After thinking about it for a while! Ding Yu rubbed his fingers!

"Director Li, what do you think of it?"

Li Qing is a little absent-minded. What does Ding Yu mean by that? But it didn't embarrass the atmosphere! "Hard to say! But we are still looking forward to it! After all, the Ding children have left! For everyone, the children of the Ding family left! This represents the empty window period

"You can't have any free time with me?" Obviously, Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with this!

Ding Yu's character may have some problems, but he seldom talks like this!

"At least in your opinion, this time I believe your opinions will not be the same! There is no way! But it's also due to your personality, so now I'm here to make an advance. I hope I can come here to have two more meals! But there's no way! What can we do? "

Ding Yu is very clear, even before he came back, he had thought about it, but he thought about it. Now someone comes to him, which is a bit awkward for Ding Yu!

"A little more?" Li Qing looked at Ding Yu and said with great care, "I know something about foreign affairs at home! Under such circumstances! We will inevitably have some opinions and ideas! Why can they do it and we can't? Is director Ding a little biased? "

Ding Yu couldn't deny this and laughed, "I think it's a little interesting! Even make people laugh and cry! What's the matter? When it comes to good things, they all rush up. When it comes to other things, they stay away! Is that really good? "

In the face of Ding Yu's rhetorical question, Li Qing can't help shaking her head! "Director Ding, please be kind!"

It's not good to see through and not say through, especially such things!

But if you think about it carefully, you will feel that this kind of thing is too normal! After all, director Ding in front of us is not an ordinary person?! His personality has always been the famous one!

If it wasn't for the special things this time, I would never come to find director Ding Yuding! In addition, there are a lot of people behind them who have expressed considerable emotions. How can they not come together?

If other people come here, can they enter the courtyard? This is really the two said things!

As for director Ding, I just won't let you into siheyuan. What can you do? Can you still bite me?

In fact, Li Qing is quite afraid of this matter. After all, the person he is facing is Ding Yu. Don't you know that director Ding always has to report. If you really offend director Ding? I'm afraid it will be very difficult to speak in the future!

Although director Ding has a considerable personality, there is a saying! It's really not a kind of groundless rage! Even for himself, Ding Yu is relatively easy to get along with. It may be that some people spread false information, which leads to the biased impression of director Ding Yu Ding!

As for why some people or forces spread false information? If you really go to say it, I'm afraid you can't finish it for days and nights. There are too many stories in it!

Of course, director Ding can't have any so-called black spots, but on the whole, there are not too many problems!

"Director Li? So, in these days, I can only stay in the capital honestly? Is that so? "

This question is a bit too abrupt! Abrupt let Li Qing have no any preparation! Let me say something?

"Director Ding, I'm not prepared for your words!"

What to do? Direct recognition counsels is! What else can we do? Do you really want to fight director Ding? What are you doing here? After all, although director Ding said hard and soft do not eat, but really give him some so-called tough means, they can not do it! After all, there are only a few people who can do it!

"On the whole, I understand! That is to say, some people are prepared to use such means? " A slight sigh, but give people the feeling, the meaning of irony is very strong!

"Director Ding, if other people say that, I think he is joking with me? But you said that! I feel a little chilly With that, Li Qing took a deep look at Ding Yu!

Don't look at Ding Yu's pleasant face talking to himself, but who knows if he will suddenly turn over? It's hard to say. After all, he also has a considerable criminal record!

"It's a bit of a joke!" Ding Yu slightly smile, but smile fleeting, "director Li, you personally come, from the truth and face, I should not refuse, but my situation, you may know some, also may not know much! Some things are not as simple as you think

Li Qing nodded, from Ding Yu's words, can obviously feel out, Ding Yu did not refute his face, even gave himself a very good step! If you don't know how to praise yourself, it will be a bit too shameful!It's true that I can be regarded as Ding Yu's elder, but I can't treat Ding Yu with the elder's eyes. What kind of identity is Ding Yu? If others don't know, don't you know?

