"Qin, Qi, calligraphy and painting?" After that, Gai Hao touched his head! Some smiley said“ It's not right! This circle is more narrow, even more closed! "

Ding Yu smiles and points the table with his hands“ No matter at home or abroad, no matter in ancient times, or now, the most common and unusual way of communication? It's a word! Eat

"Eat?" Gai Hao was stunned for a moment. He thought about the word Ding Yu said very carefully!

Ding Yu did not immediately do this answer, but let Gai Hao have considerable time to think!

"Eat? Is the best embodiment of the way of communication! It's like modern! People usually socialize, find a small shop, or at home, two or three friends, eat and drink! Chat, may be to express feelings, depression and so on! What about dignitaries? The way to eat at the same time, mutual communication! Look for opportunities! With you students, drink a bottle of drink, eat ice cream and so on! It seems very common, but it is absolutely the simplest way of communication and communication! And it's extremely easy to get close to each other! At the same time, it can generate a lot of topics! "

"I usually go out with my classmates for a snack and a cup of milk tea, but I don't have much interest in milk tea! Generally girls like it Gai Hao touched his head again!

Looking at Gai Hao standing there, Ding Yu also nodded!

"I also went to high school and had many good friends! At the beginning, there was a good girlfriend, but just because of this, it became someone's eyesore! a thorn in one's flesh! Later because of other reasons! I'll end up in a miserable situation

Gai Hao blinked his eyes, showing considerable interest!

"Uncle Ding, you won't cheat me, will you?"

You are now in this situation, along with the old chairman of Dinghu came! You don't pay much attention! You were bullied at that time? Why don't you believe it? You're not lying to yourself, are you?!

"Why lie to you? Do you think it's necessary? " Ding Yu for Gai Hao's doubt, and did not as a matter“ I can't even take the college entrance examination! What was my father's opinion at that time? I applied for Military Medical University, with my results at that time, there was no problem! But later, my father found a number of relationships, very humble to ask! So I can join the army! But even so, I didn't fully wake up at that time! "

"The situation at that time is similar to that of today."

Gai Hao immediately woke up and even stepped back!

"Uncle Ding, is there such exaggeration?"

"What about your father's ability? Not to mention how many friends your father has, it's not difficult to beat your father down or even let your family go away because of the gap between your family and Guan family! "

"My father still has a lot of friends?" Gai Hao murmured to himself!

"Do you believe that?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically“ From what I know about your father, he has many friends, but how many of them are real friends? It won't be as much as you think

Gai Hao has been in contact with quite a lot of social reality, and really has quite a feeling about it! So I couldn't help nodding my head!

"When I contacted your father before, your father was put down to the stall, which is no different from an insult! For your father, at least! As far as his identity is concerned, although he is not a regular employee of Dinghu, he is at least registered in Dinghu. Do you think that during this period, the guests in your family are still the same as before? "

Gai Hao shook his head“ When the original father often invited to dinner, or was invited to dinner! But in recent months, when my father is free at night, he even sits in the shop! It's a treat, but... " Obviously Gai Hao has fully understood it!

"Your father invited me and Meng Chong to a meal! Between each other should be regarded as strangers! Maybe your father has considerable experience, maybe it's because your father's fortune is good, but a meal has brought us closer to each other! Meng Chong was shocked and surprised by your father's performance

"Hey, hey!" Gai Hao giggled! Smile with a considerable pride! That's my father!

"I know there must be other opinions about your father in your heart, but you don't see the essence of them! In fact, if Meng Chong doesn't speak, I'm really going to take your father under his command, because your father is really very powerful. After so many years of experience in Dinghu, I don't think he is very successful, but his importance is absolutely incomparable! ""Uncle Ding, I don't understand! There are also those who can't understand! "

The reason for Gai Hao's confusion is very simple. He is his father's own son. Although he says his father has a wide range of relationships, he really doesn't see where his father is really powerful? If so, why is it still like this?

"If I were chairman of Xiaoguan, I would promote your father directly and let him be the director of the public relations department! Even give him a considerable share of Dinghu! " Ding Yu stretched out his hand. "There are two reasons for these two sides. The first reason is that your father is grateful. If Dinghu hadn't chased your father out, he would never have left! Another reason! Your father is an important lubricant of Dinghu. He may not be as conspicuous as a pillar, but he is absolutely indispensable! "

"I haven't heard of this aspect of things, and I don't have this aspect of feelings!"

