Listening to Ding Yu's words, Wang Zhuang took a breath of cold air! I seem to feel something!

A doctor doesn't drink because of his professional ethics. Why does a martial artist not drink? Afraid you can't control your own blood gas? Soldiers don't drink? What's the reason? Because there are rules and principles?!

But it seems that the meaning of the expression is coherent, there are some things wrong! At least not for this occasion! Therefore, there should be a deeper interpretation of director Ding's words!

But when Wang Zhuang was still in doubt, Ding Yu had already raised the glass in his hand! Relatively speaking, Ding Yu's wine in the cup is so little, once lost, even not enough aftertaste! But no one dare to underestimate it! They all picked up their glasses in front of them! But the drinks in it are not as much as you imagine!

Obviously, Ding Yu has not been stingy enough to use these to find the court! There is no need at all! It will also appear that Ding Yu has too little appetite! In fact, they want to fill the glass, but it is obviously not the time!

Not into the throat, is placed in the mouth, the smell of wine, not very strong, but a gentle feeling! After the wine into the throat, the same does not feel too much stimulation, but soft and powerful, after entering the abdomen, there is a light aftertaste! Some unknowing feelings!

"Good wine!" When putting down the cup, Wang Zhuang praised it!

But when he saw the smile on Ding Yu's face, Wang Zhuang couldn't help but be stunned. It's wrong! Just now director Ding told himself! He doesn't drink a lot! Now in front of their own face sipping down, what does this mean?

It's broken! Wang Zhuang suddenly understood that Ding Yu did not drink, and many identity restrictions made him keep restraint, even out of a rational situation! Doctors don't say that they need to stand on the operating table all the time. Once drinking alcohol, this is more serious than drunk driving!

As for military status? Even more so! It is not only the troops on duty who are not allowed to drink, but even the regular troops are not allowed to drink for quite a long time! At this point, the army has written regulations! In the past, the management was not so strict, so there are still such cases, but with the promulgation of new regulations, the army is strict in drinking!

Of course, at the beginning, director Ding Yuding's army was a little special. At that time, it was hard to say whether director Ding drank or not! At least there is not much news and hearsay about this! But if according to the present standard! It should be!

As for the so-called warriors, the reason why they don't drink is even simpler! Once you drink, your blood will surge up. Who knows what kind of things will be done at that time? And if you do? good heavens! Maybe a fist down, the head directly into the stomach!

Other people may not be able to do this, but for director Ding Yuding, it is absolutely not difficult! Wang Zhuang has a good understanding of this, so he also dares to say such a responsible person's words!

I pointed out myself before! Here's the drink again! Wang Zhuang also felt the strength of Ding Yu at this time! This time, it's not as easy and easy as you can imagine! It's true that we can find two ladies to intercede with each other, but it can't satisfy director Ding. This is still a matter for discussion!

After thinking about it, Wang Zhuang, who put down his glass, picked up the bottle next to it! He poured a little into Ding Yu's glass, but his own glass was full of three, "director Ding! I'll do it first

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand? Good drink? Or other reasons, we can't be confused, can we? I don't know! It's not clear, it doesn't seem to have any meaning! "

"Let director Ding laugh! This cup is because of my hindsight With Ding Yu's tacit consent, Wang Zhuang's worship and exhaustion! No hesitation! The cup says big or not, but small seems to be not small! But when he wanted to pick up the cup, Ding Yu was empty. At this time, he even took up the public chopsticks!

"Uncle Wang, have a taste. Although it is said to be a small town, it has a special flavor. There are some good things that are unique in the world." Ding Yu doesn't mean to embarrass Wang Zhuang. He just needs to know his attitude! As for the way of punishing himself, Ding Yu is a little disgusted! Not too much meaning!

At least in the face of the problem of Uncle Wang, do not need such! As for those who are arrogant and despotic, that is another thing! So Ding Yu took up the public chopsticks and the public spoon, and put some things for everyone, and even put a lot of things in their bowls with the spoon!

"What about this meal? It's also a chance for Uncle Wang. Please don't dislike it! "

Ding Yu said that, let the three of them in Wangzhuang have some speechlessness. At this time, the other two people also understood! What did Ding Yu's words mean before! This is no longer a Mianli hidden needle so simple! It's just a big killer! This big killer is really easy to die!

