Looking at the crowd, Ding Yu smiles! "I'm not a God. I can do anything! In line with my personality and context, I can still teach, but not in line with my personality and context, I teach people, but it is misleading! As for the children in the family, their affairs are different. They are not of the same nature! "

"Mr. Ding? Why? "

If Ding Yu didn't mention this matter, we might not have mentioned it on purpose, but now Ding Yu mentioned this matter, we would just open the window to speak up! After all, it should not be taboo to mention it now, is it?

And we are really interested in this!

"Children at home? They have been trained since childhood. They have a foundation in this respect. I think you know better than me about the so-called early childhood education. They may not say they can't jump when they are young, but they are deeply influenced by their parents! So when they began to be interested in the world, quite a lot of education was already very profound! That's why I didn't start with quite a few children. It's not that they are bad! "

Out of the screen, Terry and Leo looked at it! They have some insight! But more doubt!

"Do you think this explanation is a little far fetched?" Terry can't accept this!

But Leo didn't answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the screen, which made Teri feel embarrassed!

"Really not?" Leo's answer is very positive!

"No?" Terry looked up and down at Leo. "I can't believe it. You said it. Did I hear it right?" How is that possible? Now I have some doubts, sitting beside me, is not Ding Yu looking for someone to disguise himself! It's not that there is no possibility of this!

"I really don't want to hide this problem from you. If you investigate carefully, you will find that the situation is really like this! Ding Yu chooses the right people according to this standard! "

Terry was furious at Leo's words. "NIMA, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Previously, you didn't say that at this time, you're here to make an afterthought. Although the possibility of being selected by your family is not so great, you have given me a good hand, right?

"Leo, I think we have quite a lot of contradictions and even a lot of disputes between us, but it seems that there is no deep hatred between us? Now you suddenly give me such a hand, yes! I don't deny that in Ding Yu's intelligence control, I'm not as good as you! But now you say so, I think I can't accept some of my personal feelings! "

Leo said, "I just remembered this. I believe you should have heard that Ding Yu trained some talents."

"I've heard that! But there is something extraordinary about their origins? " Then Teri gasped, "don't tell me it's true. Can you find out about it?"

Leo said, "but from now on, the news can't be kept! Is also a very troublesome matter! Even if Ding Yu doesn't inquire, there will surely be someone to inquire! "

"No wonder I've never heard you talk about it!" Terry understood and took a deep look!

"This is really not a question of whether to believe or not, but the fact that the matter has been mentioned! Then there must be quite a leak channel, which is certain! And there is no doubt about it! Leak, leak! It's no big deal, but if Ding Yu or other parties investigate, it will cause considerable losses! "

Terry can understand Leo's mood! "If that's the case, you have a certain opinion on it!"

"Yes Leo sighed, "he selects talents, to a certain extent, he selects talents that meet his own standards! It's hard to say what Ding Yu's standard is! But I really didn't expect that Ding Yu's criteria for selecting children are the same! It really makes me very moved

"More than once! Is that right? " There's a strange light in Terry's eyes! Although now with Ding Yu is a mutual cooperation relationship, but for Ding Yu's defense, will never be less than Leo!

Leo looks at Terry and smiles! Some scorn! Don't take yourself as a good person, you are not a good person at all! You don't look like a good man!

There's no difference between us! Even the same smell!

"Once or twice! This is not so important! However, there is a saying that Ding Yu is very difficult to invite. It doesn't mean that Ding Yu is lazy. It's never related to this. Ding Yu's laziness is mainly because quite a few people can't understand it! The other reason is that there are too few people who meet the conditions of Ding Yu! So quite the time, Ding Yu is just pointing out one or two! But the effect of this one or two alone is beyond imagination! "Seek truth from facts, this is common to everyone!

