After the new year, Meng Chong took the lead in getting busy! Gao Changyu can't bear it! Now is the best time to start! Miss this opportunity, who knows if he will jump up?

Don't wait for him to play with other tricks! Don't keep him for the New Year!

It happens that director Liu is still on the other side of the provincial capital! Let him solve some problems a little bit! Maybe in the eyes of the outside world, Gao Changyu is associated, but in the interior, we all know that this time, it is Gao Changyu who leads us!

Gao Changli didn't wait for too many actions, so he was killed by a stick! Too abrupt, so fast that everyone has no time to do any reaction!

of course! What is the reason for Gao Changyu's accident? The reason is very simple! It's joint and several!

But when Gao Changli was ready to start his further study, he completely understood that he was not associated with anything at all! The first goal of others is themselves! Didn't you see that director Liu had come here in person? If it's joint and several, director Liu, as for the others, will they come here? And still so grand!

Look at these people inside and outside? Gao Changyu was so stupid all of a sudden! But in an instant, Gao Changli understood it! Director Liu has never given up on his own investigation, but due to the change of form! So the direction of a considerable shift, while their own to deceive the past! And now the sudden killer, I'm afraid inside and outside have been investigated!

"Director Liu, did not expect to have such an opportunity?"

Looking at Gao changfan sitting there, he is still rebellious, director Liu nodded“ Hello! See you again

"Now I'm a prisoner! Think about it at the beginning, as if the identity between each other suddenly had a fundamental change! I don't know what kind of consequences this change will lead to? "

Director Liu took the pencil in his hand and knocked the white paper on the table“ I feel like it's a little sudden! "

"Now I have some doubts about whether you were the real you when I saw you before?" Gao Changyu seemed to be calm in a moment! Although the whole person's spirit is greatly reduced, but the spirit seems to be very good!

"So? Are you quite suspicious? "

"To be able to make such a decision! It's not that I look down on you and do professional things. Director Liu certainly has no problem. But I admire you for being able to set up such a big Bureau. Through the Chen family's affairs, you can outline me and even let me go

In the face of sitting in front of him, is still a face not satisfied with Gao Changli, director Liu nodded with a smile!

"So? In fact, I was able to invite you here long ago, but the situation at that time was quite special. To be exact, I was worried about the bad influence of your things, but I had to make your things have a considerable effect! That's why it's been put off till today! "

Gao changfan was stunned for a moment, and his face became embarrassed all of a sudden! Even the tendons of both hands have burst up!

"It's impossible?"

"Why not?" Director Liu asked rhetorically!

"As far as I know, you don't have the right. How do you know what's in it?" Fang Yu's business can be said to be his own insurance, but until today, the insurance has not issued any alarm. Is it Fang Yu's initiative to come back? Even more impossible!

"Fang Yu was brought back very early! Otherwise we won't poke out the outermost layer of the onion! " Quite a lot of things now do not need to do anything to hide! Of course, I'm stripping Gao Changyu's disguise“ But we still hope you can take the initiative to account for quite a lot of things! This is of considerable significance! "

"Who is in charge of the city now? Valley peak When he thought of this, Gao Chang Hui snorted and laughed, "I'm afraid he's the only one who's most suitable?" Why should we mention Gu Feng? Gao Changyu is doing a verification!

From the truth, Gu Feng should be the most suitable, because he did not mix in other aspects, all aspects of the performance is also very good, and also maintained a considerable situation, even behind him there is always a support force, under such circumstances, he is probably the best candidate!

"I don't understand the specific situation. This is not something I should pay attention to. I just hope you can cooperate with me!"

"There is no problem for me to cooperate with the work, but I need to know some specific situations. To be exact, I need to know who I lost in the hands of! Now you lose! It's not that I'm unwilling to lose, but that I don't know whose hand I'm losing. I'm too depressed! "

Is this a deliberate negotiation? Director Liu really thought about it! It's not easy to take Gao Changyu down. It hasn't even caused quite a lot of noise or bad influence. It's really not easy to do this! The important thing is time!

Such a short period of time, if you change it to yourself, it is absolutely impossible, because you can't take director Ding's way and method! The nature is totally different, but director Ding? Because of his identity and the particularity of this event, he is really handy and envies himself!

