"You think it's Qi, but in my opinion, it's not! To lose is to lose! And under the circumstances at that time, if you win, there are some bad things! There will be some embarrassment for everyone Ding Yu obviously means something!

"Sir, the first one is lost! I can understand, but what about the second one? Are you so sure? "

"It's not quite what you see? That's what it's like! Never! Your eyes will deceive you Ding Yu points to stop, and there is no intention to go into it! "But think about it. What's next? In fact, I am more irritable, because I have to pretend to be reserved, sometimes I can't eat enough? "

Ding Yu's transformation is too fast! Fast let Rowling have so many can not keep up with! But think about it, it seems that it is true! Because of the reception? Basically, it's a place for communication. Who will come here to eat and drink when there's nothing to do! Even a fool wouldn't do that, right?!

So when Rowling looks at Ding Yu, her eyes are more or less sad. Sir, do you really think so?

But if you think about it, does the gentleman care about such things? Although my understanding of Mr. Zhang is not as comprehensive as imagined, there are still some! Sir! Sometimes I really don't care. I have a good temperament!

"Sir, I'll take a look at it!"

At the same time, Pete looked at a few people in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his face was so dark!

I expected the situation might not be very good, but I didn't think it would be so? Jin is so powerful that he has lost six or seven teams now! Even if these guys are pigs, the time is too short!

And even pigs know how to struggle, but what about you? How can I struggle! All folded in Ding Yu's manor? What's more, if you die for nothing, what if you don't?

It would be better to break into Ding Yu's manor if he did something, but the problem is that he was educated by others instead of doing anything! What can Pete do now? And this idea is you come out, at the beginning, I strongly opposed! It's hard, but you don't care! Not even for me!

Now there's a problem. You can find it on my head! What can I do? Am I a fairy?

What's more, I was blocked in the room by Ding Yu just now. Even if I wanted to come out, I couldn't get out!

"What do you think, Pete?"

Pete said, "there are two chairs in the room. What I'm thinking about now is that these two chairs can't be abandoned like this! Ding Yu obviously has other intentions. He may not ask Bruno and others to come over, but if Barron opens his mouth, the favor will be so great! "

You don't need to make things too clear! Ding Yu's meaning is very clear, he has left quite a leeway! But you do not give face, this matter is not very easy to explain! So you can do it as you see fit!

"I XXX!" The white man standing in front of Pete yelled, of course, because he was in the room! So the performance is a little bit reserved, if not in the room, what kind of situation will it be? It's really hard to say!

As for dare to be in front of Ding Yu? Are you kidding? If he does! So it's not as simple as lying out! Ding Yu will never be so insulted! This is a matter of principle for Ding Yu! Never compromise!

"Harry, cursing doesn't work now! If you can't control your emotions, I'm sorry, I hope you can go out and calm down, I hope to solve the problem! Instead of further intensifying the contradiction! At this time, many people's eyes are focused on us! "

The man next to him took a look at Harry, then squeezed the corners of his mouth, pressed his business and said, "Pete! No matter how the incident started, our starting point is good. I understand that it is no longer useful to say these things now, but we need to stop the mad dog king! We can't afford any loss! "

Pete looked at the man in front of him, a little embarrassed. "Jonathan, I know you're angry! But the dinner hasn't started yet! Now even if I take you to meet Ding Yu, I can only shut the door. If you can persuade Barron, I think it should be OK! It's up to me alone, Jonathan, and I think you should know from other sources as well! How embarrassed I am in the game

Pete didn't show much anger and anger when he spoke, but Jonathan was clearly aware of what was going on in the box! It can be said that Peter has done his best to keep the whole scene from collapsing!

If it wasn't for what happened on his side, Pete would never have tolerated it so much. He didn't see that both Barron and josephart were about to laugh! It has nothing to do with them. Of course, they are very happy that something happens!

It's very face saving if you don't fall into the well!"Pete, I'm sorry!" Jonathan's heart is very painful, but he also knows that now must admit defeat, and is still the kind of five body throw in the ground! Know that you can't stand any loss!

