Qu he didn't ask what happened inside. It didn't help to question the traffic police in front of him! It's very difficult to be fair at the bottom! Still need to understand.

Everyone is born to be human! It's also the first time to be a man!

The question is, does anyone really don't know how death is written? Especially at this time, I have already expressed my attitude and even lowered my attitude. But how can I say that? Good words cannot persuade the dead!

Looking at the person still sitting on the chair, Qu he couldn't help shaking his head! "It's been a long time! I really want to help you. Something? You do so, really is not right, not greedy problem, but the mind really bad! Ah Heavy sigh, Qu he is to take out a mobile phone again!

As for the people who came in, Qu he didn't pay much attention to them. He simply mentioned the situation to his husband, but he didn't get any response! Qu he also knows that things are not so good! Sir, there must be other ideas! Of course it won't be aimed at yourself! This is very clear to Qu he!

"This one? It's very fresh? " The people who came in seemed to be a little angry. After seeing the situation inside the Chu house, they also looked at Qu he directly. What happened? Is this problem? It's open to question, but my own people have been beaten! This is the truth!

Qu he doesn't mean to look directly at him at all! Instead, he looked back at Yang Chen, who scratched his head helplessly. It's not to say that they didn't try their best. What happened here, they all saw in their eyes, but what? I don't know what to say for a while!

I don't know how the director will handle this matter. Do you want to make the director angry? Such things can be big or small, absolutely can't look at leisure! But I can't contact the intelligence department. What's your identity and position? Don't you know Xiao?

When Ding Yu got down from the car, the security on the back of the car also followed! With his hands in hand, he still carried a little square briefcase. Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, which was a bit of a fuss! But that is to look at, and did not pay attention to! If you are willing to follow, then follow! It's not such a thing!

Security is also for their own safety, not pretend!

Almost a smooth person came to the place, looking at the people at the door, Ding Yu whispered a let, and then walked inside. For the confrontation, Ding Yu did not show any interest! It's all about Pediatrics!

With the traffic police next to a nod, it is said hello! But Yang Chen took a chair for the first time. Instead of dragging a chair, he put it behind Ding Yu!

Ding Yu sat down and looked curiously. Who was it? How dare you act? You should know that no matter how you say it, it should be a public department? If they are arrogant in such departments, do they really not know the power of the state organs, or are they fearless? Is your head broken?

Even if there is no fear, it also needs to see the place! At least in my impression, I don't seem to be bullying the weak in such departments, because this is a kind of provocation to the state power organs, and there is no so-called awe. I really don't know what they are like? It seems that the brain is really broken!

"Sir When Ding Yu sat down, Qu he and his lawyer stood beside Ding Yu. "Things have changed a lot. This is my problem. I didn't think about it thoroughly! Please blame me, sir

"Strong dragons don't oppress the local tyrants. It seems that they are not so powerful. Let's have some insight! However, this is an office space and also a state organ. If it is contaminated, other problems and conditions will arise! " Ding Yu gave a little warning! Then he also looked at the lawyer next to him and shook his head!

"Why? Clean up

When the lawyer heard Ding Yu's words, he knew that he didn't mean to blame himself. He straightened up his waist and quickly walked out. It didn't take long for him to come back! Don't mention, clean up quite neat, except for the bruise on the face, can't see too many traces!

But the coat has been taken off, and it is stained with blood. It is not proper to wear it on the body!

The visitors can see that things are a little different from their imagination! The new young man, let's say, is a young man! I really can't see how old he is. Judging from his clothes, he is not an ordinary person. He is a bit serious and gives people a feeling, even a little heavy!

"You can't handle it. How about me?" Ding Yu seems to be talking in a consultative tone!

"Sir, let me do it! You have a lot of adults. Give them a chance! In fact, they are all punks. If you end up, you will be too bullied! It's bad for your reputation, too

"I'm not a good man, all right?" Ding Yu glared! However, Qu he said, it is not good to refuse too much, "it has been once! You know that! "There are other people in the room. Although Ding Yu and Qu he speak softly, we can still hear some of them. It is because they can hear that that they are very suspicious. What is the situation?

