After dinner, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying meant to let the army go back with them. The army was embarrassed. They took a look at their cousin and then explained, "aunt and uncle, I won't go there. Everything is on guard over there. When I go back in the evening, I have to study hard. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

Ding Ding was humming and laughing beside her, and then she uncovered him mercilessly, "I'm afraid it's anxious to reunite with your little daughter-in-law? However, the army, we have a saying, some things still need to keep a hand, the feelings in the school? Relatively simple, now has entered the society, will face many tests, this is also good

"I know, you can rest assured, I can handle this problem well!"

"Is there enough money?" Zhao Shuying is also worried and asked, the army is forced to nod, "aunt, you can rest assured, I will take care of themselves, what's more, even if there is any situation, the old sister is also around, there is nothing to worry about!"

After a long talk, the army also took the subway. It was not very far away. It was just a transfer to the subway. It was not the first time that the army came to the capital. They were familiar with all these things. There is a point that the army is not wrong. Should they leave by themselves? On the one hand, it's because my things are in the house over there, and I want to see Qianqian.

"Why did you come?" Seeing the army coming out of the subway, a girl was also in a hurry and said, "didn't you say you came here in the afternoon? I've been waiting so long! " Although there are some small resentment, but still hold the arm of the army, is very intimate.

"I had dinner with my aunt and her family just now, and my sister is studying for postgraduate here. Isn't this just in time for the Olympic Games? So my aunt and his family also came over. When I came, I deliberately said hello, and her accommodation was arranged by her. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would be blind! what about you? Is it long after work? "

"Well!" Lin Qian also nodded, "by the way, do you have a goal in your work? Now it's over the graduation season, and I don't know what you think. You have to come here at this time. If not, I'll let my family think about this way! After all, it's local. It's better! "

The army shook his head and said, "I have a plan for work! What's the opinion of your family? " As soon as the army's words came out, Lin Qian also bit her lips subconsciously. Her expression was more or less embarrassing, but what about this expression? It was fleeting, but it was caught by the army.

This also mentioned the pain in my heart. The reaction of the family to this matter seems to be so fierce and even strongly opposed. The parents even drag out all the elders in the family. To see this meaning, we even need to launch a so-called criticism meeting. Is it not just to find a boyfriend, as for this?

He did not do anything shady, and the conditions in the army's home may be a little poor, but then what? The children introduced by the mother have good conditions at home, but who are they? I feel so dirty when I carry shoes like that.

"There's a little trouble in the family. Let's not talk about it! Although it's not the first time we've been to Beijing, it seems that we've been shopping for the first time? Together? " Lin Qian doesn't want to affect her and her boyfriend's mood because the things at home are not so bad.

But did not think, two people have not taken two steps, Lin Qian suddenly stopped their own pace, is moving forward the army, is also a sudden did not pay attention to, and did not expect Lin Qian will pull himself to pull so tight, also was taken a stagger, "what's the matter?" The army also asked with concern.

But then I saw two women standing in front of them, "Mom This mother called, let the army instantly feel their scalp has so some numb feeling, and finally found a chance to come out with her girlfriend, but never thought of meeting Qianqian's mother.

And what do you mean? It seems to be deliberately blocked. Otherwise, it would never happen to be so coincidental. The two women who came here did not mean to speak. They were staring at Lin Qian and the army. Their eyes were like knives. Their attitude was quite bad.

"Hello, Auntie!" At present, Lin Qian's has a look at the army. The army attended a small dinner party in the evening, so this dress is very appropriate. However, how did Lin Qian's mother feel uncomfortable? You are just a child of a farmer's family. It's not a good thing to dress up like this when you come to the capital.

It can be said that the first impression of the army? Very bad. "Mom, why are you here?" Lin Qian is also slightly wrinkled up their eyebrows, how much appears to be so some not very happy, although said to be mother and daughter, but some things? It can't be too much. No, especially at this time, I can't make myself down.

"Look at you. It's really outrageous to look like this on the street. Let go of it!" After saying that, he also looked at the army sternly, "and you, what are you doing in the street? Don't pay attention to your age? Do you have a tutor, or are you educated? "The army's eyebrows also shook twice, but then he was in a good mood and said, "Auntie, you see this place is not very suitable. Shall we find a suitable place to sit down and have a good talk?"

