the result is not expected! Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't mean to be cruel!

Just shut them down for two hours! This also led to other teams basically catching up! Everyone's speed is almost the same! There are still some differences between each other!

"Give you six hours to rest!"

It is very simple, there is no other! All the trainees are looking at each other. The practice is over! But they didn't let them go back immediately. Obviously, the assessment is still in progress! Even the next assessment will be more cruel, just do not know what will be faced?

Six hours passed by in a flash, but at noon, we also made a good supplement, but we didn't have much time to change it again? How can it be? It's better to lie down and have a rest, or plan well! This is the most practical!

"It seems that everyone has a good rest! The second task, you several teams separate, from here, turn back to the delivery point, but the new lottery, and can't be the repeated one! That means you can't go back! This is the general arrangement! But this time add some other ingredients

The officer in charge is very serious, looking at the orderly officers below!

"The leaders of your team have been broken again. This time, new mechanisms have been added and new choices have been made. If there are problems and situations in the primary election in the process of marching forward, such as being ambushed, or stepping into traps, and so on! Leaders take the main responsibility! A team has two opportunities. Once more than two times, it will be eliminated from the leadership! "

After saying that, he looked at the crowd again, "what's puzzling? You can ask alone, and the team is isolated! Give you 10 minutes to choose your captain again! Then report to me! "

"What is it?"

The following players began to have some silly eyes, which kind of captain is responsible for! This will make a lot of people start to retreat! Previously, we didn't say there was no mistake, but the problem is that there is no time to correct yourself! Because there is not much time to react!Because everyone takes advantage of this time to rest! Only a very small number of people will discuss the gain and loss of this training. Judging from the current situation, there are so many troubles! And it's quite a problem!

Only 10 minutes of time, in 10 minutes time need to make a considerable decision, this is not an easy thing! What's more, it is also a psychological test for many players! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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