In the morning, Su Yuan got up very early! When the children came back, Su Yuan's mouth couldn't fit together! Holding each child one by one is very kind and doting! I'm really happy!

Wang Changlin did not go to work, the time is still so early, not deliberately waiting for the children! After all, work and family still need to be distinguished from each other! Looking at these children, there is nothing serious on his face, which is totally different from the ordinary Wang Changlin! With the Secretary to see this scene, also feel very surprised!

In ordinary times, the chief is not like this! It can be seen that the chief is also very fond of children!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are naturally very happy with the gifts they brought back, but they are even more happy that the children must come back with all their eyes! But also has the quite growth, is definitely not other family's bear child!

To go to work, Wang Changlin a little reluctant to give up, but also no way! They can't throw the work down, will cause a very big impact, but a few children sent Wang Changlin to the car, this just came back!

"No rest? It was very tiring all the way up there

"Grandma, I came back from flying! When I came back, I had done the jet lag Ding Yun is as lively as ever! "We also gave great gifts to great grandfather and great grandmother, but I don't know if they got up?"

"It's all up! If they knew you were there, they would be very happy! "

Xiaowang will not be happy to stay in Beijing for a long time! Before this, they need to do quite a lot of preparation work, in this point, they will not and can not have any obstruction!

Many forces here in the capital naturally expressed considerable interest in the return of these children! But no one wants to move! Why? It's not that you don't want to, but you don't dare!

No one is a fool, is he? Everyone knows the position of these children in Ding Yu's mind! It's OK to move Dingyu, but after moving these children, they just want to give the same big hole in the sky. What kind of consequences will such a thing cause? We really don't have any confidence in our hearts!

But on the contrary, move Ding Yu? How to move Ding Yu? Ding Yu is now "compromise" to stay in his own hometown, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away! Even if you want to reach out, do not know how to reach out, too far! It's a little out of reach!

Say a word here, to Ding Yu's side? How much sound can you leave behind? Maybe not even three points! Under such a request for payment, Ding Yu is deliberately pretending to be deaf and dumb! What can you do?

As for going there in person? ha-ha! It's Ding Yu's territory. If you go to Ding Yu's place, can you speak? It's all about two things. Everyone in the capital still has some confidence. If you go to Ding Yu's place, the waist will be shorter by three points! That's for sure!

So now we both want to have some action, but also afraid of Ding Yu's overreaction! It's a difficult situation!

However, the situation of Yang Chen and Qiao Wei really made everyone feel unwilling and indignant. They really wanted to rush to Ding Yu's face and question them. Why? You director Ding shouldn't be like this!

Yes! You're from the military, no problem, but you can't go too far, can you? In the end, there is a need for a bit of balance, not just by the temperament of the military! What do we do? It's not fair!

You know, last night, we basically didn't have much rest. We were studying this matter, no matter what? You, director Ding, have gone too far!

When the children went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wang, many forces could not bear it! Previously, the intelligence department has cleaned up quite a number of people, but to a certain extent, those guys are in the front of each other. They are not of much value. They will be cleaned up when they are cleaned up! It's no big deal!

It can be regarded as an account to the military and the intelligence department, as well as to director Ding Yuding!

But now we can't be trapped, so we quickly reached an agreement that we can't do anything to children. If we do it to children, all the bottom lines will be broken! At that time, there is no way to end, will fall into this trap completely, and this trap is arranged by director Ding Yuding!

Since this road can't go through, it's a good way to change! Not without it!

Ding Yu's third uncle is also quite a headache. He knows something, but he knows it! It doesn't mean that this thing is easy to handle. After all, Ding Yu's son of a bitch is also a bit tricky!

He is very clear that Ding Yu is busy during this period of time. He has no intention to hide his meaning. At the same time, the state has made considerable connections with Ding Yu and cooperated with each other to conceal the matter!

