Deng Rong was invited here again! However, his steps, as always, are steady! No change!

"Old lady, do you want me?" The housekeeper's attitude, as always, does not kowtow, flattery, also will not be indifferent to! be indifferent to!

"Housekeeper! Maybe I'm worried too much! I heard that quite a thing happened after I came here? " The meaning of Su Yuan's words is very clear!

When I didn't come over, nothing happened, but after I came here, something quite happened!

If the boss deliberately made this matter, then there is no way to ease the contradiction between each other! But this is between our mother and son, other people had better not get involved! But if this is not deliberately made by the boss, then someone is using my name to make trouble, which is absolutely intolerable!

The housekeeper did not avoid Su Yuan's eyes, rubbed his fingers, and then slowly said!

"To be sure, Mr. Zhang is in charge of some things, which is very important to the whole consortium! It may be because of this, it has attracted some attention, but in the case of no effect, so I think we can try it out in other ways! Generally speaking, it should be like this! But this is my personal guess

Speaking is responsible! You can't talk freely, especially in the position of housekeeper!

Su Yuan's face suddenly changed! If the housekeeper can say such words, it means that he has carried a black pot for some aspects this time. This is certain! Su Yuan was very angry about this, and also very angry!

There is no problem in fighting with the eldest son. No matter whether you beat him or scold him, it is because he is his mother, and he has the qualification. But you outside use me to deal with the boss. For yourself, there is no way to tolerate it!

What's the matter? You think I'm a little old lady, are you? I'm the raft!

There are some disagreements between myself and the boss. This is our own business, but now you have come to our door! There is no way to tolerate this! I really think I'm a good bully, let's try!

"I know! What's the opinion of boss? "

Su Yuan suddenly became serious, and her style changed so fast that Wang Li and Wang Yang could not help leaning back. It was rare to see her mother like this! Although at home, she would be angry and angry, but she would never have such an attitude! So the corners of their mouths twitch!

Just now, my mother still wanted to overturn the courtyard? If the elder brother is here, maybe the quadrangle has already turned upside down! But now? Turn to stand on the side of big brother! Too fast!

But both of them are smart people. They will never disturb their mother at this time. Are you kidding? It's time to share our hatred! The two of them can't do anything big, but they can still do it by taking the lead? Right?

"After all, the investigation has not been carried out on purpose, sir! We are far away from each other

Su Yuan nodded, "what do you think of finding Xiaobao?"

It's very interesting to listen to Su Yuan! I came here to ask for trouble, but now I'm on the side of Mr!

The housekeeper did not immediately make the decision, but thought about it for a period of time,

"the courtyard can have a certain attitude!"

Have a certain attitude, that is to say that can be as a thing, can also not put in mind, are indifferent things! In any case, what the outside world can see is the attitude of the quadrangle, or more precisely, the attitude of the old lady! This has nothing to do with my husband!

Su Yuan is also satisfied with the housekeeper's attitude!

"In this case, Wang Yang, go and call Xiaobao over! Something? It's not a bad thing to make a big fuss! What's more, Su Yu and his little couple? It's up to you! "

Come on! Wang Yang and the housekeeper looked at each other, and then left quickly. He went to pick up Xiaobao in person instead of calling Xiaobao. The meaning of this is different! In addition, they also need to put out a bit of wind outside! The news needs spreading!

My mother came to Siheyuan, and she came to dissipate her emotions! Is the result good? Why do you want to do something in the name of your mother? Isn't it too bad to treat the Wang family as a thing!

Some things can be tolerated, but some things can never be tolerated! If this goes on for a long time, will all people not regard the Wang family as a matter of one time and can ride on their heads and do whatever they like?Xiao Bao also met Wang Yang on the way! "What's the situation, so hot?"

