"All right! The jokes have already been played. Go back to the previous topic! This time, some people do things that are not authentic, which are quite harmful to you and me, but this is definitely not a problem that can be solved by a lollipop! "

For this issue, Ding Yu is very direct! Not too much implicit meaning!

"Master! I don't have so many requirements. I think my life is very good now! Don't say that my eyelids are a little low. Although I have been in contact with each other, I always feel that I am out of place! "

"What you don't see is a bad thing! But I still have some of my views and opinions! If you don't have contact, then you will not have any perception. The so-called look can not solve too many problems and situations. Sometimes you need to participate in it personally! It is possible to see the essence of it! This has nothing to do with interest! "

"Teacher, I will adapt to these things, but you can make the decision on these things!" Wang An is so lazy that he has no interest in it!

"What old man, I'm still a young man according to the standards previously issued in China! What do you know? " Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum, but it makes Wang An have so many laughs! After becoming my own master, I feel not as strict as before! But get along with each other, on the contrary, is a lot of harmony!

"No matter whether I decide this matter or not, I have to tell you something about it! This has nothing to do with your age. It's true that you are my apprentice. However, teachers and apprentices should respect each other more than force or pressure. In this way, the relationship between them will change! I don't want that! "

"Master, I've always heard of filial sons coming out of sticks!"

"Isn't that nonsense? If you bully, rape, or treason and so on! If I don't kill you, I feel sorry for myself Ding Yu is staring at his own eyes, "but other aspects of things, I think to give you quite good guidance! At this age, you are unknown and curious about the world, although you have a quite world outlook! Values are related to consciousness, but they are not comprehensive at all, or even one-sided! "

"Master, why do we always think that we have known the world?"

"Know how to write a word! Do you know how to write two characters? Do you know how to write three characters? For some people, it has begun to become confused! Even proud and complacent! This is also a matter of common sense, not too many people can stand loneliness! Not too many people are willing to go into it! Not to mention the unknown? Too many people have no patience! This is what I often say. Interest is more important than effort

"It's not easy to keep the interest of the master."

"It's too much to ask for everything to be better! It's even a little off the mark! Because this is simply impossible! The length of time! How much effort? There are too many restrictions in it! "

Sign Wang An to sit down, so standing words are always a little tired, "you boy also want to bring me deviation, forget it! Or say it directly! You will see several of your teachers in succession! At least in my personal mind, they are such identities, and I think you should know their identities more or less already! "

"On the phone!" Wang an looks at his master with suspicious eyes! Obviously, there are other meanings in the eyes!

Ding Yu warns Wang an with serious eyes. What do you mean? How dare such an attitude, do you feel that the skin on your body is so tight? If I feel a little tight, I don't mind cleaning up for him!

"Teachers and mothers have expressed great regret for not being able to observe the ceremony on the spot."

"Sorry?" Ding Yu is very suspicious of this word, is it against their temper? Unfortunately, this word is not enough to describe, just because the situation is slightly so special, so now there is no time to argue with yourself. If you have a chance, you can see what their reaction will be!

"Master, my sister and I have received a lot of things!"

"Since it's from teachers and mothers, you can take it! But there is only one chance like this! "

Although Wang An's age is small, but it is very clear that there is the master's hand, is not good? But some things will not be too straightforward!

"Master, I have collected so many things! There's no need for the rest! "

"I know what you mean, but your master hasn't been down to that level. Even if one day, I won't betray other people to seek benefits for myself. It's a little bit mean and mean. Of course, when I get there, will I still be as relaxed as I say now? I don't know! There's an old saying, what's the song you sing on a mountain! Now say that? It's more like a kind of self mockery

"Master, those things are of no use to me. Now they are wasted in my hands! Master, don't you mean investment? These should be regarded as investment! ""What you think is beautiful! I said you are not awake now, are you still dreaming? " Ding Yu didn't have a good breath of hum, "it's really hard for you to think of such attention?"

