Yu Mingyue looked at Wang Jianguo and said, "Laosan, this thing will pass in the end! Still need to look forward. " Yu Mingyue did not point out this matter, but the meaning is very clear. At this time, there is no way to take him, but it does not mean that there is no way to take him in the future.

It was like this time that Wang Jianguo's arm was broken, but what about that? At most, Qiao Jun went in. What about the jade moon? Is there really anything wrong? It seems that up to now, Yu Mingyue has no problems and conditions. From then on, it can be seen that Yu Mingyue is definitely not as simple as she imagined.

Yumingyue is in 49 cities? There is also a number one, and even to a certain extent, it is the bright moon in the sky. This name is absolutely meaningful, but I didn't expect that she eventually fell into the trap of Wang Jianguo, which made Yu Mingyue feel a little annoyed, so she went to the door directly.

"So I still haven't dodged." Wang Jianguo also laughed. What about the threat to Yu Mingyue? Wang Jianguo didn't really take it as a thing, and he beat himself up, but what happened? Do you really dare to start? There are not many things that are impossible, such as Qiao Jun!

"Did you hear that? Qiao Jun had a miserable life in it Wang Jianguo's words didn't seem to fly in the sky, but Yu Mingyue really heard of it for the first time. Obviously, this is Wang Jianguo's intentional revenge. Qiao Jun broke Wang Jianguo's arm. We can imagine what Qiao Jun would be like inside.

This is Wang Jianguo's counterattack. Yu Mingyue is also a willow eyebrow handstand. Looking at Wang Jianguo angrily, she feels that there is obviously something wrong in it. Moreover, this problem is absolutely extraordinary. Wang Jianguo stabbed in front of himself, and he can't rely on it at all. But what is this dependence?

Is it Ding Yu? Or what else? It's not that she is suspicious of jade bright moon, but when she comes to this position, she naturally wants to think more about it. However, Wang Jianguo is really not just ordinary! Since you dare to confront yourself.

From Qiao Jun's experience, we can see one or two of them. Even in his own face, Wang Jianguo did not show any politeness. There were some tit for tat, but the implication was quite profound.

"Jianguo, I was a little too impulsive before. I think we should have a good talk!"

Wang Jianguo said with a smile, "you seem to be younger than me, but forget it, this is nothing. I sit here, don't you really understand what it means?" When he spoke, Wang Jianguo also pointed to his arm with another finger, "some things are too clear, there is no meaning!"

Yu Mingyue listened to Wang Jianguo's words, but also thought carefully, and even fell into meditation. Qiao Jun is a fool, at least some too impulsive, so she fell into Wang Jianguo's trap. But from now on, does Wang Jianguo's trap? There seems to be something else in it.

That is to say, Wang Jianguo did it on purpose? But why? Is this good for Wang Jianguo? Looking at Wang Jianguo's appearance, Yu Mingyue also narrowed her eyes. Wang Jianguo caught Qiao Jun's incident, which seems not to be an ordinary storm. This matter is worth considering deeply.

Wang Jianguo's arm is broken now, and what about his posture now? He can't work at all, but in his case, his arm is broken, which does not affect his work to a certain extent. But Wang Jianguo is hiding in this courtyard, which is enough to explain all the problems.

What about Qiao Jun? It's not Wang Jianguo's wish, but he can't do it. But obviously, what about Wang Jianguo? He also felt that things were difficult and even dangerous. So Wang Jianguo broke free at the first time. What's the way to break free? It's also keeping other people speechless.

Wang Jianguo was really injured. He was thumped by Yu Mingyue and even his arm was broken by Qiao Jun. the injury is still serious to a certain extent. Under such circumstances, it is obviously inappropriate for Wang Jianguo to continue his work, and it is not the way to employ people.

Yu Mingyue was able to have a number one in 49 cities, which was the reason for her family power. However, her cleverness and tact were not wanted, so she quickly figured out the problems. What about Wang Jianguo's arrest of Qiao Jun? It's imperative. Obviously, it comes from the pressure and even the order from above.

But Wang Jianguo is also quite slippery. He doesn't want to continue to slide into the abyss, so he deliberately does this, successfully leads himself out, and then overcame himself. But obviously, what is he doing? It's also about satisfying certain aspects, and that's what they want.

