Wei Chun has a considerable position for himself, as for his son? Children and grandchildren own their own children and grandchildren blessing, too much, may be counterproductive, for this point, Weichun is still very clear!

In the future, he will be the same as himself, isn't it? Dragon born dragon and phoenix born phoenix, his son as a police officer, is also a son to bear the father's career, although compared with other jobs has a considerable danger, but fortunately, he has a considerable understanding of this behavior after a considerable amount of teaching!

So it will be very fast to start at that time, and this will make him improve a little faster in the future!

Of course, these are just some of my ideas now! As for whether it will succeed, it is still to be discussed! But look at his current road, it seems good! Fight with two children and apprentices of Ding family! This also makes oneself feel so little envy!

Really say their son became their little follow-up? It seems that it is not so. Wang An and Tong Tong have not known much about their two people. But some performances of Ding Yun and Ding Chang are familiar with themselves!

No way not familiar, and is not the son of the classmate relationship is not so big!

The two children don't mean that at all! But really friends? Wei Chun also knows about this, but not to that point? Why not that? It is not that they are arrogant, or despise people, it is not the reason for this aspect, the main son of their own! A little bit away from others!

Look like you are a little adult! Have a certain understanding of quite all, but too superficial and superficial!

To be friends, at least on a certain level, we need to reach a resonance, and there is a channel for communication between them. If we don't have any place to reach a resonance, we can be sincere friends. On this point, it seems too untrue! I am a policeman!

Although that said, it is a little too obvious! But the fact is the fact, can not tolerate a little false!

The afternoon time passed by, Ding Yun called Wei chubby to take the bus, no car pick up the car to send such a saying, now quite a family has done so! You know that everyone is proud of yourself. You can do it. Why can't I do it like this? Right? You are not more than me, and I am not less than you?

Of course, there are also cyclists, but there are still a few, mainly because the weather is too cold, not to take their own car has been quite a change! In such a case, one step in place, for many students, is not a test! There are so many harsh, but also true there are so many can not say!

"Elder sister, is that really good?" Wei fat son looks at oneself body above the dress, has a little nervous feeling!

Ding Yun looked at Wei chubby, and after seeing it, he nodded. "I didn't see any unusual place, and even if you were dressed up in a fancy, I don't think my father would say anything! He still has a considerable bearing capacity for the avant-garde, it doesn't matter what he likes or dislikes! "

"Sorry! Elder sister, I haven't been vulgar to that point, right Wei fat son stuffy say!

Ding Yun a failed expression, and next Ding Chang is laughing, "fat, have you seen the show?"

"Show?" "I feel the model is very good-looking!" suddenly, Wei's eyes began to shine If not for all at present, I'm afraid this mouth of water is going to flow out, right?!

"It's too low to see! In fact, many times, the clothes of the show are too abstract, even have some super concepts, which make people confused. But there are countless people obsessed with it, because there is a treasure house that can be discovered. Moreover, with less avant-garde clothes, there is less surprise, a little fun and a wireless possibility! "

Wei chubby also lowered his head. "Elder sister, don't hit me well. I am at most a hormone impulse teenager now. I may have a little interest in models, and I have no interest in those clothes, but it is a bit impossible to say that!"

For Wei chuzi's explanation, Ding Yun is not polite at all, and it is a finger ring that hits Wei chubby's head door. This guy is a little bit dirty. He needs to teach him a little lesson and make him a little sober!

After getting off the bus, we need to take a considerable distance. From time to time, some people greet Ding Yun and four of them. Ding Yun also responds the same way. They are not restrained at all, even quite open. Besides, they see several dogs rushing in from a long distance! Look Wei fat son also has a little timid feeling!

What situation, Labrador and samoyer can understand themselves, but the slow and leisurely big guy who followed, this is how to do a thing, his father is a police, so how much he has a little understanding of the dog!

There is a word how to say, bite the dog does not cry, the more dull the dog, the more fierce and fierce! And it is what kind of dog this is, I am a little unclear, at least not very famous that kind!"Elder sister, is this yours?"