The police inspector standing not far away looked at Ding Yu, and then walked slowly past. Qu he and that person's confrontation, he did not have any interest, but Ding Yu's manner after coming in, and his words, let him feel that the young man in front of him is a little different!

But just close to, the security guard next to him looked up, sharp eyes let him stop his own pace, after examining, he dropped his eyes, did not find any signs of danger!

"Hello! Ding Yu The inspector walked over cautiously. Ding Yu stood up and put out his hand first. He didn't seem particularly arrogant. He was very cultivated and cultivated! But this simple action, is to let the governor, the heart produces the quite vigilance, why? Because although the visitor is still polite, but polite, with a little rejection and alienation!

They really have so many can not see! What is the origin of this young man in front of him!

"Hello!" The inspector gave Dingyu a bitter smile and said, "you're in trouble! Please have a seat

After Ding Yu sat down, the inspector found the chair next to him and sat down, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I've delayed your time! Things appear a little deviation, if we can, we all hope to be within a certain range, we will solve the problem! We will handle this matter impartially

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "OK! I'm already here! I hope things can be solved peacefully, no matter who's problem, it has already happened! " He raised his wrist and looked at it for a long time. "As the party concerned, I can't be alone, can I?"

"Mr. Ding, something has changed. We will be responsible for considerable mediation, but this will take time."

Ding Yu hums a smile, looking at his police sign, "I can understand your difficulties. Sitting in such a position, you need to consider the stability below, and at the same time, you need to consider other aspects of the relationship, and also need to consider fairness and justice, etc., which is very difficult to do!" After that, Ding Yu took a look on purpose!

The inspector also took a deep look at Ding Yu and sighed in his heart. He knew more or less about the situation of the troublemaker, but he could not say this. But what about Mr. Ding in front of him? What I said was very clear and clear. It was a simple thing, and there was no intention to investigate it!

From the perspective of the situation of the perpetrators, it is obvious that Ding Yu is more likely to bully others!

What about yourself? Don't look like it's the inspector! He is also one of the staff at the bottom. He has a lot of contact with all kinds of people. I'm not sure what Mr. Ding came from. But the one standing behind him is definitely a bodyguard, and he is a very senior one. He is more nervous than the bear man on the police force!

Bodyguard! Lawyers, and even quite a number of people, such people are absolutely not ordinary people! I can only pray now! Because I have done my best! The problem is that the perpetrator didn't pay any attention at all!

"Mr. Ding, I'll contact you again!"

Ding Yu is looking at Qu he's side, and the quarrel between them is more intense. It is obvious that Qu he's argument has not had any effect, even has the so-called counter effect! Oh!

The inspector came back, saw this situation, and shook his head at Ding Yu. Today, it is really a shame! We should know that what these people do really affects the image of the whole city! But this is not a problem that can be solved by ourselves, let alone traffic police! Position determines the scope of their responsibilities!

Ding Yu sat there for about an hour, but he still didn't get any results. He bit him to death and didn't relax. Maybe he could see that! What about Ding Yu and his party? It's a little bit of a fox pretending to be a tiger. Do you dare to do it again?

What can you do if you can? What is this place? If you go out of the door, don't think about it! Let you report here every day. Even if you want to walk to the airport, you will break your leg and break your arm. This is not to say that it is impossible!

At most, there are two people to be fined. Anyway, there are more people under my hand. I am very familiar with this situation! Punks have their way to survive! They don't bite, but they respond to them!

Ding Yu is very calm, posture is also very correct, give that inspector the feeling, since he sat on the chair, there is no change! I wonder what he does?

"Mr. Ding, there is no agreement on reconciliation. There may be a little bit of trouble. If it's convenient, what kind of work does Mr. Ding do! We may need to know something about it! "Ding Yu finally moved his body sideways! His eyes narrowed for a moment, "it seems that you can't withstand the pressure! What a pity! I want to watch it for a while? Today's mood is not so good. It's interesting to see such a big play! "

"Mr. Ding, this is not a theater!"

