Ding Yu is not just preaching! Thank you very much for these children! At the same time, I also expressed my blessing to them with a certain tone, not to mention, the children of this age are very excited and excited!

After all, they know something about Ding Yu's identity! I didn't expect uncle Ding to look like this! It was totally out of their expectation and imagination! It's not that you're standing tall in the imagination. Your face is serious and frightening to death! On the contrary, it is very peaceful! Even let people have a little intimate feeling!

"Uncle Ding, can we come and play in the future?"

A child is very bold to say! But this word also let other children's eyes are placed on Ding Yu's body, but some people also feel that this talk is a little too much!

"Ha ha! So you still have such worries? " Ding Yu's indifferent smile, "you can come over, I'm naturally happy! Next week! Come here together, but it's not just for fun. It's just that there's still some land on the farm that hasn't been harvested! If you are interested in it, go and understand the work! "

"Dad? Are we all together? "

Ding Yu looks around these children, at least for himself, they should be regarded as children!

"You think it's hard work. I think many of you have never experienced what it's like to work in the farmland. So whether it's to broaden your horizons or experience the labor, I hope you can feel it personally! Because in this way, you always know something about it, not just through the so-called preaching, because those are too abstract! "

"Uncle Ding, my study is not very good? Will it have an impact? "

Looking at the boy who was talking, Ding Yu laughed and said, "what's wrong with learning? To a certain extent, it determines quite a lot of things! I think you all have quite a feeling, don't you? "

"Just sit down! This is not a classroom, I am not a teacher, at most a doctor! It doesn't need to be so serious! Originally, I didn't want to mention anything about learning, because the topic was too redundant and serious, which was not conducive to our relationship. It seemed that I was so harsh

"Uncle Ding, you are the best uncle we have ever met!"

"Is learning important? In modern society, at least at your age, it is very important! Because study can let you have the right to choose! At least many of you need to work hard for it! You must strive for, has a choice right! Instead of passively accepting it! "

"Uncle Ding, what you want to express is that if I get the first place in the exam, then I will deliberately buy a real-life ratio of transformers model!" The little guy is very excited!

"Will you stop joking?" Ding Yu is fierce to a heavy blow, "that thing actual proportion is too big! You're kidding! At that time, I was very interested in it. Since the first generation, I have always been interested in it. Although I can't write down all kinds of things, there is absolutely no problem in saying one or two of them! I still have the toys of 30 years ago, which have been sealed up by me! It's not worth much, but it's worth remembering! "

Wow, everyone was shouting. Ding Yu even deliberately took out his mobile phone and transferred the model out. He was very elated, "see? The collection 30 years ago, go back and ask your parents, they should also have their own collection. This one is very meaningful, because I won the first prize at the beginning. What is the first prize? I really have so many can not remember clearly! It's like math! I bought it at home! "

"Uncle Ding, you have been learning very well since you were a child."

Speaking children, it seems that Ding Yun and Ding Chang are still some shorter! And there are so many black and thin, but Ding Yu carefully observed, the body should not have too big a problem, at least his side is not seen out!

"I've got a little bit of success! It's not that I said hard work today, and my grades will improve tomorrow! I think you should all have been on the net now. Don't just focus on playing games. If it's Saturday or Sunday, it's good to play two games! But how to control the time? Don't indulge in it! "

"Uncle Ding, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, do they play games?"

"Play!" Ding Yu's answer was very casual, "even some games, I have not heard much, good guy, playing that is called a flower, but I basically do not interfere, because they can do self-control, in this question, I think a large part of your students, did not do this, after playing addicted to ignore it! Even began to learn to fight guerrillas!

This is not bullshit, but fact! Because that's what I did! But I hope you have a good idea! What does the so-called self-control mean? It means that you begin to learn to contact the world, understand the world, and then face the world"Where does the so-called non-control manifest itself? Hold the game machine in your hand, just like you have a submachine gun! If you don't know who will pull the trigger! To know that people can not be reborn after death, and some mistakes, once committed! It's hard to change it! "

Don't say, Ding Yu's words let the children around them fall into a little thinking!

