Ding Yu has no intention to care about personnel affairs at all!

What's more, what's more, is it really a matter of personnel? Although I say that I am a director, there are some wrong names and wrong words in this director, and even the Department has no roots. Why should we behave in such a situation? Ding Yu never thought that such a thing was a good thing!

Even if you want to be high-profile, you can't be too deliberate in such things!

However, the return of several children, however, makes Ding Yu a little different. It is not so important to see how many things they have brought back. However, seeing their spirit and state, Ding Yu feels a little happy.

The integration between each other is very good! This is particularly satisfying for Ding Yu!




All kinds of address, Ding Yu nodded, can be regarded as giving a certain response, "it seems that you are playing very well, I will not ask about the specific process! That's your own business. Tomorrow morning, remember to get up early and don't be lazy in bed. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. Go take a bath

After washing, they all changed their clothes and prepared to eat together. There were a little more people in the family, but Ding Yu basically didn't open fire. Basically, they opened fire on the father and mother's side. Today's cook is not Bao Mu, but Zhao Shuying. All the children are back! Happy!

Of course, all the things brought back are good! There is no so-called kinship and estrangement among the children. Since they come here, they are their own grandsons and granddaughters. It's a pity that Tong Tong's food is a little less, just like a kitten. It's a pity that this appetite has not been opened up all the time!

This kind of thing can't force a child! Everyone's development is different!

What's more, the boss is a doctor, and there must be considerable research on this aspect! However, it's a strange thing to say. Ding Yun and Ding Chang didn't cultivate them when they were young, but the two children were really cold and raw. No matter what they were, they could eat in! Eat it!

At this point, the two old guys are so poor!

They're not saying they haven't been to America! I've been there many times! But the things over there are really not their appetites. Even if they are the same things, they seem to have no taste of home. I really don't know how it happened. I really doubt how the two children adapt to it!

Are they two children too strong? Or to say the credit of their father Ding Yu, there are some unclear! Anyway, as long as the children are good! Everything else is not a problem! Watching them eat together is really fragrant!

Think about the old folks at their age? They are basically empty nests! Children are not around? There are only two old people left in a better home, not like them! The boss comes home from time to time, and now there are so many children! This is absolutely the envy of others!

However, when Zhao Shuying looked at her boss, she also slapped the boss on the back when she didn't notice. The children had already come back! What a happy thing! You are a good father and master! That face is still so serious? What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied with the children or with the two old guys?!

Ding Yu's expression is a little surprised, this has nothing to do with himself, OK? A few kids come back and they come back! It's not a big deal. Even if you need to eat melon with me, how can you deal with it?

But Ding Yu really won't quarrel with his mother because of this. At most, he just loosens his serious expression. It's not a terrible thing, right? But I'm really not used to it! Can't hold on for too long! So don't let yourself too embarrassed!

The next morning, a few children suffered a little more! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are especially special. They are both light! Good guy! Ding Yu is not used to it!

Wang An can deal with it very well, because he has already started the preparation in this aspect from a very early time, and the only ones who lag behind are Tong Tong and Wang An's sister! But Wang An's sister? It can only be said that it is a filler, more than her a little, less her a lot! Nothing?!

If she wants to, let her get involved. If she doesn't want to, don't ask too much. After all, she doesn't have the talent in this respect. It's too harsh to ask her to do so!

In dealing with this issue, Ding Yu talked with Wang an very early on! It is true that Wang An is a child, but Ding Yu never ignored Wang An and his sister's ideas because of this child. It is good to do so! They may be kind, but who knows how they will think!So it's better to tell them directly that Wang An will have his own judgment!

Wang An's younger sister is not suitable for these educational methods at home. It's not that Ding Yu has no intention, nor that Ding Yu has not taken care of him in a proper way. Wang An is also very clear about this!

Her sister does not have any talent, and there is no so-called genius. Even she is not as hard as she imagined. On this point, Wang An is quite helpless, but also has some heartache!

After all, she is her own sister. There is no problem for her to bear hardships with her, but I really don't want to face it! So when the master talks about some problems with himself, he is also very clear!

If she is willing, naturally there is no problem. Whether it is the master's side or her side, she will try her best to satisfy her. But if she is not willing to do so, there is no point in forcing her, isn't it?

But said, the little girl is not a bit of the advantages are not, hand dish play good! This may be one of her few advantages! I don't know why the little girl has such interest, but it's better to have interest than not, isn't it? And this one, among these people, she is also the top one!

It's hard to say how proficient they are. But at least they won't lose the chain! There are other reasons for the so-called all-in-one, master. Even now, how much can I feel!

Sometimes in the evening, we will rehearse together! It's fun. It's very interesting! All people are involved in it, not to appear so-called lonely, but also can promote the feelings of everyone!

Grandpa and grandma said it! If the time is right, they will go to the farm's new year's party to perform at the new year's party. We don't have too much psychological burden. After all, they have already passed the tense time! If even such things show the so-called tension, then the cultivation of the master is really in vain!

When I came here, the master was still the same as before without much change. Even when he treated younger martial brother and younger sister, he was the same. I can't see any difference. This is quite surprising and even confusing!

It's grandfather and nurse. It's really good!

Anyway, here can let them fully feel the warmth and warmth of home! The so-called world is beautiful, I used to have some feeling, but the experience is not so profound, but now look at yourself, and then look at your sister, you will know what kind of thing it is!

When I go to school in the morning, I don't need Ding Yu to send him off in person! So many children? And it's already clear! What else would you like to do under such circumstances? It's not a big deal, is it?

However, before they enter the school, they still need to send the girl to the primary school first! At this point, the treatment of the little girls is totally different from the four of them. The girls have a special car, but are the four of them? Either No. 11 bus or bus, no other options!

