Ding Yu was quite surprised when he received a call from his third uncle! How could my third uncle call? Is it a farm thing? Uncle is so interested? Not really! In their own understanding, the third uncle is not such a person!

"Uncle, the sun didn't come out from the West today, did you?! I feel a little strange! "

Listening to Ding Yu's teasing tone, the middle-aged man sighed helplessly, "I said boss, are you on purpose?"

"No! I am honest to stay at home, very obedient

The middle-aged man rubbed his temple, it was a headache! This son of a bitch is on purpose!

"I told you directly! Did you get both orange apricot and Luo Xuan to the capital? What on earth do you want to do Middle aged people are very impolite! "Mr. Wang and his aunt called me. The farm is your own business. You can handle it yourself! But what's going on in the summer camp, no way

Ding Yu was silent for some time, "third uncle, is this a bit too much? The demands are too rigid! "

"That's how you pay attention to it!" The middle-aged man couldn't help sighing, "I already know about the summer camp! Something rather unpleasant has happened, but this is not the reason What can we do now? Can only be as far as possible to pacify Ding Yu!

This guy is a donkey that chokes his hair. It's better to pacify him. If he's forced to press down, who knows what kind of things and conditions this bastard will make! Now I can only try my best to appease!

And even if this is the case, it is still unknown to be able to play a big role!

What's more, the effect of summer camp and winter camp is very obvious. At this point, Ding Yu is more conscientious, or opened a very good head, absolutely can not be so abandoned!

For Ding Yu, it may not matter, but for many families, it is absolutely a big thing!

"Uncle, I don't mind if I'm interested in something! Anyway, for me, it's just a chicken rib! " Ding yulue said playfully, "in any case, many people are also very jealous. They can do what they like! I'm sure I'll do my best

"On purpose, isn't it?" Middle aged people can take care of Ding Yu's mood! "This thing can't be done like this. If it is done in other people's hands, there will be no such effect, and there will be other joint reactions, which will lose the original intention!"

Don't deny that Ding Yu's ability and talent are unique! But is this guy motivated? Is really not much, a lot of times are very indifferent! This makes oneself quite have so some headache!

It's like the original echelon! The first echelon is OK, the second echelon is reluctant, but then? There is no movement, is Ding Yu's vision is too high, or to say other reasons, which point should be more important!

All the previous things are over! The things mentioned now are related to the future of many children. We should know that there are quite a few children in this, and they have already changed greatly! The impact is also huge!

Absolutely not because of other things, have an impact! So after knowing the situation, he immediately called Ding Yu and did not have time to exchange greetings. He directly mentioned the matter this time. There was no way. If Ding Yu really started, there would be a situation, it would be difficult to say!

"Uncle, is there anything else?" Ding Yu's speech is a little cold, obviously the temper comes up!

"You give me a reply first. I don't care about other things! That's about your farm. You can see that you're ready for a big move! But the performance of orange and apricot is very good, I heard some news! "

Although there is no video with Ding Yu, it is absolutely embarrassing for middle-aged people to imagine the expression on Ding Yu's face now. After all, this time involves the future layout of the consortium, and now there is a lot of details. This is a good thing for the real country!

Of course, I don't mean to threaten. I just want to remind Ding Yu that orange and apricot still need to be responsible for this and deal with the farm affairs as soon as possible. After all, there are many other things about orange and apricot now!

"Uncle, you have a little too much to do now!" Ding Yu is very discontented to say!

However, the middle-aged man heard Ding Yu say so, but suddenly put down his heart, "forget it! Redundant words I do not know how to comfort you, I also know your mood is not so good, but sometimes can not be alone! You! Sometimes it's too rational! "

"Good! Uncle, if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up first! Two of my nephews have come in

Looking at the two villains running over, Ding Yu said goodbye to the third uncle, then put down the phone! Two little guys are carrying the fish just caught in their hands. Ding Yu has so many frowns. You can do it. It's not fishy!The middle-aged man immediately gave Wang Pu and the old lady a phone call. He had already talked to Ding Yu on the phone!