Don't think the director Ding Yuding in front of him is a simple joke. Don't think so! If he really put his eyes up! incorrect! It's not that he really put his eyes up! Now that he has set his eyes up, he may be ready to start at the next moment!no way! Absolutely not! If director Ding really does, then there will be other aspects of the hand? When the time comes, the crowd will definitely rush up! Even if the faction on your side is an elephant, it can't hold so many ants, can't it?

"Director Ding, do you have a seat? We have light on our face! What's your complaint! Although I am an old man, I have no face to speak of, but as long as you open your mouth! What I must say is to do it

After that, pick up the second glass of wine! Drink it all in one gulp! This time, he did not pay attention to Ding Yu. After putting down the wine cup, he looked at Ding Yu. Seeing this meaning, he should be ready to take up the third cup!

"Uncle Wang, change your position! What would you do if you were in my position, Uncle Wang? "

"I don't think it's reasonable for me to answer anything too much."

Ding Yu's attitude is very calm, but Wang an did not immediately respond to Ding Yu's answer! Because every time we talk, we are not shooting at random! You need to be prepared! No one knows if there is a trap in it? If there are any problems in their response, it will be a situation of regret!

"Director Ding, I can't stand in your position. If you do this, I'm embarrassed." Wang an put his position very low! After all, why did you come here? I still need to be clear! And after coming, Ding Yu did not show any unusual treatment!

There is no insult on words and no disdain on attitude! Everyone is talking about things based on things! It's normal for him to lower his posture in front of Ding Yu. If he can't accept this, then go home quickly! What are you doing here? This is out of their own expectations!

"Wang An is not willing to say so, let me talk about it! It may be a little bit extreme! Mutual understanding

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, and continued to say, "Wang An is my plan, Tong Tong is the same, but relative to Wang An, Tong Tong belongs to the latecomer! Wang An will inherit my mantle in the future, but it will put too much pressure on him to put it on the surface! All of them, just like the dark clouds in the sky, are coming from the top of your face

For Ding Yu's description, Wang Zhuang and the three of them also feel the same!

"What about the domestic side? Maybe it's better, at least not so fierce! But what about foreign countries? I think you all know that many consortia and forces regard me as a thorn in the eye! It's a thorn in the flesh! Whenever they find any opportunity, they will not let it go! Under such circumstances, I tried my best to hide Wang An and Tong Tong! For this reason, I even give the intelligence department considerable subsidies at any cost

"I think you should also get some news. When Wang An and Tong Tong came back, they went through quite a lot of waves. Even Wang An's side was particularly exaggerated. The car was full of holes! Who am I going to argue with? "

What can't be denied is that Ding Yu said that there is no exaggeration, nor any moisture, all are the truth! Now director Ding has put all these on the surface! It can be seen that director Ding Yu has been angry to a certain extent!

"Director Ding, it's our problem! I didn't say that! We recognize the fight and the punishment! "

"Fight and punish? And what's the use of that? " Ding Yu snorted, "Uncle Wang, how about this! In another way, it will save you and me. You can find me two children! It's like Wang An and Tong Tong! All the previous things have been written off! I think nothing happened? Yes, of course! If you have any needs, you can open your mouth. There is still a little capital in your family! "

Are you kidding me? Do you really want to have such high-quality products? There will also be such problems and conditions, you know, director Ding is also struggling to find two, and director Ding's eye is fastidious, that is also famous! Those who are idle have no way to get into director Ding's eye!

If there are such children, of course, I hope they can be sent to director Ding's door! But such a child can not be found by saying it! How could it be? It's better to beat and scold, in this case, it's more simple!

"Director Ding, whether it's Wang an or Tong Tong, it's hard to see! a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe! To exaggerate a little, it is the aura between heaven and earth that breeds it! Any one, the future may send out bright light! We can't do anything to make up for the damage we've done to them! But we are sincere! There is absolutely no hypocrisy! So I'd like to ask director Ding to hold your hand up! "

After saying that, take up the remaining glass of wine, and drink it all at once! At the same time, he filled the three glasses in front of him!