"Bear, come and say hello!" Ding Yun touched the bear's head and was very happy. "Ding Chang and I have been serving our family for many years. It's our old team! Now children and grandchildren in groups, the effect is still very good, but now stay here is not so much! The only one in the family can ignore the existence of the big devil! "

What? Wei almost jumped up, although the earth is also very attractive to himself, but such things, there are so many too out of the circle, right? The only one in the family who can ignore uncle Ding? Although it is an animal, it seems to be a unique existence!

"Hello, bear. I'm Wei Lai. You can call me fat Wei!" Next to the two students, is also the same to introduce themselves, but the bear is sniffing with his nose, and then without any attention, squatting on the side of the position, slightly show some arrogance, even some disdain feeling!

Came to the residence, Ding Yun here is so some ignore, Ding Chang is very helpless, "go! Except for my father's study, the rest of the house is indifferent. I can show you around, but what would you like to drink? I recommend juice, pure natural juice

When we came to this villa, we were still a little nervous, but soon we found that the room was a little big, and there were nannies, but they were very kind. There were Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Wang An and Tong Tong. They were not as serious as they thought, and even gave Wei Chun the feeling of being so sullen!

In other aspects, Wei Chun felt that he could accept all the facilities, such as 3D projection. However, when he came to the game room, not only Wei Chun, but also the other two students, completely collapsed!

Holding Ding Chang doesn't mean to let go! Even some of them can't be pulled!

"I don't want to go home! Ding Chang, do you want uncle Ding to be my father? "

Ding Chang felt very speechless, "Da Chun, if you let your father know about this matter, I think he doesn't hit you, a face full of peach blossom, there are so many sorry for his own! Do you think so? "

"It doesn't matter! Let me have a good time for two days! This is my dream life

The facilities in the room are too complete! Especially in the racing seat, Wei Chun felt that he was really unable to walk! As for the other two students, they are totally addicted to the plane, and their saliva has come down!

"Ouch Wei Chun, who felt a heavy blow, felt the pain after half a day. Only then did he find that in addition to the elder sister, there was a weak little girl who was following the elder sister's back. She looked a little weak! "Let me tell you, this is Wang An's sister, and also our sister! Do you know? "

"Hello, sister. I'm your fat brother!" Wei Chun pointed to his chest with his thumb. "I'll report the name of fat man Wei. It's absolutely good. If anyone is not angry, I'll let him know why we welcome everyone here. After all, we are good students."

Ding Yun directly gave a foot, the slightest kind of impoliteness, the treatment of Wei fat man does not need to have any courtesy, but to a certain extent, it also reflects the relationship between each other, very good!

"Fat man, I don't see it! Good game

Wei was very proud. He clenched his fist with the other two classmates. Then he put out his index finger and held it high. "We are the strongest!"

We look at the performance of two of the three people, are so some silly eyes, what age is it?! Even so, fortunately there are not so many people here, otherwise there are so many people who are not shameful enough? But on the other hand, these three guys are really fun!

"Fat man, I think your skin is really itchy? What to drink? " There are many kinds of juice, and we don't have much discrimination. We just choose our own preferences! But it's really delicious!

"Elder sister, why don't we have a competition?"

Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Two elder martial brothers looked at each other, and then shook their heads, "today, we don't have a competition! This is Dad's chassis, the residence next to the school. That's where our stronghold is! "

"I'll go!" Fat man Wei exclaimed! You know, it's impossible for your family to buy something like this? It's possible, because the conditions at home are OK, but my father will never agree with him, and so will his mother. They will never spend such spare money to buy these useless things!

But the head of the eldest sister? okay? So placed here, how is a envy can get away with it?!

"Don't swear!" It's another finger ring, clean and neat! Next to the two students are also some bared teeth, no way, the elder sister head is really so some too "fierce"! On this point, we are really helpless, no way, the original time is not without a contest, but at that time was cleaned up that called a squash!"Too wasteful?" Wei Pang is reluctant to part with him! "What a waste

"Don't think about it! I don't know you yet Ding Yun is very clear, "you this guy has no any qualitative, such a game machine hands! You will completely forget yourself! I need to keep an eye on you for uncle Wei, so that you don't have other things. But my game account can be borrowed from you! "

"Elder sister, I'm also interested in it!"