When Wang Pu and the old lady put down the phone, they looked at each other and felt a sigh of relief. At the same time, there were some helplessness and emotion. The grandson really had this idea. Fortunately, their response was relatively timely. If they really didn't wake up, they would have caused a lot of trouble at that time! Even the big trouble that can't be solved at home!

Sure enough, you won't suffer! Is it a warning to have such a hand at home?

"Ah! When can this personality of grandson be changed? "

Wang Pu was very unhappy at this time, so he mumbled, "the possibility of a change should be gone! How old is he now! In two years' time, the children will soon be adults! You still expect him to correct it. What's wrong? So it's better to count on something else! Better! "

"What do you think grandson will think about this time?"

"Whatever he thinks?" Wang Pu is very discontented and snorted, "the forces in the family are all taken over by Changlin, but because of other reasons, there are still quite some problems, so take advantage of this time to clean up thoroughly! There will be other problems and disadvantages in the future! Grandson is the most suitable one! "

"The way is this way, but will grandson have other opinions? You know, he never wanted to get involved in this kind of thing The old lady felt that she and the old man had exhausted the last drop of effort for the family affairs! It's no different from my parents!

Wang Pu is stuffy again hums a voice, "this is he does not want to be mixed in not to be mixed? If we didn't have him, it would be very difficult for us to start. We just didn't know that the bastard had other ideas, Maddy! Asshole

With that, Wang Pu began to scold! No way out! It's too hateful! Originally it would not cost human feelings, but my grandson this son of a bitch should have taken such a way, but under the helpless circumstances, he can only make a considerable choice!

This is like playing chess! There are no words between each other, and even won't go to see each other. You take a step, I take a step, but this bastard doesn't know what cooperation is. You should know that this thing is meant to be seen by outsiders!

As for Ding Yu, can't you understand it? How possible things, if he can not understand, there will be no previous response!

This is also the reason why Wang Pu is so angry! But there is no other way, can only be low voice curse!

Ding Yu informs tangerine and apricot. She has a lot of arrangements for the farm. The individuals in the high-rise still need to do it in person. In fact, Luo Xuan is not bad. But considering the location of orange and apricot, she is the most appropriate one!

And the farm side of the action can be said to have been popular, but it did not cause a stir, many people took down, even a lot of people are very heavy! In the eyes of outsiders, it's very impressive!

As for the summer camp, why are there so many people responsible for the fluctuation? Because these people's hands are still pinching a lot of places, so they are taken down, and the effect is very different!

But for Luo Xuan, these are not things, I just deal with them! What can be done? My back to Mr. Chen, not to mention the orange apricot to their own platform, I just in a reasonable range of the right thing! Is there anything wrong with this?

For the farm itself, the effect caused by this fluctuation is not so obvious. Even within the farm, such things happen happily. The supervision department is helpless. What are these things! Shouldn't you express your dissatisfaction now? Why are you so happy?

As for Tian Sheng? I tried my best to win over some people, but these people are just a drop in the bucket for the farm, and even their fur will not be affected by anything! For this reason, Tiansheng also paid a considerable price. Do you really think you can be unscrupulous? How could it be?

Within the scope of the rules, you can do quite a lot, no matter what way you use it! But you jump out of the rules, this is to destroy, this is absolutely not allowed! Even Ding Yu, on this issue, is also very cautious and careful!

Under such circumstances, if Tiansheng wants to do something, he must pay a considerable price. What about Tiansheng? What does the farm do not deviate from the laws and rules? What can they do? Can only play the same game!

The supporters behind Tiansheng also understand this truth. Don't they want to break the rule? They also want to. But after breaking the rule, what kind of joint reaction will be caused? It's really out of control!

To some extent, Ding Yu is also a character above the rules, but even he does not mean to break the rules. Do other forces dare to do so?It is true that we are rivals, but we are all sitting on the same table. At this time, no one has the ability to overturn this table! Even Ding Yu, if there is a performance in this respect, all their forces will target at Ding Yu, and even directly nail Ding Yu to death!

But really, Ding Yu is very clever. Although this guy must report his revenge, even if he is unreasonable, he always controls a very good sense of propriety! And the steady development of this guy's power really makes everyone love and hate!