But for director Ding's layout and control, I really admire him, and even have quite a sigh. Things are solved between understatement! Even now, let alone Gao Changyu! Even quite a few people are still in the dark! I don't know what happened!

This can be said to be particularly rare! It's like Gao Changyu sitting opposite him. He's already a prisoner in the lower echelon! But he didn't know what was going on! Even a head of fog, as for what he mentioned? I need to think about it. Do you want to say hello to director Ding?

"Then you have to reflect on it first! But before that, I need to remind you! The relevant personnel are already on file! "

After giving Gao a reminder, director Liu left! Ding Yu's this matter whether to disclose, this question really is not oneself can decide, needs to seek the opinion! After all, there is no way to make it public!

Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter is not as concerned as he imagined! Even now want to move the mind is not so much imagination! When Meng Chong talked about this with himself, he had no interest in this aspect at all!

"Big brother, Lao Gao is not reconciled to this!"

Looking at elder brother no response, Meng Chong is also funny to say a word! Of course, there are also some intentional meaning! Lao Gao is the fish on the cutting board now! How could it be so noisy?

"We cut the mess so fast that Lao Gao didn't even have time to take the next step, so we directly threw him to the gallows, and even sent him to the gallows in the next step! This problem is a bit serious! "

Ding Yu doesn't care about this. "Lao Gao is trying to find a way for himself. He also wants to get rid of his guilt. At the same time, he is making a lot of explorations. Now he just slaps himself to death! As for other aspects, there is no significance! What's more, he didn't know how much trouble he made and how bad the influence was

As for the elder brother's attitude, Meng Chong was clear in his heart. "I'm afraid it's just because he is very clear in his heart that he can make such an attitude at this time."

"Now that everything has been settled! So let director Liu handle it by himself! Put everything in front of Lao Gao! As for whether or not he explained it, and how to explain it, this matter has nothing to do with us. It's better to be less contaminated with such things! What's more, it doesn't mean much! "

"Elder brother, I don't think Gao Changlin can guess without seeing it! But what about him now? Should be waiting for the response of the outside world, but from the current situation, even if the outside world has a response, there is no significance! Along with Gao Changyu, he is no longer in the province! "

From this point, we can see that Gao Changyu is not a general concern! After all, the nature of things can be said to be very bad! It's just intolerable

"Yes! How do you feel after you have been in touch with those children for a while? "

"It's not a kind of monkey spirit, but it's hard to describe it!" Meng Chong bit his back teeth! There's something wrong with the expression“ To a certain extent, we can already see the shadow of the future! There are so many terrible things

"I had a lot of contact with them, even before they left, there was a lot of communication. The lessons I gave them finished well. From the truth, they came here at this time! Not really! But they still come! There are some things in it, and it's not convenient for me to mention too much to you! "

Meng Chong sighed“ I don't care about their family. It's too far away! I don't need to worry about this aspect, but I am deeply worried about their ability and potential. There are children in my family, too. But the more they compare, the more they feel that they don't have any confidence in their heart. "

Looking at Meng Chong's dejected appearance, Ding Yu feels so funny!

"You! Care is chaos, and even there are some too much care! However, their family's investment and concern for education is absolutely beyond imagination! This kind of thing does not need to deny anything, standing in the modern society of this more, should go to rough save essence, learn from each other

In this regard, Meng Chong can only sigh, "brother, don't you know the situation at home? Whether it's conservative or cautious, quite a lot of things can't be changed if you want to. Sometimes it's not that the ancestors are wrong. There are too many tears in them! Even see a considerable record, vividly! I can't help but be careful

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly“ Quite often, we look at history from the perspective of onlookers, or from the perspective of later generations! Not many people can consider the problem from the perspective of historians themselves! This in itself is prone to considerable problems and situations! "

"Everyone hopes to make progress, but take this step rashly!" Speaking of this, Meng Chong could not help shaking his head, "brother, I dare! I'm not afraid of you laughing at me, but it involves too many things! Let me have so many scalp numbness! Even give me a personal feeling, to be able to now this step, has been quite a difficult thing

"So say it! Still need to see a considerable effect, do not see the effect, everything is of no use

For the Meng family, Ding Yu is really not so eager. Anyway, Meng Chong has been abducted by himself! At least Ding Chang will not have a considerable problem! Under such circumstances, the remaining problems will be solved slowly!

