I'll see you when you say so? Are you the king of heaven? Or is your identity extraordinary?

There is gas in the heart, but you don't need to vent directly with Yang Fan, something you can't make!

"Comrade Yang, the director is quite busy. As for the arrangement of Guo Kai's affairs, I believe the director has given considerable consideration to it." When explaining, Qu he's face is also pulled down, which is not the previous pleasant color!

It's a shame! What do you mean by running directly over here? What's the matter? What about Guo Kai? Do you have to go through it? Can you understand this thing even if you can understand it? What's more, this is a farm, not your naval academy!

In the case of being able to understand, you have to do this, what is this? Deliberate provocation, isn't it?

Come on! Don't think to give you good food, drink and treat, you will feel good about yourself, give you face only! If you don't give you this face, what can you do? Not really!

What's more, the family style of the director is particularly strict! So there are no those messy things, it's lucky that I can still calm down now, otherwise I'll give you a big foot, get out of here!

"Qu he, I want to see director Ding Yuding now! Guo Kai is a student of our school, but also a soldier! He has nothing to do with director Ding. I don't care what director Ding thinks? No matter what kind of mistakes Guo Kai committed, this is not an excuse for director Ding to act recklessly! "

The corner of Qu he's mouth has been pursed up! What are you for your good intentions? Talking a lot here? What's the matter? It shows you? Right? Do you really think of yourself as a thing?

"I'm sorry, Comrade Yang. I hope you can calm down. You are a little excited now! Come this way, please

If you let him go on, who knows what else he can spray out? There's no need to be polite to such a person. It's useless and unnecessary to mess with him or reason with him! So it's better to take some direct measures to solve the problem directly!

One hand is holding the back ridge of Yangfan, the other is holding the arm of Yangfan, which directly pinches the whole Yangfan in his own hand. For himself, there is no need for other means. It is unnecessary! Just take it away!

Yang Fan obviously didn't think of it and didn't have any preparation. Anyway, the whole person is not only so simple now, but also uncontrollable! It's like a puppet with a string on it. It's carried by Qu he in his hand!

And look at Qu he's relaxed appearance, it seems that he didn't take it as a thing at all! There is even leisure to greet the people coming by! "Assistant Qu, you haven't eaten yet?"

"No? The director's side is still busy, my side of the work is relatively relaxed, there are no other things! " Gently raised his chin, the target is his hand in the Yangfan, "a meet!"

For Qu he and Yang Fan's enthusiasm, passers-by did not care too much about the meaning!

Because two people's action is not big, is not crazy that kind, moreover is under the public! Can only say that the relationship between each other may be very good! Right?! Such things are still very common!

Yang Fan's face was red, but he couldn't say anything! And the body does not listen to their own command, want to break free have no any way, their own good or bad is also a soldier? Why does this happen? The more you think about it, the more Yang Fan feels his anger can't be controlled! This is not a disgrace, their own glory, their own honor, absolutely not allowed!

Take Yang Fan to a room! The crane slowly released his hand and pushed it forward!

Yang Fan's reaction is also twisted over his body, eyes red! My eyes are wide open, just like bursting! In Yang Fan's consciousness, Qu he can beat himself to the ground and even kill himself, but he must not insult himself like this! Previously, his behavior has touched his bottom line!

"Calm down! Comrade Yang Fan Qu he did not sneer because of Yang Fan's excitement!

"I will appeal! Are you insulting me personally? "

"Is it?" Qu he asked, "because you were shouting at the door, Comrade Yang Fan, who are you? Why do you go to someone's door and yell, and what's more, where are you now? Don't be presumptuous to say that you seem to have mistaken your identity?! Give you preferential treatment, not because of how much face you have! And you said that I insulted you, some exaggeration, take off the military uniform, you really have not been in my eyes! Am I clear enough? "

Gently hummed, Qu he instructed Yang Fan, "from the situation, I'm a martial arts man, I'll take you in my hand, and I'll bully you a little bit! On this point, I will not make any denial, how the director will deal with me, I will not have any complaints, but please put some self-respect! "After saying that, he turned to leave. Yang Fan bit his back teeth and punched him on the wall!

