The depressing atmosphere was broken by Wang Yang, "Dad, my brother met some things earlier!" The reason why Wang Yang said this was that he saw that there seemed to be too many words and conversations between his father and his brother. The atmosphere was so embarrassing that he picked up the topic, and the conversation between them would come naturally.

Sometimes the atmosphere is really not good to be broken by the party concerned. After all, there are some reserve, but they are not the same. Therefore, speaking without so much consideration, it is very natural.

Wang Chenglin looked at his second son and nodded his head slightly, "Wang Yang called back earlier and said that something happened to your comrade in arms? It seems quite serious. " After listening to this, Wang Yang shrunk his mouth for a moment. To know that his father never asked about his private affairs, but today he made an exception in his brother's body.

It is true that there are so many small envious feelings, of course, there are also some small jealousy, Ding Yu pondered for a while, "the specific situation is not so clear, but we have to look at the situation to say, I believe it can be solved!" The words seem to be very light, but the words do reveal a lot of confidence.

I believe I can solve this problem by myself.

Wang Chenglin has been observing his eldest son since his son came. It has been more than 20 years since he left. He has fantasized many times about what the child will look like when he grows up and what kind of work he will do. However, when his son comes to his side, he feels a little bit more It's not very real.

This feeling is even so some illusory, Wang Chenglin is really a little afraid, afraid that his dream suddenly woke up, and then found that everything is false.

"Uncle Sheng told me about your situation. At that time, he came in person! Originally, I planned to take a look at it in person, but it was delayed due to work and other reasons, and I called you once, but it seems that I didn't get through. It seems that you have a lot of ideas about this father! "

Wang Yang looked at his father unexpectedly. He didn't expect that his father would say so, and then he also looked at his brother. From the understanding of the situation, the elder brother's attitude has some conditions. Now, what kind of performance will he be when his father says such words?

"There are some hesitations in the mood! For some things, it's a little busy to deal with things, so calm down a little bit, and you may handle things better! " What about Ding Yu's explanation? Really let Wang Changlin say nothing, at least it sounds reasonable.

Wang Changlin's eyes brightened slightly. To be exact, his son's answer was really quite ingenious. He deliberately avoided some topics, but allowed himself to accept it. At the same time, what about himself? Do you have too much trouble? You should know that your son is still a young man.

At this age, it's really not easy to have such composure, but it's a pity that he has embarked on the road of doctor, which is so wasteful! If you can take over your own class, you can even foresee what will happen in the future.

"Have you ever thought about changing jobs?" Wang Changlin has never said such words to his little son, but today there are too many exceptions. Wang Yang is stunned.

"I never thought about it. I worked in the electricity industry for a period of time, but later I still respected my father's opinion and went to study medicine. After learning medicine, I found that I was still very interested in this aspect, and all the foundation was based on the study of medicine. Now, even if I want to change the court, it is impossible!"

Decisively, Wang Changlin also made a judgment in this respect. His son is really a bit too bad. He has gone through trials and tribulations in his official career. For many things, he needs to think before and after thinking, and then make a decision. His son refused at the first time, but the performance was not very tough, but the reason was impeccable.

Because the time was really late, and soon everyone went to rest. Ding Yu didn't have much strange fear. This problem has been solved in the army. In the morning, Ding Yu woke up early and then did some exercise in his room.

When Wang Yang came over, Ding Yu had not finished his exercise. Looking at his brother who was moving on the floor, Wang Yang felt not only curiosity, but also a little shock. This was really not what ordinary people could play. He had never seen that person playing like this. It was too exaggerated.

With three fingers on the floor, the whole person stood on his head, and then the weight of his body was controlled on the three fingers. The whole person was still sitting in the space with all kinds of fancy movements. Wang Yang felt that he did not wake up. He was definitely not sleeping well last night.

Ding Yu did not have any pause because of Wang Yang's arrival. After finishing the exercise, Ding Yu got up and nodded at the clothes placed by the bed. Then he went to wash and gargle, changed his clothes and went downstairs. Looking at the father who was cooking there, he also said good morning.Ding Yu ate a lot of breakfast. Wang Changlin personally cooked, and Wang Yang ate a lot. After eating, Wang didn't leave, but looked at his two sons and said, "Xiaoyu, I heard about your comrades in arms. I asked Sheng Jun to follow you. He is uncle Sheng's little son!"