Taxi? Are you kidding? Don't say there is no wind and no rain, even if there is wind and rain? Also need to consider carefully! It has nothing to do with the conditions at home! As for why not ride a bike!

Of course, it's not that the four of them don't want to, but because the weather is really a little cold. After riding a bicycle, the breeze is flowing, which is called sour! It's absolutely not what ordinary people can bear, so I'd rather take the 11th bus than ride a bicycle. Of course, if we let them do the bus in spring and summer, they will not be willing to do it!

Ding Yu put considerable thought on the body of a few children! This is especially Tong Tong, who seems to have so many intentions! After all, Wang An can often get the guidance of Ding Yu, and the relationship between them has been established for a long time, but Tong Tong is another case!

He was not given so many instructions, and at most he was alone at the time before, and there were not many people who could give him considerable guidance and guidance. Under such circumstances, he came here now and needed to learn a little more! This is definitely not smart, can be made up for!

Tong Tong is not a stupid child, but it takes quite a long time to finish these foundations. At the same time, he needs to consolidate what he has learned. In this regard, there is a considerable gap between Tong Tong and Wang An, as well as Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

Ding Yu can't feed Tong Tong directly. It's not feasible at all. If you feed Tong Tong now, Tong Tong can't bear it. After all, we should consider that he is only a child, and his head melon seeds are still intelligent children! And Ding Yu is not to say that he only needs to consider one aspect of his development, needs to consider all aspects of these things!

In the evening, after several children finished their own homework, they also came to their room. There were a little more things in it, even not as neat as they thought! Soon everyone is to find their own position, idle nothing, so play musical instruments together!This is a collective activity, everyone should be involved in it, unless there is any special situation!

In this matter, Ding Yu didn't mean to interfere at all. He didn't even go to their room because it was their own space. A person of his own size disturbed him! What kind of a thing is this? Right?

However, several children are more self-control, and not crazy to the end. In fact, even if they stay up all night, Ding Yu will not criticize them at that time. Education needs to be done step by step. What can't be done is to reprimand or indulge!

What's more, Ding Yu now has quite a lot to deal with! Gu Zhuang has mentioned quite a few opinions and opinions. Good guy, the things that have been made are really so big, and they are almost the same as the estimated situation. They are almost breaking the head!

Who doesn't want to be able to get along with director Ding more, or at least mix up a so-called material, right? You know, there is a precedent for such a thing, such as Wu Hao, he is the best proof and example, he has been unable to suppress now! Let alone what will happen in the future!

So now we can say that the competition is particularly fierce, and this matter has been mentioned by Guzhuang political commissar! There are three places in total! One deputy director, two deputy political commissars! The rest of the work is done!

In terms of the number of people, it is indeed quite a lot, but for everyone, there are still some inappropriate ones. If it is two deputy directors and three deputy political commissars, it may be better? But who is going to argue with this?

Is it difficult to find director Ding to talk about this matter in person? Don't make such a joke, will you? It doesn't mean that no one can persuade director Ding, but it will never be theirs. At least they want to persuade director Ding. It takes a lot of time and effort not to talk about it, and it is easy to cause director Ding's antipathy! So don't think about it!

Think about how to get this quota down is the main point! There is also this person, after all, who needs to be smart and capable. Can you muddle along when you do things in director Ding's place? Director Ding's eyes always don't rub sand, no matter who you are? I value your ability. You can perform well without any problems. But if you just eat here and die, I'm sorry, who are you? Whatever the power behind you? It has nothing to do with me! Get out of here!

Therefore, this person must be selected carefully, and there can be no situation. Moreover, to let them go to director Ding is not for the purpose of becoming Maitreya Buddha. They need to show their abilities. If they can, they should try their best to close the relationship with director Ding. If they can get the guidance of director Ding, it will be better!

So this person can't be a mature person! Even the identity and position can not be too high! After all, director Ding is too young! And Guzhuang is a little old! If the person who is equipped is too old! In terms of energy, it seems that there are some incompatibility with director Ding Yuding!

So to a certain extent, it is necessary to use reserve talents! Their age is not so big, and they all have quite a city. It depends on how they can perform this time!

It is one aspect to fight for such a place in person, and the other aspect? If you have a chance, you still need to contact with director Ding. Other people have said nothing about this matter, including Guzhuang ancient political commissar. But if director Ding comes forward and says a word, it will definitely play an inestimable role!

Even this quota will be determined, this can be affirmed! But the problem is how to let director Ding say this, and what kind of reasons to let him say this, these all need to be carefully considered. The director is definitely not a master who seems to be with him, that temper and character! Not too many people can bear to live!

What is the most appropriate route to take?

This time, the so-called madam route is definitely not going to work! It doesn't work at all!

The last time I took the Madame's route, it was because it involved Wang An and Tong Tong. To a certain extent, it was the family affairs of director Ding. It can be lighter or heavier, doesn't it? Even if there are problems and conditions on director Ding's side, they will dissipate very quickly!

After all, the two ladies are also very helpful to director Ding Yuding. Director Ding can't bear to see Buddha's noodles, no matter what? They'll be dealt with lightly!

But this time, it has nothing to do with family affairs. It's just business. Will director Ding make fun of business? Over the years, we all have a good understanding of director Ding. At this point, director Ding has always been extremely cautious and careful!

So this aspect of the mind or need to interrupt as soon as possible! In fact, what we mean is very simple. We want to let director Ding have a look at it. If it is not appropriate, it should be replaced as soon as possible, so as to save considerable resources.

Of course, it's not suitable for director Ding. If you don't see it, it's not suitable for faction, is it? This is just two things!When director Ding selected those students, he had already mentioned this problem! They are just the way that is not suitable for director Ding. It is not to say that they are not excellent. This is two times of things that can not be discussed together! Don't you understand what that means?

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