Can Wang Changlin not understand what his eldest son means by saying this? It is because of understanding, so it is also euphemistic should come down!

"I haven't heard about it, little girl is a little noisy! You are a father

Why does Wang Changlin want to say so? At the beginning, the boss released all the children in the family. The family is very dissatisfied with this matter! Let Tong Tong go back alone! But what about Tong Tong? It's also the child of the intelligence department. There are some impossible things even to let people get close to!

Under such circumstances, can the family have no opinion at all? Even at home there are considerable opinions and ideas! But now the eldest son suddenly mentioned this to himself. What else can he say?

Tian Qi things to mention out, has been refuted the boss's face!

Just like the boss? Quite often, he won't take the initiative to look for other people's trouble, but it doesn't mean that other people can also look for the boss's trouble. Now, for the boss, it's not as simple as slapping face. After all, many farm matters are involved behind it!

But what can I do? I've already made a phone call with my mother! Can't let the mother personally mention this matter to the boss? Mother's age has been so old! So I can only make it difficult!

Moreover, the earlier the matter is, the better. Otherwise, if the boss really does it! Don't talk about face then! Even if it is inside, there is no way! If the boss really starts, he won't have other cares!

Even the old lady at home can't be pacified!

And once the boss starts, it's very popular, and that means is really chilling! At that time, even if it is their own appearance, I am afraid it will not play any role! So this time I came here for the first time! Even put out the name of the old lady! Otherwise, it will be too late to repent!

And even so, Wang Changlin's heart is also a considerable sum, why? For the time being, Tian Qi seems to be OK! But what happens next? It's really hard to say!

After all, this time the thing is a little noisy, and even some not quite decent! The performance of the farm over the years, we all see in the eyes, recorded in the heart! And Tian Qi, their movements? It's not just about reaching out, it's even about digging the foundation of the farm! Under such a situation, if the boss doesn't respond, that's the hell!

This is also my second purpose! Wu Chun's affairs, can't let the eldest brother to be contaminated!

It's not that the boss doesn't have the power, nor does it mean that the boss lacks the confidence! But if the boss really does it, the follow-up impact will be very big, and it happens that he is also here! So don't come out on the farm! Let Wu Chun stand up and explain himself!

As for the problems of the farm, the farm will deal with them on its own! In this way, all aspects are more appropriate!

But what about this? It's not good to get it directly. It's only on the surface! Fortunately, people here are not outsiders, so I need to test my eldest son's attitude, but from the current situation, everything seems to be under my control!

However, it seems that Wang Changlin's eldest son thinks so. If he doesn't think so, he won't be so pleasant tonight. Can he not know his son?

"Ding Yun is a little far away from my farm. Things are a little busy here, so it's not so convenient! I don't know if they will come back during the Spring Festival or not. It's just a matter of two words! "

"What? Is there anything else on the farm? "

"There are some, but I've never interfered in these things. Now it's orange and apricot to deal with them. In the past, Luo Xuan and Lu Zili asked about them, but I didn't get involved in them!"

In this way, Wang Changlin understood! Because his eldest son has said very clearly and clearly!

So I nodded to my eldest son. I don't need to do anything about it any more! Because there is no need at all, and it is still unknown whether it will lead to other problems after it is mentioned!

"Well! I know that! "

Wu Chun obviously got quite a lot of news. He didn't pay attention to other people. Just pay attention to Jiang Hua! For him, it's not difficult. When I heard that Wang Changlin left with Jiang Hua! Wu Chun is depressed!

If it's someone else, Wu Chun has to fight for everything. He and his youngest son can't run away, but he still has a son and daughter. But after hearing about Wang Changlin, Wu Chun really has no opinions and ideas!

How do you play this? I thought I was someone else before, and even doubted whether Ding Yu was joking with me, but now? Wu Chun really can be described as hopeless, as for why Ding Yu still does not want to start!

Wu Chun wants to understand the problems and conditions! It's not that Ding Yu doesn't do it, but that Ding Yu and the farm behind him have other considerations! If it's the farm and Ding Yu, the meaning and nature of the representatives are totally different!

So after returning to his senses, Wu Chun also drove to the farm, but he didn't mean to enter the farm. Instead, he waited outside. If he entered the farm now, it would not be a good thing, and he would even offend Wang Changlin and Jiang Hua who were already on the farm!