Ding Yu didn't object to his father's arrangement, but he didn't mean to agree. Wang Jun looked at his son and motioned to Wang Yang to remind him that he had other things to deal with during the day. He certainly couldn't accompany his eldest son. What's the matter? Let yourself also have some worries.

Sheng Jun is driving a black business car. You can't tell from the appearance that there are too many different places. After asking about the location, Sheng Jun also drove there. What about Ding Yu? Sheng Jun really knew something, not what his father told him, but what brother Wang told him.

They are all one family and don't talk about two families, so there is not much to hide.

After arriving at the place, Ding Yu sees Gao Jie squatting on the side of the road smoking. Before waiting for the car to stop, Ding Yu has opened the door of the car, and then jumps up on the car. When Gao Jie sees Ding Yu, he also stands up, but the positions at his feet are all cigarette butts.

"Where are the people?"

"In the morgue of the hospital, my sister-in-law is also lying in the hospital. She also suffered some injuries, and her spirit was highly stimulated." As he spoke, Gao Jie pinched the cigarette end on the ground with his foot. "Now there's no way to claim the body. There's someone there. I went there earlier and got two feet!"

"Get in the car!" Then Ding Yu gets on the car without saying a word. Gao Jie takes a look and then follows Ding Yu on the car. There is still a lot of space in the car. "Wang Yang, this is my comrade in arms Gao Jie. Now he is a professional in the Public Security Bureau. Gao Jie, this is a family member!"

"Hello, brother Gao!" Wang Yang also took the lead in extending his hand. Gao Jie shook it and then nodded, "I went in and had a look. The fatal injury was in the back of my head. I was beaten to death. I was disabled when I retired. I came back to do a little business. My life is good. I didn't expect to fold in this time."

"He was fine when I left!" Ding Yu rubbed his hand slightly, and Gao Jie sighed, "it's not easy to survive because all the people are useless. It's not easy to see a stall. As for other things that are impossible to work, I've seen an old ghost. I cried and drank a lot, but I didn't expect the separation between life and death!"

If such a thing happened on the battlefield, no one would hate it so much, but the problem is that such a thing happened in the real society, which made people have some unacceptable, "people are killed alive, they are scarred, and they are already disabled. In addition, what good results can be achieved with such a situation?"

Ding Yu took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and handed two cigarettes to Gao Jie What's more, Ding Yu doesn't say. Gao Jie smokes two cigarettes, and Ding Yu smokes a cigarette. Wang Yang also notices that if two people go down with one mouthful, the whole cigarette is left with a small half.

When he came to the hospital, Gao Jie was in front of him, and soon came to his sister-in-law's ward. However, when he came to the corridor, he heard the voice inside. Gao Jie also walked forward quickly. Ding Yu narrowed his eyes a little. He knew what had happened without looking, because Gao Jie's performance has explained everything.

When he came, Gao Jie had already crowded into the ward and poured several people outside the ward. However, they were all in the wrong direction. What about Gao Jie's action? Still very measured, the public is just muddled for a while, and then is also swearing, struggling to get up, some people also began to copy the guy.

Ding Yu slowly walked past. There were many people gathered in the corridor. Ding Yu patted a guy on the back. When the guy turned around, he punched his stomach. Then he kicked out. The guy knelt in the air and flew out. Then he slipped out on the ground.

Ding Yu's body is not completely curled up, but the rest of the body is not curled up like this, as long as Ding Yu's feet are not completely curled up on the ground? How arrogant!

"Brother Just after finishing this sentence, Ding Yu immediately slapped him. The upright one fell down, just like a stick. There was no other person at the door. Ding Yu also slowly walked to the ward, looking at the situation inside, he closed the door conveniently.

Several people in the room are pulling. Ding Yu pulls over one of them who is holding Gao Jie. He grabs his neck directly. Then he pours it on the wall. Once, twice, without any politeness, all the other people in the room are shocked. Gao Jie also looks at him and says, "feather, don't be impulsive!"

