At the weekend, the weather was a little bit cold, but it couldn't stand. Several children were more active, and Ding Yu didn't mean to restrain them. Especially Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, they could ease up so quickly, which is absolutely meaningful for their growth! They should give a lot of support!

Active and passive, the difference is so big, but Wang An's sister does not have so much energy! On this issue, it is not that Ding Yu has no intention, nor that Ding Yu has not taken care of it, but that the little girl does not have so much energy and has nothing to do with other things!

But fortunately, we all take her and take care of her. It's not difficult. It's easy!

"I said you should be more leisurely, don't be too agitated!"

When he saw that they were going to leave, Ding Yu gave a hard command. It was not that Ding Yu really had this idea. His father and mother were watching over there. If he didn't say this, come on! I don't have to think about going out today! My father and mother will definitely knock themselves out!

"Dad! Mom! Are you all right today? "

"Of course it's something!" Zhao Shuying snorted, "your father's old classmates are going to have a party today, and I don't know where they got so much interest. When they are free, they'll make a fool of themselves!"

But Ding Yu can clearly feel that his mother's interest is a little high, because whether it's clothes or hair, they should be carefully selected and processed! Obviously, there is a little emphasis on the party!

"In the city? Can I have it arranged? Or find the farm to arrange it. It's not a big deal! "

"No! It's all set up here! Just be busy with your own business! If anything, I'll call you then! " Zhao Shuying is a little bit in a hurry!

Ding Yu made a wink at his father. Ding Lin shook his head with a smile at his eldest son, so that he could rest assured! Such things should be handled by themselves, without any problems! Everything is in control!

Quhe and other places outside did not take a bus, but walked with Ding Yu to the farm! There's no need for a ride, OK? After getting on the bus, I basically got on and off! Not enough to toss back and forth, and stroll, absorb a little fresh air, is also quite good!

Ding Yu's greeting is not a kind of deliberate behavior!

"Xiaoyu! After a period of time, we will kill pigs at home. If there is no one left, we will not be able to kill you! "

"Hi! Third uncle, are you afraid that I will clean up all the time for you? " Ding Yu usually pulls his face, but it is aimed at the outside, for these villagers, he really won't, or even will take the initiative to pull down his own identity! It's a very common thing to talk about everyday life!

The so-called distinction between nobility and poverty is not here! What's the matter? His toe high gas high, difficult not to become really superior to the others?!

"If you could really clean it for me! I'm convinced! How much is guaranteed? How much do you eat? I'm afraid you won't come

"Yes! I wrote it down! However, it depends on whether there is such a time. If there is such a time, I will definitely go there. If not, you can forgive me. After all, there are a little more things on my side. Especially at this time, I am busy! "

Simply said two words, each other also separated! When Qu he saw this scene, he was so envious! "Director, it's better here! You can also eat authentic local pig killing dishes. It's rare! "

"Now the living conditions are much better, but there are not so many pigs. Especially, our land has quite strict requirements for some breeding industries, such as pig raising. So there are not so many farms around. Fortunately, we can find other jobs and earn more than pig farming."

"Director, is there such an impact? I haven't heard of it so much! "

Qu he is really do not know, the original planting and breeding industry has such a big impact!

"I don't know. It was also popularized by those experts later! That's very reasonable. For this problem, the farm also pays great attention to it. All along, there hasn't been any big problem! But speaking of it, I couldn't help drooling when I thought about killing pig dishes. The feeling and taste were really different! "

"Absolutely!" Qu he also wiped his mouth, "although you can eat pork every day, it's totally different from the local pig killing dishes. It's just a local custom! If they go to other places, they don't have this kind of custom, which is fundamentally different! "

"The local accent has changed! But the custom is still there! It's normal! "

When he came to his office, Ding Yu changed his attitude. He had been busy for a long time and didn't have to wait for Ding Yu deliberately. Who knows how many things will be delayed if we wait for director Ding?Even in the middle of the night, there are two teams on duty who are responsible for special coordination. It's not a joke. After all, controlling such a large consortium, you need to know the situation of the consortium all the time. If you are a little careless, the consortium will not fall apart, but there will be no good fruit to eat!

