"Report!" Pepper a face stubborn into the office! Then they saluted Ding Yu and Guzhuang!

Ding Yu is indifferent to the fight! It doesn't matter, pepper's heart is quite impacted, need to vent in a certain way! Although the way to fight is not the best! But it's the fastest! And it's the most effective! Such a problem is not without experience! It's normal!

Gu Zhuang looks at Ding Yu. The director's appearance has already explained quite a problem. He doesn't mean to put this matter in his mind at all! But the director does not care, does not mean that he does not pay attention to! I am a political commissar!

Gu Zhuang criticized and educated him for quite a long time. Ding Yu looked at the files and didn't have much expression at all, while Xiaojiao put considerable attention on Ding Yu's body! The chief did not have much contact with himself, but he did not know why. His feelings were very different!

If it is from the appearance of words, the age is not as old as imagined! Mature! Handsome, quite has the connotation and the depth! The more you look at it, the more you feel! I don't know what's attracting me!

What's more, the dress on the body is very decent! It's a military uniform without a mark. It's a regular uniform! But I feel that this is a custom-made uniform for the chief executive. It's too long! One minute too thin! However, hearing the commissar's cough, little pepper is to quickly convergence of their eyes, pay attention to listen to the political commissar's instructions!

"I heard you were shaking your hands when you shot? Is that the case? "

Ding Yu asked abruptly! Come too suddenly, even the small pepper did not have too much reaction!

"Report! I'm "report! I will finish my homework in the shortest time

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, but the ancient village beside him was the same. He didn't see that the pepper was still so cunning! The so-called shortest time? What is the shortest time? This shortest time is for small peppers? Or for everyone? It's not so rigorous at all!

But since capsicum said so! Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate! "Previously, the three of you fought and achieved considerable results. In this case, I'll give you some seasoning to make your performance more perfect! Save your breath in your heart

"Report! Three of us Looking at Ding Yu, the little pepper obviously realized that there must be something wrong with it! But from the director's face did not see any situation, this is very suspect!

"Not everyone has seen your performance before! How do you look? Still really let people have so some expectations, in this case, then a good show! Let everyone have a good taste, but in view of your particularity, so we have selected different opponents for you! It's all in groups of three! Go and get ready

"Yes Pepper is very suspicious! Look at this meaning, I really want to teach myself! And it should be a way to fight each other, huh! Look down on yourself! How about then? Don't you know yet?


In the small pepper brought back the news, many students are also talking! Guo Kai is slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, if it is really like this, small pepper can be really miserable! The director will never let them be too easy!

Don't look at the small pepper now does not care, after she really contacted, will know exactly is how a matter! When the time comes, we can't live or die. I'm afraid it's all light! Who is the director? Although I know is not so clear, but the relevant information or received some!

"Zhang Piao, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhang Piao slightly shook his head at Wudong, "you have not participated in the original action! What level of security is, you and I are very clear, so many years have passed! I think of it now, still feel incredible! As for the pepper, the three of them are rookies! Not even a rookie! "

Is not Zhang Piao really gone? Compared with ordinary soldiers, chili peppers are OK, but relative to Zhang Piao and Wudong, there are so many not worth mentioning! Pour is not as to not put in the eye, but believe Zhang Piao and Wu Dong hand, won't imagine the middle of so difficult!

Under such circumstances, you still want to fight against those security guards. Are you really satisfied? Or what? Think you can do it? So no matter Zhang Piao or Wu Dong, they have their own views and opinions on this! But it is not expressed!

"So the director did it on purpose! Their previous fights, the so-called detention, and the writing of reports were just punishment on the surface! Now we need to give them some color to have a look. They don't know what the sky is like! "

"Absolutely! The director didn't say anything about protecting the calf! But a fight? There is something wrong with it! In the past, there was no punishment. That was the reason for other aspects. Now things have stopped? Ha ha

Soon! The team of three is ready! Look at the costumes on them! Ding Yu didn't say anything, but Zhang Piao and Wu Dong shook their heads! It's a little too heavy!The security team on the side of the security team is randomly selected three people, the site of the two sides fighting is not much, it is three houses with an angle! As for weapons? It doesn't matter if you can carry it! It doesn't matter!

"Sudden death!" Standing on the side of the observation of people, worried to say!

Because the environment is too narrow! In such an environment, both sides are three people, if encounter! Then there will never be any so-called escape, direct death of that kind! Both sides of the fight will be very fast! Even too late to do too much response, this for the personal quality requirements are very high, at the same time for the overall cooperation, is also very high requirements!

"Pepper, their weapons and equipment are too heavy! What's more, their combination is not as good as expected! This is a considerable defect, and it is difficult to make up for it! "

And the process of the war did not surprise everyone. The three people on the security side took advantage of their own advantages and quickly interposed, so that they could only defend passively and have no time to do other responses! Soon they were compressed into a corner!

Before other reactions, two offensive grenades were thrown in! If it was a real grenade, the three of them would have died! It's not possible that there is no corpse. After all, the explosion power of grenades is not so great! Hand grenades mainly rely on shrapnel damage! But the possibility of survival is almost impossible! That's for sure!

In the second game, pepper obviously learned the lesson from the last time. The weapons and equipment they carried were too heavy for them to walk when they were doing movements! Because it's just three houses! The distance between each other is too close!

But in the second inning, they were still in a situation of being hanged and beaten. They had two heavy firearms, and they didn't give them any chance at all! Press it! Then two grenades are thrown into the room. If you go out, there will be heavy fire outside to block the doors and windows. If you don't rush out, the grenades will make people want to live and die!

