In the morning, Ding Yu came to the office. Looking at the documents on the desk, he turned his mouth slightly! It's not to say that we need to deal with these official affairs every day. However, some things need to be decided by ourselves! It's not that you can do what you want?

On the whole, the farm does not need to be responsible for its own affairs, because some people are responsible for it now, but the specific direction of the consortium still needs to be controlled by itself. On this issue, it is absolutely impossible to borrow manpower! Unless you say you really don't want to do it! Or ignore all people's efforts and struggle!

Of course, if such a situation really happens, his own end will never be too good! That's for sure!

"Sir, I don't know how your call happened."

Looking at the call on the mobile phone, Ding Yu blinked his eyes, nodded to Qu he, and then used his phone to dial the past! "Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

"Sir, this is Kim!" Gold, who has been hidden for a long time, has finally appeared at this time!

"When I hear your voice, I'm really kind. How are things recently?"

"Thank you for your concern. Everything is OK. There are not too many problems!" Jin is still the same as before. It is true that he is the chief security officer of Mr. Zhang, but he did not deliberately pinch himself for this reason!

"When I call you, I have encountered some problems here. There are some inconveniences in orange and apricot, and I can't show up, because once I come out, it's easy to be perceived by the outside world. You know more about me! It's only you, sir

For Jin's story, Ding Yu is still very confident. Relatively speaking, Jin still has some fixed patterns. If he makes a move now, he will be easily understood by other aspects! This is definitely not a good thing!

"Is there a problem with the integration there?"

"There are two problems, one is integration, the other is some problems involved in the specific process! There is no doubt about the working ability of orange apricot, but sometimes it is too sensitive. The same is true for Li Fuzhen. Everyone knows that they are your people, so they can only be controlled behind the scenes! "

"I understand in general! I'll call my uncle. There won't be too many problems with the government. He knows about it, but he hasn't been very good at expressing his position. Moreover, I still have quite a relationship there before I get rich. You should be responsible for the specific contact! I can't trust to leave this matter to others! "

"Yes! I'm sorry to trouble you, sir

"Don't say compliments! Things there are a little bit hard there, but also need to avoid people's eyes, now countless pairs of eyes are looking for you, even I did not think that you have not revealed any trace, for this point, I have felt extremely gratified! "

The truth! There is no so-called boasting, you know how many people are looking for him after Kim left his side! But until now, there is no trace, for this point has been quite difficult!

Even now we don't know whether Jin is at home or abroad! Some people said that because Jin knew too many things, he was killed by Ding Yu!

It is not that there is no such rumor, even some people believe it!

However, in the interior, we all treat this as a joke. Mr. Chen never explained anything. However, the security department still knows something about it. Because some of them are following Kim's side, which is only due to other reasons, so the circulation of news is not just a broadcast! This is forgivable!

"Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

"Ha ha, you have called me, my side! I've been thinking about when you'll call! " Wang Chenglin on the other side of the phone laughed!

Wang Chenglin has a good understanding of the situation, but from the beginning to the end, Wang Chenglin did not say anything, and even actively avoided quite a number of problems! But avoiding doesn't mean Wang Chenglin really doesn't know anything! This is impossible! As the leader of the provincial Party committee, I know all these things!

"Previously, the action was relatively small, but with the gradual integration of the project, it is inevitable to encounter considerable problems. However, before the complete plastic surgery is completed, it can not be exposed. Even if the integration is completed, if it can not be exposed, it is better not to have any exposure! It has considerable advantages! "

For his nephew's prudence, Wang Chenglin is very agree, too much publicity, absolutely no benefit, now such a time, absolutely do not go to see what the so-called advertising effect, no shadow of things!

Rubbing his fingers, Wang Changlin thought for a while, then he said methodically, "boss! My side of the matter is to help, there is no problem, I believe it will not cause too many waves, but this matter can not be heard at home! "Ding Yu, who is over the phone, narrowed her eyes slightly. Her fingers gently swept over the table in front of her. After rubbing it, she put her eyes in front of her. There was not much dust. It was very clean!