For the sound from behind, Qu he didn't care about it! Yang Fan! Some of them are broken! Why is it like this? There is a considerable consideration from the director! It's a little obvious that I was a villain just now! I don't know if Yang Fan will hold grudge in his heart? But I can't help myself, can't I?

I don't want to be a bad person, but I have no other choice!

Now? Just report to the director! Just now, I was not too much, and Yang Fan has already reached a certain threshold. If I crossed this threshold, it would be a little bad! There will even be other accidents, so you still need to control it! The explanation is not clear enough? Let's make it a little clearer, good people? Good things need directors!

Ding Yu, knowing the situation, nodded and picked up the things on the table! A little casual!

"Qu he, what do you think of Yangfan? Judging from his performance? "

"Director, I don't think he's cool enough!" Qu he's expression is very straightforward, "it's not a newcomer, what's more, he should have a certain understanding of the director, and as far as I know, he came here this time, but also had some demands. Under such circumstances, he can't completely keep calm and even be influenced by people! What a shame

"Well! I understand! The expression is clear enough! "

Or do not let Qu he continue to say, too straightforward!

After Yang Fan came here, the impact was a little big?! Let his whole thought all appeared the confusion situation, Ding Yu has some other aspects of exploration and judgment for Yang Fan, but the effect is not so good! It can also be said that Ding Yu's way is so radical!

But from the current situation, it can still be controlled, to say that Yang Fan is for himself? It's really not like this. I can only say that Yang Fan's performance is not very steady! And for Guo Kai too much concern! This also led to a very serious change in his mentality! This is not good, very bad!

No wonder that Guo Kai would be in such a situation when he was at the school before. You can see the situation of Yang Fan alone!

Relatively speaking, the effect of putting Guo Kai in the school is obvious! But there are also some disadvantages, but this kind of malpractice is not that Ding Yu can reach out to manage! Things that don't work at all! So Ding Yu can only let Guo Kai adjust by himself, and then adjust it in other ways!

"Director, what if Yang Fan continues to make trouble?" Qu he said his worries!

"Let's find someone who can manage it! We can't train this horse, but there are people who can train and tame it! Isn't it? " Ding Yu doesn't care about what he says!

"I see! I'll call the commissar immediately! "

Qu he's heart is very clear, not that the director is unable to take down Yang Fan, there is no problem in this respect, but Yang Fan is a political commissar, and he is also a naval ship academy! If the director does? What kind of a thing is this, isn't it? After that, there is no way to explain!

So it's better to let the political commissar take action, which will save quite a lot of trouble and stop in the shortest possible time. At that time, everyone's heart will be more relaxed! Who is not to say a day of idle idle that kind! It's the same with yourself!

Want to follow Wang An's side? It's not just about fighting and killing yourself? It's too far away! If it is to fight and kill, then more than their own suitable people, go! And it's very cheap! If you want to have a foothold, then you need to constantly supplement yourself, so that you can get considerable evolution!

How can we evolve? Need to stabilize their own foundation at the same time, continue to fill! Follow the director's side, you can't help but follow the director to learn, the so-called close to the red, close to the ink black, in the past for such words, always did not have too much feeling, but now I think it is such a thing!

God is still very considerate to us, giving us such a chance! Now that the opportunity has come! Then we need to firmly grasp, absolutely can't relax! Provincial and so on oneself old one day, recollects own to do, can only be endless sentiment!

When Guzhuang knew about this matter, he was grateful to director Ding Yuding and also had feelings for Yang Fan!

Just say Yang fan can't be made! It's not right to do things without organization and context!

Because the person who dealt with him was director Ding Yuding, seemingly fragmentary, but in fact, it was knocking on Yang Fan's waist, which made him extremely painful, and even nearly made him lose his ID!

When Yang Fan really wakes up, the scene will not be dazzling! Great understanding, but for director Ding Yuding, how much hatred now, will be how grateful! But this thing can only guide him and give him a certain amount of on-demand, and absolutely can't break the matter!If he didn't wake up by himself, without his own understanding, I'm afraid that in the future, he can only follow the trend and can't really become a talent. That would be a pity! His efforts are in vain!