What's more, is the practice of the Meng family necessarily wrong? This matter also really needs positive and negative aspects to look at!

Finally, everything settled down! Ding Yu is also ready to adjust his interest for a period of time! Other places are not so suitable, in their hometown here may be the best!

Quiet is just a person! There is no need to disturb other aspects!

So Ding Yu also mentioned it to his parents, and then went to xiaodaoguan to live there! Now this time does not need to have any person to understand, also does not need any person to sympathize! I just need a person to meditate there quietly! Don't think about anything, don't think about anything!

People who pay close attention to Ding Yu feel puzzled, even strange! What does Ding Yu want to do? Now this time unexpectedly ran to the side of xiaodaoguan to live down, is there a contradiction with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? It doesn't look like that! Is it something else?

But the Wang family has stopped. Years ago, Ding Yu personally called back, which shows that Ding Yu has solved the contradiction with the Wang family! What's more, if it's true that this aspect of the matter has not been resolved, Ding Yu will not go to xiaodaoguan, will he? This operation is a bit too strange!

It's strange that everyone can't understand. What does Ding Yu want to do?

Or can you give us some clues about what Ding Yu wants to do? At least we won't be too confused! You look like this, let everyone's heart there are some not too bottom!

But Ding Yu leisurely stayed in the Taoist temple. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying had some worries. They came to see it twice and found that their son was recuperating here. After they had no other meaning, there would be no other disturbance!

They can understand more or less now! Son! Worry about too many things, there are so many tired! So now we need a good life to mediate! If the spring is overpowered to a certain extent, it will also be broken! Not to mention living people?

Ding Yu, dressed in a Taoist robe, is carrying a broom, cleaning up the leaves and so on! A carefree look! Although the Taoist temple is not big, but for themselves, it is a relatively clean place! Before Ding Chang's matter, gives own pressure really to have some big! Associated with their own do not know how to vent their emotions!

Now there is quite a clue, although the matter has not been completely solved, but Ding Yu's heart disease has finally been quite relieved! This nerve was finally relaxed, but Ding Yu also felt tired immediately, which is exactly the normal reaction after nervous tension!

After all, Ding Yu is only a man, not a God? Even God seems to be hard to bear such a situation! But Ding Yu didn't show anything to the outside world! After all, such things are quite different from life and death on the battlefield!

Now calm down, let yourself ease at the same time, can reflect on yourself! How long does it take? This question? It's not as important as you think. It doesn't matter! Anyway, the current state, it is quite good!

When Meng Chong came with their children, Ding Yu didn't go back to the farm. Instead, he met Meng's children in xiaodaoguan!

When Meng Chong brought them in, Ding Yu sat on the futon! Look at the children in front of you! Eyes are not sharp, but also very insipid, as if nothing on the heart above the meaning!

"Big brother! Let me come here with some children at home! "

After a while, Ding Yu nodded his head and let the children sit down in front of him! Some old Taoist brought some futons! Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong and nods!

"It's almost noon! I'm going to have something to eat, but I'm going to eat a little bit vegetarian this time! "

"Where do I want to eat now?" Meng Chong had no choice but to smile bitterly, "for a few of them, it can be said that the heart is haggard! Want to bring all the children, but I also know that this is simply impossible! It's not realistic at all! But it's a kind of pain for me to give up any one

"Can understand!" Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong“ However, you should also know that I am quite strict in this aspect, and I will not bear any consequences, nor will I have any recognition! Moreover, no matter what way I use, I may not make any explanation! "

Ah? Meng Chong's expression was a little surprised, but he nodded immediately! Big brother's meaning is very clear and clear! Even in the next time, I just go to the Taoist temple and stay outside! I'm not fit to stay here anymore!

What is the content of the examination? I have nothing to do with myself!

"I have something else to do, brother. I'll come back later!"

"It doesn't matter if you look at it!" Ding Yu doesn't mean to isolate Meng Chong. Can he see it? It's Meng Chong's chance. If he can see it, it's better. If he can't, he has nothing to do! Quite the time, I have said it! Some things don't mean you don't teach! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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