"Director, the reason for advancement has been blocked! Everyone is very attentive! It won't be a big problem! "

Besides listening, Ding Yu is telling himself a dog to play with!

Before having dinner, Ding Yu was walking around, and the dog ran to Ding Yu's side, and then did not leave! It makes Guzhuang feel very surprised! We should know that the management of the army is very strict, not to mention people! Even cats and dogs are the same! Where did the dog come from? It's too weird!

There are military dogs in the military area command, but the management of military dogs is more strict than that of people. You should know that military dogs also have military status, which is no different from soldiers. But now there is a dog, which is definitely an oversight and problem in management!

Ding Yu didn't say anything, but the face of Guzhuang was not good-looking, but it was unnecessary to get angry with Ding Yu! Because this has nothing to do with director Ding. He just brought a little dog here! What's more, he just happened by accident and didn't mean to break the rules! So we can't find Ding Yu's head!

The specific problem should still appear in the military region! This is a serious negligence in management, which can never be ignored! Therefore, in his spare time, Guzhuang also put forward severe criticism!

Ding Yu had a good time with this dog! But can see, this dog is not the best military dog seed! There is a considerable difference, because the family has a dog, whether it is a big bear, or a small lazy and so on! Although Ding Yu is not so concerned, but how much have so some understanding!

The selection of military regions started from a young age! If not qualified, it will be eliminated! And this little dog is obviously not suitable! But I don't know why I was brought here? There are so many who don't understand!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate! The process of things is how, for their own, is not so important! As for taking care of this little dog before, it is also a little fun for myself!

After hearing about this incident, the military region started the investigation at the first time. Director Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate, but the dog was there! And Guzhuang political commissar is very concerned about this matter. Although it is dark now, he wants to investigate this matter, which is only minutes!

"I said, director, the matter has been investigated clearly, you don't ask?"

As for Ding Yu, who is the shopkeeper, Guzhuang doesn't know what to say! At least give some reaction, don't put anything on the mind! Now I have so many troubles!

"Ancient political commissar, it is not so important to say that this matter is big or not. We still have so many things to deal with. Why should we care too much about such things?" Ding Yu seems to have some disapproval of it. "What's more, such a small thing also eases the tension."

Gu Zhuang felt speechless about this, "the doctor brought it here. The dog mother of the little guy is responsible for investigation and guard, but he has been in a mood for two days, so he also brought this little guy here! Can get very good relief, plus this little guy is a little weak, ready to send away! So there are some problems with management! "

Ding Yu grabs the dog's forelimb and plays with the dog up and down! However, it is obvious that the dog is not so fond of Ding Yu's action. If he stares at his little black eyes, he will cry twice! However, there is no forced struggle, because the taste on Ding Yu's body is still quite attractive to it!

It's not that Ding Yu has nothing to do here, but now all of a sudden there is such a little mischievous, which really makes the atmosphere slightly tense and gets quite relieved! In this case, then let it continue to stay here!

"Director, are you still interested in this?"

"I'm not the most interested one in my family. My father and mother are quite interested in it. In terms of family status, they are definitely above me. They have been with my father for many years! It's still hilarious now! As for the two children at home, let alone! They're already in groups! When I was just about to go to school, I took it with me

Gu Zhuang didn't know so much about Ding Yu's family, but it was unexpected to hear that the children at home loved dogs so much! Still so loving?

"Don't you like animals too much, chief?"

"It's not that they don't like it, but that the smell of animals is too sensitive!"

Ding Yu simply said a word, but Guzhuang immediately understood it. He also understood some of the situation of director Ding. It may be too exaggerated to say that he killed people like a dog! But it's definitely not bullshit, and animals are quite sharp! Especially for people like the director, I'm afraid they will be far away!

"There is one who is not afraid of death!" Gu Zhuang said sarcastically, because only a fool would be so close to director Ding! The smarter ones have already run as far as they can!"There's a guy in my family who never gives any face, even grinning at it when I'm not happy. I can't do anything about it. After all, there's a patron saint, and the whole family likes it very much! I have no idea

"It's not ordinary to be able to make the family like it so much!"