"Things at home! If you can stop it, it's better to stop it a little bit! " Ding Yu if pointed to say, from the tone of speech and attitude above can clearly feel, Ding Yu still has a certain consideration for home! "My father should know something about it!"

As soon as you say that! Wang Chenglin's face is slightly red, this matter is really revealed by himself! Boss! It's really to save some face for yourself! Really, if you say it, you will be disgraced!

"It's similar to what I think. If you want to come home, you won't show it too much!"

This so-called home is actually Wang Changlin, not the Wang family and the Su family! Trees have withered branches, this is a very normal thing, if you really disclose the current things to the Wang family and the Su family! There are not too many problems in the core aspect, basically can keep quite a secret!

But can everyone keep this secret? It's true that people are more afraid of Ding Yu, and even have some evidence to go away from it, but it doesn't mean that everyone can really shut up. What's more, who knows who's spreading the news then, right? If you don't see it, you can check it out!

It was not long to talk with his brother-in-law for a long time. Ding Yu immediately hung up the phone. Jin called and begged for some things. Ding Yu began to adjust and deal with them one by one. After all, it involved quite a lot of industries and layout, so Ding Yu needed to be cautious and careful!

You know, behind this, there are countless discussions and discussions. It's not to say that Ding Yu alone made a decision, and then began to put it into practice. It's impossible! It's definitely not unrealistic!

If a consortium acts like this, it is not far from the time when the consortium goes to failure!

Ding Yu is holding a pen in his hand and carefully outlines the lines on the paper. Obviously, he is quite satisfied with his own processing. Things need to be done step by step. He can't be too hasty. Even if the integration is over now, Ding Yu will not be too bold!

Can let everyone focus on their own body, but can not let them focus on other things, Ding Yu for this matter or abnormal attention!

When the telephone on the desk vibrates and rings, Ding Yu's thoughts are interrupted! After a look at the caller ID on the mobile phone, the girl at home called me at this time, but it was a little strange!

"I'm Ding Yu!"

It is still a rather dull opening speech, without any sentiment, nor too much care and emotion. She knows that Ding Yun is calling, but Ding Yu's words seem to be aimed at an outsider!

"Dad! dad! Did you have your meal? It's already noon! " It's a cheerful voice!

Ding Yun is not used to her father, even has been used to it for a long time! Father is such a person, even at home, is also the case, not to say how serious he is, nor to say that he is not serious, not like this, father is just too calm!

"Have you eaten yet?" Ding Yu said to himself, "not yet? You're in the canteen! I'll be there in a minute

What happened? Ding Yu doesn't have any inquiry meaning, it seems that it is not particularly important! Otherwise, Ding Yun may even run to their own office! Others taboo here, but for a few children, never so! They just don't want to disturb Ding Yu's work!

"Well!" Ding Yun was a little excited, "then we are waiting for Dad! See you soon

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and felt so funny in his heart. He slightly folded the files and documents on his desktop. Ding Yu never borrowed his hand! On the one hand, because these documents are of great importance, on the other hand? Ding Yu is not a lazy person!

Just came out of the office, saw Quhe waiting outside, slightly bow to Ding Yu, attitude is very respectful! Ding Yu has a look at Qu he! The eyes slightly have so some lost consciousness, and then also back two steps, carefully looking at Qu he!

After examining for a period of time, Ding Yu also sighed, "we all know that your family's Kung Fu is extraordinary, but Qu he, you're a little scared of me!" When saying this, Ding Yu's tone is very exclamation, but at the same time is very happy appearance!

Qu he is also biting his teeth, although the excitement has passed! But at this time, there are still so many can not own! "Sir, I will never forget your kindness!" This is absolutely not a word, two words can say clearly, but can see that Qu he is a bit excited too much!"No wonder you didn't come in the morning. I thought something was wrong."

Can feel from Ding Yu's words, he is still quite concerned about Qu he! Ding Yu didn't expect Qu he to make progress so quickly! This is a good thing, a great thing! I am also happy!