"I see!" Li Qing nodded to Ding Yu, "director Ding, I'm talkative? Is there really no child that can be valued? I think it's not bad! At least from the winter camp and summer camp situation, the performance is very good

Ding Yu thought for a while, "director Li, have you ever known about the education of children at home?"

"No?! But I've heard that children's performance is very good! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "there is a considerable threshold. I believe that through the understanding of Tong Tong, we should be able to see more clearly. After all, Tong Tong Tong will be here in the capital in the future! Other people may not understand it, but I believe director Li should be able to understand it. I believe you will have considerable feelings! "

"Director Ding? Can't you see it? Isn't that possible? "

For Li Qing's suspicion, Ding Yu waved his hand noncommittally, "what you see is only superficial! Quite often, it's not that we can't see it, but that we've ignored it! "

"Director Ding? How long will it take? "

"If it's faster, it won't take three days. If it's slower, it will take a week!"

Ding Yu's attitude is not salty! I feel that things have nothing to do with him!

Li Qing has got quite a result! So there is no intention to force Ding Yu again, and Li Qing also knows that it is useless to force Ding Yu! And through the communication with Ding Yu, I seem to know some of the situation!

Ding Yu should not cheat himself, there is no need!

"Director Ding, I'll let you know when I go back!"

"But I don't know what the intelligence department will think."

Li Qing has some bitterness in her mouth. How can she not know what Ding Yu mentioned? Who are those guys in the intelligence department? They are generous and extremely protective! It's not easy to make them give in, or even quite difficult!

For a moment, Li Qing had some doubts. Did Ding Yu deliberately use the intelligence department as a shield? But after thinking about it, it seems that there are not too many possibilities! But this matter is absolutely to say hello to the information management department! If you don't say hello, who knows? What will the intelligence department think?

"Mr. Ding, I'll leave first!"

After Li Qing left, he was also in the same breath with others. The reason for ventilation was very simple, that is, he said hello to the intelligence department and wanted to have a close look at Tong Tong. There was no other meaning!

It's not unreasonable for the Department of information management. There's a word coming! As long as we don't dig the wall, other things can be discussed. Of course, the necessary sincerity is still needed! Who doesn't know what you think?

As for what they talked about, not many people outside know, but after three days of observation, Li Qing summed up all the information and felt that the whole person was stupid! Even the whole person is going to start swearing!

Nima! Is that necessary? A child is just a child, but what? Giving yourself a feeling is just like a "beast" in human skin. It's too much! It is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

More exaggerated to say, even if it is quite good children, it is absolutely impossible! It's impossible!

For a moment, Li Qing understood Ding Yu's meaning! But even so, Li Qing still found Ding Yu, but this time, Li Qing felt that he had no confidence!

"Director Ding, after seeing some of Tong Tong's situation, I feel amazing!"

Ding Yu has no difference with the previous, slightly kicked the little guy next to him, but he was fiercely retaliated by the little guy, but Ding Yu didn't think so! A cup of tea for Li Qing!

"There's not much need for compliments!" From Ding Yu's words, we can hear his refusal!

"Mr. Ding, I still feel that there are some things I don't quite understand. At least as far as I know, children have been cultivated since childhood. Since they can be cultivated, director Ding will try his best! I believe that everyone will understand director Ding's contribution! "

Obviously, this is to talk to Ding Yu about the terms!

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, but the smile was fleeting. "It's going to kill people. When I talked to Hart's elders about this, I said it! I'm not even sure how many of them are left in the end! "

"Can't you?" Li Qing can't help but take a breath of air conditioning!

Li Qing didn't think Ding Yu would tell any lies, because there was no such need!

"As far as I know, there are not a few people in this field. It's not that no one has tried it, but there is no news about it! For some forces, they just care about the so-called result. As for the so-called process, they have no intention of paying attention to it at all! ""This is not as simple as cruelty! There's no humanity at all? "

"Human nature?" Ding Yu snorted coldly, obviously disdained it! "They don't have any humanity at all. For them, just get what they want! But so many years have passed! Anyway, I don't see any results now. As for Hart and them? If there is no problem, you will become an elite in the future. If you are less than that, you will not hear from them in the future! It's like they've never been in the world before! "

"But I've heard that they're very qualified!"