"Well! I just want to have a good talk with you two

Then the four of them also went to pizza hut not far away. However, just after taking a seat, Lin Qian's mother angrily said to the army, "I don't object to you two talking about friends in University. I have a beginning of love. This is understandable, but now that we have entered the society, I think this problem is not appropriate! ”

"Auntie, Qianqian and I worked hard and helped each other in the University. Although we are now in the society, I think we can still supervise each other!"

This is very appropriate. The woman next to Lin Qian's mother also slightly nodded her head. Qianqian's boyfriend still had some ink in his stomach, which was not like other children. You should know that the second sister's words were quite rude and even ugly, but the child calmly dealt with the past.

"Ha ha, it sounds better than singing. I ask you, now that you have entered the society, but you two seem to be old enough. Do you have a job? What's your salary? Even if you find a job now, and your monthly salary is 5000, and you are expelled from clothing, food, housing and transportation, how much do you have left

"Auntie, we just graduated, now everything is not stable, I believe that through our efforts, life will slowly get better!" Although the army has a lot of dissatisfaction in mind, but after all, it is Lin Qian's mother-in-law, so we still need to be careful to accompany, because in the future, we may become our mother-in-law.

"Well, my heart is very big." Lin Qian's mother also burst into laughter. Her business was wanton. "You graduated, and your parents raised you for so many years, so you can't have any return at all! It's said that you are a farmer's family. If you really want to settle down here in the future, the car won't talk about it. What about the house? We don't need a son-in-law at home! "

The woman next to her also slightly coughed. The second elder sister's words were too bad to hear. There was nothing good to say. There was no need to be so bad. But Lin Qian's mother didn't care, "you don't have a house, no car, nothing. Let our Qianqian follow you for a lifetime?"

"Auntie, it's too realistic to mention such problems now, and some are too early! I think... "

Before the army finished, she was run back by Lin Qian's mother. "Although our Qianqian belongs to an enterprise in the bank, it is at least a relatively stable job? what about you? Do odd jobs! And our family Qianqian is not a tree hanging, our family has found her a marriage, there is a house and a car

The army's face also changed slightly, "Auntie, I don't have a house or a car now, but I believe that through my own efforts, these can be obtained, and the time may be delayed, but..."

"No, but, if you take out a house now, I have nothing to say. I will put this word here today, and it is not to force you. You go your way, we will walk our single wooden bridge. We have nothing to do with each other. I wish you all the best in the future. How about Qianqian? I don't want to delay my life because of this


"What the hell! Let's go After saying that, Lin Qian's mother also stood up and pulled her daughter up without saying anything. "Just now, I've already asked you to see Aunt Xie. They've never had this opportunity to see you. Now it's almost time. It's just right!"

What about the army? There is no intention of paying attention to it at all. The army has also looked at Lin Qian over there. It's not appropriate to block her now. What about it? After all, he is an outsider. Although Qian Qian and I are girlfriends, they are just girlfriends? But his mother, this difference is a little big.

"Mom, I don't like that childe. I forget myself because I have a little influence in my family. Moreover, I asked people to inquire about the situation in his university. It's really frightening. Don't you push me into the fire pit like this? Besides, I'll go back later. You and my aunt will go back first! "

After saying that, it is also indisputable to pull the army to leave, the army is also a Leng, he really did not think that his girlfriend should be so domineering, in the past when the temper is very good, how is this today? It's like taking gun medicine. I can't understand some of them.

"Auntie, let's go first!" This word or to say a word, Lin Qian's mother is also feeling so black in front of her eyes, she really did not expect that the good girl in her mind would make such a choice. Is this still her own daughter? But just want to get up, the people next to her also hold her.

"Elder sister, it's too radical at this time. On the contrary, we have seen the situation of that child just now, which is quite calm. In my opinion? If not, let them get along with each other for a period of time. If not, they will know by themselves that the money of Qianqian is tight. What about the bank? Pay attention to it, tooLin Qian's face is also a change. What about her daughter? Now working in the bank, there are too many opportunities to get in touch with money, which is not a good thing. "No, absolutely not enough for this boy to damage our Qianqian. I'll go to the police!"

