Is Ding Lin aware of this? I also took a look at my son and found that he didn't have any anger, and then nodded, "when a doctor, sometimes I will encounter such problems and conditions. It's human nature to have birth, old age and death, but the problem is that some people can't accept it. In fact, it's a result of the difficulty in venting our feelings."

"I can understand, but what about things like this? How many can not accept, fortunately, my affordability is still OK, but this way? Let me have other opinions and ideas! So I didn't say hello when I left, but I've seen the situation of the old lady, and there's no problem. "

Ding Yu also expressed his attitude, which Ding Lin was very supportive of. "I won't say anything redundant. I believe you can handle this matter well. Since it's the last day of tomorrow, since it's already said, then you should do it! As for how to deal with the situation in the future, that is the problem in the future. "

Seeing his father's appearance, Ding Yu also pretended to salute, and the little lazy next to him called twice. Then he also looked at Ding Yu. He looked very cute. Looking at Xiao lazy, Ding Yu's mood was much better. What's more, he didn't have much anger in this matter.

When I came to the hospital the next day, I looked at the arrangement of the morning, and it was really a little nervous. There were three surgeries in total. Ding Yu didn't need to do it in person. It's OK to give guidance. For Ding Yu, the confusion between the two operating rooms is really a little busy.

The operation went smoothly. What about the real big operation? County level hospitals are really unable to do so, and the conditions are limited. This condition refers to many aspects, including drugs and equipment. After the operation, Ding Yu made himself a cup of coffee and ate it in his office with a sandwich in his hand.

Ding Yu didn't mean to go to the canteen. He was not used to it. He still liked his way. Just as Ding Yu was sorting out the materials, there was a knock at the door. Then he saw the Dean come in, "Xiaoding, busy!"

Seeing the Dean coming, Ding Yu also said with a smile, "well, tidy up the things, tomorrow's plane, there may be some things to deal with in the afternoon, so it may be a little bit hasty! What can I do for you, Dean? "

"What about last night? It's my thoughtlessness When talking, the Dean also took a look at Ding Yu. This matter needs to be opened with Ding Yu. Otherwise, it will have a certain impact on each other. The relationship is very good originally, and I don't want to make a lot of trouble because of this.

"I see!" What about Ding Yu? Not as angry as I thought, "I heard that the old lady's situation seems to be very good? I went to see it earlier, and I was in good physical condition. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. "

The Dean has come in person, and this face is also very full. If he continues to hold this tone, it is his own problem. Obviously, there is a problem in his life. At this point, Ding Yu is more comprehensive, at least from the perspective of dealing with people, it is relatively smooth.

"The recovery is good. Secretary Liu's brother invited experts from Bincheng. He wanted to communicate with each other, but other things are not so convenient!" In fact, it's not inconvenient. The main reason is that after seeing the film and the wound, the expert doesn't have any words. If he can reach this level, he talks about things.

He is from St. George's college and is still studying, so I don't need to be disgraced. I'd better stop this trouble. I don't know what this guy came from. He should be a passing monk! Graduated from St. George's College in England, such a county-level city can not accommodate such a giant Buddha.

What about these problems? The president also looked in his eyes, but the Secretary Liu's brother invited him here. What's the specific situation? It's not good to get involved too much. I come here at this time to ease the relationship with Ding Yu. This is the most important thing for me.

Looking at the objects on the table, Ding Yu also smiles, and then nods. What if there was no previous time? I really didn't have to accept this thing. It's not worth money, at least for Ding Yu, but the meaning of it is different, at least at this time.

Seeing Ding Yu put things away, the Dean also took a long breath. In fact, he was helpless in this position, but there was no way. Although there were a lot of mothers-in-law on top of his head, the problem was that he was still very moist in this position. He felt good when he sat in this position.

"Don't you feel good, Dean?" Ding Yu's words also made the Dean stunned. Then he pointed to Ding Yu and laughed bitterly. Of course, he heard that this was Ding Yu's joke. He didn't expect Ding Yu to be so smart. Besides, his temper was quite good, which was similar to Ding Lin.