Jiang Hua can offend himself, but the problem is that Wang Changlin can't really offend himself!

Ding Yu turned out to be Wang Changlin's son. What happened? And why doesn't Ding Yu's surname be Wang? You pockmarked son is not pockmarked son, is a pit at all! There are people like you!

But now it's not the turn for Wu Chun to start crying. After all, he still has a long time to cry! Waiting for Wang Changlin's car to leave the farm, Wu Chun drove to the gate of the farm! Ding Yu was stunned when he got the news, then shook his head and laughed! This is Wu Chun! It's really a smart person!

"Do you want to see me?"

"Brother, will you spare us? I saw Uncle Wang just now, but you don't know. I don't know what happened to Lao Gai, but I just had a look at it. It's almost like me. My back is almost wet! That is because of work, so Uncle Wang needs to go back, otherwise, I really need to open one eye when I sleep tonight! That's exaggeration

"Yes! Now that we are here! Then I'll see you! "

It's no exaggeration to say that although Wu Chun didn't show his teeth in the past, he still needs to kick his legs, but now he comes here and directly lights up his belly! This is already very illustrative!

"Mr. Wu!" Ding Yu did not show any arrogance, and even took the initiative to stretch out his hand! Wu Chun looked at Ding Yu's action and sighed a little! What else can I say in such a situation? Now at this time or nothing to say! So it is also a hurry to stretch out their hands!

The two shook hands with each other!

"Mr. Ding!" Wu Chun put his attitude very low!

At the invitation of Ding Yu, they sat down separately!

"I see?" Ding Yu didn't want to hide his father's coming! At least in front of Wu Chun, there is no need“ My father came in such a hurry that he left after talking about some things! "

"Mr. Ding, can I know?" Wu Chun looked at Ding Yu and said abruptly!

"There's no need to say anything else! What's the point? " Ding Yu is still very elegant, after obtaining Wu Chun's opinion, this just continues to say“ Tian Qi has already started to deal with it! However, the relationship behind him is a little complicated. To a certain extent, there are other implications. Even if he doesn't go in for tea, he will have to lose two layers of skin! As for Tianhua? It's going to take a while! May have received considerable information, may not have received any information, but I am not so anxious! It doesn't matter! "

Wu Chun nodded heavily“ I understand

"I am not involved in the affairs of the farm. Now the chairman of the board of directors of the farm is not me. To a certain extent, I have resigned from the post of the farm. How they will deal with the internal affairs is their own problem! As for Mr. Wu, my father asked for my personal opinion, but I have no personal opinion! "

No comment? Wu chunleng for a moment, and then also understand that the farm will not be involved in this matter, that is to say, it will be quite cut with their own! Wu Chun was relieved, but at the same time, he sighed! Why sigh?

A sigh of relief, that is to say, Ding Yu is particularly rational in this matter. What are the consequences of such rationality? The farm doesn't get involved in related matters, but what about our colleagues? How will they look at this time? I've given them a mouthful of shit unconsciously!

Now it's really yellow mud falling into the crotch. If you want to say it, you can't say it clearly! Under such circumstances, how to deal with Wu Chun? I'm afraid I really want to swallow myself!

It's ridiculous to think about it. Ding Yu is able to bear it. You know, he's thinking about the farm. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu is able to hold back. At his age, he doesn't show any fireworks!

To a certain extent, Wu Chun really doesn't want Ding Yu to do it like this. If Ding Yu is really furious, then his colleagues may also do it at that time, but they are definitely selective and targeted. But if Ding Yu doesn't do it, ha ha! Think about it, you can foresee your own fate!

Maybe there is nothing on the surface, but what will happen in the dark? I can foresee it!

"At the beginning, I was greedy for profits! I don't know why I didn't control myself. Mr. Ding, it's also my reason to close things at home. I take up most of the responsibility, but I didn't mean to shirk it for them! Up to now, there's not much to hide. There's no need for that! "

For this problem, Ding Yu thought for a while, "is this a problem? I can decide, but I need to see Guan's performance! But Mr. Wu should not care about this matter! "

Hearing what Ding Yu said, Wu Chun was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't want to understand what Ding Yu meant! What does it mean to be able to decide? It depends on Guan's performance? Does Ding Yu have other ideas about Dinghu!