It's true that by doing so, Pete is in charge of everything! But what can be done? I've given Pete a lot of trouble! Or you need Pete to wipe your ass now. In that case, you need to put your attitude right! Otherwise, everything will be in vain!

As for the so-called self-esteem, is it still important at this time?

"Jonathan, I'll get you a chair, but another chair, I don't count!"

Pete didn't chase after him, even actively released his goodwill! I have a lot of things to do, and I will never have too much hesitation on this point. My plan with Ding Yu has been completed! Then we need to take the next step! Don't dally over such a small thing, there is no need!

Jonathan nodded slightly. "Thank you." Although this sentence came a little late, it was enough for Peter!

Their integration plan has been completed, so the rest is to negotiate with Ding Yu!

Ding Yu has already given himself a lot of sweetness, so he must give Ding Yu the same reward! As for the result of not giving Ding Yu a return, Peter really thought about it and seriously considered it! It must be more than the gain, so forget it!

We cooperate with each other, maybe there are opportunities for cooperation in the future! After all, the road he took is totally different from that of Ding Yu! Now this time between each other really up conflict, is not a good thing, at least their own understanding!

The dinner started a little bit late. To be sure, Barron and josephart did it on purpose! Especially josephart, he lost! So the dinner needs him to prepare. He has a good reason!

Ding Yu takes out his cigar. He doesn't need to give him a better treat?! Otherwise, I can't afford to lose that man! As for those who come to the door! Josephart let him die? Now I want to let them die as much as possible! Looking at him want to hand, but do not dare to do it, he is really full of joy! This thing is really fun!

But josephart knew that things couldn't go on forever! When he saw Rowling, Josepha nodded, since Rowling had already come out! Then the dinner party should be officially started! As for the reception in front of us, it is still very lively at this time, but it is just that there are some lively activities on the surface!

All the real big guys don't want to show up! Now everyone is ready to sit down and enjoy the dinner!

"Mr. Ding!" Before the dinner began, Peter took people to Ding Yu's body position. "Jonathan, the card friend I found, as for the other one, is already on the way to here! It's just a little bit of a problem on the way! I believe he will arrive in time! It's just that the situation is a little more complicated now! "

"So?" Ding Yu rubbed his fingers and looked at Pete standing in front of him!

"I hope you can sit down and have a good talk! Although it's a preview, I believe Mr. Ding doesn't want to see something really happening in the process. "

Ding Yu takes a deep look at Pete, which is meaningful! Although Jonathon can't even speak with his own eyes, it's obvious that he can't speak with his own eyes!

"I don't like to see something happen, but I hear that something quite happened on the manor side, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry about what happened at the manor." Now at this time, Peter will never make any guarantee with Ding Yu. What a joke, this thing is not done by himself! "But I'm sure you'll be satisfied, Mr. Ding!"

Ding Yu hummed and laughed, "Pete, you old guy is really not so cunning, but also quite sharp!" Taking a look at Jonathan standing by Pete's side, Ding Yu continued to say, "I don't care about the Manor! But when you are beaten in the face, do you think it can be written off in one sentence? "

Obviously, Ding Yu is clearly questioning!

But Pete snatched Jonathan's words and even made a look at him, "Mr. Ding! Everything is moving forward. Our game is not over. If it is over now, we are very sorry for each other! "

Jonathan looked at Pete, originally he did not have any good feelings for him, but at this time, his heart for Peter to do the reaction and response, is very appreciative!

Ding Yu said, "there's no problem with that." He looked up and down at Jonathan. "Pete! You old guy cheated a lot of good things just now. Do you still have the capital to go to power? "

"I believe that Mr. Ding will be given a satisfactory reply before the dinner starts!"

When it comes to this, we have achieved a considerable goal! Ding Yu is to examine again, looked at Jonathan, smile slightly, smile has so some strange! This guy! Typical was sold, but also help the number of people money that kind!But I did not want to go too far to investigate the meaning!

This time Kim should have a good time, since he is happy! Then other things are not so important!

And do things? Need to have a considerable degree of heat, if the heat is not enough, can not be on the table, after the heat, then will let all aspects are not satisfied! Now the heat is almost over at this time! Really if too much, their side is so difficult to do!

