A so-called unworthy, once again has already stopped the small pepper to anger!

What do you mean? What is unnecessary! What is "nothing is worthless"? What's the matter with you? For the bad looking pepper, Wudong just took a look at it at most, nodded to Guo Kai, and then left! It doesn't mean to stay at all! I don't mean to apologize!

The hidden meaning in this is very simple! For the small pepper is not on top of the heart! At least now the small pepper is not as good as eye!

And Guo Kai is sorting out the documents in his hands!

"The ancient political commissar should be back soon! Whether it's a cover up? Or to say, out of concern for you, I think it's necessary to tell you something practical. It's good to listen to it. If you can't hear it, it's like I'm farting. I've got a lot of patience about what I call things! After all, it's for your own good

"Let the two of them come back and apologize?! What do you mean I don't have to, what do you mean I'm not worth it? What do you mean

"The so-called unnecessary and unworthy, the meaning of this discourse is very easy to understand!" Guo Kai does not have any angry and angry meaning, is very insipid in comforting the small pepper, but more like arch fire! "Your performance determines that we have some other opinions about you! It's just that we won't show them to the public! It's so simple! "

"Why are you? What am I in your way? "

When he said this, Su Yang obviously appeared to have some lack of confidence! Why do people do it? Do you need more words? The problems and the situation in this can't be clearer! Their performance is enough to explain all the problems!

That is because of this, when these guys look at themselves, they don't have any contempt, but there is a look inside the eyes! Make Su Yang very crazy! Even can not own!

"If you stay, it will be a great drag on us. I think that's enough! But this is not the most important point, the important thing is that you never realize your own problems! On this issue, we feel that it is not necessary to stretch out your hand and give you a hand. Do you still need me to explain it more clearly? "

"Why am I inferior to you?! Didn't you just come for a while? What's the big deal! If it wasn't because the door came a little late, we would never have lost to you! "

"I'll tell you something about you! This refers to you, why you lost to us! You know, no matter reading! Or training, or other aspects, are quite skilled! Effort and direction are equally important! Each other is like a person's two legs! not a single one can be omitted! But from the beginning to the end, I just saw you walking along the same road. Even if it is a road, you can't walk too fast, and you can't jump too far! And it is extremely easy to be tired, and the final result is to be pulled down more and more far, which is simply the rhythm that can't catch up with! "

Su Yang was silent for some time. "I admit that there are some problems in this aspect, but there are too many lessons! We came so late, and the training here is very strict, so I didn't have a good balance! "

"Wow? It's really amazing! You can realize your mistakes! It's really hard to imagine that this word should come out of your mouth! " Looking up and down at the pepper, Guo Kai couldn't help nodding, "the head is not completely paste, for this point, OK, at least to add some luster to your body, good-looking face is very important, but in the army, never look at the face!"

Su Yang, who had already calmed down, the blue veins on his head collapsed again!

"Guo Kai, I'm beautiful. What's wrong? What's in your way? Just like you, in my mother's back a two regiment, I will not seriously look at it

"Too much self righteous! You think you are very beautiful, that is just your personal feelings! There are many beautiful points, do you? That is to say, the face is more beautiful, and you have a family background, so it seems a little different! But that's all! The connotation of itself is still a lot worse! "

Since finding Su Yang's weakness, Guo Kai has to crack down on it from time to time. However, it has not made Su Yang completely damaged, but it is already riddled with holes! Even do not need Guo Kai's own hands, now Su Yang has been unable to control himself! As long as Guo Kai's words are a little heavy, she will be furious!

"You never realized your own problems, or you did! But you deliberately avoided it! Because this is your shortcoming. How can a person who pursues the so-called perfection have such shortcomings and black spots? "

"I'm not as unbearable as you think. I can accept the criticism of others, and I can also modestly correct it!"

"Can you? I didn't see it anyway! Anyway, I just saw a proud peacock. Some people said that the feather falling Phoenix is not as good as the chicken! This statement is biased, but I think it is the best description for you. I don't know if you are looking at yourself from another angle. How can you describe your current situation? ""Guo Kai, have you ever looked at yourself from other angles?"