"I'm sorry, my fault is a little too taken for granted! Even a little too relaxed! " Ding Yu nodded and apologized, "what about me? It's a doctor. If you want to, check it on the Internet. Generally speaking, you can check it out! " Ding Yu said it naturally and calmly!

The inspector had some doubts, but the police officer next to him took out his mobile phone and typed in Ding Yu's name. Soon, he found some news, not to mention, Ding Yu didn't mean to cheat! He's really a doctor, but is that what a doctor looks like? Isn't it a little too much?

Ding Yu put one hand on the table and tapped the table with his fingers!

"I haven't been back for quite a long time! Speaking of it? I don't like to trouble other people. It's easy to use human relationship, but it's hard to do it! " However, Ding Yu's painting style suddenly changed again, "what's wrong? Just correct it. After all, we are all human beings, not gods, but we can't make some mistakes! "

Looking at Qu he, who came back depressed, Ding Yu shook his head, "it seems that we have been delayed! I don't know if those guys will rebel. I'm really looking forward to it! If they rebel, there will be a lot of fun! "

"Sir, I have done my best! They don't mean to pay any attention to it! "

"Yang Chen, what do you say?" Just finished speaking, Ding Yu shook his head, "this is a bit of a problem. How do you look at this matter? If it is you, how should you deal with it after encountering it? Or how do you judge that good people should suffer? Or should those who follow the rules suffer? "

"Director!" Yang Chen thought for a while and shook his head slightly. "Justice may be late, but it will return."

"It's very light to come back! Late justice or justice? What's more, when did I say I was a good man? " The expression on Ding Yu's face also began to change a little indifferent. "It's true that we need to consider everything in an all-round way. But if it's only one-sided, we've done too much useless work. We've dealt with it, but the problem is that people don't have any reason at all, so what do you think of me?"

"Director?" Yang Chen bit his teeth. "I think I'll teach you a lesson."

"Teach them a lesson, and then let them have hatred in their hearts?" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "I gave the opportunity, but they don't cherish it! And I've been sitting here for so long, what else do you want? What kind of humiliation Qu he suffered is his original intention? I hope we can still talk about it, but no one wants to! Then I'll smash the plate

Yang Chen was silent for a little time, then immediately stood up straight with his feet together, "report, I am your secretary!" Obviously, Yang Chen realized quite a problem!

Next to the inspector and traffic police, looking at Yang Chen's eyes are so some not right! This one came in, a little silent, but he suddenly stood up straight his body, that standard posture immediately let them realize what?

"Mr. Ding?"

But at this time, thinking about talking, there was no effect. Ding Yu took out his mobile phone and said, "did they go to the port city? Is that so? " Qu he and Yang Chen didn't respond, but the security guard said, "Sir, from the information we got, it's like this. They've passed the customs."

"It's very fast." Ding Yu snorted, "give me a call to my home and send me back! I asked for it! Speed up Having said that, Ding Yu stood up and said, "go and have tea?! I hope it's not soft feet shrimp, since they've all smashed the plate! Then smash it a little bit thoroughly! If you don't enjoy it, how can you do it? "

Ding Yu nodded with the inspector and the traffic police. It was a greeting, and then he stretched out his hand!

"It's not right to trouble you for such a long time. Let's go first!"

After a simple handshake, Ding Yu took the lead to leave. When he came to the door, he looked at the people who were still in the way. Qu he shook his head, "do you want tea? Together! I hope you will not regret it! "

People are out! But the inspector and the small traffic police there are still some ignorant! Ding Yu's words, they can all listen very clearly, in their understanding, Ding Yu is willing to solve the problem peacefully, that is, in the sun to solve the problem, but obviously, some people do not understand!

"Report! We've tried our best to reconcile! " The inspector has some insight. What about such a thing? Really, if you make a fuss, it's not a trivial matter, and I don't know how big it will be!But Xiangjia from Hong Kong City? It's not the Xiangjia, is it? If it is, my God!

But whether it is or not, we can not have any delay!

If you think about it, there are some too indulgent children in Hong's family! It was not a big thing, and Ding Yu didn't ask for it? But are you just bullying people? I don't know if the strong dragon can really hold down the local snake this time. It's hard to say! But this has nothing to do with myself!

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