If we can wait for another two years, even if it is exposed, then foreign forces can see this scene, and there are not too many ways. Of course, now exposed, there are not too many problems. At most, there are so many difficulties in the early stage. Basically, there will not be too many problems. But is the bottom card? The later the exposure, the better! That's for sure!I didn't expect that Ding Yu would come up with such a thing at this critical moment! However, as far as his understanding of Ding Yu is concerned, he is not intentional! The next two soldiers are absolutely moved Ding Yu, they should show considerable ability, so Ding Yu doesn't mind making an exception!

Ding Yu has his unique standard for the selection and appointment of talents. He only looks at the people, but does not pay attention to other aspects of the problem, such as from the army and so on!

Only this point has been very good, there is not too much prejudice! Not everyone can do it!

Of course, from an external point of view, the situation may be different! Ding Yu is too harsh, even ruthless! But these are just appearances, there is no significance!

I didn't expect that someone would come to the door now! Obviously, Ding Yu's stimulation to the capital is a little big! Let everybody a little bit unbearable! In this case, if you can't find any other way to solve the problem, you need to inform yourself and let yourself solve the problem concretely!

For this matter, I still feel some difficulties, because of what? Because of the considerable layout involved in this matter, why did Ding Yu come up with the affairs of Yang Chen and Qiao Wei? In addition to the fact that they were quite talented people, they also attracted considerable attention!

If he now forced to send some things to Ding Yu, this is a little deliberately difficult for Ding Yu!

But this thing really can't refuse, after all, the capital here is about to boil! Do you want to visit Ding Yu? This matter is already in the plan! But there are two sides to it! Now Ding Yu is in the nest there, if he is in the past, what kind of signal will he give to the outside world? This is a problem!

What's more, Ding Yu's side? He has been quite passive! If he is in the past, he is more passive. He needs to have a good communication with him on this matter. He can never act rashly!

When it was about noon, Ding Yu received a call from his third uncle!

"Hello, third uncle! Have you eaten yet? " It's very common to say hello! It's very natural, without any polite meaning!

"Not yet! Someone came to me in the morning! He told me quite a lot about it. He was so miserable! Look, there are so many pathetic! I just have this free time now, so I have no way! I need to give you a call to the chief director! What's your opinion of the chief director? "

"Isn't it? Third uncle, you are deliberately difficult for me

The third uncle's address is obviously pulled into the relationship between each other! "You, the great chief, make fun of me! What a bully That's what I said on purpose! "It seems that the capital has reflected a lot about this matter!"

"It's almost a roar! The outside world doesn't know the truth about this thing you made. What you can see is that Yang Chen has been selected! Even when you go to your side, Qiao Wei goes to the ancient political commissar's side. The joint reaction caused by this is a little bit bigger. You personally lead people. This has not happened for a period of time! "

"Yang Chen's performance is quite good! There should be considerable development in the future, Qiao Wei? It's OK to do some work for political commissars. I'm also different from person to person. They came here by coincidence. They came here for training. Seeing their good performance, they gave them a considerable opportunity. Unfortunately, another person didn't perform very well and asked him to do a little meticulous work. There was no problem, even surpassing Yang Chen and Qiao Wei, but the leadership work or It's auxiliary work. It's hard to do it! "

"You! It's so straightforward! Yang Chen can be taken by you in the side of the position, it is rare to see! But if you do this, you will inevitably make other people sour! This thing can't be right here all the time! I know you're trying to attract considerable attention, but I have to think about other issues! "

Talking to Ding Yu, there is no need to hide anything. He has no other demands. On the contrary, he does not know how much contribution he has made to the country in secret, saying that he is reckless! Rampant, this is mainly because he sometimes too much personality! It has nothing to do with others!

However, if Ding Yu is too smooth, it seems that it is not Ding Yu!

"Uncle, please forgive me! You know, I seem to be very idle, but there are so many jobs! And these guys, one by one? Some of them are too much! I've got someone to come over. I'm responsible for everything, whether it's eating, drinking, Lazar, or anything else. OK? Know that I am a big family, can not withstand such expenses! The cost of their training is filled out by the golden mountain and silver sea! "

"You still complain to me, don't you?"

