When I saw the dog running over, the two nephews seemed to be quite interested!

But it didn't have any effect. The dog didn't have any interest in their brothers. After two circles around Ding Yu, he lay down in the middle of Ding Yu's feet!

"When did you start keeping dogs?"

"It came by itself! It's quite surprising that our little four eyes have a common relationship! I don't know if it's because of this! "

Ding Yu said without salt or salt! I don't seem to care about it at all! Even if the dog is at his feet!

Su Yuan looked at the little dog at his feet, very suspicious! You know, it's very strange to explain this to yourself! I can't find out what my eldest son is thinking!

"In a few days, it will be October first! Are they coming back? "

"I don't know!"?! They've already thrown it out! Whatever they want! But I may have to go back. I made an appointment earlier. It will take a few days! " Ding Yu seems to remember that when the children left, he promised them a lesson for Wei Lai!

I don't know what kind of situation they are now. After all, the role models have already left! We need them to pick up the flag, and we don't know how far they can reach? It's hard to say! As an elder, you can't break an appointment with these children, can you?

What's more, I really don't want to stay here? It's too troublesome!

"Got an appointment?" Su Yuan said with a smile, "if you know the news outside, don't you fry the pot?"

"They dare not!" Ding Yu said casually, but he was shocked to hear Su Yuan's words! "How many children are they because of Hart? Not likely? "

For his mother's doubt, Ding Yu smiles! "There should be some relationship with this aspect, but it's not as much as you think! They can touch some things, because I often touch them. We all play games in the same room, and sometimes we cooperate with each other. If we really violate the rules, we may not be able to play games with each other. This price should be beyond their affordability! "

Su Yuan took a breath. How could he not understand what his eldest son said?

A little arrogant, so that they do not know how to deal with the moment?!

"You! Quite a lot of things I don't want to ask, and I won't go to ask anything. There's no such need! But it's not good at all. Someone came to me earlier, and I was also from the information management department. I just had a casual chat! "

Looking at his mother's eyes, Ding Yu smiles!

"It's about psychologists and behaviorists?"

"You know?" Su Yuan was really surprised! It's even hard to sit and stand! "When did you know? You can also know such things? "

"I'm afraid my Siheyuan can't hold the information about me abroad. It's not only mine, but also yours. Fortunately, my father and grandfather have considerable identities, so they can't study too much, but can't I? Not in this consideration! So be more unscrupulous! "

"I haven't heard of it, but you still need to be careful about such things."

This aspect matter, Su Yuan really does not have much to say!

When eating, the two nephews are very honest, but after eating, there is no shadow of them, the courtyard is bigger! And the two kids are also playing age, they are not so strange to Siheyuan!

Su Yuan can't see it, but Ding Yu doesn't care! Let alone upset the flowerpot, two goldfish, even for the house! For Ding Yu, it's no big deal! As long as two kids are happy!

But after Wang Li came, the two little guys looked at their mother, and then looked at themselves, and then ran inside, and then directly fell on Ding Yu. At least now this uncle can bring them the so-called sense of security!

But the effect is not too big! Ding Yu paid no attention at most, but he would never talk too much when Wang Li was disciplining her children!

But while the two little nephews were washing, Ding Yu also washed. Just now, he was covered with mud by the two nephews! They were on the side of siheyuan before, but they were too noisy!

"Brother, you're the same. You don't care?"

Wang Li complained about this, obviously on purpose!

Ding Yu nodded, "children, it's not bad to play more. The environment here is very good! What a pity! If there were a river, it would be better! To catch fish, or if there are mountains, to see birds! It's better than staying at home! "

Listen to my elder brother's words, Wang Li almost didn't come up! I hope elder brother can discipline the children well, but what does elder brother mean? Haven't they had enough before? It's really a bit out of line!Two little guys beside, a face of excitement!

Wang Li couldn't help shaking her head, "right! Shangnan will be back in the evening! Do you have time, brother

"Do you understand?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK! I'll have the housekeeper prepare a table! " Then he looked at his mother, "Mom! Is my dad free in the evening? "

"No time!" Complained of to see one eye, "the day before yesterday's time went down to inspect the work!"