"You don't have complete contact with the society, so your knowledge is limited. When you have time, read more history books, and you will find quite a lot of things! These will be your future based on the social capital! After all, such an opportunity is very rare! "

Liu Yuan naturally saw the scene of Ding Yu educating her son. If it wasn't for the inappropriate situation, even Liu Yuan wanted to go and give Ding Yu a knock! After all, this kind of opportunity is not to want to get, can get!

Although my son is standing there, so what? Now even if he kneels down, he will not have any complaints, and even feel very happy! Now at this time, Liu Yuan is even thinking about whether it's too simple to roast whole sheep tonight! I can't show my sincerity at all!

no way! We also need to call Lao Wu and let him prepare as much as possible. We must let Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng enjoy themselves tonight. We must not let them have any discomfort!

"Back to the previous topic, Gai Hao, will you eat?"

Gai Hao didn't know how to answer this question? Can you eat it? If you can't eat, you must be starved to death now?! However, Gai Hao also understood that this discourse has many meanings!

"There are many kinds of meals! It's family love to have dinner with the family! Eating with friends? It's friendship! To a certain extent, these two ways will not have too many other adulteration, but after you enter the society, quite often, eat with colleagues! Eat with leaders, eat with subordinates! Wait! Although these are still very far away from you, you are not so far away from the time of going to university as you think! "

"Uncle Ding, I'm afraid I'll be proud!"

"It depends on whether you can restrain yourself! From the current situation! No matter whether you have any problems with your grades, you can't go to university because of Meng Chong! At least your father's ability now will provide you with a platform that other people can't reach! But can you use this platform to solve this problem? "

Ding Yu, smile! I didn't mean to go on!

Because of what he said, Gai Hao hasn't been able to digest it for a year and a half!

"When you have time, you can consult your father more! However, your father's work may be a little busy, and he will have so much time when he doesn't see it. But try to understand it, then go to see it, and even think about it carefully, just like eating a meal! Don't hurry to swallow it! Don't follow me

What about it? Don't learn from you? You should know that you can really see what you eat at noon. What you eat is called a little! That calls a slow, see oneself all follow to have so some anxious!

Looking at Gai Hao's puzzled appearance, Ding Yu smiles!

"You know that at night! I hope I'm not surprised. Your father has a lot of experience with it! "

When Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing come back, Ding Yu plays with the little girl happily! And Gai Hao is honest on the side of the position, did not have any irritable mood, this let Gai Tianxing abnormal satisfaction, even have some gratification!

But what happened to my daughter? Even if people are crazy, it can't be like this!

But it's hard for me to say anything? It's really fun to be able to see your daughter! Does Mr. Ding like children so much? I didn't see it at all before!

To give his own feeling, Mr. Ding is a little cold, unsmiling, quite a lot of people look at his face, will subconsciously serious, but did not think of his daughter, did not mean to be afraid! This is really incredible!

However, although Ding Yu accompanies the little girl to play, but also from time to time will say two words with Gai Hao!

"Gai Hao, although your mind is very good among your peers, it's still a little complicated, and you don't calm down! What's the reason? Do you care about the impact of society and the world on you? It's your own reason. When you have nothing to do in your spare time, you can read the Qingjing Sutra! There is not much harm in itLooking at Meng Chong, Ding Yu glances at him“ People! It can't be without distractions! That's a saint! At least we can't do it, but learning is useful! At least it's not a bad thing to read it! "

Seeing that Ding Yu finished, Meng Chong laughed and looked at Gai Hao seriously! Even when he sat down, he patted Gai Hao on the shoulder!

"You're lucky!" Meng Chong, who sat down, spoke slowly“ Lao Jun said, "the road is invisible." It's less than 600 words! But Meng Chong recited very smoothly! Gai's father and son are a little silly, but Ding Yu is quite appreciative of the smile!

"In the end, is it the origin of the family? Your family has a considerable research on Taoism?" Ding Yu said, "I've read some Buddhist classics. Although I'm a Taoist, I've come to the same destination by different routes to a certain extent! But I really don't have a good impression of those bald donkeys! "

"Brother, do you include me when you say that? The inheritance of our family has something to do with Buddhism. Do you know that? " Listen to Ding Yu's words, Meng Chong has some small helplessness!

"What is the origin of the return home study? If it's not enough to be fooled by a slap, it's just to be a rich and noble idle man! "

After listening to Ding Yu and Meng Chong's words, Gai's father and son have a little reverie! Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong“ His skeleton is not good, there is not much need to refine his body! The most is to be strong, and even other problems will appear! "

Meng Chong looked carefully, "I really can't see that! I don't have much research on it, just hearsay! I really can't show it, especially in front of you

"It's done?"