"Yes, but I don't stand high enough, so the problems I can see are not so comprehensive and direct, so I often reflect on my own! However, I have never seen this aspect of introspection in your body during such a day! What a pity

"I don't believe each of you can do that?"

"Who do you mean by everyone? I? Zhang Piao! Wudong? Or Rosie, or Xie Yuan and so on! You don't have much contact with us. How do you know that? " Speaking of this, Guo Kai obviously thought of something, "no, you can't say that you haven't contacted, Roxie should have taken care of you! But obviously? Ha ha

The meaning of the words can't be more simple! Roxie has had a lot of contact with chili! But after two missions, I heard nothing more! This is quite a strange thing in itself!

It is impossible for Roxie not to understand the task mentioned above, but under such circumstances, she still ignored it. There must be some reasons. However, no one knows what it involves. Roxie has never mentioned it, and it seems that little pepper has not felt this way!

Now Guo Kai suddenly mentioned this matter, the small pepper is also can't help but stupefied, can't be oneself from the beginning, have been rejected by all of them? Is it because of their own special relationship?

"Why does this happen? It's because we're here for a special reason."

"I don't know you're really stupid? Or deliberately in the fool, I have said! People need to know their own shortcomings, but the problem is that you can't see your own shortcomings. Even under the guidance of others, you are still indifferent. We are not your parents, nor your brothers and sisters. We can help you, but this is not the thing that should be divided! "

"So the reason is still in our own body, but why not get the explicit explanation?"

For Su Yang's question, Guo Kai yawned, "on the surface? It seems that you are really simple to a certain extent! Why should we bring up the problem in the face? You are a fool, does not mean that other people are also the same fool, what's more, you have blocked the pace of everyone's progress, did not give you a direct kick to fly, you should be satisfied! I don't know where you come from? How can you say such a thing

"I'm not in your way? This is a frame up

"Do you think that's unreasonable?" Guo Kai ha ha ha smile! "There are people from all over the world, no one wants to leave! Except for you, other people want to stay, what it means to stay, everyone's heart is the same clear! Of course, you may not know that you actively want to let, it can be said that you have noble character, can be said that you are fearless! It's OK. I'll say whatever you want to hear! "

"Guo Kai, I found that you are not generally shameless!"

"The things that don't matter, they all come from your mouth! It doesn't matter who is listening to it! It's all other people's business to evaluate. I didn't ask to be an immortal. What's more, even the director, not everyone likes it, and the king of hell doesn't like it too much! "

"The director's side is not a rice bowl. When we mice come in, we can eat what we want? For what? Is the director your father and mother? Even if it's my father and mother, you can't lie on your body and suck blood like this? At least I personally still want to face that kind! I think this is my personal belief! "

Su Yang grabs the railing with both hands and looks at Guo Kai! I really want to rush out and swallow this guy! He's sitting there gossiping! I am really weak now, but if I can, I will never let him get better! Originally, I wanted to make him half dead. Now? Just let him finish it!

When Guzhuang came back, his look was not so good-looking. The superior leaders attached great importance to this matter and put forward some opinions and opinions, but the director was not here! Director Ding Yuzhuang has no way to communicate with him! In this case, let's take a look at the pepper?

"What's going on inside?"

Looking at the two people standing guard at the door, Guzhuang asked in a low voice!

"It's not so good. Little pepper is still stubborn, but it has been beaten to pieces by Guo Kai at this time! If you give pepper a gun now, I believe Guo Kai's body is absolutely full of holes! "

Guzhuang was frowning again, which was different from what he had imagined! "Video records?"

"Commissar, we are not so clear about this situation!" Just kidding! Even if it is clear, it will pretend that it is not clear! After all, the person inside is Guo Kai, and also involves the small pepper, not so good!Guzhuang is very clear about the way of its entrance, but it doesn't mean that Guzhuang needs to point out all the problems in it! Something you don't need at all! And I also believe that they will not make any so-called moth out! After all, they are all selected by the director!