What about Wang Jianguo? After doing such a thing, she also picked herself out smoothly. After Yu Mingyue wanted to understand the matter, she also changed her color, "who should I go to? Should you give me a reminder? ""How do I know?" Wang Jianguo also said without good breath, "what's more, we are small families and have never seen the world, so we are not so clear about the situation of big door households!" It is obvious that Wang Jianguo has also pushed aside this time. Can he not know? But why tell you when you know?

"I've heard of you. In the past, you didn't have much interest in official career, so to a certain extent, you didn't get into the eye of the law. However, after you entered the official career, there didn't seem to be much movement. But your performance today really makes me look so impressive. You are very unusual!"

"Should I be happier? It should be said that I am more unlucky, and I should be watched by others! " Speaking of this, Wang Jianguo also slightly wanton smile, "it's not that I boast, you're still a little poor, even worse, it's not a level, you have a little posture, plus a little small means, so we are willing to hold you, but that's all!"

Wang Jianguo completely turned over his face. Although there was no sign of such a turn, it also made Yu Mingyue angry. No one has ever dared to talk to himself like this, "Wang Jianguo, Wang Laosan, don't be too proud! There will be times when you regret it

"Regret? Face is earned by oneself, not by others! " After that, Wang Jianguo also looked at Yu Mingyue contemptuously, "because of where this is, I don't have much face in Ding Yu, but I can say a word, or you can try it! I'm afraid you don't have the courage! "

Yu Mingyue's nose is about to smoke, and even there are some crazy, when can he be so despised? Even to a certain extent, they have a kind of idea to fight. "Don't be too proud. Yes, I can't do it here, but Ding Yu can't protect you for a lifetime."

"Oh, is it? Then I'll really wait and see! " After saying that, Wang Jianguo also deliberately tilted back his body, "by the way, if you have time, go to see Qiao Jun! I heard that he always wanted to see his family members during this period of time, and I didn't know what kind of situation it was

Yu Mingyue can be said to be biting her teeth out of the courtyard. Even when she got out of the courtyard, Yu Mingyue could feel her anger and even burn the courtyard. The anger was so big, and there was no place to vent. It was too oppressive.

What's more, he was ready to see Qiao Jun, but when he arrived at the place, he was directly rejected. What was the so-called note, the armed police at the door didn't pay any attention to it, that is, they wouldn't let you in. What can you do, call and call who? Even if it's a phone call, it seems that it can't connect inside. There's no one coming out.

Obviously, this is for themselves. Previously, I could bring Qiao Jun out of it, but now? If you want to see each other, the difference of treatment is a little bit big. Yu Mingyue sits on her car, and then the window is put down.

From the inside stretched out a slender finger, even with a long cigarette, the cigarette has been lit, smoke curling up, Yu Mingyue rarely smoke, but now the situation makes her feel so depressed, such a situation has never been encountered, but what is the matter now? Why do you always run into a wall?

If you can't deal with Ding Yu, that's all. After all, you can't figure out the details. If you can't deal with Wang Jianguo, you can understand. After all, there may be other things hidden behind this, but now? Even this door itself can not enter, this for the jade bright moon's blow is really too big.

"Is Yu Mingyue really stupid, or is she a fake fool? Now it's time to see Qiao Jun?" The sea is also quite boring. What about this word? How much is also so some funny flavor, "all said she is a little princess, but now it seems that the eyes are higher than the top!" There are some derogatory meanings to this remark.

"Too anxious, and what about the family background? She may have made great achievements in business, but she is so poor in other aspects that I can't see the most basic situation clearly. I also doubt how her little princess got her name, and if I say it, it's too hard to beat the faces of our dandies! "

The sea also laughed, "where are we? Her jade bright moon should be unable to inquire, at least in a short period of time, and dare to directly disclose the information to the people, it seems not so many, I think now this time Xia Yang has not dare to do such a thing, do you mean? "

"Xiaoyun! This heart is still angry, after all, the original thing? It's hard enough for her because of us. " Speaking of this, Wang Jianguo also shook his head, "but the jade moon is full of pride, and the donkey doesn't fall. It's already at this time, and still confused about bumping. What's your idea?"

