Specific things have been talked about, two people try each other!

To be exact, it should be the forces represented by Meng Chong and Ding Yu that began to make further contact. What about this kind of contact? It's not that after eating and drinking, everything can be done. It's not that simple!

More practically speaking, interest is the contact of cooperation. Of course, in the process of cooperation, we may have deep feelings! We will have a lower demand for interests! And then further into each other! Perhaps because of the weak emotional comparison, the demand for interests between each other began to rise, and then everyone was on guard against each other! Even the sword! Then one beat and two scattered!

All kinds of things! Need to step by step! Because both of them are under a lot of pressure!

This is not on the card table, a down, regardless of the kind of win or lose! If that's true, it would be easy to do!

"Brother, what do you think of Dahong?"

"It's a little worse!" Because it doesn't involve a lot of things, Ding Yu's words are not so implicit, "compared with ordinary people, naturally they don't say it! He doesn't have any mistakes in his direction, but whether he can break through himself or not is not something you and I can decide. It's entirely up to him! "

"Big brother? How do I feel that you have something in your words? "

"Because I told you that? It's just casting pearls before swine! " Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and said, "because your understanding is just a little understanding, it doesn't play much role! Raise! Hide! Cold! Absolutely

Four words! Let Meng Chong Lengshen a little time! But Ding Yu did not finish!

"Raise? cultivate one's original nature! recuperate and build up strength! Hide? a ruthless character behind a gentle appearance! Zangming mountain! Cold? as cold as frost and ice! Cold and cold! Absolutely? unique! Unique Ding Yu sighed, "everyone! Each stage has a different understanding! And we are human beings, not machines. One thing happens to two people. Even if these two people are brothers, there will be considerable deviation! It looks the same in general! But there will definitely be differences in the details! "

Meng Chong nodded, "I understand on the whole! We can learn from it, but don't copy it mechanically! "

"I have made quite a summary when I say that! Of course, it is more popular, at least in words you can understand! If the person next to me knew Dahong, then I would be another speaker! "

"I don't know how to understand it, but I don't have a feeling! Elder brother, I believe what you said now! Sure enough! Between life and death

Huh? Ding Yu was stunned for a moment“ So someone knows? " Then Ding Yu said with a smile, "whether this is right or wrong, I don't make any guarantee. No matter what kind of problems appear, I can't find my head. Not many people can bear the temptation of life, and not many people can bear the fear of death!"

The temptation of life! The fear of death! Meng Chong carefully pondered for a while what the elder brother said!

"Big brother, I don't know how to refute what I said! Even in my personal opinion, there are some that can not be refuted! Even one day! One hour! It's enough to make everyone crazy! "

"So I won't interfere in such a thing. What other people want to do is their business! I can't stop it! It won't have too many effects, even in the eyes of quite a few people, I may be intentional! So this kind of muddy water? I will never get involved in it

"Big brother, you have given me a difficult problem! Ah Meng Chong sighed heavily!

I'm afraid only Meng Chong himself can understand the problems and situations! Some things I can see clearly, but it doesn't mean that everyone can see clearly. This is two things at all!

What's more, just because I can see clearly now doesn't mean I will see clearly and clearly in the future! I can withstand such temptation now, but what about in the future? When my life is about to draw the end, can I still bear the temptation? I really dare not imagine!

"At least now you don't have too many problems. I have made a lot of contact with you and learned about your personal situation. Otherwise, I won't choose you to be the teacher! So this accusation should not be on my head? What do you say? "

Meng Chong couldn't help laughing! Nodding at Ding Yu!

Before the new year's party, Ding Yu also met with the senior management of the farm, and even held two meetings!

But that's it! To a large extent, Ding Yu didn't care as much about the farm as he thought. Generally speaking, he left it to orange and apricot to deal with! For the orange Apricot's trust can not be increased!

But the oranges and apricots are very ashamed! Because it is sitting in the position of the chairman of the board! Mr. Wang trusted himself a lot, but he didn't expect that the people below would make such a fuss! This is absolutely unforgivable!