"Master, I'm a child

"My consultation fee can be said to be very expensive! The old and the young are innocent! And I always only know money. You need to think about it! It's even better to consult your lawyer. At this point, your consciousness is a little weak, so you need to communicate with Ding Yun and Ding Chang! They have the most experience in this field! "

"Master, is this a bit too much? You are my master?! I'm your apprentice? "

"So what? Don't talk about the relationship between master and apprentice! Even father and son's falling out, such a thing you have not encountered? Have you ever heard of it? " When talking about this, Ding Yu shook his hands and said, "no, I'm wrong about this! If necessary, I should apologize to you! "

"Master!" Wang an shakes his head, what disposition is his father, oneself still not clear, do not know?

To say that his father is mud can not help the wall, his side is also on the surface, but in fact, his father is like this! What's good about your new home? Maybe it's better. I don't want to know too much about it! If you want to understand, you will certainly understand it quite clearly, but is that necessary?

If it's hard for him to maintain his life in the future, it doesn't matter. It's OK to keep him! Even his mother's side is the same! But if you want to say that there are really any so-called feelings between each other, this point can not even convince themselves! It is impossible and unrealistic!

Even my sister there, is also the same, the Chinese New Year Festival is not likely to make a phone call, the other side of the happy New Year's festival, his side called in the past, what is the meaning? Disgusting, isn't it? forget it! People? It's better to have a little self-knowledge!

Anyway, they also have their own phone. If they really feel that their conscience can't get through, they can make a phone call to contact them. It doesn't matter. They and my sister can accept and bear it!

At this point, compared with their own masters, the difference between heaven and earth is not enough to describe the difference between them. The master is due to special reasons, so they can't get along with themselves more! But whether it is education or other aspects, are eager to give themselves the best!

That kind of care, that kind of love, I always remember in my heart, but also in my heart! Never forget!

And in my master here, I have never felt any sense of restraint! No matter Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they didn't see themselves with different eyes. Besides, there was grandfather Ding and granny Ding who were like their own grandfather! It's no different!

It's a pity that my grandfather can't see this scene! If his grandfather is still alive, he doesn't know how happy he will be! Think of here, Wang an really feel his nose a little bit sour!

"Master, just watch and deal with it! I will never have any second words! If you go against this, heaven will strike with thunder

"Too much loyalty! To say something nice is to have courage, and to say something unpleasant, it's a bit silly! "

"Master, I'm not smart enough in front of you!"

Ding Yu feels a little itchy on the root of his teeth! "What? I'd like you to be better than the blue. You're good! What are you going to do with me? Piss me off? Is it true? "

"Master, it's not like that on TV?" Wang An is there to complain!

"The eyes are too narrow!" Ding Yu is not angry. He is joking with Wang An, "it is not appropriate to keep one hand all the time. It is precisely because of this that many things have been lost! Now it seems that there are some regrets, but sometimes? It's not that you will not be taught, but that you are not yet at that level and level! "

"Master, I know this better, because our life and experience are too little! In your words, although we have quite a world view! Values are related to consciousness, but they are not comprehensive! "

"Very correct, very good understanding! Even if it's myself, is it always right? I haven't seen it! My self perception, I have also done quite wrong! People! It's impossible not to make a mistake at all! Impossible thing! Back to the topic just now, maybe in your opinion, you have accumulated quite a lot, but in my opinion, it is far from enough! So what about each other? There will be considerable estrangement! "

"So want to achieve a so-called balance!"

