Josephart took a deep breath. "Mr. Ding, I don't know what you will see, but I promise that I will bring all the children. As long as they are closely related to the family, there may be so many children! Mr. Ding will certainly suffer at that time! "

"You know, I won't give you any guarantee!" Ding Yu said this coldly!

"Mr. Ding! I'll go and get ready! " After standing up, josephart stepped back two steps, tidied up his clothes and bowed respectfully to Ding Yu. I must thank you! Because this is the gift of Ding Yu! Even now it's just an expression of attitude. There must be something quite practical!

"Smart enough!" Watch josephart leave! Ding Yu murmured to himself! But there is not too much to care about! Take a look, it's not a big deal! If there is no relationship between this and yourself, then there is no fate! They are not omnipotent!

"Is that true?"

Barron jumped straight up, and still jumped three feet high! And Charlotte next to her also covered her mouth! Because the news came too frightening! If you don't drag your chin, you are very suspicious, will it fall directly!

Josephart covered his chest with his hand! Very excited to say! "On the honor of the family! There is nothing false about what I say

"NIMA's!" Barron was so excited! He hugged josephart casually and made a few circles in the same place! But even so, it can't calm Baron down. "I'm Baron, on behalf of my family, give you a guarantee."

As for the guarantee, Barron didn't mention anything about it, but it moved josephart!

To know such a guarantee, as long as you say it, even in a few hundred years, it will also be effective!

If anyone dares to destroy, it is a provocation to all forces and consortia! We will directly suffocate the destroyer!

"When Barron was born, Mr. Ding didn't give any guarantee. He could have a look at the child. I think there is still room for discussion about this matter! But I dare not and can't! "

Barron took two deep breaths, while Charlotte next to him personally brought the drinks to josephart!

"Thank you! Madame Josephart took the glass respectfully and did not forget himself!

"Josephart, you'll go to the game with me later, Charlotte. You'll finish the preparatory work for this matter! Block the news Barron looked at his wife sharply. "I don't care what way you use, at least in a short time to control the news!"

"I understand!" Charlotte knew too well what this was about! Even if you are Barron's wife, you can't make a decision on such a matter! If something happens, no one can protect himself!

"And more!" Then Barron turned to josephart. "Did Mr. Dean ask for anything?"

"I have raised the issue of negotiation. He only needs three levels, at most three levels. At the same time, he hopes that we can not exceed two levels at most!" Simply explain why, "as for the children? Mr. Ding didn't mention any request. He said it! Fate has come! It's easy to say anything. Look at this meaning. Mr. Ding is even going to post it upside down! "

For this point, let alone, we are really clear, whether it is the third generation and Taylor, or Rowling, Ding Yu did not want to open its mouth! If it was other people or other forces, I'm afraid it would have been a wild price! But Ding Yu has never done so! It's a very interesting thing!

From the point of view of truth, whether it is josephart or himself, or Bruno and Dongfang Jing, they are all people above the rules. The dignity of their bodies can be said to exist since their birth! But in front of Ding Yu, they never felt the so-called "respect"!

This is very surprising! It's even puzzling. How many people sharpen their heads and drill into it? But what about Ding Yu? This seems to be a little dismissive of the feeling! It's really confusing! What is Ding Yu pursuing?

Don't be presumptuous to say that if Ding Yu is really willing to let down his self-esteem, it goes without saying that in ten years' time, everyone can send Ding Yu to the so-called president's throne. There are not too many problems! We still have this ability!

Even if there are many difficulties and waves in this process, it is not a problem for many big families and forces, even for the opponents! If Ding Yu can be trapped in the scope of the rules, what conditions, we can accept! Because there is nothing better than this!

But Ding Yu has never revealed anything, too much to accompany!

But this may also be the reason why we respect Ding Yu so much! Whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is the same!

It is true that Ding Yu makes many people extremely unhappy, but there is a saying that Ding Yu's ability is absolutely impeccable!"I'm afraid that's the charm of Mr. Ding! Not many people can resist, even his opponents! "

"If we don't want anything, even willing to pay a considerable price, as long as Mr. Ding selects a child from our family, do you think Mr. Ding will agree?"