At the time of leaving, Ding Yu nodded with sun Yingnan, saying hello! Sun Yingnan took out his mobile phone. He couldn't get in touch with him before. What's the reason? I don't need to ask more. As for now, I think there will be no more problems in this area!

These guys! It's just cheap skin and bones. You have to beat them well! They will know the power of it!

When Jin received the notice, he also stopped his own pace! At the same time, take a deep breath! Now I can say that I have a good spirit! achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject! All the things in my heart all vent out, even in the moment of pause, I even feel a little tired! How long have I not felt like this!

Jin stopped his steps, but the people who ran around were scared to death by this time! Because demons do not know when they will suddenly appear, they have never seen such an enemy! Come and go! Associated with their own how to fall down, are not so clear!

This kind of fear is absolutely not ordinary people can face! However, after a period of time at large, everyone felt that their back was not as cool as they imagined! I don't know if there's something wrong with Kim himself, or what work has been done on it!

Soon everyone began to gather, now this time will never run to a certain place! Because we still have some worries, who knows if the devil Jin will give them a spoonful! Hard to say!

Through the telephone and other ways of simple statistics, and so on the completion of the statistics, Jonathon who knew the news felt so dizzy, and even the whole person was about to stand!

I know the situation is not good, but I never thought it would be so serious!

Fortunately, he found Pete in time and bowed his head. Otherwise, I'm afraid it would be another scene!

But even so! You can also use the loss to describe it! What's more, when you face Ding Yu later, what kind of feeling will you have? Or can you calm down to face Ding Yu!

Even God can't do it? What Jonathan hates now is, why didn't he listen to persuasion before? If I could listen to Peter's advice a little bit, I'm afraid it's not the result now?!

But there seems to be no problem with my plan! What about the only wrong estimate? Maybe I didn't expect that Jin would be so powerful?! Or do you think you're subconscious and have a problem?

Considerable problems still need to be sorted out. If nothing has happened, what is the significance of what you have done this time? It's not so terrible to do something wrong. What's terrible is that when you do something wrong, you don't have any understanding and lessons. In that case, you might as well find a rope for yourself!

And looking back, Ding Yu is really not ordinary insidious!

He didn't mean to set a suit on purpose, but this matter absolutely can't drag any relation with him! Even before he did it on purpose! Put a trap there, waiting for the prey to come to the door actively! At that time, I was really stupid! It was a decision like that! Now think of it, it's really regretful!

Nothing is more painful than this! People have already calculated everything, waiting for their own initiative door! But I am good! I can't even see such a trap! Silly ha ha!

As for Pete? He should have quite a sense of understanding. He may not know much, but he definitely has his own understanding. So he tried to dissuade him at that time. After thinking about it, Jonathan felt that he did not understand. What happened to him at that time? Why did you make such a decision?

When the dinner starts, we all sit together again, josephart is in charge of mediating the atmosphere! I don't know where he got the things on the table, but they are very rich!

It seems that Ding Yu doesn't care too much, and even doesn't talk much! Most of the time, we are chatting, and Ding Yu has a word without a word, more energy is placed in front of his food above!

If you don't know the situation, how much injustice do you think Ding Yu has suffered?

But no one said that Ding Yu was a rice bowl, but Ding Yu ate more! At least relative to the public, it is! But Ding Yu ate a lot, but he didn't feel any rudeness! It's the amount of food that really scares people! Where did Ding Yu eat all these things?Speaking of speaking, did not see Ding Yu have any stomach! Everything seems normal! But take a look at what Ding Yu ate. It's all pure meat and fish! Even if Ding Yu didn't eat for a few days! He shouldn't have eaten so much!

But Ding Yu just ate it! If one person's eyes can cheat people, can so many people's eyes cheat? It's impossible! So this thing from inside to outside revealed quite strange!

However, Ding Yu just ate something. As for the wine, Ding Yu didn't have any contamination. At most, he moistened his lips, which was quite a face for everyone! But that's it!

"Mr. Ding?" Josephart looked at Ding Yu with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he came to ask for a reward!

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