Of course. What about these? We are not really afraid of him!

What really makes us feel so scared is Ding Yu's ability to cultivate talents!

This NIMA is a little too much! We should know that every family and force has its own way to cultivate talents, even after hundreds of years of optimization, but even so, it seems that it is not as good as Ding Yu! Because Ding Yu can always find advantages and optimize them. This is what other forces can't do!

It's a pity that this guy has a high vision. It's hard for ordinary people to get into his eyes. What's more, the way he chooses is so strange! It's like the original Taylor, she has stepped into it to a certain extent, but finally pushed it out. Now, when the old Peyton's family mentioned this matter, how embarrassing and embarrassing it would be!

What's more, even if so many people died in the family, they didn't feel so sad! But what can be done? There is no regret medicine to buy! Taylor is mainly assisting the third generation these years, but her growth is seen in the eyes of all people, we also sigh from the heart!

If Taylor was able to become a disciple of Ding Yu at the beginning, what kind of height would it be now? But fortunately, although Taylor did not become Ding Yu's disciple, he had a good relationship with Ding Yu, and also had a very good relationship with Ding Yu's disciples and children! It is also intended to make up for some of the regrets of the old Peyton family!

"Dad! Mom Su Yuan called softly. He heard a lot about the movement of the capital. He didn't expect that his father-in-law and his mother-in-law called him over for what? He is not so clear, but his heart is some speculation!

Although Wang Changlin and Su Yuan don't know much about the farm, they don't know much about it. As for the personnel involved in the summer camp and winter camp, they can't say that they have completely exchanged blood, but a large part of them have been replaced!

Compared with the changes in the farm, the change of personnel in the summer camp has an absolutely shocking impact on the whole capital! No one thought that Ding Yu would be so cruel that he could deal with a few people! Right? But I didn't think about it. Quite a number of people were taken down! It can be seen that Ding Yu's attitude towards betrayal is what kind of attitude!

But on this issue, what opinions and opinions can we really not express? Because after all, this is not subordinate to other people, just responsible for Ding Yu! What kind of way does Ding Yu take? This is Ding Yu's own business!

However, Su Yuan's quota did not receive too much influence. On this issue, Ding Yu did not express too many demands, as long as the family was happy! Anyway, these places are given to everyone. It doesn't matter!

Su Yuan didn't communicate with his eldest son, but he wanted to communicate, but he couldn't communicate at all! The lack of channels between each other, to be exact, is that their eldest son does not give such a chance at all!

Su Yuan also felt a little irritable about this!

As for her husband? I can feel his pressure, because in the past two days, the influence of the family has obviously appeared quite a problem, for the husband, this is a big problem!

But did not think father-in-law and mother-in-law at this time to call themselves over!

"Sit down!" The old lady seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood. "Have you heard about things over there?"

"I heard that!" Su Yuan is very sure to say, such things even if they want to hide, there is no significance! "But I can't get in touch with the boss all the time, and he doesn't have any contact with his family!"

"That's what happened at the summer camp! Do you know what's going on at home? " The old lady said again!

Su Yuan couldn't help but move. He was a little uncertain about what his father-in-law and mother-in-law meant! But still nodding!

"Know some, but not so much!"

"Just know something!" The old lady reluctantly laughed, "the things at home are left to Changlin and you. The old man and I don't care about it any more. As for why we should do this this time, it doesn't mean that we have any other opinions and ideas. Since some things have been handed over to you, we need to be thorough! Don't leave any problems and situations behind. Now is the best opportunity! "

When he said this, Su Yuan understood it thoroughly! It is also understood why these days, his husband will be so busy, and at home himself is the last to know!"Dad! Mom! Does the boss know about this? "

The old lady took a look at the old man, then shook her head, looking at Su Yuan, she couldn't help worrying!

"He may be able to guess, or may be too lazy to guess, and no one knows what he is thinking about!" The old lady sighed, "he seems to cooperate with a lot of things, but in fact? There are so many unexpected, so it is difficult to define this, but one thing is certain! He has his own plans and considerations! "

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