"I've seen uncle Yu Qingyu, as you said, there may be some achievements in business, but in other aspects? However, because of the relationship between the jade family, we are willing to hold it, so naturally, we have developed some personality and temper! ""I can't stand up for so many years, and I can't say I don't have any skills!"

"It's not that I don't have any skills. This is also the reason why I don't want to be involved in it. But I'm afraid it's just a little bit of skill. Otherwise, I won't be able to see the problems and conditions clearly by now."

In fact, what about this? It's very simple. It doesn't mean to do it to the jade family. It's just a little warning. But what about the one who really wants to do it? It has a considerable relationship with the jade family. It can even be said that it was supported by the jade family, so what about the one who moved it? Will certainly let the jade family have other aspects of the reaction.

In such a situation, is also the first to knock, what did the jade family do in the past two years? Sometimes there are so many out of the circle, a little education, if you are sensible, naturally understand how this is a thing, but if you are not sensible, the board may be a little bit heavy.

"Do you want a reminder?" The sea also asked tentatively.

"Forget it! Now I look like a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. I pouted her face. This is known in all four cities. Even if we sell her face now, do you think she will appreciate it? It's impossible, so let's do it! Just see when she wakes up! "

To a certain extent, two people are not so cold to Yu Mingyue, because of the influence in her family? So give her this face. If she doesn't want to face, then they don't need to pay attention to this face. Seriously, they don't look at Yu Mingyue in their eyes.

Although she is a little princess, the family power is extraordinary, far more than Wang Jianguo and Dahai's family, but it does not mean that Wang Jianguo and Dahai must go up to her and flatter her. This is totally two things, as Wang Jianguo said, face is earned by themselves, not by others.

"By the way, what is the situation, you have to hide yourself?" The sea is also inexplicable, so he asked directly, "this is quite different from what I know about you. Even if the matter is more difficult, you will not retreat! Or are there other reasons involved? "

"There are other reasons, I don't want to get involved in it!" Wang Jianguo picked up the water in his hand, but after putting it to his mouth, he put it down again. "Even if the matter is more difficult, it doesn't matter to me personally, but is it this time? It really makes people feel helpless! "

The sea did not go deep to ask, because the third brother is also very difficult to say, his continued to ask, there are so some hurt feelings, "by the way, Yu Mingyue is blocked outside, I heard she is quite unhappy, you know, the girl's heart has always been relatively small, she will do stupid things next! I'm interested in it

Yu Mingyue smoked two cigarettes and didn't get any response. If she didn't stay here and continue to be disgraceful, or go home quickly! The matter is so simple, on the way back, Yu Mingyue's face is so gloomy that all the people around her in the past are dumb at this time.

I didn't expect these guys to be so realistic. At the same time? Is also for the immediate situation to feel a little worried, the current situation for oneself has been so sleepy? What about the whole family? Yu Mingyue seems to have realized something, so she rushed back home the first time.

But what about this family? Not in my own house, but in my grandfather's. However, after seeing the situation of her grandfather's house, Yu Mingyue felt that she was totally dizzy. Her grandfather and God were sitting there drinking tea. Her uncle and others seemed to be a little anxious. But the problem was that the old man just sat there, and no one dared to bother.

The father looked at the children's performance in his eyes. From his own heart, he felt a little disappointed. What about these children? There may not be any problems in the operation, but if it goes up to a higher level, this problem is really open to discussion.

If the above really want to move the jade family, it will not be the present posture. What about the current move? It's just a small warning, but the question is, what about the children at home? Old and young, there is no one can see, one by one are afraid, let themselves is also true, there are so some can not see.

Seeing the jade bright moon coming in, the old man also narrowed his eyes, this girl! Some of them were flattered so much that they were so forgetful that they knew everything about Wang Jianguo. I didn't even know what to say about Wang Jianguo.

Look at other people's children, then look at their own children, this gap is placed there, you want to deny that can not, why other children's education is so good, but their own children can not reach that level?

What's more, Ding Yu and Yu Qing know about Ding Yu. They also know about the three listed companies. Their hearts are really exclamation. How did Ding Yu rise? You should know that there is no wind in the business circle.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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