Mother's voice is a little dissatisfied, Ding Yu smiles, Wang Li can't help but have some exclamations, and then make a color for her two sons, and show it well! And this is your uncle's home, I really don't know how to give you!

In fact, the two sons just have some fun, there is really no other things and conditions, so just a little warning! Do not need other severe means and ways!

After all, they need a lot of guidance at this age. It's not appropriate to be too strict and harsh!

After getting off the plane, Shangnan went straight to the siheyuan. There was no other stay at all. He didn't even have time to go home and change clothes! But just to the door, I saw two sons running towards him!

Wang Li took a look at her husband with two sons in her arms, but there was a smile in her eyes!

"Back?" Ding Yu said hello, not even waiting for Shangnan to reply! I'll be gone! Shangnan looks helpless! Then he took his two sons to see Su Yuan. After washing and changing a suit, he came out again!

It's a whole new look!

Look at my big brother! Sauna is a little exciting! If you don't have your big brother, how are you now! Absolutely inexplicable, so! There will even be other misunderstandings! That's for sure!

But with the elder brother's advice, I really thought about quite a lot of problems in depth!

This is also why I went straight to Siheyuan after I came back. I didn't even go back to the merchants! After all, there is not so anxious? And his wife and children are in Siheyuan! It's reasonable!

"Big brother!"

Ding Yu made a please gesture, this time Shangnan just sat down! It's really not Ding Yu's intention. At least in the current situation, Shangnan is his brother-in-law, and he will give him considerable respect! Of course, he showed considerable respect for himself, this is another thing!

"I came back in a hurry!" Ding Yu smiles, "what? Do you understand? "

Shangnan took a heavy breath! "A little confused, even a little hesitating! Now I understand! "

"Tell me what I think! What you haven't seen is right! As soon as I say it, just listen to it! If you're interested, listen more. If you're not interested, it's just a joke! "

"Big brother! You are making fun of me

Shangnan quickly said that he did not dare! Big brother, talk about yourself? How can you treat yourself as a joke?

"Really not!" Ding Yu expressed quite negative! "Quite often, I don't like to force someone to do something! Because it will be full of uncertainty! Only willing, or have great interest, can do a good job! Of course, this is my personal opinion! "

Shangnan is thoughtful! Heard Ding Yu continue to say!

"I talked to my father about this before. From the perspective of business, you should go faster! It's not a mistake! From the father's point of view, you have not been able to consolidate your foundation! Rashly forward, too much risk! It can be said that there is nothing wrong with both sides! We have quite different starting points and considerations! "

Looking at Shangnan, Ding Yu waved his hand! "It's hard to tell right from wrong, but there's no way for my father to talk to your family! Contrary to my heart, people are separated. After all, businesses are not as simple as your father and mother. There are so many forces in them! "

"I understand! Everyone has too many expectations for me! So quite a few things will be biased! "

"Father's way may be more steady! I'm sure I'm right, but it's not easy to deal with! It's not so convenient, so when Wang Li found me, I discussed with my father! If you can figure it out, better! If you don't understand, I'll tell your family about it! Now, I don't think so! "

"Big brother! I feel a little embarrassed! " Shangnan couldn't help feeling his nose! After all, this kind of thing still has some embarrassment! Even at home back also out of thin air for their own worry! Some should not!

"It doesn't matter. We have great expectations for you, so we will pay more attention to you! This is a matter of common sense! There's nothing to complain about! "

"But I didn't understand the feeling at home at all! Just take care of yourself"It's normal. It doesn't matter!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "although I don't know whether you really feel it now! But you have such a state now, it's really a happy thing for people

Then Ding Yu made a please gesture!

Shangnan took a deep breath, "at the beginning, I didn't think of this problem! Later, I slowly realized that! I used to rush forward with a flag, but I forgot! The talent behind is the key

Ding Yu pressed his hand, "is half a year enough?"

Superfluous words no longer need to say! There is no need! Because Shangnan already understood! Since I understand! So the next thing how to deal with, is not so important, now it depends on how long Shangnan, to be able to stabilize their basic plate! Time is too short certainly not, time is too long, also not!