Even if you don't have confidence in them, don't you have confidence in the director? The director just gave up? Look at the surface situation, is angry unbearable, but the actual situation? Because of the impatience of this situation, I went home to see the children directly!

If it wasn't for the baby coming back! Will the director go straight back? I'm afraid it's all about two things! To a certain extent, it also shows! The director did not put this matter in his mind at all! In this case, how to deal with the things and problems in this, there is no need to be so serious!

This is also the reason why I brought Guo Kai and them over. I can obviously feel the problems and conditions. I hope that pepper can be a little sober. But judging from the current situation, it seems that my efforts are a little wasted!

Small pepper distance Guo Kai is really so some difference! But Guo Kai has not been personally taught by director Ding, he has already revealed that he is so extraordinary. Everyone is in the same pot! Why some are still stiff, but some are already ripe that kind! Why is there such a deviation?

Guo Kai, they don't mean to hide anything, they have already said what should be said! What should be done has already been done! But why? Is it really a matter of talent! Some people are not suitable for director Ding's way? But even so, you don't have to learn anything! Right?

Follow the cat and draw the tiger, such things will always be! Now the Guzhuang has no other requirements, but even if it is such a small requirement, in view of now, it has not reached! Take a look at the pepper inside, she did not fully realize her fault! There are even some meaning of shirking!

Would it be better if the director had come in person, but since the pepper came, the director simply ignored it! There is no meaning in this aspect at all!

But it's normal to think about it, because Guo Kai and other people? They are all selected by the director himself, but the director also does not have any attention? But on second thought, things do not seem to be able to look at like this! You know, they are basically in contact with the director!

In other words, to a certain extent, they were all infected by Ding Yu! And the follow-up above, the director seems to have spared no effort in teaching them! At least in the direction, director Ding Yu dare to say that he really did not do anything?

This matter can be concealed from other people's eyes, but absolutely can't hide from Gu Zhuang's eyes. Of course, this is also related to the director's no concealment. If the director really conceals anything, I believe he will not easily know it!

But this seems to be the director's style! You don't fear that you know, you know? What can we do?

In the view of Guzhuang, this is a special place for directors! Can you see? It's easy to say, if you really look down on it, eh? What's more, pepper has no self-knowledge now!

If she did not wake up all the time, then the significance of leaving her to Qiang would be gone!

Because at that time, it's just a kind of idleness. It's hard to draw bones by drawing tiger skin! It's not that I haven't learned anything, but I'm not satisfied with a bottle of water! Half a bottle of water! It's really bad!

What's more, this matter must be completely solved before the director comes back! If the matter of little pepper has not been solved before the director comes back, then little pepper will have no chance at all!

The nature of the director? Other people don't know, is it difficult for them to know? To be sure, the director is retired now! But it doesn't mean that the director is really a soft persimmon. If he is really cruel, what are you? I'll kick it out for you! What can you do?

If you can't, come here and break your wrists. If you can take them for me! I have nothing to say!

"What are Guo Kai's opinions and views on this matter?"

"Guo Kai wants to wake him up, but some of them are so stubborn! You can't get out of the ox horn tip! So Guo Kai also took some other ways! I don't know if it's effective, but they have a date! It's going to be a fight! "

"A fight? Guo Kai has a fight with pepper Gu Zhuang's face was also heavy, "isn't this a joke? Who decided? "

"Two people casually mentioned, Guo Kai did not mean to refuse! However, for the current state of pepper, it is basically impossible to take Guo Kai down. Unless Guo Kai is really arrogant, otherwise, there will be no chance for little pepper! What's more, even at the very beginning, little pepper is really Guo Kai's opponent

Looking at the two people nodding, Guzhuang's heart is also sitting quite a judgment!Things can not be judged from a single point of view, it must have a considerable overall situation!

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