"It's quite a sight already!" Meng Chong was relieved, "just wait for Lao Gai to invite him to dinner in the evening! Fortunately, elder brother, you found it earlier, so you made a lot of preparation, otherwise it would be a bit unimaginable! It's a pity that Lao Gao is a little too much! "

Ding Yu is to drag a little girl, "wait a moment to eat meat how?"

Liu Yuan closed the shop, and then went to eat roast whole sheep together, but the car is Liu Yuan and her son, as for the daughter side, Liu Yuan is really powerless, but now she has a dependence, hanging on Ding Yu's body will not come down! I don't want her to cry, which affects the mood of Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng!

"What's the matter? In the afternoon? "

Because there was no one else in the car, Liu Yuan didn't have too much scruples!

"Little mouse! In the afternoon, Mr. Ding may be a little strict with you and dote on your sister! This has a lot to do with age! But what you need to see is that because of your father, Mr. Ding treats you... "

"Mom?" Gai Hao, sitting in the co pilot's seat, raises his head“ You've misunderstood. That's not what I mean. What uncle Ding told me made me confused for a while! It doesn't mean that it impacts my idea! It's not that my father's business hit me too hard! How to describe it? The indoctrination is a little too profound! Even if you give me two months, I can't digest it? "

Ah? Liu Yuan almost didn't hold the steering wheel! Step on the brake at the traffic lights and look at your eldest son!

"What are you talking about? no It's not right For a moment, Liu Yuan was a bit incoherent!

"Ma! I used to have misunderstandings about you and your father. In the afternoon, uncle Ding enlightened me. Of course, this was also because of Uncle Meng and my father. So Mr. Ding gave me some advice. There were not many things he pointed out, but they were all dry goods. They had something to do with learning, but they didn't have much to do with learning. It took me quite a long time to digest them, In the past, I followed my father and you to see some of the world. Of course, that's all! Now I know it's just a drop in the ocean! "

"Can you still use idioms? Look down on your mother, don't you? "

From her son's words, Liu Yuan heard too many different things!

It's not that the son of his own family worries himself, but he never does. From childhood to adulthood, the son never worries himself. On the contrary, it's the daughter of his own family. She doesn't use her son's mind, but she uses it on the girl's body, and even makes herself impatient!

Think about it, it seems to have considerable helplessness, at the beginning of the time how to believe the evil?

"Now that you have some understanding, then understand! Mom won't say more! But it's not easy to have such an opportunity! " Said here, Liu Yuan is also a sigh“ I don't know what's going on at school? No matter what arrangements Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng have, you can't have problems with your own grades! ""Understand, this is the fundamental thing, Ma, you can rest assured!"

Come to the place, the whole sheep has already been baked! With five also personally start!

"Lao Wu, I didn't bring you anything else when I came here. Two cigarettes and two bottles of wine. Don't give up! Your brother may be a little busy today. He may not have time to greet you! " Then he took a look at the outside. "Today, these two absolute nobles may have something wrong. You should bear with them more!"

"Sister in law, I don't like to hear that! Come to your own home? You still have this way. You didn't treat me as a brother. How did the shop get up at the beginning? Others don't know. Don't I know myself? Or you two, brother and sister-in-law, there will be a fool who knows me! " Old five looks bad looking at Liu Yuan, is very dissatisfied with the appearance!

"No nonsense!" Liu Yuan's face was straight, "I have to go in and say hello! It's up to you! What's good, what's fresh, what's on, but pay attention, don't drink! I brought some tea, you can bring water! I'll arrange it? "

"Sister in law? What's the situation? " The fifth is a little silly, "does this look down on me? I don't have anything else! This is true, but there are still many drinks in the house! "

"Neither gentleman drinks! So don't drink! And there may be other things in the evening! "

"I see! Don't worry, sister-in-law. Now that I'm at home, I'll take care of everything. If I humiliate my brother and sister-in-law, I won't have to open this shop! "

When Liu Yuan came back, Meng Chong was whispering things to her husband, while her son was pouring water! It's boiled water. After all, they just come here and serve tea now. Especially in such a shop, it's a bit inappropriate!

Instead, Mr. Ding Yuding accompanied his daughter to play, and even flipped the rope there. His daughter was not very old, and she was not so proficient in it. On the contrary, Liu Yuan played some games when she was young! But in terms of their own understanding, how many children today should not play these?

But anyway, Mr. Ding is really a very interesting person! Some of them are daunting, but they are also quite curious!

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