When Qu he came back, Ding Yu had already called!

"Director, I brought you something back! I didn't eat much when I saw you at noon! "

"Well! I see! " Ding Yu pointed his head to the crane and said, "I'll wait for a while. The day after tomorrow, it's new year's Day! Let's not talk about the activities on this side of the farm. We need to see some children's performances! What's more, it's coming to the end of the year! Also need to make some arrangements, you statistics! It's nothing to do

"Yes! Director Qu he turned back and left! There are still too many things that I should not do!

I don't know why the director came back. I don't want to ask too clearly! There's no need! He is not what bag inquires, for what matter, need to explore clearly! What's more, I have found out all the things by myself? What do you want?!

Don't you understand the truth that the more you know, the faster you die? What's more, this also involves the director! Not to mention it! If there is anything, ha ha! Now Qu he is far away from himself! You can say that you are timid, but you can also say that you are cautious! At least it doesn't do much harm, does it?

When I go home in the evening, several children seem to have a little excitement!

"Dad, you'll come and watch the new year's performance?"

Although the tone of voice, there are some elements of deliberation among them, but look at the expressions of my father and mother next to me. If I say no word, maybe at the next moment, I will slap at Ding Yu!

There won't be any jokes! The children in the family are standing on the table for the first time. You are a father and a master, don't you come? What's the matter? Is the child inviting you or provoking you? You're not going to give the kids a platform?

"Be there!" Ding Yu said in a positive tone!

Seeing his parents' satisfied eyes, Ding Yu was relieved and didn't mean to give a few children! In the past, I have never been in the venue, but this year it seems that there are not too many things, so in the past to take a look, as to ease their mood!

"Oh! by the way! I'll kill pigs in my uncle's house tomorrow. Dad, will you go? "

"I will not go there! There is a little more oil and water in these two days! You can just go there! "

A few children are not interested in this aspect. They have seen the killing of pigs. At the beginning, there are still some small excitement, but now? There is not too much interest! However, the taste of the pig killing dish is really good. Of course, it may be due to the large number of people. After all, it is lively!

The relationship between the Ding family and many people on this side of the farm is quite good! There is no difference between high and low. The Ding family is invited here. Even if people don't come, the ceremony is sure to come. Of course, it's not luxury, wine or cigarettes! That's it! The so-called ceremony is light and the mind is heavy, isn't it?

It's not that the Ding family can't take out the valuable things, but the valuable things have been taken in the past! How can I get them back? Is it difficult to bring you all the pigs that have been killed? Are you kidding? What do you eat at home? Right?

A little joke, really when the Ding family can't afford pork or what?

People can come over, whether it is a gift or a person, all represent an attitude. As long as this attitude exists, everything else will not be a problem. If the Ding family really wants to eat, don't mention the whole pig! Even if all the pigs in the house are wrapped round, what can it do? No problem!

At noon the next day, Ding Yu took Qu he to the third uncle's house. It was the right time, not too early or too late! "Third uncle, I brought people here today. It depends on whether you have enough meat in your house!"

"Open your heart to eat, if you don't eat up! Just look down on me

People on this side of the farm all know that although Ding Yu has a large amount of food, he seldom eats at noon. Even if he eats, he is one of the few! It may be a habit or a problem! We really don't have much in-depth study of the meaning!

"Come on! If you know your family is rich this year, you'd better leave it to the Spring Festival! I'll try some fresh food here! If it's eaten up! I'm afraid there's no way to explain it when spring comes back! How's the pig this year? "

The third uncle stretched out his thumb, and his face was full of laughter!

"I didn't say that. All the pigs in our family grew up eating our food, but they didn't eat fodder. How can we not serve our own food well? As a result, many people come here to buy pigs and specify the kind we want to raise! It's several times more expensive than those on the market! "

"Yes! This income is not ordinary? " Ding Yu received the cigarette, there is no any courtesy, the quality of the cigarette for himself, is not so on the heart! "But I've just seen it! There seems to be no shortage of pigs at home? ""Hi! Although the income is not general, but spring this year back! And my granddaughter came back with me! What they eat over there is farmed food. It's meat. I don't want it. How can we catch up with our family? "

For those things, the third uncle expressed the most serious contempt! Ding Yu is also feeling so funny, "even if you can eat again, it won't be as good as it is?! You are a grandfather. I really don't know what to say

"Haha, it's mainly because there are two pigs left in the house before the time is up. As for the others, they can be sold in two days. The price is higher. It's better to say something! As long as the thing is good, as far as the price is concerned? It's really expensive. You don't want it. Some people want it! " When he spoke, he made a big finger at Ding Yu again!