In fact, there are not too many things in the evening, as for those students? Now they are simply terrified. They don't need to do anything. They even need to fire a few flares, which is enough for them to drink. They don't need to chase. They themselves are like a fire on their buttocks! Running around!

Ding Yu has a rest. As for the little guy beside his feet, he is staggering to follow Ding Yu's side. Now he has recognized Ding Yu. As for other people, if you want to hold it up, it's absolutely a grinning one, so you can know my power! Oops!

Because Ding Yuding director did not mean to oppose, so other people did not want to go forward! Since the director is willing to follow, then follow! Anyway, this is also to be eliminated, and will not be registered as a military in the future! If director Ding really likes it, it's good to stay!

However, the next day, Ding Yu saw a big military dog standing in front of him, squatting there, looking straight at it. Ding Yu slightly waved his hand to the security behind him. There was no need to do so!

When the little dog saw his mother, he was barking and sucking! After running around his mother for two times, then he staggered to Ding Yu's foot position! It seems that there are some meaning of permanent residence!

Ding Yu and the military dog looked at each other, and then went to their own training place. The military area command followed by and watched Ding Yu exercise. There was no other action at all. As for the dog? There is no meaning to go forward, but encircling his mother, is not to roll in the body!

During this period, someone came over, but obviously the communication with the military dog was not so good. Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't have much antipathy about it! Having been waiting for Ding Yu to exercise, the dog trainer standing there saw Ding Yu and saluted him! "Report! Chief, I'm interrupting you

"What? It's disobedient? "

"These two were born sick! So a little bit emotional! But I don't think it's a big problem. It should be solved! "

Ding Yu took a look and touched the head of the military area command with his hand. It was a big one that frightened the dog trainer. Why? You should know that the military region is not a domestic dog, it is totally different! If a dog touches like this, it may cause problems, not to mention military dogs! Temper a little bit, may come up is a bite, and bite on the kind of not let go!

But what makes me weird is that there is no reaction! Touch two military dogs, Ding Yu is to take the dog in his hand! "All right! Take it back with you! Take two days off! There's no big problem! "

As for the dog in the hand, Ding Yu didn't mean to put it down! It's just like this. It's a rare scene. Why? You know, Ding Yu has always been a little clean, rarely do so, but now? I don't know if I'm really happy? Or what?

But before breakfast, Ding Yu prepared some food for the dog. It was his own kind of food. He didn't mean to borrow his hands! "Director, I'll take care of it." Qu he said in a low voice!

"No, this little guy is still very vigilant. It may be genetic. If you feed it, it will not be so easy if you adjust it in the future! At least not yet. Wait for it to grow for a while. "

"It doesn't feel like the local dog at home needs so much trouble!"

"It's not a property at all, OK?" Ding Yu is also a few can't laugh and cry, "but if you want to say he is a military dog, it's not so suitable. If it's right, it won't be here now! But its mother is good, I have seen it! Excellent! "

"Director, I used to have a dog to watch the door in my house, but then I rented out the land and put it on my mother's side! There is no way, the city is not allowed to have dogs, at least our home dog is not! There are clear provisions, we do not need to toss about such things, no fun! But I still think our country dog, the so-called local dog, is better. Although it looks a bit silly, it is our own breed after all

"You can think of it! The two children in the family like it very much. There are quite a few animals in the family. They also adopted giant panda and little panda and other animals. It's also very good! Look a little more loving! "

Is it good or not? Only they are most clear about it. Ding Yu is talking about it now! Arranged for the little guy, Ding Yu washed here, ate, and then went to the office here!