"No problem! Half a year is enough! Someone will pick up the flag! Keep going

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. He even touched Shangnan with his hand. He was very happy! "I won't ask about the superfluous things! It has nothing to do with me! Too much! Head aches, if there is nothing to do at night, drink together? "

During the meal, Su Yuan and Wang Li ate with their two children, and they left soon!

After waiting for them to leave, Ding Yu asked the housekeeper to deliver the drinks. Ding Yu didn't drink much or smoke in front of the children! Personal accomplishment has nothing to do with other aspects!

There is not so much wine in Ding Yu's glass! Shangnan can wake up, or a very happy thing!

"Big brother! I respect you

"Are you so polite?" Ding Yu held up the wine glass in his hand and drank it in one gulp, which made Shangnan so excited. After all, he knew something about big brother himself!

Although there is not much wine in the cup, I can drink it in one gulp. I have never heard of it before! Even though I have known my elder brother for so many years, I seldom drink with him at the same table! Quite often, Wang's grandfather and grandmother, including his father-in-law and mother-in-law, are not so proud!

Because of happy reasons, so Shangnan drink a little more! But there was no gaffe!

It's Wang Li who looks at her husband, a little angry! Even the next morning when Shangnan woke up, it was a good lesson! That's because it's still in Siheyuan! Therefore, it gives Shangnan a lot of face. Otherwise, I don't know what the situation is? Didn't you see the two children running away after a while on the bed?

Why? Isn't it because the wine doesn't dissipate? For this point is particularly let Wang Li angry! But it's just anger. There's no anger, because brother invited me to drink, which was a very happy thing!

Shangnan took his wife and children back to see his parents, of course, also to mention some things! After all, some things Ding Yu has said are very clear and clear! Wang Changlin is not easy to express too direct and obvious! And Ding Yu? There are not too many concerns about this aspect!

This afternoon, someone came to give Ding Yu a gift! It's very elegant!

But when he saw something, Ding Yu looked at the housekeeper in a funny way, "do you know their family? The black sheep's daughter-in-law of their family often comes to the siheyuan for disaster? "

The housekeeper is a little sad about Ding Yu's words. How can he answer them? What's more, it doesn't seem appropriate to say anything! "It's still very good! It should have taken a lot of effort! "

"It's a little too polite!" After all, Shangnan is my brother-in-law! Shouldn't I be a big brother? I always think they are a little too small? "

"Sir, you mentioned it personally. It's extraordinary for the businessmen, but they should know quite a lot about it, so they didn't come here! If you give me a leak, I'm sure the courtyard will be full of people! "

Ding Yu has a look! Then he shook his head with a smile, "forget it! I think it would be better to be clean! "

"If you don't mention the messy ones, you have promised those children to go back and see their situation. It's not good to make a slip of the tongue!"

"Sir? When we go back at this time, will people on this side of the capital make other moves? "

"You're worried they're going to do something to the kids at home?"

"Sir, I don't mean that. Even if I borrow their courage, I don't think they dare to attack the children at home, but the children at home are not so rich in social experience. I always have considerable doubts about it!"

For the concern of the housekeeper, Ding Yu sighed!

"It's a platitude again! It's such a thing! Just look at their own! Just stay focused at home! There's no need to mix too much! " Ding Yu's words this time have a little warning meaning!Ding Yu is ready to go home. Is he going back directly? Or because of quite a lot of things, no one can make an accurate judgment on this matter! No one knows what Ding Yu thinks in his heart!

Previously, we still wanted to leave Ding Yu behind, but after several attempts in other aspects, we basically didn't have many ideas about this aspect!

The intelligence department didn't do anything to stop him. Everyone can observe the situation of Tong Tong. If you feel that there is no problem, I believe Ding Yu won't have too many opinions and ideas!

But the question is, after seeing Tong Tong's situation, how many people still have this idea? It can be said that there is basically no more!

There is not much need! Because Tong Tong's performance is enough to explain all the problems! Don't let your children insist? Even if they came? Can you hold on? It's all two things!

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