The army and Qianqian, who came out of pizza hut, walked all the way, and the atmosphere between them was a little bit dull. "Qianqian, I was a little too excited just now. After all, it's your mother. If you have something to talk about, please sit down and have a good talk. I think Auntie is not unreasonable."

"Be reasonable, be reasonable! She's already possessed Lin Qian also spoke in a loud voice. After finishing speaking, she may also feel depressed. Of course, part of the reason is that the people on the road also looked at it. Some of the people who couldn't bear the pressure suddenly squatted there, covering their own face and crying.

The army is also heartache, Lin Qian to embrace in their arms, "Qianqian, don't cry, cry? We still need to find ways to communicate. This is the best choice, isn't it? "

"Communication, how to communicate!" Lin Qian was also tearful and said, "have you ever seen such a mother? Isn't this pushing your daughter into the fire pit? Who are those people! The reputation in the school has already gone up against the wind and stinks for ten miles. What do you think of such a person who still wants to introduce me? "

It is not good for the army to have too much say on this issue. After all, it is Lin Qian's mother. She is not good at making too many judgments. At this time, it can only be comforting. This is the best way. However, before the army had enough time to comfort them, they saw a police car parked in front of them, which was very abrupt.

"Are you Zhao Jun?" The army looked at the police blankly. How could this happen? How to recruit the police, I don't seem to have done anything else, let alone what messy things I haven't done in front of me. Even if it's my life, I don't seem to do anything messy! How did you provoke the police?

"Hello, we have received the police report from Ms. Yang Shuyu, saying that you abducted her daughter. Please follow me to help us go back to investigate!" In fact, when the police looked at the couple, they basically understood how things happened. However, they understood that someone called the police, so this matter needs to be dealt with!

Looking at Lin Qian trying to turn over the phone, the army also stopped her. Then she looked at the police car there and shook her head. Some joked and said, "I haven't done a police car in my life. The first time I do a police car is because of such a thing. I don't know what to say! Ah After that, he sighed heavily.

Now that you know what's going on, you don't need to worry too much. After getting on the bus, the army also patted Qianqian's hand, "there's nothing to worry about, just rest assured!" Then he took out his mobile phone, and after the call was connected, he also asked tentatively, "sister, are you home?"

Listen to the tone of the army inside the phone, Ding Ding is also a Leng, some of the voice is wrong! "What happened?"

"I met Qianqian on the subway side, but I was caught. Qianqian got angry and came out. Then Qianqian's mother called the police. I'm on the police car now!"

After hearing this, Ding Ding also burst out laughing, "Oh, my God! It's really the world's largest. There are all kinds of things that you can meet. Ask which branch it is. I'll be there later. Do you want to find a lawyer for you? "

Listening to his elder sister's ridicule, the army also gave a bitter smile. He also said hello to the police in front of him. After asking the location clearly, he told his elder sister, and then hung up the phone. The two policemen sitting in front of me and I could not stop laughing.

It's really strange things happen every year, especially today. Mother-in-law calls the police to arrest her son-in-law. Such things can even be on the news. But for the police, it's OK to smile. What about the specific things? We still need a good mediation.

When she came to the sub Bureau, she first investigated the specific situation. Yang Shuyu looked at the army. Her nose was not her nose, her eyes were not her eyes. When she looked at her mother, she was totally ignorant. How could her mother become like this? Not in my own impression.

Ding Ding came a little bit late. After all, there was still a lot of congestion during this period. Considering that there are too many tourists at home and abroad during the Olympic Games, the Branch Bureau is not willing to deal with such matters and problems. They want to let them negotiate as soon as possible and do not occupy police resources.

What about Yang Shuyu from the police? There are so many helpless, how a quality? This is the police station. Are you threatening and intimidating? This is how a matter, you do not agree with the small couple's thing, even if, there is no need to use such means and methods! That's too much.

Even outsiders can't see it, but it's family business after all? What about the police? It's not convenient to mix too much. Just adjust it. If you succeed, it's good. If you don't, it depends on the choice of the couple. However, it seems that they are a little , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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