"Boss! In fact, we all know that this is what you have brought

"No Ding Yu waved his hand, and then pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray. Now everyone is very particular about garbage. Ding Yu has no exception at this point! "I don't care much about the farm, and I just work there! Everybody knows it! Why don't you hold me

"You mean it! OK, I won't say it! At noon, I'd like to offer you a drink on behalf of all of you! "

Ding Yu did not sit on the throne. Although he said that his identity may be a little different, he came to other people's home and directly sat on the throne. Who do you look down on?

However, although Ding Yu did not sit on the main seat, the position of the main table was still reserved for Ding Yu, just like a joke! If Ding Yu doesn't sit on the main table, who else dares to do it!

"Uncle! This dish is a little too much! " After sitting down, Ding Yu said hello to all the people in the same seat, "it seems that this year is really a big harvest! Even the treat is so heroic

"Absolutely The third uncle poured wine to all the people, "if you are not bold, you dare not invite us to come here!"

At noon, Ding Yu didn't mean to let go. He didn't eat much and didn't drink much wine. He even contaminated his mouth! However, we are all satisfied with this. It is not an easy thing to let Ding Yu come here, is it?

And Ding Yu is also quite face saving! In such a case, too many requirements, it seems that there are so some ignorant!

"I said," uncle, you can eat it! You carry this meat for me. What kind of thing is this? "

"Our family's attention, whether it is more or less, is also a share of the wealth and fortune, isn't it?"

Meat is not much, but the meaning is different!

Ding Yu is helpless to carry two catties of meat, back to his home, looking at the situation of small four eyes, but also stare at the past!

"This is given to me, not to you. Please pay attention to it!"

After saying that, is also pretending to lift their feet, small four eyes also do not have any ambiguity, grew up their mouth, hit a breath, see that meaning is very clear, you dare to move feet, I dare to move the mouth, see who is afraid of who, do not believe, then try it! Anyway, I don't care!

Ding Yu slightly pursed his mouth, this bastard! I really can't do it. I can't fight! I can't scold you!

Helpless, can only be with the home nanny to say hello, "look at it, don't let him mischievous!"

Nanny nodded, but the heart of this bitter, the bear in the home is a nuclear bomb like existence, good or bad, it is really not their own can provoke, first of all, its shape, not to mention their two hands! Even with two feet, it doesn't work!

What's more! It's the family status. I feel that the status of the bear in the family seems to be higher than that of the husband! This statement is not exaggeration at all. Anyway, there are some in the family. There must be bears! Even if it is not at home, there is no big bear! It's such an exaggeration!

Xiao Siyan looks at Ding Yu with his head askew, but he doesn't mean to be too provocative. However, the interest in his eyes is very clear! Ding Yu is also feeling that there are so some toothache, he is really not good to small four eyes really to how! A little trouble!

After all, the family really takes it as a treasure. If you really do it, good guy, who knows what kind of things will happen? I haven't been able to withstand the pressure, so forget it! Don't get into this trouble!

When I came back at night, the expressions of some little guys were so weird! The expressions of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are the same. Something must have happened, but no one said what was involved. It was a little embarrassed when looking at Ding Yu!

Ding Yu didn't mean to ask! Why ask such a thing? Right? It doesn't make any sense! Said the words are better, do not say the words, if they are forced to ask, ha ha!

So Ding Yu is ready to eat after the change! However, when he saw what was on the plate, Ding Yu slightly twisted his mouth and looked around. Sure enough, xiaosiyan stretched his neck and looked at himself. There was even some provocative smell!Ding Yu is really like to jump up to give him a foot, but that also seems to be too small bellied! Right? This is not good, very bad! I still should be a little generous!