But it's obvious that Ding Yu doesn't want to care too much about this! I really don't mean to cheat oranges and apricots on purpose! If other people sit on the position of orange and apricot, they can do better than orange and apricot? Are you kidding?

If you can have half of the orange and apricot, I'm afraid Ding Yu needs to burn high incense! It's not realistic at all!

Orange and apricot are easy to use. Under such circumstances, why do you give up on her? There is no reason at all! Self destruction of the Great Wall is nothing! At least I don't have too many problems to keep clear now!

Since Ding Yu doesn't mean this, the farm will not destroy the balance. Although orange and apricot sit in that position, which makes everyone envious, it doesn't mean that everyone can really replace them!

The farm will never exclude people with ability! This is recognized by all!

Although orange apricot is a female, but from the orange apricot after the upper, her performance, or get everyone's recognition! Although a little fierce, but do things more fair! Let's be more convinced!

For others, what does ability say? And who knows where the butt is! What's more, the farm is booming. What's the matter? I think it's the end of the good days, isn't it?

However, we are also clear that after the new year's party, there will be such a considerable action inside! After all, this time things, seemingly small, but in fact the whole farm has caused considerable impact! Even this influence is very bad!

Let's not talk about the external reasons, but someone inside wants to pry into the corner! This is what all farm people can't stand!

It's no big deal if you want to seek some benefits and future for yourself. Everyone has this idea! It's only natural for people to go up and water to flow down! But sell the farm's own interests in exchange for these? This is what we can't tolerate. What's the matter? Did the farm treat you badly?

If anyone said this, I'm afraid it's not as simple as conscience loss!

In the farm environment, if you want to be more comfortable, there is no problem! Ensure a comfortable life! There won't be too much tiredness! Even relaxed and happy! There are really many such posts!

If you think about the future, there is no problem. The farm has a lot of work, which is very challenging and rewarding! Bonus! Welfare and treatment, etc., will hit you dizzy! I'm not afraid you work hard, but I'm afraid you don't work hard!

Under such circumstances, still want to eat inside and outside, this is not the mind bad so simple! It's like smashing all the farm people's jobs. Under such circumstances, I can spare you. What's the good thing?

Even if Mr. Ding and chairman orange apricot don't deal with it, others won't make these bastards feel better!

Now at this time, we all have some problems. If we didn't do it before, it was due to other reasons, but I believe it won't be too long! At that time, even with one mouthful of saliva, he will be drowned!

The party was very successful, even a little lively!

Not all the people in the family sit in the front row. It's not that there are no seats. It's not like this!

But Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are not so fond of it! I don't know whether Ding Yu inherited this from them? It's hard to say! After all, we have lived together for so many years! It can't have any impact at all!

"Big brother! There's something wrong with Lao Gao! "

Not long after the party, Meng Chong came to the door“ I just got the news here, but I don't know exactly what caused it! "

"Maybe we've sensed the danger, or maybe our cover is a little too tight!" Ding Yu turns his hand inside the string! It's a little random! Meng Chong noticed that although the string on Ding Yu's hand was still the previous string, why did it become so thick! I'm talking about Baojiang!

"I don't think the string on your hand is too fast, brother? You know, even if you use a machine, you can't see such an effect. I doubt it most seriously, because it gives me a personal feeling. Even if you use a machine and chemical materials, you can't see such an effect. I've done quite a lot of experiments! "

Ding Yu looks at the string in his hand. If he looks at it from the perspective of playing, it's valuable. But if he looks at it from his own perspective, it's mature, and the rest of the things can't be played well. To a certain extent, it can only be used for appreciation! A little pity!

"Big brother, Lao Gao is a little interesting! Quite keen on danger

"Yes! Now it's almost done! " Ding Yu sighed, "it's very interesting to play with him for such a long time! Even in this process, it took quite a long time! Do you want to keep him for the new year

"I don't know? However, from the current situation, we have controlled his external resources, as for the internal, because we have also carried out deep excavation for his attention and understanding, it is really not worth four Liang. If we put it on the scale, we can't block it! Although he has not become the target of public criticism, he is almost the same! "

"In this way, he raised the butcher's knife a little bit higher during this period of time! Kill a little fast The expression on Ding Yu's face had a little displeasure, "big new year's day, can't this guy stop a little bit? After all, at this time, we all want to have a good year! He's special! "

This is not a good word! But Meng Chong has understood the meaning of the words!