Ding Yu immediately released his hand, and the man who was hit twice fell down like a dead snake. Then Ding Yu also hooked his fingers twice to the man who was holding Gao Jie. "Come here, lick the blood for me! Hospital! How can it be dirty in a clean place? ""NIMA's!" As soon as the words were finished, this one was kicked out and directly kicked on the window. The hospital is still relatively advanced. The windows are all specially made, which is obviously to prevent other things from happening. If someone really jumps down from here, the responsibility of the hospital is that the hospital must have this precaution.

The other people retreated to one side of the position at the first time. The one who came in was too dry. Ding Yu pointed to another guy, "lick the blood clean for me!" Gao Jie also comforted him and said, "feather, don't be impulsive. You have something to say!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to pay attention to it at all, "sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm late!" After that, he also looked at Gao Jie, "since I'm here, I'll deal with it. It's not convenient and appropriate for you." After Gao Jie heard this, he also raised his eyebrows, but Ding Yu shook his head. The meaning was obvious. After all, he had an official identity.

What about this position? After all, there is still a family. Ding Yu is in this respect? Without this worry, Gao Jie also nodded his head, "feather, lighter, heavier hand doesn't matter, but we need to explain in advance, no dead hand is allowed!"

At this time, Ding Yu hooked his finger again and said, "I licked the blood on the wall!" There are only three people left. You can look at me and I will see you. This one doesn't talk after he comes in. He starts to do it directly. Moreover, this action is too NIMA ruthless. It's totally the one without any scruples.

"We are..."

"I don't care who you are. It has nothing to do with me. Now in this room, I ask you to lick up the blood on the wall for me. When you come out of this room, you will tell me about this room!" While talking, Ding Yu also looked at a pile of money beside the bed, about 100000 yuan.

Ding Yu immediately took out his phone call and called his assistant, "get me some cash. I'll use it and put it by your side." After putting down the phone, Ding Yu looked at the three people again, "what do you mean? You want me to do it? Even if you want to make a phone call, you can lick it for me, and then we can talk about it! "

When talking, there was a knock at the door, and then Wang Yang opened the door, "brother, there is a police, how to deal with it?" Although Wang Yang also saw the situation inside the house and gave a slight smile, Ding Yu helped his glasses with his hand, "let them lead in, others stand outside!"

Wang Yang nodded, and then closed the door. Ding Yu also walked in front of the three people. Each of them slapped each other two times. Then he grabbed one of them by the hair and ran into the wall in a rage. Even though the drum was not so loud, this one's face was full of peach blossom.

It was so painful that she unconsciously supported the wall with her own hand, but it didn't work at all. The force was not in any proportion. After a few bangs, this one was also soft. But even though it was like this, Ding Yu still didn't have any intention to let go of his hand. The two people beside him were already scared to urinate.

Then two people directly knelt there. When Ding Yu let go, another knock came from the door. Then three or four policemen pushed the door and filed in, "close the door!" Ding Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the leading policeman. The leading policeman looked at the situation in the room and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What happened in this room? How could it look like this? After hearing Ding Yu's words, the police at the back also came forward. But looking at Ding Yu's eyes, he felt that his scalp was numb. Then he stepped back two steps. At this time, Wang Yang had closed the door.

Ding Yu looked at the police who came in, "are all leaders? Stand against the wall! Don't delay me The leading policeman also saluted Ding Yu, "this comrade! Hello, we... "

As he spoke, Ding Yu had taken off the pendant and weighed it in his hand. Although it was made of steel, it was no different from that made of dough. It was soon cleaned up by Ding Yu and became a small steel stick. Let alone, it was quite handy.

Next to a few policemen looking at the ground above the debris, directly shut up, even if it is plastic, you don't have to be so simple? What's more, this is still steel. Then Ding Yu also used a steel stick to make a comparison. He also made a guy kneeling on the ground and said, "who asked you to make trouble?"

Then he lifted up the guy's arm with his feet. Without any reaction, the small steel pipe in his hand was waved down. The policeman next to him subconsciously closed his eyes, and the guy kneeling on the ground also had a voice. The voice even scared the people outside.

What happened in the house? Is there something about this sound that's too scary? Ding Yu knocked on the guy's head with a small steel stick. "It's OK. It's just a few broken bones in the palm. It's not a big problem. It can be repaired well. Don't worry! I have discretion , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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