"How much can be understood!" Looking at the child in the video, Teri's eyes narrowed slightly, "what do you think Ding Yu will do next? What's more, Ding Yu said he was leaving soon! What do you think? "

"If you agree, I don't mind giving Ding Yu some trouble! But the possibility of big trouble won't be too big, and even if you want to delay, you can't delay too long! "

Such things do not need to say how obscure, there is no such need to directly get on the surface! These are the truth, now this time to stop Ding Yu, don't let Ding Yu go back, not to be able to stop Ding Yu how long!

Even Ding Yu may take the initiative to cooperate! It's hard to say!

As for why Ding Yu took the initiative to cooperate, the reason is also very simple. Ding Yu came here this time, seemingly arrogant, but in fact, it was quite convergent. As for Jin's affairs, to a certain extent, it was passive to accept!

If you really forced Ding Yu to stay! Ding Yu may be more happy, because he has an excuse to make trouble! So to a certain extent, we will not leave Ding Yu for too long!

Ding Yu is so capable of tossing about! If really come up this strength, not too many people can bear! You go to other places casually toss, but here toss, it is really not necessary!

This is why Leo didn't want to keep Ding Yu for a long time! If you stay for a long time, you can't bear the consequences! The price is too serious!

And Ding Yu? After crossing off a lot of people, they didn't leave! If they want to stay, they can stay. It doesn't matter! It's not that they are missing a bite! But on the screen, basically can't see their figure!

"Mr. Ding, I always feel that these children have other ideas? It's a bit dishonest

"There's a saying in China, it's called" taoxiao makes a good one! This is not for nothing! There's nothing wrong with naughty children! As for the vast majority of those who are silent? There are some fears and fears, of course, there are really calm, just like Hart! But relatively speaking, there are too few such people! "

We all agree with this! There are too few people like Hart!

Comparatively speaking, there are more lively children like Rogers! Even Alan, to a certain extent, is relatively lively! Not as quiet as it is now!

"Mr. Ding, they! How to put it? Sometimes, if you are too bold, you are not sure what kind of things they will do! " In this regard, Barron thought that it was better to give himself a vaccination first! Save to make other things come out, then let Mr. Ding see jokes!

"Hi! It's not a big deal. When the children in the family sit and call the chickens, they are covered with mud and water, and they are all burning with smoke! Just like that, I didn't point the house! I feel very lucky already

"Mr. Ding, it seems that the children in the family seem to be excellent?"

"Excellence and trouble are two things! Sometimes anger is really anger, now think of it may not be worth it, but at that time, it really is that I feel quite angry! Now I can tell right from wrong! But how to say? Sometimes it's quite childish! "

Ding Yu did not avoid the problem of his own children! It's not a big deal! And Ding Yu said so, there are also some intentional elements in it! My children are like this, your children are similar, after all, are children! So let them show it to their heart's content!

Look at the hands-on ability of these children? Ding Yucai is not so free! What they need to see is what kind of subjective initiative they will play and how bold they will be? Quite a lot of things need to be shown! It's not like you're sitting there, everything will be in front of you!

Ding Yu's posture is slightly lazy, as if he didn't mean to put these children in his eyes at all!

And those children are also busy. Let alone, they still have a very good role in commanding the overall situation. However, there are also those who play the challenge arena, and of course, there are those who brush the single gang. They have everything! To a certain extent, these children are also painstaking!

"Mr. Ding, we can see their certain abilities through these, but..."

"It depends on their ability to locate themselves, not on their own ability! What about these? From the perspective of education, what they bear is elite education. At this time, the most important thing to understand is how to find their own positioning! "

"It's not too hard for these children! But it's easy for them to act too much! "Barron sighs a little about this. These children are all elite education, and they have their own unique understanding of quite a lot of things! They must be enlightened now, but they are afraid that they will be misled by their cleverness!

The so-called bystanders have a clear view. This is not to say! If they were among them, they might fall into the trap, but now they are watching! Can these children reach that level?

But Ding Yu will not pay attention to these problems! I need to see quite a situation! If we don't see the corresponding situation, how can we distinguish the corresponding talents? But the discussion between Ding Yu and Barron looms! Isn't Barron his benefactor? I really can't make it!