The words have not finished, was Wei Lai to cover the mouth, directly to throw to the back! Then Wei Lai looks at Ding Yun carefully. He has read the account himself, OK? I finally know what kind of existence the whole hero skin is. At that time, I saw the account and I doubted it! Is this something that people do?

In the eyes of these people, it is completely beyond the conventional weapons. It is simply the existence of nuclear weapons. It is so shocking! Stop talking about the account! Even if you look at it, you feel that you have not come to this life in vain!

In the room for almost an hour, they came out one after another, but still a very nostalgic look! After waiting for Ding Yu to come back, Wei Laicai cleaned up his mood! Reluctantly left the game room!

"Hello, uncle Ding!" Wei Lai, the attitude of the three of them is very respectful! The shadow of people's famous trees, not to mention the existence of Uncle ding or their elders who need to look up to. Although this is not the first time to see them, they are the first time to come to the villa!

Ding Yu nodded his head, but there was not too much seriousness! "Coming? I came back a little late?! Ding Yun didn't bully you, did you? " He didn't mean to regard Wei Lai as an outsider at all, "but we still need to wait for dinner. My grandfather and grandma still need a while to be able to come back! You're hungry

"No! Uncle Ding, we had a lot of snacks and drinks just now! "

Putting his coat to one side, Ding Yu pointed to the sofa. "You can be casual. It's not like a tiger's den here. But they really bring their classmates back for the first time. At least in my impression, it's the first time for me to be a father! Are you really excited? When I came back, I thought about it! I'll show you a hand tonight

For the teacher's small excitement, Wang An and Tong Tong both looked in the eyes, at the same time, the skull slightly hurt, why? My master really has so many bad tastes! Ding Yun and Ding Chang have already brought themselves in, but even if it is, it is not of much use!

It is true that there are three more Wei Lai, but how much can they play? What's more, the master is obviously aware of this matter, but he doesn't have any words! Even happy to happen, is really do not know how to let people say! They also have quite exclamation now!

Waiting for Ding Yu to leave! Wei Lai and their relief at the same time, Wang Yang and Tong Tong are also greatly relieved!

"Feel the master! It's not as a thing! "

Ding Yun is puffing up his mouth and is angry. Of course, he feels it! His father how despised them, this is really too hateful! What he said, all need to let him see, he and others are not in vain!

"Elder sister, why does uncle Ding do this?"

"Isn't it a little abnormal?" Ding Chang narrowed his eyes and grinned, "Dad sometimes is a child, and even has time to play games with us. For example, the large game machine is a bit old for us, but for Dad, the memory of youth! I can tell you a little secret. If Dad invites you to play games, you must promise to come down! "

"That's not likely, is it?"

"I haven't seen it, but I don't need to prepare in advance, because it doesn't make any sense! What Dad needs to see is not how good your game is! The direction of dad's understanding is to see how well you understand your culture and how far you use your knowledge? What's more, what is the situation of their own exercise and so on! That's what Dad wants to know. As for playing games? For Dad, there's something that can't be done! "

But Wei Lai was a little depressed, "I also because if I can defeat uncle Ding, what reward will uncle Ding give us? It seems that hope has fallen through! "

"Dad's strengths? It's not in this area at all! And dad for the game, also not so love, at most is some time with us to make fun of it! Has your father never played well with you? "

Ding Yun and they all expressed considerable doubt about this! Wang An and Tong Tong are the same!

Although it is not a long time to come here, our masters will still take advantage of their time to play games or play ball games with them. Sometimes they can also take advantage of this opportunity to bully their own masters. That kind of pleasure makes them have incomparable satisfaction!Wei Lai, the three of them were a little depressed, "parents at home! Stop playing games! We didn't have too much time with us. It was a little better at the original time. At least there was a weekend holiday. Now it's better! Say I've grown up! Hi! We are all used to it! "

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