Josephart thought about it and shook his head. "Pete, I don't think it's possible! Don't say we can't do it. Even the old Peyton's family couldn't do it at that time. From the perspective of communication, the friendship between old Peyton and Ding Yu is not ordinary, because Mr. Ding saved their family. But even so, Mr. Ding is indifferent to old Peyton at ordinary times! And old Peyton seems to be rude to Mr. Ding, but I do believe that this is their friendship, and only at this stage can it be regarded as true friendship! "

In this regard, Barron deeply believes that if they are true friends, their communication will not be too polite! Even to the impulsive place, two people will scold each other and fight! But it's over! After the fight, may have a drink together, the true friendship between men is basically like this!

But if you want to have such friendship with Ding Yu, neither Barron nor josephart can do it! But Bruno can do it, Dongfang Jing can do it, and old Peyton can barely do it! This is the difference!

Quite a lot of people don't like Ding Yu, but if Ding Yu really puts out a hand, will you watch it then? The one who promises to shake hands with Ding Yu is just like crossing the river! beyond count!

"Other things can be placed a little bit! But wait for a game! I heard Jonathan had bowed his head?! And has aus come? " For quite a thing, Barron still knows!

"Jonathan's men were killed by gold, not just on the manor side? This time, Jin was a big murderer. He should have been inspired by Mr. Ding. Otherwise, he would never have done so, but he was not the one who fired the first shot! And from the beginning to the end, Kim did not use much weapons and equipment! It's appalling! "

Barron nodded. "This has nothing to do with us! But what about it? I don't know what the outcome of the negotiation will be. Although it is preliminary, it is in my personal opinion! A lot of things can be determined in the preliminary negotiation! "

Charlotte suddenly interposed at this time, "I have another news here, that is, someone from Mrs. Ding's side has visited! Do we need to do something? "

Barron looked at josephart, and the two shook their heads almost at the same time. It was obvious that no one wanted to get involved in this matter! Just keep watching! If really involved, I'm afraid the most unhappy is Mr. Ding Yuding there!

Since he has chosen to do this, he is just to train Taixi. What kind of behavior is everyone going to the pole now? It is definitely counterproductive, and the gain is not worth the loss!

"Since Taixi doesn't have any actions and words, let's think we don't know anything! Mr. Ding's meaning is very obvious! Let's not make a fuss! "

Ding Yu's practice? We all smile when we know it. Obviously, it's very good for Taixi! Even Charlotte's view of Ding Yu has changed a lot! At least Ding Yu didn't take women as fertility tools! As a real woman!

What about this? It's really rare. Charlotte is from this class. She has seen too many! Most of the time, these classes will take women as tools! To breed your own blood! That is to say, in modern times! Only a little bit of change, but there are quite a lot of things, there is a brand, not to say that you can change it if you want to change it!

Judging from the situation, Ding Yu can completely let go of himself! After all, Ding Yu's blood is still a little bit like that! That is, a son and a daughter, whether Ding Yu is satisfied with this point, which is unknown to anyone, but the public are very dissatisfied with this! Can't you have more children? It's not difficult?

Why do you have such ideas and opinions? The reason is too simple! Only when Ding Yu has enough children, can we have considerable expectations. If Ding Yu is a son and a girl, it is really a wolf with more meat than meat. Everyone wants to have a bite, but in the end? There are a few people who can eat meat!

So it's better to make more meat from the beginning! For this point, we really feel quite depressed! If they were Ding Yu, now even if there were ten or eight children, they would never be too many!

Maybe this is where Ding Yu is different from ordinary people?!

Back to the card game again, Pete made a considerable introduction to everyone. To be exact, he gave Ding Yu a good introduction! As for Barron and josephart, how could they not know OS? The relationship between each other is even quite familiar! Of course, familiarity does not mean that the relationship between each other is really good to a certain extent!

We can only say that we restrict each other! Each other is to see each other, there are so some not too pleasing to the eye, but also can not dry out the existence!As for Jonathan, he was able to go to the table because he paid a considerable price. Do you really think Ding Yu will be merciful? How could it be? To a certain extent, it is also stripped off a layer of skin!

Ding Yu looked at the chips in front of them, "Pete, how should this one be calculated?"

Jonathan and OS both looked at Pete. Although they knew something about the previous game, they didn't play in person. Hearsay, they couldn't compare with their own feelings! This is an essential difference!