Although the whole thing is slightly depressed, but adults do not remember villains! You should be generous!

"Dad, the bear didn't mean it!"

Ding Yu snorted, "forget it! I just don't want to see it as a matter of fact, but it's a bit fierce in this period of time! The so-called is again and again, but not repeatedly! "

Hearing this, Ding Yun and Ding Chang can be said to be the most difficult. Why? The conflict between big bear and father is really not something they can alleviate. Bear always wants to challenge daddy, and he always looks disdainful to him!

What about dad? I don't mean to be wise with the bear! However, the bear is always so provocative. Who knows what will happen and the result? It's not so simple to clean up a meal at that time! Headache! It's a real headache!

Big bear and Ding Yu looked at each other, and felt that there was not too much interest and taste. He was also lying down. At night, he ate a little more meat, and his stomach was actually very uncomfortable. However, after looking at Ding Yu, he had some interest, but with Ding Yu turning his head, this interest stopped suddenly!

"Are you ready for the party? I remember your school opened first. What did you prepare for it? "

Ding Lin was laughing at Ding Yu, "you still have face! I remember that you were always sitting there watching the bustle of the house. I don't know why you were so active in the first place? "

For his father's attack, Ding Yu slightly has so some helplessness, father, you so exposed me, really good? I don't seem to have offended anyone? Right?

When several children look at Ding Yu, they are so incredible. They never know that their father is like this! So when you look at Ding Yu, your eyes seem a little weird!

Ding Yu certainly won't let them down! In those days, I used to move tables or buy things. As for acting on stage, such things had nothing to do with me! "

When several children watch Ding Yu, how strange, how strange, for them, praise such things is not difficult, but their father has never? The difference is a little bit big! It's hard to think about it!

"Dad? What kind of experience is it

Ding Yu's eyes slightly turned two times, "what experience? It's really hard to say clearly. Under the circumstances at that time, if you just sing two sentences, there should be no problem. But if you sing the whole song, I think the whole class will be crazy! It must be like this! "

"Master, what does it mean to be crazy?"

"I can't sing five notes completely, and I don't know what's the reason for it. Anyway, there's no problem in singing two sentences, but after singing the whole paragraph, it's just like the magic sound stabbing the brain! It's so hard to bear it! At that time, I felt that the most intuitive idea was to tear me up! "

"Dad, you still have this time?"

"Yes Ding Yu was not modest at all. "In those days, there were still people living in the school. Of course, there are now. When I was free, I went to play in their dormitories and sang half a song to them. As a result, half of the students in the corridor came out! Kill me! Even if the wolf howled, there was no such thing. At that time, everyone collapsed

Think of this matter, Ding Yu really feel that there are so some miss! At that time, why would he do so, a little rebellious, a little different, but it was really youth!

Hearing of Ding Yu's deeds, several children were so dumb that they were really scared! I didn't expect that when Ding Yu was young, there was such a fierce thing! But at the same time, they also think that this is the real father, who is not young? Right? But in the future, there is a happy comparison!

Some children's performances have been specially videotaped! They even sent them to Taixi and others. It's not a preparation project for their party. However, Ding Yu saw the performance of several children, and he really felt that there was something strange about it!

In this lifetime, Ding Yu really did not have the experience in this aspect. He did not have the hobby in this aspect, nor did he have the cells in this aspect. It is OK to have a look. If you really want to participate in it, forget it! It's not that piece of material!

However, several children are really not stage fright, which makes Ding Yu quite surprised. It seems that he did not inherit his own shortcomings. He did not know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but for Ding Yu, it was not a big deal! As long as they like it! This is not special to let oneself value!

However, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are obviously very concerned about this matter. Their son has never had this kind of cell, which is quite a pity. After all, although they don't have many strong points in this aspect, at least they don't want to be as weak as the chicken in the middle!Unfortunately, the boss has never been affected, that is to say, he has never had this cell, but it makes people have some difficulties. This is really not as simple as learning, and the boss seems to have no such interest!

Let him listen to the so-called music, or watch movies, no problem, but let him participate in it, is really no intention at all. Thanks to Taixi or people in this field, I really don't know what he thought at the beginning?

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