The deputy general manager came back in less than ten minutes!

I've already discussed with the top management of the farm here! The top management of the farm is extremely complicated!

Why? The city is here to make trouble, you know, we have done a lot of preparation! It's not that we have to dress up, but we need to let Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo see the changes of the farm, and we need to see everyone's mental outlook. But I didn't think that after they finished the stage, someone came to smash it!

If you mess up, just mess up! What are we going to say? But you can't be like a dog skin plaster! You can't go down if you post it? What do Mr. Ding and Luo always think about this?

Although the vice president delivered some good news to you after he came back, which made you calm down a lot, on the contrary, it also made you feel depressed and depressed! Such a good opportunity, so out of thin air was missed!

Even if it can't be heard, it can be infected in a short distance! But now? period!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! I know a good place! We are also a local unique

But just finished, Luo Xuan is slightly shaking his head, "too good place is not necessary! This time I come here with my husband, I just want to feel the environment here! There is no need to be too noisy, just find a quiet and elegant place! Yes, of course! If there are some characteristics, it would be better! "

Is there such a requirement? The vice president hesitated for a moment and peeped at Ding Yu. Ding Yu didn't seem to care. Then he took another look at Luo Xuan, who nodded his head slightly!

After getting Luo Xuan's hint, the deputy general manager's mind suddenly put down. I'm afraid there is no hint! It's really hard to deal with yourself! Soon, the vice president made a considerable arrangement!

Found a good store! When the store owner sees the vice president, the whole person will be on the vice president! Luo Xuan is a look of ridicule! Even deliberately stretched out his hand point, but did not feel that there are any problems and conditions, that is, a bit of deliberate taste!

The corner of Ding Yu's mouth is slightly cocked up. It's just a business means! There's nothing strange about it!

It's already a modern society! Don't think that everything is right, others are wrong!

Vice president with a wry smile on his face, did not expect the landlady to give himself such a hand! Then also secretly inside to make a color, while Ding Yu and Luo Xuan two people into the compartment, it is with the hand clapped the landlady!

"Be careful, these two are distinguished guests, and they are also distinguished guests among distinguished guests! Be sure to treat me! "

The landlady looked at Fang Dong, a little surprised, but she took a look at the past! "Lao Fang, it seems that he is not an ordinary distinguished guest! But I feel that the older one is very good. As for the younger one, I can't see it! If other people see me, they will take aim at me even if they can't pull out their eyes. These two people have opened my eyes today! "

Fang Dong said, "don't come to the mess. Let the kitchen work hard. These two are not ordinary people! I burned high incense today! That's the chance! " Finish saying words, slightly nodded a head!

"Come on! Make sure you show your face today

Looking at the lady who twisted her waist, Fang Dong patted her face with his hand, sorted out her spirit, and walked into the private room. The room was quiet! After coming in, looking at the teapot on the table, Dong Fang didn't hesitate, so he took it up and poured tea for Ding Yu and Luo Xuan!

Taking advantage of leisure time, Luo Xuan touched Fang Dong with his feet, "don't order too much! Three or four dishes is enough! Light! Don't have too much weight! If you are a big bellied man, no problem, sir. You don't like to waste too much! And tea is OK! Don't serve wine

A simple account of the two, Fang Dong slightly there are some lost! There is such talk! But this will not have some less enthusiastic, so Fang Dong made a color, but Luo Xuan slightly nodded his head, so the arrangement, if something happened, he was responsible!

I've been with Ding Yu for so many years, and I know something about Ding Yu's life and habits!

It's exaggerating to say that Ding Yu is an ascetic monk! What's more, Mr. Wang always boasts that he is a Taoist! But in my opinion? Mr. Ding's life is a bit dull, even tasteless! If you let yourself come, there may not be too many problems in ten days and a half months, but no matter how long it takes, you will really be crazy!

"I'll arrange it, sir?"

Luo Xuan's meaning is very simple, that is to make arrangements for the security aspect, after all, the people who come here are not Ding Yu, their three limited people! There are people in security! Soon Luo Xuan took Fang Dong out of the private room together!

"Mr. Luo, if we arrange it like this, isn't it a little disrespectful? Mr. Ding and you have a good time! If we let other people know about this, we can't laugh at it? We really can't meet people in the future! "Luo Xuan couldn't help laughing! "I can see that you still don't know Mr. Ding very well, but it's a common thing. It's better now. If you put it a few years ago, Mr. Ding didn't eat much at noon, and he was used to it! How much more to eat now

"Can't you? Can the body stand it? " In this regard, Fang Dong is very suspicious!