No! If you really have any idea about Dinghu, why? What do you think of Guan Yue? I've seen Guan Yue. He looks good, but who is he? Ding Yu has never seen ten thousand, at least eight thousand, so it's impossible! Under such circumstances, what else can we do?

But then Wu Chun just laughed. What do you care about“ Mr. Ding, do I need to call Guan Feng? "

"It depends on your mood! It doesn't matter! Previously, I checked that some people were not very sensible, and now they are still sweeping the gate of the farm over there! "

Sweep the gate? It's a strange operation. Is it intentional peeling? It doesn't seem to make much sense to do so! Want to know Ding Yu back farm, under such circumstances, Ding Yu need to be a greedy person? And Ding Yu is the son of Wang Changlin! So their previous ideas, it seems that there are some too failed!

Thank you, Mr. Ding

"You're welcome

Two people simply shook hands! Then Wu Chun left! Ding Yu didn't mean to send each other off! After Wu Chun got on his car, he thought about some time, and then he took out his mobile phone! Call Guan Feng!

"Guan Feng? I'm Wu Chun! " No greetings, no politeness! The expression is very direct, "I just went to see Ding Yu! Talk about my business! Tomorrow, I will explain everything. I also talked to Mr. Ding about Dinghu! The main responsibility lies with me. It has something to do with Dinghu, but it doesn't matter much! "

"I don't understand!" Guan Feng expressed strong doubt about this! Wu Chun suddenly called himself, a little baffled. According to his own judgment, Wu Chun was obviously ready to use Dinghu and Guan family as stepping stones! Fully squeeze clean, only in this way, in line with their understanding of Wu Chun!

Only in this way can we eliminate some people's anger!

But now Wu Chun suddenly told himself that everything before was illusory, just an appearance. Guan Feng even had an impulse to turn off the phone at the next moment! In the evening, Wu Chun called to amuse himself?

"If you have a meeting, you always feel that you can avoid vulgarity! But now, it's all a layman! " In this regard, Wu Chun is very emotional! Even thought of the original time, tea and moon, elegant style, but why later become mutual calculation? Is it your own problem or Lao Guan's problem?

Forget it, it's too late to mention these now, and it doesn't make any sense! So take advantage of this time, say more words, otherwise there will be no such opportunity in the future!

"I have confessed to Mr. Ding! In fact, it's not a confession. Mr. Ding already knows! What about me? At most, I beg for mercy! The farm's business is handled by the farm itself. What about my problem? Mr. Ding and the farm will not pay much attention either. I mentioned that Mr. Ding should have other meanings about Dinghu and your family

"Wu." For a moment, Guan Feng suddenly didn't know how to call him!

"I've done all the things I have to do! There is no debt between each other! That's it

Then Wu Chun hung up the phone in his hand! Even the phone to pull black! I have done what I should do. As for what Guan Feng and Dinghu will eventually do, it depends on their own, because they have no relationship with me!

Meng Chong received a call from Qu Cheng and called Ding Yu, which was obviously inappropriate! But call Meng Chong? It is the past that can be said!

"To the young master!"

"How old are you! What about the young master? My son is in that belly now. I don't even know? " Meng Chong's words are very casual“ If you have something to say, I'm still busy! "

"Ah! This is the case. Someone asked me about Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng. I don't know how to deal with them? "

"So fast?" Meng Chong couldn't help humming, "Qu Cheng, do you think elder brother and I are arrogant people? But why are there so many people who don't have eyes? Moved me and big brother do not say, and also want to move the farm, this is not so simple education! It's got to be tough! "

"This NIMA? Who is so bold? " The expression on Qu Cheng's face was a little startled, and Gao Changfen, who was sitting beside him, was the same. Gao Changfen didn't expect that it would be like this. He had a certain concern for Ding Yu, but what about this concern? There's always something isolated! Because there is some distance between each other!

"Some so-called characters! There are many aspects involved! " But Meng Chong immediately snorted, "how? Are you interested in Professor Qu? Why don't you come here? "“ No! Master Meng! Don't make fun of me! The main reason is that someone came to the door! It's hard to refuse such a favor, so I'll help you to ask! I didn't expect it to be like this! "“ It's not good for you to ask less about such things! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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