"I'm against Ding Yu!"

A slightly dark office, there are three people sitting in it, but it may be because of the habit, there is no record, only a little misty smoke, and there are a little more cigarette butts in the ashtray! Obviously, we have been discussing for some time!

One of them, an old man with white hair, lifted his crystal glasses! The expression on the face is very worried!

"Considering many aspects, Ding Yu has not come to the United States for a long time! What's more, Kim has not appeared for quite a long time. No one knows what he has done, but it is certain that it will not disappear! "

The disappearance in his mouth means completely erased!

Will Ding Yu erase the gold? It's impossible. Even if he wants to come, Kim may be standing behind some shadow now, and the gun in his hand is ready to fire!

"The reason is not enough!" The rich old man who sat on the throne shook his head. He could not see any cruelty on his face. Instead, he was a bit like a philanthropist. "Gold disappeared for quite a long time. We couldn't find his trace at all. Even we started the highest audit, it's still like this!"

"What's your opinion, bill?" Rich old man, looking at the people next to!

Bill shook his head. "We don't have much information, whether it's paper or oral! none! All of this is our conjecture. Ding Yu didn't do anything else for a long time. It has something to do with the disappearance of Jin. However, with the disappearance of Jin, we have to deal with Ding Yu. It's an opportunity, but the same risks coexist! "

"If we can take this opportunity to lead jingei out, I think we should be able to see through more things, but we should also know what a powerful role Ding Yu is. We have been with each other for a long time, and there is no big action! Now, if there is any action, it may be a big bomb! "

The three people sitting here are very clear about what this word means!

In the past two years, Ding Yu didn't make any big moves, but some of them stopped. This doesn't mean that he is not dangerous! On the contrary, he is more and more dangerous! Its dangerous degree has far exceeded the warning line in everyone's heart!

Link, sitting in the middle, picked up a cigarette, but knocked it in his hand. He didn't mean to smoke!

At this time to be able to control their own mind irritability, to bear, is not ordinary people!

"Since our discussion has reached a halt, let's pause this topic first. On the contrary, let's talk about what we need to do if we do something against Ding Yu, regardless of the impact or the outcome?"

After this question was said, the two people beside them fell into silence. Even two people looked at each other and shook their heads! This makes them feel restless too!

It's not to say what will happen to Ding Yu? This problem no longer needs to be considered! Just from this point of view, if it is to deal with Ding Yu, considering his past achievements, what kind of way can we ensure that everything is safe?

Bill took a deep breath and felt the air around him was almost vacuumed by the breath!

"If I don't think the effect of the surprise attack is too small! At most, it is to attract or assist! Ding Yu itself is one of the good hands, far more than other people, such a way for him, is absolutely a pediatrics thing! It's not worth mentioning! "

Countless times of experience, has already explained this point, this has no need to have any argument!

"If you don't take the form of small team raids, on the Maoxiong side? What is the best way? Mercenary? Or the use of weapons of mass destruction, the consequences are absolutely serious! Success is possible! But... "

After a look at link and bill, Bauer shook his head. "This way is too extreme, and the defense of the fur bear is definitely not as vulnerable as imagined. We may be able to buy some of their channels and officials, but if we want to tear such a big hole, we can only expose all our weasels!"

It's just a matter of fact. It's not to say that it's deliberate!

It's possible to expose all the weasels, but even if it is, it's really hard to say what kind of effect it will have, and what kind of consequences it will have!

Bill thought for a while. "Internal discussion can't work. Even if we can bypass it, but start all the weasels. It's too big! I believe there will be other preparations for Mao Xiong. If such a start is really made, there will be no way to go back! This may be the beginning of the third world war! "

After all, the use of weapons of mass destruction in the back garden of Mao bear's home is not only provocative, but also not as simple as slapping the face. It is simply stepping on the bear's face on the ground, repeatedly ravaging!Can they bear the bear's temper? When the time comes, it will be furious, and once the bear gets angry, my God! Think about it, it's a little scary!