"Eat a little more in the morning and at night! But do not prepare any drinks, unless it is the initiative of Mr. request! Anyway, I have been with my husband for so many years, and I haven't seen him drink! He seems to have quite a rejection! But just get used to it! What's more, I don't like to waste much! It's a habit I left behind when I served in the army

"Then I need to explain it! There may be a little more patterns, but there shouldn't be too many things! "

Luo Xuan thought about it and nodded!

Waiting time is not particularly long, things are on the table one after another! I don't know how it is, but it's very eye-catching! But looking at the furnishings, and then look at the things inside, it seems that the furnishings are more important than things!

In popular terms, it's just too emotional! If it is placed at both ends of the day and night, it is absolutely not suitable for Ding Yu. A dish may not be enough for Ding Yu to take two bites. But at this time, it is very suitable, even quite appropriate. Unfortunately, there is no wine to mediate the atmosphere!

"It's delicious!" After Ding Yu tried two mouthfuls, his eyelids beat twice! Even put down the chopsticks! See this action, Fang Dong some puzzled, Ding Yu gargle with tea, try a mouthful again! Even slightly narrowed up their eyes, "Rogge, taste, very delicious! It should have just been ashore for a short time, or even made from the source water! Fresh and sweet! It doesn't need any other seasoning. It's just its own taste. It's powerful! "

Luo Xuan didn't believe it, but he gargled with tea and tried again! Then he blinked his eyes, "Sir, I feel a little ordinary! Is there something wrong with my body? "

Looking at the funny Luo Xuan, Ding Yu smiles! "You! On purpose, isn't it? I think you drink a little more wine and smoke a little more cigarettes! So the taste is too mixed! Mr. Fang! Great! It's been a long time since I met a great cook here! This is supposed to be a female chef. If it's a male chef, it can't taste like this! "

Ah? Luo Xuan is really surprised! This can also be tried out! Are you kidding yourself?!

Don't believe Luo Xuan is to try again, but have no special feeling!

"Is it true, sir? How do I feel like I'm joking? " Luo Xuan a face of don't believe, "and as far as I personally know of the situation, chefs in general, do better, are men!"

"The taste is different. It's gentle. It's not a man's hand! Men's hands are a little heavier, so their strength is quite different! " Ding Yu wiped his hand with a towel, "Mr. Fang, I didn't see it! There are such chefs in such places. They are not seconded, are they? "

Fang Dong nodded first, then shook his head hastily, "no! I didn't feel it before, but the taste here is good, the environment is also very good, sometimes we also come to eat! Adjust your mood. You don't pay so much attention to it at ordinary times, and even feel a little light sometimes! "

"It should be the master of Huaiyang cuisine! Do things more light! Plus the women's reason, so the demeanor is different! Don't really have a taste! " Ding Yu comments on the said! "Mr. Fang, can I see you if it's convenient?"

"No problem?"

When the landlady heard that Fang Dong wanted to see the chef, she was very surprised. Was there something wrong with the food! But looking at Fang Dong's face, I don't think much about it. After I ask the reason, I'm also a little worried!

"Mr. Fang, do you really want to see me? Sister Liu is an old cook! Appearance can only be said in general! Where the smoke is burning, even good people can't stand it! Is there really no problem? "

Fang Dong was stunned for a moment, but still nodded!

It didn't take long for the shopkeeper to come in with the chef and the waiter! Even put a dish on the table, "Mr. Ding! Mr. Luo! Mr. Fang! This is our chef today, Master Liu! "

The people standing at the back showed that the best way to dress up as a cook is to take off the hat. Now, if you wear the hat at this time, it's a little too disrespectful!

Ding Yu watched the dish on the table and moved his nose slightly! Then pay attention to look at the contents of the soup bowl! "Rogo! Do you want to try! Rare to see! Maybe it doesn't look so outstanding! But Neixiu is one of them! Not many people can do it, at least not in our family! "

"What?" Luo Xuan looked at the contents of the soup bowl, not neat at all, even a little messy! But since Mr. Ding said so, he must have quite a lot of attention, but he really didn't feel that there were too many differences!Pick up the spoon! Ding Yu tried! Then nod!