When Xiaobao got on the bus, Wang Yang also sighed, "trouble, my mother went to the courtyard and called me and my second sister in the past. What's the original intention? Do you want to trouble big brother? "

"Trouble for big brother?" Xiaobao suddenly turned back, but the first time is to cover his neck, just under a shock, the speed of rotation is a little faster, almost let himself turn around! "What's the situation? Big brother is not in the courtyard? No, big brother is back? I didn't hear about it! "

"Big brother didn't come back! My Mom going to the courtyard? You want to give big brother a fright from the sky Wang Yang said truthfully, on this issue, there is no need to hide anything with Xiaobao, there is no need!

"Isn't it?" He kneaded his neck and leaned back on his body. "Are you kidding me?! I didn't wake up or what happened? Is there a world war out there? "

Who is aunt? Who is the elder brother? How do you feel there's something wrong with two people? No, they are mother and son. What can they do? To such an extent?

Hmm?! Xiaobao seemed to think of something, and then turned his eyes to Wang Yang!

"It's not about the kids, is it?" In addition, Xiaobao really can't think of any other problems and situations. Looking at Wang Yang's nodding, Xiaobao took a breath of cold air!

About the children, I really know that a few little guys are not so fierce, but quite legendary, which is similar to the elder brother. Although the capital is not widely spread, there are many people who know this situation! Everyone is talking about it in private!

It's not that everyone is gossip, which has nothing to do with this. It's mainly because their children, either the eldest brother's own children or the eldest brother's disciples, are of extraordinary status!

There are many children of the same age in Beijing, but few of them can do this! Whose children can be like them?! You can do a lot of things at such an age! We really only have envy and admiration for this!

"Auntie, do you think big brother is a little too reckless?" Tentatively asked a sentence, looking at Wang Yang helpless to their own wink, Xiaobao face above the expression is also a group together! "If so, it will be troublesome."

"Trouble! And it's a lot of trouble! " The expression on Wang Yang's face is also very bitter!

Criticize your aunt, say that she did wrong, what a joke? Let's not say what position Auntie is. It's not so related to this. The identity of Auntie as an elder is already an obstacle!

However, from their own point of view, a few children's affairs are quite risky, even with a little danger! This is a matter of no doubt! But to say that the elder brother didn't look at him from behind, this is also pulling a calf!

The elder brother must be paying attention to everything behind the scenes. It's true to train the children and make them feel quite dangerous. But will he make fun of the children's life and death? This is impossible at all!

But what about Auntie? It can't be said that she just cares too much! Who doesn't love their children, right? What about her? Is the nerve a little bit sensitive, a little bit stimulated!

But look at the current situation, a little noisy ah!

"What's the situation? I need to go! There's no problem with this! At most, the elder brother will drive me back or beat me, not to mention, I haven't seen him for a period of time! I miss it very much. In the past, I think it's a good old age to give my elder brother a good old age. Is there any problem with this? "

"Where and where!" Wang Yang has so many small fidgety! "Not yet."

"It's not this one, it's not that. Why do you want me?" This is really the turn of Xiaobao puzzled! Is simply let oneself go to the courtyard, there is no any reason, there is no reason, a little unreasonable!

Wang Yang here is also the mother to the quadrangle after the matter of a simple said!

"I don't know if it's intentional or unintentional, but anyway, it's a bit of a raft for my mother! This is not a joke, so simple

"I wipe it!" Xiao Bao's eyes were also staring at him!

If it is the contradiction between the aunt and the elder brother, this matter does not involve itself, and does not want to be involved. After all, it is a matter between the elder brother and the aunt and the mother and the son, and there is no so-called right or wrong in this matter! Stand on whose side, will be very difficult to do! No matter what kind of things they have done, in the end, they are the kind of annoying!

But it's hard to bear the thing of using aunt as raft! Nima's, what do you think of Auntie? Take the Wangs! What do the Su family and the Zheng family think? I think we are made of noodles! Bullying, isn't it?"Come on! Call Su Yu and his sister-in-law over here! I can't come forward with this matter. I'll call you! " Xiaobao is not angry at all! Directly took out their own phone! Called two people in the past!

Wang Yang thought for a while, and did not express any objection to this matter! No matter it is my mother's side or the housekeeper's side, there will be no objection to this! My side is a little too flustered! Xiao Bao is very calm. I can't forget my uncle at this time! We all share the same spirit!