"On the other hand, if we take weapons of mass destruction against Ding Yu, we may achieve considerable results! But we can't bear the consequences and process! But if we don't start with Ding Yu, what kind of problems will we face? Talk about it again! " Link said again!

"Ding Yu's influence did not expand quickly, but it was just because he was accumulating his own strength! Although his heritage is not particularly rich, but the foundation and foundation is very solid, especially his farm, the effect is too obvious and prominent, absolutely not we want to attack can go! Because we have different models for each other! "

This problem has been discussed by too many people! Even when Ding Yu's farm began to show up in front of everyone, the discussion on this aspect had already started, and even the appearance of the nail of Tian Sheng!

But did it work? very little! Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't mean to move Tian Sheng all the time!

As for why Ding Yu didn't want to move Tiansheng, the reason is very simple! The official involvement is just window paper. No one wants to pierce it. In private, Ding Yu shows it to the outside world! At the same time, it is also for the forces behind the heavenly saint!

Hello, Hello, everyone! You give me face, I give you face! Follow my rules! But if you don't abide by the rules, then I may make a big fuss in heaven! I can do such a thing!

It's not about what you want? What can we do? Now the order has been reversed, is what I want! You can only watch, and then think about doing other responses!

Bauer nodded slightly, "yes! If we don't start with Ding Yu, what we miss is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After only a few years, Ding Yu has been rooted in there like a rock, standing still! If the time is a little longer, then he is not a small mountain bag! And a big mountain has risen

"He's a tall man now Link, sitting in the middle, whispered!

Speaking of Ding Yu, this bastard, is also biting his teeth. There is no way. The conflict of interests between them is a little too fierce. He has spent too much on Ding Yu over the years. Of course, everyone has made a lot of money?

Spend more, earn as much! Everything has two sides!

Of course, who is it? The consortium will never care about this problem, even a little bit of attention! How on earth did those people at the bottom die? Does it have anything to do with them?

The democracy and fairness painted by the appearance are just for everyone to see. If the building does not have a good appearance, how can it attract other people to live in it? Even a few "role models" are deliberately selected, which are also well outlined!

As for you live in the building, all things are not what you can say, all of which need to be for me! In other words, you are already my slave! What do I want you to do? What do you have to do? No right to refuse, no? ha-ha!

As for why we should take action against Ding Yu, because Ding Yu hinders us from seizing more interests, and the power set up by Ding Yu damages everyone's interests. To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

However, this guy is really a Leng tou Qing, never encountered such a, you hit him, he can directly cut off your head! When did slaves dare to do this? They must have knelt down and kowtow after being slapped!

But Ding Yu has never been like this! What is the final result? They are almost in the same position! And this does not count, Ding Yu's offspring, now one by one are ready to rise!

This NIMA can't bear it! Even completely broke through everyone's bottom line!

You can't bear it! Now the children and other people are like this. How do you let us play?

You can suppress an era! But the problem is that the younger generation and the back you cultivate will continue to suppress? Who can afford it? There is no such reason!

But you can aim at Ding Yu, even if you aim at these children! There is no need for any discussion on this issue! No one can break the bottom line, not even the fundamental touch! That's for sure!

And for those people who are trained by Ding Yu, it's better not to make a move. Even if it's a move, it needs to be treated differently! After all, the backing behind them is not only Ding Yu, but also a joke! You have to take it easy!

So overall, the remaining goal is one, Ding Yu!

Although he is a big mountain, but other people on the mountain? Power has not been achieved, at least it is not a towering tree. If we wait for the influence of these guys to become great, then it will not be a general trouble!Therefore, while there are still considerable opportunities, we still need to make some actions. If there is no action, we will wait. We can't wait for any results, and even the end will be very miserable. This is certain! And there is no doubt about it!

But this is back to the old topic, everyone wants to be able to do Ding Yu, but how to do it? This problem has plagued us for too many years! Tried countless ways and means, not only did not play any role, but also in turn was threatened by Ding Yu! What do you mean, OK?