"Director?! The political commissar of Guzhuang called earlier, and he sent a document. Please give him a call when you have time! " Qu he put the document on the desktop! Then turn around and leave!

Ding Yu took a look at the document. There were some detailed information on it. Obviously, the fight for the deputy director and deputy political commissar has become extremely hot. However, these are expected. But is there a little more information from the political commissar? What do you mean by that? Let yourself choose? Or is he under a lot of pressure?

After reading the information, Ding Yu rearranged the list of these candidates. He put it in his hand and picked up the phone on the desk, "Hello, political commissar? I'm Ding Yu! "

"Hello, director. This is Guzhuang?"

"I've read the files that came over! I have no opinion

The conversation with the political commissar was not very long, and Ding Yu didn't mean much to exchange greetings. "I'll pass it on to you later, and you can have a look at it! If you can decide, you'd better decide first! Everyone in the province has so many people in panic! What's more, the work now seems to be so busy! "

"I see!" It seems that Guzhuang didn't mean to exchange greetings with Ding Yu. The conversation between them is a little formulaic!

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu called Qu he in, "send it to the political commissar in the order, and then destroy these files! Don't let others know! "

Ding Yu is very clear, Qu he also solemnly ordered his head, and then to deal with the equivalent of things, these things are very simple! After receiving the reply from the political commissar, Qu he also destroyed all these files! There is no intention of staying at all!

Looking at the files passed back, Guzhuang also had his own consideration. There were some adjustments in the order that he passed on to the director, and the order that the director passed to himself. But the adjustment was not so big. Obviously, they also reached an agreement on this issue!

To know that two people in the past did not have contact in this respect, but now can reach such a tacit agreement, the cooperation between two people is also visible in general! The end is powerful!

After finishing the files, sitting in his own position, Gu Zhuang's heart has so many exclamations! After Yang Fan's incident, there was a little bit of pressure on my side. I called in all aspects, and the purpose of probing was particularly obvious! I'm really tired of dealing with it!

Everyone put their attention on themselves and the director, but it was Yang Fan that side of the matter, we all ignored! Not as a thing at all, this let Guzhuang can not help a big sigh of relief!

Relatively speaking, this is the most worried about their own, but also let their most valued! First give this thing to the surrounding area in the past, then the remaining things will be easy to handle! If people still hold on to Yang Fan's affairs, it's really quite tricky. Although the water poured on their heads is not a basin of cold water, it has already undergone a considerable transformation!

Is that the director?! To come up with such an arrangement? And make such a decision!

Let quite a few people's fanaticism calm down a little, but did not eliminate their enthusiasm in this respect, at the same time, let some forces behind, feel the pressure, now if you continue to add a fire, then the goal is too obvious!

No one is a fool, is he? Once we have seen the facts and problems clearly, how will we deal with them? So Ding Yu changed here! What about the forces behind it? It is also the end of the flag, and some of the hot blooded people, this time is also calm and calm! The situation has been temporarily stabilized, which is a good thing!

People who know the whole thing are not absent, but very few. Ding Yu has made the whole plan. Guzhuang is responsible for the specific implementation, while Han Quan and others are responsible for improving. Everything is orderly and successful!

If you want to solve the problems and problems thoroughly, it will take time! One size fits all is not the way to do things, and the problems will be even bigger then! Contradictions will become more and more prominent! All of these can be avoided. In that case, why not adopt a more secure and appropriate way?

Guzhuang reported a considerable situation to political commissar Han Quan, who is in charge of the overall situation. He is definitely more experienced in this matter than he is, and it is more appropriate for him to make another pass!

However, after reading the report, Han Quan also lamented Gu Zhuang's caution and caution. At the same time, he was quite satisfied with Ding Yu's arrangement, because Ding Yu did not have any subjective opinions or ideas in the personnel arrangement, which was very objective!It takes into account quite a number of personnel and other issues! Although Guzhuang did not make any mention and explanation on the document, there is no need to make any explanation for these things! There is director Ding Yuding here! With him alone, he is really the top of the thousands of troops!