The father and son! It's really very interesting. It's not that there's no sense of being pinched at all, but it's a good relationship. This time, I don't feel embarrassed. It's not easy.What about in the afternoon? Ding Yu went to see several patients, mainly because he will leave tomorrow, so what about some follow-up questions? All of them need to be handled properly. By the way, it's also a look at the patient's condition. What about the patient who handles himself? The effect is still very good, which makes me feel very satisfied.

For Ding Yu to leave, Zhao Hongyang and others also feel very reluctant to give up. This reluctance is in many ways, but people have something to do, you can't stop it, can you? "Dr. Ding, in the evening, I don't say who's going to treat you. Why don't you go out and have a seat? What if you give that face? We'll take care of it. If you don't give this face, we'll take it

Ding Yu is also a little funny. "If I refuse the invitation, it will be too pretentious for me to refuse. However, I may not have enough time for my flight tomorrow. I still need to go home to accompany my parents, so what's wrong with me? Please forgive me, otherwise I will not go! "

What about that? Let each other understand each other and go out and sit down. It's not a big deal. It's not a bad thing to connect feelings with each other. However, we need to pay attention to the propriety. This is the most important thing. Otherwise, we will have a bad look on our faces.

See Ding Yu agreed, so people are so a little excited, why? Because Ding Yu is really famous and difficult to invite. Since he came to the hospital until now, it seems that there is no one who can invite him. If he is not invited, you can't do anything about it?

In the evening, he also accepted everyone's invitation, not for dinner. Ding Yu came here after dinner. If he really had dinner, the delay would be a little longer. For Zhao Hongyang, Ding Yulai has already given face, others are not so important.

Ding Yu gives face. What about this exchange? The atmosphere is also very good. What about the topic? It also started with Ding Yu's string of hands and playing with walnuts. Zhao Hongyang really has a little hobby about this. After all, he is also a person at a higher level. He has a little pursuit of this aspect.

What about Ding Yu? With certain small preferences, we just communicate with each other, regardless of the high-end or low-end. On this issue, no one needs to have too much disdain. What's more, the people who can sit here seem to have this identity? It's all extraordinary.

Of course, there is also a point about health preservation. If speaking and playing are not suitable for all people, but in terms of health preservation, everyone will raise their interest. Ding Yu also picked up a few points and said a little, but people are really interested in it, much more serious than when they went to school.

In less than an hour, Ding Yu left. When did he leave? "This time, there is a special reason, so I have neglected everyone. If I have a chance in the future, I will make amends to you and say goodbye first." This is very beautiful, but also makes people feel very comfortable in the heart.

Ding Yu is very sophisticated in private. The beautiful scene makes everyone feel very comfortable. He is so young, but he does not have his eyes above the top because of his superb medical skills. Such a person is very extraordinary. Some people have some so-called small abilities, but this temper is also so unbearable.

There are many such people in society, even quite common, but what about Ding Yu? There is really no such problem. Maybe Ding Yu's medical skills? It has not reached the peak yet, but the problem is that in this small county-level city, no one can compare with it.

Ding Yu has a proud capital. It's just that people don't need to show off. It's very similar to old Ding. The two father and son are really speechless! What's more, in the hotel earlier, Secretary Ma was a good scolding, but this matter has been spread.

Just in front of Ding Yu? Some things are not easy to say.

When she got home, she didn't pack anything. Ding Ding was thinking about the gift. What would be the most suitable gift? I didn't really do a lot of preparation for this. "Brother, what can I do for you! It's not a matter of weight, it's just that there are some uncertainties! I haven't had such a problem before

"We are the mother's family. Just give us something substantial. Don't make a fake one!"

Ding Ding thought about it and nodded. She already had a specific direction. The next day, Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding went to Bincheng by car, and then went to Gaojie by plane. They didn't carry too many things. To be exact, Ding Dinggen didn't carry too many things, which was just a bag.

In addition to a briefcase, Ding Yu also has a piece of luggage, which is more important. He can't rush home to get things, so he has to carry it with him. Although it's first class, it's also full. Obviously, during this period of Spring Festival transportation, any travel tool will not have too much leisure, which is absolutely certain.