Guzhuang is already in it! Last night, he was fully responsible for it. All night, he didn't let these students rest. These guys were like rabbits. They were chased all over the mountain, and they still had no purpose!"Chief, the blockade has begun! But now there are two teams that have not yet appeared in the video, and there is no way to locate them, which is very strange! "

Ding Yu, who was sitting on the seat, snorted slightly, "what's so strange about this! If you want to hide the signal transmitter on your body, it is very easy, not as difficult as you imagine, especially for professionals! We can think of it, but they don't? And what happened last night? I'm afraid it has already touched some people! "

"Alert so fast? It's hard to imagine! "

"I'm afraid I'm out of the bag now?! Even if we want to stop them, there is nothing we can do Ding Yu is very indifferent to say! And listen to his voice, for this matter has self judgment!

Guzhuang is quite suspicious of this. Although he didn't stay here all night last night, he was the same kind. When pursuing, he not only followed closely, but also joined the army dogs to prevent other situations!

But from now on, it seems that there are still accidents, because two teams have never shown up! Look at the time on the watch. It's almost eight o'clock! Now the blockade is set up! Quite a number of students are blocked! The one that won't let you go!

If all the students were blocked, that would be nothing to say, but judging from the current situation, it is not like this at all! There are still people out there! Guzhuang felt uncomfortable about this, even under the heart is also so some cruel!

Who was it that escaped? Who is left behind? Why are there such problems and differences? What's the reason? We all study together, and we don't see what the situation is!

This is usually the case, but the question is, what about the battlefield? Is that what happened? It was so obvious! Guzhuang felt that his face was a little red. We should know that more than 90% of the students who were left behind were selected by themselves!

To a certain extent, the reason why the director's side of the people were left behind is that when they were grouped earlier, they moved a little hand and foot. They just don't want to let them all gather together. Otherwise, there will be a so-called total annihilation, which is hard to say and can't be guaranteed!

"Director, judging from the current situation, the performance is extremely ordinary! Their actual combat experience is not so rich, and they even fell behind last night

"Understandable!" Ding Yu is not so strict with their requirements! "You know, many of them are newborn calves! Even just entered school! Under such circumstances, what kind of performance should they have? Appropriate relaxation, can not let them are always tight! In that case, it's easy to break! Their affordability has not been much higher, at least in today's situation! "

Guzhuang pursed his mouth, a little hard, this is not intentional? If we only look at the people selected by the director, they do not have such affordability? Are you kidding? These are for them, pediatrics! Even they can play with flowers! Last night's action speaks for itself!

Quite a number of students were arrested because they went out of the house and were frightened last night. In this case, they could not be themselves at all. They were led by the nose on the battlefield! It's just that they haven't felt it yet!

As for when to wake up? It should be around noon! Then they will understand! The previous ones were just a test of them! So that they can quickly enter into the role, not to be confused, do not know what they should do?

And those who escaped? What are they going to do now? On this issue? It's hard for Guzhuang to make too many comments? What are you talking about? Not enough shame! It is true that they are their own students, but these students are selected by director Ding? The relationship with oneself is not so big!

What's more, four hours! You know, on the battlefield, sometimes every minute and second will play a crucial role, but now it has been dragged for four hours! what did you say? What should be said?

Ding Yu is staring at the screen. Although the monitoring on the screen can not clearly show everything, it can still explore some problems and conditions. What's more, everyone has carried monitoring facilities. After all, it is necessary to understand their health and other conditions to avoid other accidents!

"Director, they show up!"

Looking at the display on the screen, Ding Yu said, "these guys really have some mangy dogs! It's already at this time, and there are other ghost ideas? What's the matter? You want to be wiped out? "

"Their distribution is very interesting. Some people are responsible for moving forward and others are responsible for supporting. But there are still others who are deliberately provocative? They did it on purpose"Well! Send a signal to the guys in there! This is also the current situation, can do a few things! From that direction? This is nothing to do, anyway, they have done everything! There are really some people who underestimate these guys. Their courage is not ordinary! "

"Director, what do you think about it?"

Guzhuang really doesn't understand. There is no display on the monitoring. In such a case, there is still a considerable interval between them. How do they communicate with each other? Is there any other saying in this? I didn't hear about it!

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