You should know that you are willing to give up your old face and let the director die! If Yang Fan is still unable to perform well, how can I see the director then!

Of course, there's more than one disturbing thing. Pepper made a phone call with Guo Kai last night, and I listened to the specific content! The distance between each other can not be said, that is, the bigger and bigger, but now it has begun to have some clear layers! In this regard, Guzhuang can only say that he is very tired!

Look at the people the director has trained! Look at the people you've chosen. Are they all the same? How can such a difference arise? Is not enough knowledge, or not enough experience, or not enough efforts? Is talent really such a big difference? I absolutely don't believe it!

Hesitated for some time, Guzhuang took time to call Yang Fan in the past!

After the phone call, Guzhuang is also very impolite, "Yang Fan, I heard you are furious? Do you have a little bit of organization and discipline? What do you want? When monkey grandson, make a big fuss in heaven? I think you are really capable? What's the matter? The director still needs to be controlled by you. You are the king of heaven, aren't you? "

Yang Fan, who was still boiling with blood, was poured directly on his head. When he touched the cold water, he suddenly woke up!

"Commissar, how do you know?" The voice seems a little guilty?

"How do I know? Good guy! When you run to the director's office building, you're almost shouting! Even shouting? What's the matter! Yang Fan? Shall I have a trumpet ready for you? You good to say, I really don't know, you still have such tone and blood? I underestimate you

"Commissar, no, I don't mean that?" Yang Fan quickly explained, "I saw Guo Kai's situation at that time, and I couldn't control myself! A little emotional! There is really no other meaning

"What? Emotional? You can do whatever you want! No fear? Right? You must go to the white tiger hall, otherwise you will not be shown? Is there paste in your head? "

"Director, I really don't mean that!"

"Do you mean that? I don't know, but I know clearly that you do this?! Yang Fan, I just don't understand! What's going on in your head? Do you think director Ding is inferior to you? Right? Director Ding's education is mediocre, so Yang Fan, where are the people you educated? You show it to me

A word, let Yang Fan speechless! Director Ding, whatever? What kind of people come out of their hands? As for yourself? After so many years of teaching and educating people, it seems that there are more students, but what about the actual situation? It is not to say how many people are proud of themselves, but the success rate of the director is quite different and different!

"Yang Fan, if you have this heart, there's no problem. I'm a teacher's face, and I'll support you! But what are you doing now? You want me to stand in front of the director? what did you say? What do you say? "

"Commissar, I'm a disgrace to you!"

"Did I just call you last night? I think my head should be no problem! My memory has not yet declined to such an extent! I asked director Ding to help me, because I think you are a material that can be made. In the future, you are really climbing up the pole! "

Guzhuang is really so sad about it! Director Ding has given himself such a face. Even if it is not a supporter, it is at least of great significance. Are you so hot blooded? No wonder there are some problems in the school! This is not to say that there is no reason!

I don't know if it is because the school is too closed, so that they are in such a circle, and do not have too much contact with the outside world! But this is also an army! The so-called closure of the school is just about management. The communication with the outside world and even the whole world is unimpeded!

How can Yang Fan become this way? A little agitation, he will forget who he is! A little blow on his side, he can't bear it? Is that the standard?

"I don't care what you think? You can go back to my residence now, write a deep examination, and give it to director Ding. If director Ding doesn't approve of it, you can write it for me! Until director Ding approves it! "

"Yes! Political commissar, I must deeply review myself! "

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Fan tentatively asked, "political commissar, what if director Ding doesn't want to see me? I was so excited about some of the previous things! I've already realized the seriousness of the problem. "

"Now you realize the seriousness of the problem? As far as I know, it seems that no one has ever dared to do so and run to director Ding so noisy? You are really nice! A pioneer! It's you"Commissar?" Although the political commissar did not face to face, Yang Fan was really a bit unable to raise his head at this time!

What did you come for? But after coming here? Has the matter progressed? How can I become so bold? What's going on?

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