After two steps forward, Ding Yu patted Qu he on the shoulder. "I thought that you still need to wait for quite some time. I didn't expect that your brain would open up so quickly! Your family's Kung Fu is really extraordinary

"Sir Qu he leaned down on his body to be more respectful and respectful. "I don't know how to express my present idea. I'm very excited, but I know that if there is no gentleman, I would never have come to this stage, or even..."

Ding Yu said, "well, you can't say that. You have a good foundation. You have paid a lot for your family. That's why you have made such achievements. I just played a guiding role."

"A word of truth! False biography of thousands of books! Without your advice, sir, I rely on my own exploration. I don't know what step I can do. I feel confused and rely on groping. If I want to avoid going wrong, I claim that I have no such luck! Sir, Qu he won't talk big. I promise you, just leave a root for our family! If you are happy with the rest

Ding Yu patted Qu he on the shoulder, and then walked forward first. Qu he followed Ding Yu, half a step behind! Now Qu he is really submissive to Ding Yu, without any falsehood!

"It seems that your mother's worries should be relieved a little bit!" Ding Yu said to Qu he as he walked, "but I didn't think you could walk so fast!"

"I know, sir! If it's my own, I can't afford it at all. Sir, you have given me such a chance and I can't afford such kindness! " Qu he is very straightforward, of course, it can also be said that he does not have any heart, or in front of Ding Yu, there is no need to play with any cleverness, there is no need!

"Use it on the right person! No one knows whether what he is doing is right or wrong! You know what? Maybe from your personal point of view, there is no problem, but such a thing is too absolute! The so-called but do good! Don't ask about the future, that's the truth! "

The speed of two people is not so fast! But Ding Yu still saw Ding Chang at the door of the dining hall, waving to himself? Ding Yu raised his arm and said hello to Ding Chang, but the speed was still not raised!

"Qu he, although you said it was a breakthrough! This is a good thing, but it needs to be consolidated. Don't leave any regrets. Pay more attention to these two days. I'll rearrange some things for you later, and then send them to you. If you look for them by yourself, I'm afraid it will be really troublesome! "

"Yes! sir! You're in trouble

Qu he did not refuse such a thing, anyway, he had already made a decision! What's more, if you really let yourself find those things, it's not so simple as time-consuming and laborious, but also involves quite a lot of things! You can't do it yourself!

When he came to the canteen, he looked at Ding Chang who was waiting there. Ding Yu touched his head and asked curiously, "what are you doing? How do you feel like you have a little bit of excitement? "

"Of course, Dad! We all want to share with you

Ding Yun is very happy. Ding Yu doesn't mean to break the casserole! Since they are happy, then they are not too boring! In that case, it would be a little bit too much! Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is more delicate for the children at home! After all, it's my own! And the other two are their own successors!

When he turned around, Ding Yu looked at Qu he and blinked his eyes. "Qu he, have you seen it? Today is more than just happy. I'm afraid my wallet! It needs to be tossed about too! "

Qu he laughs with a smile, and doesn't mean to be involved in it. Obviously, Qu he knows something about children. Now it's not time for Qu he to speak! Some things still need to be told by themselves, sir!




Children's address is quite different, Ding Yu has no bias, all nod one by one!

"It seems that you are all so happy today." After saying hello to them, Ding Yu sat down in his position, and several children followed him!

"Dad, you see, we made this one!"

Ding Yu looked at the things on the table, but he was a little lost in his mind. The catalogue was very clear and clear! I've never thought of doing this kind of work. I've never thought of doing it myself! It seems that this is not a day or two days to do it!"It's a good thing, but I didn't expect so much! I don't know you still have this aspect of mind! Not bad

Ding Yu gave them a lot of praise for what they had done!

"Do it with your heart! This is a good thing. Don't give up halfway! "

"Dad! We have made introductions with quite a number of people. We all have considerable interests and hobbies in this regard! However, it is not a simple thing to popularize! A little bit of trouble! "

Get it! Ding Yu knew that they would never let themselves too easy! But for such a thing, Ding Yu thinks still need to give quite support! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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