Su Yuan and his little couple came very quickly! Soon four people gathered together! Su Yu is also a temper tantrum. He can't help anything else. He knows this well, but how can such a thing reduce himself!

"First of all, I don't know how to deal with things. I don't want to know. Anyway, you know who I am! But bullying my aunt! You're done with him! You say, I'll do it! "

Xiao Bao patted him heavily on the shoulder, a little hard!

"It's very exciting to say that, Ma De, she bullied her aunt's head. What's the matter? Think they're amazing, don't they? You know, it's too far away, but this is our territory. Let's go first

Wang Yang and his sister-in-law looked at one eye! Although it's a bit emotional, for Su Yu, it's absolutely the most appropriate. He can't help anything in other aspects, but in this respect, he is definitely a good one! Even so, it's not very good! But that's what it is!

Soon four people came to the courtyard! Looking at Xiao Bao and Su Yu and his wife, Su Yuan's eyes are bright. You know, the three families are one! This matter can't exclude the Su family!

If we didn't let the Su family get involved in it, there would be some opinions on it! Along with the Wang family and the Zheng family, there will be considerable opinions on themselves! That's for sure!

There are opinions from the Su family, which is very easy to understand. Both the Wang family and the Zheng family are involved in this matter. You just leave the Su family out. What do you mean? You think the Su family can't do it! So we left the Su family out? Is that what you mean? So will we leave the Su family out in the future?

As for the Wang family and the Zheng family are dissatisfied with themselves, it is better to understand! You Su Yuan is the daughter of the Su family. At this time, we should stand together and share weal and woe. But you left the Su family out! Let Wang family and Zheng family stand out, you know, you are already Wang's daughter-in-law!

Now all three children are here! All of a sudden, all the problems disappeared! There is no other problem at all!

"Aunt, I heard about it! I'm stupid. You can talk anyway! I'll do it. Anyway, if you have more lice, you won't itch. If you have more debt, you can't worry. I'll take care of it! " Su Yu said carelessly!

As for your wife? Su Yu has no intention of paying attention to it at all!

Su Yuan thought his nephew was a nephew! There are really so some disgust, but he now said this nonsense, really let himself feel very comfortable! pretty good! Very good!

"Auntie! It's not appropriate for you to come forward with this matter. Let's face it with our young people! Right or wrong! At most, it means that we are fooling around, and there will be no other impact. Even if there is any problem, the great thing is to beat us?! Is that right? "

Xiaobao also took the opportunity to come forward, this time is not good performance, when performance?!

"If you want to, you can make us something to eat. We'll have a good discussion here and wait for you to do it! Our side also discussed almost! After dinner, it's time for us to do some activities! "

The housekeeper here is pointing at Su Yuan slightly, although the words are a little vulgar, but really is a better way! It is not the most appropriate and appropriate for Su Yuan to come forward at this time! Just express your attitude!

Looking at the housekeeper's eyes, Su Yuan also nodded!

"Well, since you're all greedy, I'll show you a hand! And Su Yu, take it easy. You will be a father in two days! Still so fluffy Leng Leng! What do you want? Be honest with me

Although he was taught a lesson by his aunt, Su Yu didn't take it as a thing at all. He could still hear it! So just clap your chest to make sure!

Su Yuan left here! Wang Yang and some of them just sat down again. As for the Butler, they also left after the tea, and they didn't mean to stay at all! Let a few of them try the water first, there is no problem!

I've already contacted my husband about this matter before! Mr. a didn't reply in person because he had a lot of work to deal with, but obviously, he didn't mean to object to this matter!

This alone is enough! The next thing is easier to handle! Let Wang Yang and they make a fuss first, regardless of what the reason is, at least will give a considerable attitude!"Butler, do you think this will have any other impact?"

When cooking, Su Yuan asked abruptly!

"I don't know yet. I've contacted my husband and he has no objection."

The so-called no objection, that is to hold an attitude of approval!

If you really object, there will be other hints! That's for sure! Ding Yu and the housekeeper still have this so-called little tacit understanding! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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