What's more, the way Ding Yu adopts is also due to different cultures, so what about Baron? Not to be able to fully understand!

However, the starting point and process of everyone still have no problem! So it's a long time ago, and now the situation is very harmonious!

"Mr. Ding, dinner is ready here! At noon, you shirked! I don't have any opinions! But for dinner, if you give up again, I think I'm really shameless! "

Ding Yu looked at the screen and narrowed his eyes. "I'm not in a hurry for dinner. Have a look! I mean, look at these kids, we don't need to be in such a hurry! "

After a pause for a moment, Ding Yu took out his little book again. "After dinner, they need to go back! As for those who didn't go back? I'm thinking about it now! "

"What do you mean, Mr. Ding?"

"Thinking! There are so many people! Let's see. "

Ding Yu watched, and the sky was already dark. Ding Yu didn't have much words, just sat there! It's like Maitreya Buddha. It's hard to understand! But whether you can understand it or not! We all know that Ding Yu is definitely not grinding the ocean!

"There are a lot of them left! I picked a list! Let them be here at night

"Stay here?" Barron and others are puzzled! "Separate alone, you can stay! It shows that there is still a lot of hope, as for them to go out on their own, there is not much need! Test their courage, the right to choose in their hands! If we can not get involved, we'd better not get involved! "

Having said that, Ding Yu looks back at Jin and tells him twice in a low voice. As for what he said, no one can hear him! At this time, there will be no one near Ding Yu!

When everything was ready, Ding Yu got up, but after he got up, he took a look at the screen, which was meaningful. Josephat's eyes were sharp, and he followed Ding Yu's eyes, but he didn't find much. When he came back, Ding Yu had already narrowed his eyes!

In this regard, josephart expressed the most serious doubt! Ding Yugang's first glance was absolutely meaningful, but he didn't find it. He had to say that it was a very serious mistake! But when I look at Barron and Charlotte, I find that they have no reaction and action at all!

Take advantage of Ding Yu's leisure to wash and wash! Josephart grabbed Barron, who was leaving! Barron was going to change his clothes! It's mainly a courtesy! After all, I've been wearing clothes all day! It's quite inappropriate!

"What's the matter?" Baron looked at josephart and knew that there must be something wrong with josephart!

"Baron! I don't know if you noticed that just now! " Josephart scratched his head. "I pay attention to Ding Yu's movements. When he got up just now, I noticed that he took a careful look at the screen, but I didn't really know who he was looking at! Even for a while, I can't find it out! "

Josephart's voice was a little urgent. After all, things were too important!

Oh? Barron is really interested in this! Children who can make Ding Yu show interest! Absolutely not so many, today's children here, said to be really many! But let Ding Yu take the initiative to show emotion, there are also several of the two! Just Hart and Rogers!

It looks like another child is coming out! Is josephart wrong? It's hard to say! But Barron still believes in josephart. He won't make such a joke with himself!

"Can you find it?" When he said this, Barron's expression was very serious!

"I don't know!" Josephat shook his head with a wry smile. "I was a feeling at that time! Heart has a sharp look at the past! When Mr. Ding got up, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth! I feel strange! I don't know whether Mr. Ding intended it or not, but it should not be like this to give me a personal feeling! "

"Do you have time? But it's hard to investigate! " Barron frowned at himself! If that's the case, it's a good thing! But how to find out this child, it is absolutely a difficult thing!Know the time of the day! Ding Yu found out the two children in the morning, but in the afternoon, he commented on the two children, but how to say? Not too much interest in these children!

Is it normal? From a normal point of view, it seems that there are not too many problems! But on the contrary, there are quite a few problems! It's even a big problem!

Are these children not as good as Ding Yu? Or are they not doing well? Absolutely not the reason for this!

Ding Yu must have a place in his heart, but he didn't show it at this time!

When I think of it, Baron is really moved! The later the time, the more attention Ding Yu Yue is!

That's for sure! Now Barron is a little uncertain! Can Ding Yu's children survive the night? This is a very serious problem!

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