The two confrontations are the one that is suppressed. Whether it is heavy weapons or light equipment, it is the one that is pressed and hit. There is no force to fight back! It's not that you don't want to resist, it's that you can't resist at all! The gap of actual combat experience is too big!

"Wu Dong, what do you think?" Zhang Piao's face is also a little embarrassed, but did not ask Guo Kai, but asked the side of Wu Dong, after all, he is more familiar with this! Know more!

"It's not a level at all. There's no coordination here! The familiarity with weapons and equipment is not enough! What's more, they can't communicate well at all! A lot of problems are fused together, destined to be the role of being abused! There won't be any changes! "

"What if we go?" Guo Kai asked subconsciously!

"Hard to say! However, as far as the present situation shows, there is no problem in formulating a considerable plan. However, if we want to implement all the plans, it is difficult for us to do so, at least we can't do it! " Wu Dong frowned and said! "To see their cooperation, they don't even need words. It's just an action, even a look!"

"Can it be understood that they are interlinked?"

"It's not about this, I think it's about other things! Remember what we're talking about now? The weapons above are all modular! Take the plug and play one! I think they belong to the same situation! They are all universal, and they are plug and play, so there is no difference between them at all! "

"This NIMA is a little bit terrible!" Zhang Piao is a burst of rude words! "When can people be modular? Is this still human? Is that what the machine is like? "

"You can't say that!" Wu Dong shook his head and said in a low voice, "although you may not see too much, there are still differences in reality, just like our team! The fundamental things remain unchanged, but due to some reasons, it is difficult to achieve complete unity! But when it comes to Military Boxing and other things, these are all unified, and there are no other changes! "

"But even so, these security guards are terrible enough. If they go to the battlefield, it will be very difficult for them to be their opponents. Especially in urban operations, they are just like immortals, and they can maneuver freely and arrogantly."

"I heard they came back and forth with the troops from the military area command." Wu Dong's news is very smart!

"What you haven't seen is that you have taken out the so-called ability. No one will reveal his or her family background. There must be some things that have not been revealed, but even those things that have been revealed are enough for everyone to drink! At least now the small pepper they, or the difference is too far! You can't see your back at all! "

"How many rounds has this been? Now pepper, they don't have any tactics at all! Both mentally and physically, they are overdrawn! "From the time up, it is really very short, but things can not be seen so quickly! Pepper, they need in this extremely short period of time, to maximize the use of their physical skills, at the same time, do not listen to the operation of their head, to know that if ordinary people like this, maybe five minutes time, will faint on the ground!

When they stopped, some people also gave pepper some drinks, special drinks, not just water! If it's water, the three of them can't make up too much for the pepper!

"Give you an hour off!" Solemn face! Immediately also looked at other players! "So do you, and write your report on the whole operation! I need to see the full report! "

After all the students left, Guzhuang looked at Ding Yu!

"Is it a little too cruel, chief?" Guzhuang has some intolerance, because he can obviously feel the pepper. Their mental state is not right. If they go down, they will collapse directly! Nosebleed has already explained quite a problem!

"It's OK. I can barely pass it!" Ding Yu didn't care, "if you don't give them a little pressure, they won't feel the gap. What's more, this time it's the three of them who made trouble first. If you don't give them a lesson in this respect, how can the military area command be satisfied? We're all on their turf! "

"But the three of them are still too young! It's easy to let them sink in such a blow! I'm afraid it's going to be hard to end it! "

"If it doesn't end, then where can we go back there, for the sake of the three of them? The price I paid is not small. They are not suitable to stay. This reason is not in my body. It is not that I did not give them any opportunities, but they did not cherish this opportunity! "

Ding Yu is not the one who cares about the little pepper at all. He doesn't care what kind of girl you are, no matter what kind of beauty you are? Does it have anything to do with me? If it's right, you'll stay. If it's not right, get out of here quickly. There's no need for waste here!

In the face of Ding Yu's overbearing attitude, it's hard for Guzhuang to say anything. After all, people are arranged by themselves, and the director doesn't have much objection. Now that some means are imposed, it can't be said that the director just hates them and has absolutely no relationship with this. Guzhuang can see clearly and clearly about this!

"I'll go and see them! Listen to the doctor, their condition is not so good! Don't leave any sequelae behind! "

"No problem! At most, I think a little bit too much! The spirit is a little vague, if even this can not break through, then they are really useless garbage, it is better to quickly discard! Save everyone's time and energy! I am a doctor Ding Yu finally added a word!

This is really what makes Gu Zhuang's eyes blue and angry. Of course, I know that director Ding Yu is a doctor, but you don't have to repeat it? What do you mean?

But it's really not necessary to get angry with director Ding! It doesn't mean anything! Director Ding must have a good control. He feels angry because the director is always shaking on the edge of ambiguity. If he is a little careless, he will cross the line. If no one warns him, he will take a crazy risk! There is no intention of stopping!

Guzhuang has some doubts. If he is not here, maybe the director won't stop until they faint! Such a stress test is a good thing, there is no fake, but if it is too much, it is not a good thing! isn't it?

But on this issue, I really can't too much to express what? In any case, until now the position, there have been no other problems and conditions, director Ding is so strict, but it is not to say that there is no bottom line at all! I'm afraid this is one of the few places worthy of praise!

Of course, there are some joking meanings in this one! It seems that it is not the case to say that director Ding acted recklessly. It is just that director Ding's expression of some issues is slightly special!

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