"But relatively speaking, you still have a lot of time! At your age, don't put all your energy into learning. It's impossible. Even Ding Yun and Ding Chang can't do it! And completely become a nerd, not much meaning, lost too much fun! At your age, in the words of me, it is to keep a happy attitude and keep healthy and upward! "

"Uncle Ding, we have to laugh more every day, don't we?"

"Nonsense, you call that silly music!" Ding Yu's words also caused a burst of laughter from all the people. The children who spoke, however, did not want to touch their own heads and laugh. The children's happiness is so simple!

"Jokingly, keeping a healthy and upward attitude has nothing to do with family and learning. It's just a kind of adjustment of mentality. Whether it's now or after others grow up, we'll find that it's a very good thing. At least we spent a happy middle school age, not a sad face!"

"Yun Yun, is your father so nice?" The little girl sitting next to Ding Yun looks like a doll. She looks at Ding Yu with envy. She doesn't look like her father. Her face is full of serious expressions. From morning till night, her face is black!

"Wow! Don't let my father fool you! Sometimes it's very dark. It makes me and Ding Chang miserable! " Ding Yun is naturally very proud, but also won't take this as a thing, "but most of the time, it's very fun, and it won't give us any pressure, just let us grow happily!"

Ding Yun is not a child. When she is in Beijing or abroad, she can hardly find out the situation of her classmates' home. Everyone's private life is caused by a state of confidentiality and environment! China can be a little better, but it is also very limited.

When I got back to my hometown, the situation was a little different! For students in the home, they know a lot more, many students can not be like themselves and Ding Chang two people! So free.

It's like this weekend, there are still quite a number of students who have not been able to come over. For them, the family will not allow them to stay outside, even if it is a collective activity! As for the reason is also very simple, the child has never stayed alone outside, once there is a problem, what to do? Who is in charge?

For this point, Ding Yun feels particularly unable to understand! You should know that you and Ding Chang are the youngest, OK? What's more, they are all in junior high school now! I'm starting to learn to be independent! Junior high school is not independent, and high school is not independent. After going to college, I suddenly become independent?

Pampering is one thing, but training is another! At home, all the people will pamper themselves and Ding Chang, but whether it is grandfather and grandmother, or father and mother, they have not given up on their own and Ding Chang two people training! Even in terms of training, they are not sparing no effort to create considerable opportunities for them!

But other people's parents are not qualified! Incompetent! It seems to be wrong!

It can only be said that their understanding is very different, so there are great differences in some things. As for which one is better, which is worse? It needs to be discussed! It can only be said like this!

Such a thing is no one else can interfere with, can manage their own affairs is quite disagreeable! Do you really feel that you don't have enough pickles in your home to take care of other people's affairs?

"Are you all in junior high school? Have you set a so-called goal for yourself, no matter whether the goal is ambitious or in front of you! All need to make a certain outline for themselves! Your name is Xiao chenguo! Tell me about it! "

"I want to be admitted to the key high school here, and then I want to be admitted to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics! It's impossible to be an astronaut! But I want to have a close look at the space shuttle! It must be interesting! "

Ding Yu clapped his hands slightly and encouraged him, "it's a good goal! It is also a goal worth fighting for! Since so many students are here! I also give you a small gift, in the future when you are admitted to our key high school, did not say! I invite you to have a close look at the space shuttle and have a good experience of our great power

Oh is a voice, Xiao chenguo directly hugged his side Ding Yu, Ding Yu patted his head! It's a little bit big at the end! What if you don't take a picture of him? But Xiao chenguo has no such feeling at all! Is excited, just want to jump! Just happy!"Xiao Chengguo's goal is broad, broad and even ambitious, but the reality is very realistic! Want to go to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, in my personal understanding, there are two possibilities! One is to be a soldier and take the route of flying. The other is Xiao chenguo's saying, take an examination of a university! Comparatively speaking, it's a little easier to get into the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics! "

"But in a word, this school is not easy to take the exam, which is no different from Tsinghua University and Peking University."