"Therefore, according to the current situation, it is necessary to move Ding Yu. In recent years, we have also carried out a considerable layout, which is aimed at Ding Yu, but there has not been too many movements, and there are not too many movements. Do you think that can be concealed from Ding Yu?"

Bauer and bill looked at each other!

"All the candidates are carefully selected by us. Their wealth is verified by us. There are too many barriers. I even have some doubts. Are they normal after these tests?"

After all, the test of human nature is not so easy to say!

"At least a considerable number of people passed! Isn't it? "

As for those who failed, what will happen? No one will care about it! We will not pay any attention to this. Although we also know that there will be a lot of Qu die ghosts, but there is no way. In order to target Ding Yu, they can only make such a decision!

"So we still return to the most initial question, what kind of way is the best for Ding Yu?! After all, Ding Yu is going to the Maoxiong side. We don't know when the next chance will be! "

After link finished speaking, Bauer and bill both snuffed out their cigarettes!

"If we take the most common way, I don't think it's any use, or even a waste! But this kind of waste we have tried too many times, seems to have no effect, under such circumstances? Should we do something else? "

In fact, this is already in the palace! According to the feedback from now on, it is absolutely necessary to do something to Ding Yu, and this time, if you do it, it will not be as simple as making a fuss! Considerable measures may be taken!

But on such a question, the three people sitting here did not reach an agreement!

Because even if they want to coordinate the relationship, it is even more difficult! It's not easy to say that!

If you want to move Ding Yu, first of all, you need to straighten out the domestic relations in the United States, so that they can not become the power of Ding Yu, or let them have no time to separate themselves? It is the Maoxiong side, the United States is bound to pay a huge price, this may let the bear side of the heart!

To know the relationship between Ding Yu and the president is extraordinary. The farm is their bond on the surface!

As long as the farm exists, there will be no break in the relationship between Ding Yu and the president! That's for sure!

Therefore, if you want to start with the fur bear, you need to consider this problem. Ding Yu has never meant to interfere with the bear. He is planting a flag over there! This is true, but Ding Yu has a good sense of propriety in doing things, and this guy is very good at buying off people's hearts!

Under such circumstances, the development of the farm on the side of Mao bear is like fish in water! It's really beyond the imagination of other people!

Want to get the farm? You don't think you've thought about this in America? Think about it countless times! But it's not like you can do what you want? After all, this thing is different from a chip!

In terms of chips, the United States is the dominant one, and it is difficult for anyone else to make use of them. To put it bluntly, if you leave me, you will not be able to play in the field of chips! If I want to play with you, I can play as I like!

In this aspect of agriculture, we can't really do it! It's not that they don't want to, but there's really some fear of Ding Yu. If they play tricks, Ding Yu won't play tricks. And if this guy really retaliates, it won't be a problem of one or two deaths! A lot of them are light!

What's more, those small hands can hit Ding Yu? It doesn't play any role at all, and even has the so-called counter effect. Besides being able to pour some dirty water on Ding Yu's body, it has no use at all!

So the most practical, or directly solve Ding Yu, and then we eat to full, is so simple!

But back to the most primitive situation, what kind of way should we take?

Take the simplest is certainly not! Ding Yu, like the God, didn't see how he trained, but he really blocked the God and killed the Buddha. He wanted to rely on a few small teams to solve the problem. Delusion!

But if you really use the so-called big killer, in the place of the hairy bear? This joke is really a little big, so it's impossible to do it like this. Even if all the weasels and all the relationships are used, it's not possible!This can't do, that's not good. It's hard to see Ding Yu continue to develop. This is what we can't stand! What's more, now it's just Ding Yu, and Jin is not here. If you don't seize such an opportunity, you won't be very happy in your heart!

It's really hard to say whether there will be such a chance in the future! When Jin comes back, he will take control of Ding Yu's security again, and it will not leak any more. Then you may even have some so-called big killers, ha ha!

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