Pete smiles and knocks on the table with his hand. He doesn't change his appearance! "I don't know. How about Mr. Ding? I don't have too many opinions and ideas myself! " After a look at Jonathan and Oz, Pete even opened his hands on his own initiative! "As long as Mr. Ding is happy!"

"Really good?" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "what do you think of Jonathan and OS?"

Seeing that there are not too many opinions and reactions from the two people, Ding Yu looks at Barron and josephart! The two of them nodded at the same time, and even Barron made a gesture of obedience!

"Since we don't have any opinions and ideas, I'll start with it!" Ding Yu brings out ten chips! "Let's play ten games! A game of chips, who win is who! What do you think? "

"What if you lose?"

In the face of josephart's applause, Ding Yu is looking at Pete, "Pete, I have put forward the method of playing. If the rules are mentioned again, is it a little too presumptuous! I ask for your opinion

Ding Yu didn't mean to be aggressive! OOS took a look at Jonathan next to him. To be sure, Jonathan bowed his head to let him have some other ideas. Peter was even more powerful than he thought!

Besides, I have heard quite a lot about the game just now. In the game, Ding Yu can be said to be unique and firmly controls the rhythm in his own hands. Of course, there are Barron and josephart to assist him! And Pete's one arm problem! But now? Why did Ding Yu do this? There must be a reason!

Pete looked at OS and Jonathan, and took the initiative to give the position to OS. Although I controlled the overall situation, I didn't mean to be overbearing. If you have any opinions and ideas, you can just mention them. I won't have any objection!

"Mr. Ding, you are a guest. You come all the way!"

Smart enough! Take a look at what Ding Yu's cards are, if you can take out quite a few things, we will never be too stingy! Of course, if you Dingyu is a little bit shabby, we are also happy to accept it. We just don't know if you will lose this person? Who knows?

Ding Yu looks around at the crowd, and everyone seems to have no opinion. In this case, Ding Yu doesn't have any hesitation!

"Then I'll give you all the dessert! I think this cigar is very good! There are probably less than four floors this year! I'll take them out. Who's better off! Take it all away! " Ding Yu made a start! "In addition, I have a few boxes of collections. If you are interested, I have no problem!"

Everyone looked at each other, not to mention, Ding Yu opened a head, everyone's face is also some change!

What is the value of Ding Yu's things? It's not so expensive, but strange? It's really strange! To a certain extent, Ding Yu set a tone for the whole game!

Let's play! There's no need to button your eyes! At least now is not too much need! It's too much of a game to decide! And now? We haven't completely turned around yet. What can we bring out! Can deal with the past!

And after Ding Yu opened a head, josephart also took out his own wine! And they are all old wine, all of which are not seen on the market. Usually, even within the small circle, they are relatively rare! Because everyone likes this style. What about good things? It's not that we don't take it out, but we are limited by the production and other reasons!

Barron followed immediately!

Pete is a little indifferent at this time. It seems that he has no interest in these things. But OS has a deep look at Ding Yu! At this time, Ding Yu didn't have any inflation, but he was quite surprised!

At this time, even if Ding Yu is to open what kind of conditions, his side must be passive to bear!

Of course, their previous time of concession, there is another layer of meaning! I hope to see what kind of attitude Ding Yu is in the process of negotiation! But judging from the current situation, Ding Yu doesn't seem to care!

From the perspective of Aus, I hope Ding Yu can open his mouth! The best thing is how harsh the conditions are!

But Ding Yu was not moved at all! Even Ding Yu has some meaning to give up voluntarily!Ten chips? A six on the table! Even if the means is worse, can also win a chip for oneself?

After that, it's time for Rowling to play cards!

Ding Yu doesn't seem to care! With a chip in your hand? I know at a glance that it is definitely an old hand, and still an old hand among the old hands! The chips are in Ding Yu's hand, just like a dancing spirit! Flying back and forth! But never any meaning of falling!

Don't mention that Ding Yu's action surprised everyone! Because according to the information we know, Ding Yu never appeared in that gambling game. In that case, where did Ding Yu's flower work come from?

This is definitely not a day two days can practice out!

From the understanding of the situation, Ding Yu has never been too interested in this! I didn't expect to be able to see such a side of Ding Yu here today. It really means something new!

Ding Yu took a look at his own cards, and then he threw them away with a smile! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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