"Brother, what do you think of some accessories?" Ding Ding also asked her elder brother for advice in this respect, "I think for girls, practical is one aspect, but also need to be beautiful?""It's nothing to do with me. Anyway, I'm ready. I'll break her hand and neck directly. I think this is enough for you? Watch yourself

"That's too much, brother!" Ding Ding is also expressing his dissatisfaction, to know what he is talking about is quite elegant, but what about his brother? Give yourself a little bit of the reaction is a little vulgar, really let yourself feel so helpless, don't look like this, OK?

Ding Yu immediately took out his books and read them. He did not intend to talk with Ding Ding all the way. He was not interested in this aspect. So at the beginning, Ding Yu blocked this gap. What about this problem? Ding Ding is still a little bit young! It's not Ding Yu's opponent.

When he came to the provincial capital, Ding Yu also found a car at the airport. It would be nice if the price was right. No one would hate to have more money. They didn't go to Gao Jie's house immediately. Instead, they found a gold seller in the provincial capital. I don't know if it's because of the Spring Festival. Anyway, there are more people.

Ding Ding Ding went to choose jewelry. Ding Yu also contacted him and found a car for himself. The domestic car rental industry has started, and the vehicles are all good. Ding Yu quickly handled the procedures in this respect. The price may be a little expensive, but for Ding Yu, it really solves a lot of problems and troubles.

"Eat! Then come back and choose! " For Ding Ding's work, Ding Yu also feels helpless, but it seems that this is a common fault of women! Once you enter the mall, this mind is really vivid. If you don't look around carefully, you are really sorry for yourself.

Two people simply ate a little food, and then they rushed back to the gold shop. Soon, someone came to Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding. In the morning, someone noticed Ding Ding Ding. She has a good temperament. What's more, the bag in her hand is a little exaggeration! Most people can't afford it.

It's noon now, so people are not as many as they think. Ding Yu looked around and said, "look for a pair of heavy bracelets!" I didn't mean to ask about the price at all. As long as I wanted something, the clerk took a look at Ding Yu and then indicated to the security guard on the side.

The gold shop owner needs to pay attention to this problem, and immediately made an invitation to Ding Yu. The bracelet is different from other items. There are special counters in it. On the one hand, it is convenient for customers. On the other hand, what about the other? It is also the placement of other problems and conditions, mutual.

What about Ding Yu's bracelet? I don't have much sense of cognition. I came here for this brand. I saw a heavy one and bumped it in my hand. I can see that the waiter next to me has such a funny feeling. What about those who buy bracelets? It's either for decoration or for saving the family. What does this mean?

"Not bad!" Ding Yu also said aloud, "I'll take it!"

I asked for this sentence, which directly shocked the waiter. Is this too pleasant? You don't look at the so-called style, weigh the weight, and then ask for it. Is this too exaggerated? After thinking about it, Ding Yu picked out a pair of bracelets with similar weight, and then went to one side to pay the bill.

It's just a card. If you really use cash, I'm afraid it's really difficult for ordinary people to take out so much cash. After all, the weight of that bracelet is extraordinary. If you wear it on your hand, it won't break your hand and neck, but if it's swollen, it won't be a problem.

The weight of these four bracelets should be placed first. If they are worn on one hand, they may even submerge the small arms of some girls. How exaggerated is this! Although it is said that this is a gold shop and many big owners have been met, there are not many local tyrants like these in front of us!

The important thing is to be young and handsome! After Ding Yu finished the purchase, he also put the bracelet in his briefcase, and then he looked at Ding Ding Ding over there. Ding Ding Ding was also quite surprised to see her brother coming. How long did it take! That's it?

"Brother, don't tell me you've already paid the bill!"

Well, the people next to him also breathed a breath. They thought that they were a couple, and they were brothers and sisters. Fortunately, they didn't say hello in this respect before. Otherwise, how hard would it be for you?

"Wedding gifts, to some affordable, don't be so polite, this is not to pick your dowry!"

Ding Ding is also very reluctant to give a white look, expressed her dissatisfaction, and then also pointed to the style and style that she picked out. At this time, the manager of the gold store even rushed over, which made the consumption of brother and sister a little exaggerated! You know, there are a lot of people here, but there are not many people who really buy things, and there are so few people who are so generous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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