"How powerful! No iron! Work hard! Root bone separation! But the root is clear! In particular, the soup should be boiled for two days! Did not expect such a place, can also see such a powerful! The so-called big rivers and lakes, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger generation is really everywhere, we should let the family's children also come to see! "

"Sir, it's true or not. Why didn't I try it out at all! I feel the taste is OK, but as you said, there is no iron ware, so what is the root! How do you feel a little incomprehensible? Can we try this out? "

Ding Yu put down the soup bowl in his hand, "it should be the cook's own utensil! To put it simply, we use kitchen knives to cut meat and bones, but this dish is not a kitchen knife, but a bamboo knife! There is also the vegetables inside. They look irregular, but they are actually made by heart. They are broken by hand, not by knife or hand, but there is no broken root! This is the only way to do it

The chef looked at Ding Yu in surprise! Face above is also very admire! After cooking for so many years, we all think the taste is OK, but at the same time, some people say that their cooking is too light. I never want to argue about the problem! meaningless!

But today, I really met my confidant!

"Is it true, sir? Can bamboo be used as a knife? "

"And knives made of stone! The effect is different! But today is the first time for me to cook with a bamboo knife! I haven't felt this aspect before, but I feel that the taste is very special, just like I'm talking about it! But there are always some people who can't remember. Later, looking at the rich bamboo on the windowsill, I suddenly think of it! "

"No one! I can't do it anyway

Ding Yu took a look at it scornfully, and then looked at the landlady! "Madame, can I borrow two days?" Looking at the landlady and other people have some puzzling appearance! Ding Yu continued to explain and said, "where are my grandfather and grandmother? I'm not young! There are many chefs at home, but there are not many who can do it

"Ouch!" Luo Xuan can't help but give himself a big mouth!

"How can I forget this?" Luo Xuan is full of chagrin! "I'll take care of this, sir! If you don't say it! I really forgot this pig head! But you have to write me a note! Otherwise, I know the door, but they won't let me in! "

"Don't beat me!" Ding Yu scolded, "it's easy to talk about the old man and the old lady! Landlady, I'll borrow it for two days and give it back! What do you think? Of course, if you have any request, you can ask for it! "

"Ouch!" At the beginning, the landlady was still a little surprised, but she heard Ding Yu say so! How can you continue to be reserved? You know, Mr. Fang told himself just now! These two are not ordinary distinguished guests! So I also patted my chest twice! It's quite charming!

"I thought I was trying to dig my corner! I can point to the elder sister to support me! You open the golden mouth! I have light on my face Obviously, being able to be the landlady and fighting with Fang Dong is definitely not an ordinary person!

Ding Yu uses a color for Luo Xuan, while Luo Xuan uses two small gold ingots!

"Well done! I was a little interested today! I just wanted to find a place to be clean, but I didn't expect... "

I haven't finished yet! Outside came the sound of jingle, which directly interrupted Luo Xuan's speech! Even before waiting for someone to respond, the call and curse from outside has been passed in!

Listen to the voice of scolding, Fang Dong's face suddenly black down, together with the landlady's face is also the same black down! Because scolding is aimed at Fang Dong and the landlady! How ugly the curse is!

The expression on Ding Yu's face doesn't change at all, and Luo Xuan's two eyes are already about to narrow together!

Before the farm thing, sir did not reveal anything, already enough forbearance! But now I'm here. Why? I don't think it's enough, do I? Make sure you pat the soles on my face!

This NIMA's uncle can bear it, neither can his aunt!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! I'll go out! "

Fang Dong stood up, there was some anger on his face! He brought Ding Yu and Luo Xuan to have dinner here. It was a good thing, and even there was a further possibility between them. But NIMA's, someone gave him eyedrops!

If placed in other times, also really put up with it! It's not a big deal. I've passed the age of Qi! But what's going on today?

There is the previous farm thing, he is also choked a stomach of anger!

If it is still forbearance, then Mr. Ding and Luo always how to look at themselves! What's more, the identity I represent now is not just myself!When Fang Dong goes out, Ding Yu takes a look at Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan stands up and hands the two little jinyuanbao to the chef! "Sister Liu! Please do me a favor about the old man and the old lady! "

Then let the chef go! When the door is closed, Luo Xuan takes a look at Ding Yu! "Sir, this is a well prepared one! When we got to the farm, we got a note of Ma Wei. Even when we got here, we got another one. Once it was a coincidence, twice it was a coincidence? Is everything in the world a coincidence? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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