Wow, there's another round of surprise!

"Uncle Ding, it's so difficult to take the exam according to the school, you still say it's easy?"

"Isn't it? Very simple, at least if you work hard! Find the right way and method of learning, the school is not so difficult to imagine! But take the route of flight, especially the level of astronauts, this is not what we can do through our efforts! They need a lot of natural conditions, but also a lot of talent and luck, they! It is not enough to describe the so-called son of heaven. The son of God is almost the same! "

"If anyone doesn't believe it, I can give you a live demonstration! Speaking of it, I also took part in the election at the beginning, but it's a pity that it's not that material! "

In response to Ding Yu's call, many children stood in front of Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also mentioned some problems and conditions emphatically, but there are two children who are qualified! However, it is only temporary qualification, which does not mean that they are now passed!

"However, you are not tall enough. Besides, you need to have a formal physical examination, which has a scientific basis, so that it is more feasible. At the same time, there are also other aspects of audit. If any of these items are not qualified, you are not enough to become pilots. The so-called astronauts are selected from pilots. You can't even be a pilot, let alone aviation Oh, my God! I don't want to think about it! As far as the actual situation is concerned, it is simpler and more practical to take the path of University! "

Ding Yu's explanation is very popular, but also very in line with the actual situation! It's not like you can do whatever you want? How could it be! unrealistic! At the same time, there are some not so scientific!

"All right! Rest early in the evening. If there are any problems and conditions, you don't need to worry. I think the supervision here has already told you a lot about the situation and let them prepare and prepare for it! Finally, I hope you have a good dream. If you are willing to exercise tomorrow morning, you can come together

For this point, Ding Yu has never meant to be forced. If you want to, it is better! No one will force you if you don't want to! At this point, Ding Yu is extremely enlightened!

What kind of songs are sung in the mountains? If the conditions of his own family are similar to those of other families, would Ding Yu ask the children so much? The possibility is definitely not so big, just from the perspective of insight, children can not see too much, vision is not wide enough, understanding of some issues will be very different!

It's all complementary. It's not really about what you want? How about that?

The next morning's exercise, at the beginning, there were not too many people to take part in, it was too early! When everyone gets up, the exercise is over, and it's almost over! However, after washing and gargling, all of them are nervous and refreshing!

Last night, they basically washed their clothes by themselves! After drying, I put it on again in the morning! The chest of the little guys is very high! If I don't know, I don't know what I've done!

"Yun Yun, do you get up so early every day?"

"Almost! We are used to it anyway! It's good to exercise every day

"I can't even get up! Yun Yun, how did you get up? Why don't you sleep Said the doll, blindfolded in her eyes! Really want to continue lying on the bed!

"Sleep! If you don't sleep, how can you? It's a pain! Can't hold on Ding Yun and Ding Chang seldom stay up late. It's not that they really can't hold on, but there is no need for this aspect! "But rest well! Just get up! Lying on the bed, there is no interest! Get rid of your laziness, this is a standard of our progress! Isn't it? "

Get rid of your laziness? This problem is really not general difficult! It's not to say it! Adhere to a day two days, there may be no problem, but let yourself get up so early every day? Next to the little girl can not help a shiver, this absolutely can not hold on!

Especially now that the weather began to get cold, it's not good to lie in the warm little quilt in the morning? I really doubt what Ding Yun and Ding Chang think? As for uncle Ding? That doesn't matter! He's grown-up anyway! Pour also need not so care! Hee hee!

In the morning, Ding Yu also showed up! But not too much interference! As for the children's playfulness, it's all along with them! It's not a bad thing to promote the feelings between students. To a certain extent, you should be an invisible person! At most, when necessary, give a little help, that's all!However, after lunch, when they are ready to leave, they are reluctant to leave. There is no way. For them, they rarely have such experience, so it is worth remembering! Worth aftertaste, it is easy to be reluctant to give up!

But fortunately, there is no crying like a child, this may be one of the few good things! At least not to mention in the future, will produce a lot of jokes, that is not beautiful!

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