The middle-aged people laugh, on their own understanding! Does Ding Yu really care about money? It's not like that! If he is very concerned about money, it will not be the case now! Whether it's education! And agriculture and so on, he is a lot of money, not money as a thing!"It's not complaining! My third uncle! Really, if you say, there are many talents, but I am a little too strict with their requirements! If you don't have a good mind, it's easy to sink to the end directly, and then it won't be as simple as the disaster party! "

"You boy! Sometimes there are so many too harsh! It's hard enough! "

"I don't want to, but if you want to gain something, you need to pay a lot, which is certain!"

Obviously, Ding Yu means to bargain with the third uncle!

"Previously, there were a group of middle-level cadres studying in the capital, but they need to have some extra-curricular investigation work, so that they have a deeper understanding. The last stop will be placed with you. If you have time, you can teach them a lesson and talk about health problems! It's still very useful! "

If we mention other aspects, it's hard to say whether this bastard will give up, or even very likely, but he is a doctor, isn't he? Say a little about the topic of doctors, I think there won't be too many problems!

What's more, it can also block the mouth of the outside world. It's not to say that Ding Yu can be a teacher. It's just that we can work better, and at the same time, we should have healthy exercise to ensure our health!

What's more, it's also a very good explanation for these forces in the capital. Let the following people go to Ding Yu's side. If there is a good target, then there is no problem. Ding Yu will make quite a choice. But if Ding Yu is not able to see it, then there is no way. We should know that his vision has always been very picky. We all know this matter from the heart Ming, and from a certain point of view, Ding Yu is more fair! A just man!

"Come on! What else can I do when you open your mouth, uncle? "

Obviously, Ding Yu is more knowledgeable about current affairs! There is no intention to refuse such a thing! At the same time, there are also some who can't make mistakes. The third uncle is hard enough to do. He needs to achieve a good balance. After all, sitting in his position, he can't think of problems like himself!

"But uncle, I have to put forward a few conditions. I will tell you two classes without any problems! Look at the eye, I naturally do not say, but look down on the eye, I also have no way! As we all know, I have some eccentricities in my personality! "

"You give me a little convergence! Let's go to dinner! And I have nothing to do today, I heard that the children are back! The performance is very good, let them come to eat in the evening, I have a look at them! I went to see old Wang and Aunt Wang earlier! They told me about it! You

"No! Third uncle, they are very noisy, a little bear children! "

"If it's none of your business, you'll leave it to me! Just let you know! Hang up

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Ding Yu gave a bitter smile! Immediately also called his mother in the past!

"Mom, I'm Ding Yu!"

When she heard her eldest son call, Su Yuan couldn't help being stunned. She was having dinner at this time. When she received the phone call from her eldest son, she felt very strange! Is something wrong, or is the eldest son to let the children go back! It shouldn't be!

"I'll take the children to see your grandparents. They are very happy!"

"Are they in good health?" For their own children, Ding Yu is not so worried, even not so much on the heart, as for their grandfather and grandmother? My side also has considerable attention, but I still need to say what I should say!

"I'll have a word with my grandparents later? I have something to do with mom. It's like this. The third uncle called me earlier and asked the children to eat at his place in the evening. I have promised to come down! "

Ah? Ah! Su Yuan is really a bit sluggish, but there are so many things too big! Even if it's a joke, you can't do it like this! But I seem to wake up to something!

"Well! I got it! How are you doing there? " Su Yuan asked in reply!

"It's OK. The three brothers have come out! What else? It is said that there are a group of middle-level cadres who have been trained. I may give them two lectures on health, which is generally the case! "

Ding Yu seems to have revealed the news unintentionally. As for how to do it at home, he doesn't care about it and won't care about it. Telling the news is one thing, but how to come to that row is a matter of the family! I can't afford to worry about it!

Then Su Yuan called his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. He had a lot of things to pinch and told her husband the news, because he was not so clear about the training cadres! All of these need the husband to go to that row!

Ding Yu talked to his grandfather and grandmother for a while. Wang Pu and the old lady were very satisfied. How about the grandson? They don't need to worry about it any more! But looking at these children, is really happy, these are the future of the family!They can see this scene, there is no regret! Other big things about grandson? You don't need to have too many words! But in this aspect of education, it is really beyond its control! These children are the best proof! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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