"He raised the butcher's knife too fast, of course, because the environment changed too fast! But obviously, before his butcher's knife fell down, some people were on the alert. Even now they have raised their swords, guns and sticks! "

Ding Yu holds the diamond hand string in his hand and starts to turn again!

"So he can't control the situation! To be exact, when he starts to raise the knife in his hand, it means that he has betrayed everyone! Of course, when he got on the ship, he betrayed the country and the people, but now? He stood behind the people who also betrayed him! It seems that there are not many places for him in the world! "

Meng Chong stands up his shoulders“ I don't know if he will continue to be crazy. Of course, there is no hiding place for him in China! But abroad, there should still be! Moreover, if he really left, the impact would be sensational! Even unpredictable

Ding Yu is a tiny smile, "so say, need to give him this road also to block up! It's a sad thing. It's not appropriate to talk about such things all of a sudden in the New Year

"Maybe it's something in this aspect that touches Lao Gao too much!" Meng Chong shook his head slightly. "When all the roads are blocked, what kind of measures will Lao Gao take? It's a bit to be seen! "

"Now that he has stood on the opposite side of the country and the people, he must be sent to the gallows at that time. In that case, let's get the ropes ready first! I believe someone is willing to do so! "

"It's a bit cruel, I mean this way of execution!" Meng Chong shook his head, "the big new year's do such things, will not be a bit out of time!"

"Sending him to the execution ground does not mean that he must be executed. This is a matter of two times. Let them bite the dog! At least we'll drag in quite a few people, and maybe we'll have unexpected results! "

Meng Chong scratched his neck, "this idea is not just a little bad, it's so simple! But they hurt each other on both sides? Now Lao Gao has no advantage! It's true that he is still in the position, but there is nothing to rely on behind him! The fire is already on fire

"So in the new year, he began to prepare for quite a retreat? Hum To this, Ding Yu how many feel to have so some disdain, but also is with this only! There is really no other meaning!

As the new year passed, Ding Yu once again gathered the children together!

"I should say that I was very satisfied with my previous performance, even a little proud! To be exact, your performance is completely beyond my personal expectation. You have encountered considerable setbacks and made considerable mistakes. However, in my personal opinion, you can deal with these well. There is nothing more pleasant than this! "

"Daddy, are you just watching?" Ding Yun is not very satisfied with this!

"When you had an accident, I closed my eyes. I took it as a rest!" Ding Yu also made a joke, "but when I look at the data, I keep my eyes open, because if I close my eyes, I can't see!"

Several children are laughing! There is no interference in their affairs at home, which actually makes them feel that there are some accidents. From the beginning to the end, the family seems to be indifferent to this, but it's also good. It's not interfering in their growth, so that they can face it alone!

It's not that there's no one around these children? Don't see that! You know, there are quite capable people around these children, and there are more than one or two! These guys have been trained by Ding Yu, and their ability is absolutely impeccable!

To be trusted by Ding Yu, or even put by these children's side, it is true that there may be considerable physical problems, but it is absolutely their trust! And trust to a certain extent, will do out of the move!

However, they did not show any attitude from the beginning to the end, even if the children encountered considerable difficulties! Faced with failure, these people do not have any actions and words, let alone any reminders?

Is it that they don't have the ability? Are you kidding? They are all people who have gone through wind and rain! Even out of the sea of corpses! They are absolutely powerful characters, but they are still just watching, watching these children do things, there may be considerable mistakes and mistakes, but in their view, it's no big deal!

Even these mistakes and failures will promote the growth of children! Do you know that to let the children out alone is to let them enjoy themselves? Let them soak in honey. In this case, wouldn't it be better to leave them at home?

Only let them experience the wind and rain, let them know the severity, they can further growth!

From this point of view, Mr. Ding Yuding is impeccable. After all, the age of the children in the family is there! Put it on any parent, will they do that? It's impossible,

Mr. Dante made such a choice!

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