Li Qing is still fighting for it! After all, the purpose of coming here is very clear!

"The qualifications are good, but they are definitely not the best in their family, and now it's just an expectation. They don't know whether they can go on this road. If they can pass this expectation, they can think about it. If they can't pass this expectation, stop! At least there's a chance to live! "

"I heard that after they went back, they all performed very well."

"The news is very well-informed. I don't even know about it!" Ding Yu didn't think much of it. "Hart can be better. His mind is purest. He is the most hopeful person to get through this road! If everything goes well, the future can be expected, but no one knows what it will be like if it doesn't grow up! "

Ding Yu slid his finger. "I've heard that some people are interested in him. To be exact, they are all interested in Hart."

"Director Ding, there is something in your words!" Li Qing took a meaningful look at Ding Yu!

"The forces behind them do not necessarily want them to grow up, because there is considerable uncertainty, because my existence has always been taboo by others! Two digressions! " Ding Yu said, "OK! Tell me about your situation?! Can you make that decision? "

"Director Ding? I dare not open this mouth! "

"You dare not open this mouth, do I dare to move this hand?"?! Let's not talk about the result? This process will definitely be the existence that everyone is not willing to mention! Under such circumstances, let me to cultivate those children, is I stupid? Or is there any other reason? "

"Director Ding? Can't it be in another way? Is it like a winter camp or a summer camp? "

"The question is what do those people expect? What they expect is that their children will be the same as the children at home! If not, do you think they will be satisfied? " Ding Yu snorted coldly, "people! I've always been greedy! Want more after you get it! Not many people can restrain themselves

Li Qing coughed twice, director Ding is really merciless at all, such things are too direct! Let oneself don't know how to deal with! Although I also admit that he said there is no problem!

"But director Ding, I'm afraid everyone will not be reconciled!"

"I'm still not reconciled to seeing Tong Tong's situation?" Ding Yu is so angry and laughing! "They are not qualified enough. If they are forced to take this road, they will end up with only two. They will give up halfway, or they will die. This is absolutely not a joke! After so many years, I have taken two apprentices. Do you really think I don't want to! "

Ding Yu did not have the good spirit muttered!

"Director Ding has this idea?"

Looking at Li Qing's surprise, Ding Yu nodded and even sighed, "if you want to say that I'm browsing the world, it's absolute nonsense. It's impossible, but I've been wandering for quite a long time, but not many children can get in the eye! Talent is not enough, this does not mean that you can work hard! At least I can't do this, and there are so many worlds, there's no need to go this way to death! "

"But we all know it!"

"Lie to the devil! Really smart people don't show this aspect at this time. They are very clear about their own situation and problems. Sometimes they don't want to solve them, sometimes they can't solve them! "

"Director Ding! I will tell you about it! But I think the result may be quite biased! "

Ding Yu took a glance, "director Li, I don't want to have a third time, once or twice? Is a friendship, but three times, it seems a bit too much! I don't know. What do you think I've done? Do you think so? "

"Joking? It's a joke Li Qing said with a smile, "director Ding, don't worry! There will never be anything else

Can I not hear the meaning of director Ding's words? It's obvious that director Ding has been impatient! Things have been delayed for so many days. I'm afraid I won't be particularly happy if I change who I am!

Not to mention director Ding! He hasn't made much noise for so many years. This is definitely not a normal reaction. So if things go on, will director Ding get angry directly? Hard to say!After leaving Ding Yu's courtyard, Li Qing went to find quite a few people and told the whole story in detail!

"In general, this is the situation. Specifically, director Ding should not look up to the talents of these children. If they are forced to follow director Ding, I believe that under strong pressure, director Ding should be hard to refuse! But we should all see the situation of Tong Tong! Death and injury are not counted! "

Don't think Ding Yu is easy to knead. How can it be? That's more or less the opposite!

Director Ding didn't refuse such a thing, but he was not as interested as he thought! What's more, if you offend director Ding and cause too many problems and situations, I'm afraid director Ding won't do well at that time? And what about them? I don't know what kind of problems and conditions there will be! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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