Ding Yu snorted, "Uncle Wang, if I don't do anything, Wang An and Tong Tong do nothing, do you think this way can be accepted?"

"Director Ding! Don't Wang an also tried to bear the uneasiness! "Director Ding, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I've put my head on my belt this time! In other words, if you slap me twice, I can go out happily! Even let me get out on my knees! I can accept it too! But you make me go out with all my eyes! This will not only take my old life, but also many people's lives will disappear! ""But I don't have any interest in the same things. I don't give up. Wang An and Tong Tong have entered our door, and their treatment is the same as that of Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Including Wang Xiaogang, there won't be any difference! They don't even need the consortium. Even their teachers and mothers can afford it! "

"Yes! Director Ding, these are all things you said, we understand! But in the end, we did it wrong! Right? You give, that is your heart, but what we express is our apology! They can't be confused with each other! " Wang An said it sincerely!

"I don't want to settle things now! It has nothing to do with other aspects. Wang an keeps this thing, which is always a thought for him! Do you think so? "

This said, Wang an felt a little black in front of her eyes, and said that director Ding was a little cruel! A little heartless, I really learned this time! This is to solve the problem from the root!

Now don't do it yourself. When Wang an grows up, let him play with him! You should know that Wang Anke is Ding Yu's chief disciple, even if he learns half of Ding Yu's! At that time, the faction will not be able to deal with it! What's more, who knows how far Wang An can grow?

We should know that in the training of talents, we have not seen who is better than director Ding! It's quite special, but what about that? Let's take out one. It's not for nothing!

As the chief disciple of Ding Yu! How far can Wang an be in the future? It's really unpredictable! He is the enemy of a rising star like him, and the power behind Wang An is so strong that it is not necessary to seek death, is it? Bury yourself such a big time bomb? It's a real head in the water!

"Director Ding, from my personal point of view, I think it is still possible to let Wang an grow healthily now, and don't let him be dragged down by other things. If you don't mind director Ding, we can solve all his problems in the future."

"Just a little bit of food and clothing! If I can't solve these problems, there is no need for him to come here! " Ding Yu refused to accept this point, but it was not necessary for them to drag on for such a long time! "But..."

Hearing Ding Yu's opening up, Li Li and the three of them can't help but shake their spirits. When they arrived, they waited for Ding Yu to open their mouth and tried their best. Director Ding's side was finally relieved! If you can, the higher the conditions are, the better!

Because the higher the conditions, for many outside forces, will gradually disperse! Maybe we will pay a considerable price, but this price is much better than the previous wolves look around! No one knows when these wolves will come up. It will not be as simple as black and blue!

"Wang An and Tong Tong don't need to worry too much about their safety. Uncle Wang has already said about whether things are good or bad! The situation has changed. It seems that there is no meaning to investigate these things now! "

"Director Ding, such a remark is not appropriate! ...!”

Ninety nine is over! Just like the last shiver! Right?

"It's my business. It has nothing to do with you. I hope you can help Wang an or Tong Tong when they are training in the future! No one knows where they will be in the future? I'm not a God, and they're not fairies either! Take precautions in advance, and be prepared

Ding Yu has explained the matter clearly and clearly! If they don't know about Wangzhuang, they are pretending to be stupid on purpose! Ding Yu doesn't need their messy things. It's useless at all! And there's no shortage of them at home? It's better to pave the way for their future!

Willing or not, I have already said the conditions that should be said anyway!

For Wang An and them, this condition is not as harsh as imagined, and Ding Yu's conditions are not so high! Even lower than the imagination of factions, there is a considerable gap from the so-called bottom line!

Is it because director Ding is too proud? Absolutely not the reason for this! Standing in director Ding's point of view, as long as the appropriate can! As for the inappropriate, it is a burden! Even if it is held on the hand, it is easy to be peeped at by other aspects, even jealous! Why so annoying? Right?

Wang An can fully understand this. It is true that director Ding has opened up such conditions, but for the faction, it will never be so simple as human feelings and pay. There will certainly be other things in the future!

Otherwise, ha ha! Director Ding Yuding won't say anything here! It will even stop, but when you press the gourd, the faction will be even more criticized! So it's better to use Wang An's body directly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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