It's really a blessing that he can stand up! Of course, in this process, we can still see Ding Yu's caution and caution. Sometimes, he is not as bold as he imagined. What are the other concerns? Han Quan of course is clear, but these things, he has never had the opportunity to talk to Ding Yu!

What's more, even if I went to director Ding Yuding, can we talk about the so-called result? I haven't seen it! There are two reasons. One is that this is not a commercial negotiation. Is the other reason? Ding Yu is willing to get involved in the things he has not seen, and this is particularly important!

If director Ding Yuding is willing to be involved in this matter, that did not say! But from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu did not mean to be involved in this matter, whether it is the front echelon, or now these seeds, has always been so!

Do me a favor and start. There's no problem with this, but what's left? It has nothing to do with me. I have self-knowledge and everyone is well. Isn't this more appropriate? I have to make a fuss about it. It's just that some of them are too much! At least Ding Yu is not willing to do such a thing!

Han Quan of course is very clear, this is not to say that they can be forced to do, not to say it is their own! Even if it is forced by the leaders, it seems that there is no result, just like the original echelon! That is the chief even with the bluff, it is not easy to let him take over, otherwise it is difficult!

What's more! What is the situation in director Ding's home? Others don't know, don't you know? If he really wants to take this road, besides the Wang family and the Su family, as well as the Zheng family, they will give their full support!

It's like this now, but it doesn't mean that we're all fighting on our own, scattered sand, but it's almost the same! Of course, this is a joke. The development of the Su family is a little slow! Is really can't keep up with Wang family and Zheng family! This is obvious to all!

Of course, it seems that Ding Yu's motives are sinister. How old are Ding Yu's sons and daughters! But Ding Yu has no interest and arrangement in this respect at all. As for Wang Xiaogang, that is another saying. Anyway? He is Wang Xiaogang's uncle, not Wang Xiaogang's father, isn't he?

Of course, you can say that's bullshit! It doesn't matter!

As for why Ding Yu wants to cultivate Wang Xiaogang, this matter is not so hard to understand as imagined. Even quite a lot of people know it very clearly and understand. The reason is too simple!

What about these? All should be the consideration and consideration of director Ding, he is really not interested in other aspects! If it really interests him? Doctors may be one of them, and then it's about the consortium! Even in the affairs of the consortium, there is no doctor more important!

How to understand Ding Yu, this matter is really very difficult, even there are some troubles, but one thing is certain, that is, Ding Yu's existence is absolutely a blessing for the country, and it is also a great blessing, enough!

So Han Quan didn't think much about it. After reporting quite a few things, he approved it!

So the first time, a deputy director, two deputy directors all arrived, but it is a pity that they did not see Ding Yu at all, and Ding Yu did not mean to see them! Everyone is well!

Now the telephone is also very many, mutual communication is not difficult! Just go and report to the political commissar! As for what kind of arrangements will be made and what kind of operation will be, it depends on the political commissar! I don't care, and I won't pay much attention to it!

Ding Yu's behavior is a little too self willed, even some do not know why!

However, due to some reasons, we all pretended not to know about this aspect of things and turned a blind eye to the so-called! It's quite different to close one eye! However, both the deputy director and the deputy political commissar went to Guzhuang for the first time to report. There was no stagnation, and no one was nothing for nothing!

And know clearly that the meeting with the director is not so far away, but at most, it is to make a phone call to communicate with each other. No one dares to cross the line, because no one dares to guarantee whether the line is the red line and the bottom line?!

If really is the red line and the bottom line, good guy, stepped on the tail of director Ding Yuding! When I came here, I didn't do anything to block the director? Besides, he is still a director with such a strange temperament. Does he really feel that he can forget himself?

However, the people in a hurry, after seeing Guzhuang, also have a little strange feeling! The political commissar did not want to mention the director's meaning. He had no interest in this aspect! Is there any problem or condition in this? Nobody knows? No one can say that!But after came, also did not have what receives the wind to wash the dust, also did not have the deliberate exchange greetings, after came is the high difficulty! Start working directly without any adaptation! Now that we're here, let's start! There is no idle people here. If you have this plan, how far can you go! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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