"Yes, if you want to achieve the so-called balance, this is also very testing! It's like the lawyer I just mentioned! He stands in the middle of the position, plays the role of lubrication! There is nothing to talk about between masters and apprentices, but some things still need to be avoided! I can't tell you everything! Even my son, I can't tell him everything!? It's absolutely impossible. You don't have to think about it! ""Master? You have gone too far

"Not too much! I have my own identity, you also have your own life, do not mix with each other! It will be very messy and complicated, cutting constantly! It's a big headache! At least I am afraid of this aspect of things! Not too much interest! "

"Master, the more I listen to it, the more I feel confused and even have some emotion! I feel a little confused about my future suddenly! It's true that there are so many worries! "

"I see you! Wash underwear in the sea! It's a little too painful to be idle Ding Yu didn't mean to bypass Wang an at all, "since you are so idle, I feel I should give you strength! Anyway, you have no problem these two days! And the school side? I think you should be able to keep up with Ding Yun and Ding Chang! No problem! "

"Master, there is no problem in keeping up with the schedule, but is this really good?"

"Nothing good! If you don't find something to do, you will always have some uneasiness Ding Yu also decided to end the conversation! "I will give you a result about you and Tong Tong! That is the so-called account! Try to maximize as much as possible! A lawyer will tell you quite a result! "

"Master, I've made you work hard!"

"All right! There's no need to flatter! But you're going to cook tonight! It's right here in the canteen! After all, it is necessary to treat and eat. If you start in person, it also represents a considerable meaning! We can't be too rude! Right? This will damage your master's name

"Master, how can I feel that there are other flavors in it! Let me make some home cooked dishes! There's no problem, but the seat? This is not a requirement, but a little too harsh! " Wang An for cooking such things, there is no antipathy, but do a big meal, this requirement is a bit too much!

"How can they know the difference if they don't have a taste?"

Indeed, the two ladies have come forward! But Ding Yu still won't let these guys off lightly! Their performance is too much! Even let oneself feel hate and disgust! Of course, I also know that Xue Guangming made this thing by himself! But behind the bear child, there must be a certain reason!

There are things and problems in the children at home, so the first one to bear the brunt is their own parents, isn't it? In the first time, we will put the signs on the head of their own body, because in the eyes of all people, this is the result of improper management and disposal of parents! Otherwise, how could there be such a problem and situation?

Therefore, Xue Guangming's troubles finally need someone to wipe his buttocks, even if he doesn't. as for whether there are other reasons and conditions in the process, Ding Yu doesn't need to pay so much attention to it. Anyway, he knows that Xue Guangming started to sell Wang an! that's enough!

Not many people come to the farm! It's just three! And even one of them did it! It's just coming with a gift! An inkstone treasure, and other things!

After all, it's an apology. It's not to say that you can take some so-called tobacco, wine, sugar and tea! Ding Yu can not pay attention to this point, but he can't think that nothing has happened. In that case, Ding Yu will be dissatisfied, and even other problems and situations will appear!

Ignore director Ding? Do you think the situation is not bad enough?

On this point, the comer is also quite comprehensive, absolutely can not let Ding Yu find any problems and troubles on this point! Direct one step in place! In this way, it can also be regarded as a more stable way to go!

"Director Ding! It's a little abrupt! Excuse me

Ding Yu looked at the three people in front of him without expression and pointed to the seat in front of him. "I really didn't think of some of them to be able to talk about Tai Xi and Fu Zhen! I don't have much preparation Ding Yu's speech has no implication! Straightforward, not even leave too much affection!

But think about it, it would be strange if Ding Yu would leave the so-called face at this time!

"Director Ding, we accept your criticism modestly! Whether you beat or scold, we will not have any words! "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu disdained to hum, "forget it! Don't flash my waist, what's more, I dare not! How many people are watching! Although I don't think I'm a good man, I don't like to offend them. I can forgive them! Do you think I'm made of noodles? "

"Director Ding, you are joking People feel that the forehead has begun to sweat! Director Ding's words are full of needles, but it's really not so good to deal with! And the more like this, the more you let your heart not have too much confidence! Because it's not clear! What will director Ding say!

I come here this time, but I'm ready! Just waiting for the bleeding, and it's the kind that makes a big difference!After all, it is true that Wang An was sold! It's not that you can avoid it if you want to avoid it. What's more, Wang An and Tong Tong are on the way back. Judging from the current situation, it's really dangerous! It's not bragging!

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