Wang Pu thought for a while, and then he also looked at her own old lady, with a little doubt in her eyes. Why did her husband care so much about this matter? She even deliberately came to ask for her own opinions and gave her own feelings. It was abnormal, and still quite abnormal.

The old lady also nodded her head. "There seems to be something wrong with the military, which has something to do with Ding Yu. Anyway, there is no way to solve this matter. At least, the relationship between them is so embarrassing. So she provided some information to the Su family. The Su family still doesn't know about Ding Yu's situation. The third one of them is in charge!"

After listening to this, Wang Pu also laughed, "when uncle's nephew, what is this situation? And who's playing the trick? Isn't this intentional? Embarrass who? It's me, the Su family? "

"That's right. So I think it's necessary to talk to Ding Yu about relevant matters. What's the reason why he went to Korea? Why didn't the military investigate the situation of the relevant parties in the past, but at this time of the day, let the three boys of the Su family investigate the problems in this respect. Isn't this obviously for us to ask? "

Wang Pu has understood the meaning of it. The military is not saying that it can't find out the problems and conditions in the investigation. It may be something to be afraid of! So it's very inconvenient to show up, but the Wang family is different. Ding Yu can be said to be the eldest grandson of the Wang family. It's not difficult for them to talk about something behind closed doors.

"Good calculation!" Wang Pu also thought for a while, "it happens that these two days are also a little idle. Go to his place for dinner in the evening! It happened that he had a rest today, and there were two days when he didn't see the child. You said Ding Yu left the child at home, OK? That's how he became a father? And the motherfucker, too

"I think you'd better not hit the children's attention, basically there is not much hope! Despite his carelessness and indifference, he can't even help his adoptive father and mother! "

It's not that the old lady is too old to take care of the children. It's not because Ding Yu won't agree with her. What's more, the child also involves some other situations and problems. If you think about it, the grandson will turn over. The old lady explained it very clearly!

In the afternoon, Ding Yu accompanied the two little guys to have a good time, and even chatted with Taixi video for a long time. The two little guys were full of spirit and even had some mischief. However, Ding Yu didn't feel too much upset, on the contrary, he was addicted to it.

"Young master, here comes the old man and the old lady!" Ding Yu doesn't like this title very much, but the housekeeper always calls it like this. He doesn't have many ways to do it. When he comes, he will do a good job of reception. Look at this meaning, dinner is to be prepared here.

"Granddad, grandma!" Ding Yu said hello to the old man and the old lady. The two old men nodded to Ding Yu, and then they picked up the two little guys. They didn't care whether their bodies were dirty or not. They didn't even care whether their bodies could bear it.

After a little intimacy, Ding Yu also asked the nanny to take the two children to wash. After a while, the weather would be cold. Ding Yu also washed, changed his clothes and came out again. Looking at the grandfather and grandmother sitting there, he also went to one side and sat down.

"Did you go to Korea some time ago?" The old lady also took the lead in saying, "I just got the news from other channels. Your third uncle is responsible for investigating the relevant affairs. He just took over, but he doesn't know much about your situation."

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "Oh, some time ago, there were some situations in Taixi. The side branch of the Cui family in South Korea wanted to reach out, so I went to support her and suppressed SK a little bit. By the way, I paid a visit to Li Jianxi of Samsung. There was some exchange of interests between them. The general situation is like this!"

The eldest grandson said this, but the old lady completely understood. The context is like this, but under this context? There are other things. As for how these other things are, I'm afraid it involves some secrets. Is this why the military asked the third son of the Soviet family to investigate this matter?

"Your third uncle doesn't know about you. Although the family said that they had made preparations in this respect, they were not so prepared. They were worried that some conflicts would arise between you and your third uncle! That's your uncle, after all

Ding Yu nodded his head, saying that he already knew, but what about the matter of the military opening his own package? Ding Yu really did not want to say the meaning, at least for himself, now there is no need for that, things have passed, don't always want to go over old accounts, no fun.

"My third uncle is very hot tempered?"

"When I was young, I was a cannonball, but now I'm older, I can still be better!" Other people really dare not make such a judgment, but for Wang Pu, he has this qualification and qualification completely, "and your grandfather, he has been hospitalized recently, and his health is not so good!""Three o one or three o six?" They are basically the two hospitals, but these two hospitals are totally in two directions. One is in Wukesong and the other is in the bird's nest. They will not be in other hospitals. People with identities like my grandfather and grandfather are basically in these two hospitals.

"301, it's old, and the maintenance is good." The old lady also said with emotion that even if the maintenance is good, there is no way. People are old and sick. This is a natural condition. They all hope that they can die without illness. But how can things be possible? Such situations are really rare!

Ding Yu looked at the time on his watch, "is this the right time?" Why do you say it yourself? It's clear from the meaning of my grandfather and grandma. They won't mention this matter to themselves without any reason. Since they mentioned it, they also pushed the boat along the river, which is good for each other! At least not too embarrassed!

Looking at the old lady nodding, Ding Yu also indicated to the driver that he would like to have a look at it in the past, sooner or later? It's better to take advantage of the time than the night, and it's not such a thing!

After a simple meal, the party also set out to go to the hospital. Ding Yu's car is a little luxurious. It may not be seen from the outside, but the interior space is really extraordinary. The driver and a kind of security personnel sit in the front, while Ding Yu sits in the back with the master and the old lady. There are even two attendants following, but there is still no such thing Any sense of crowding.

However, it is also clear at home that Ding Yu doesn't take this car in ordinary times. This car is mainly used by two small guys. It has been refitted and completely imported. From this point of view, Ding Yu really dotes on these two children, and there is no luxury at home.

The road is a little bit far away, mainly because it is a little crowded at this time. Fortunately, the space on the car is relatively large, so there is no discomfort. Ding Yu is holding his mobile phone. He doesn't know what he is looking at. He looks very attentive. The old man and the old woman don't mean to disturb him.

When waiting for the hospital, Ding Yucai put away his mobile phone and notes. He was not a stranger here, but this time he mainly followed the old man and the old lady. The line-up was not big. Soon, a group of people came to the inpatient department, taking a small elevator, which was a small welfare!

There is no big problem with the old man's physical condition, so what about this visit? There are no special requirements.

Soon a group of people came to the old man's room. The attendants were also the first to say hello to the people at the door. Then the old man and the old lady took Ding Yu into the room. In addition to the old man's staff, there was another person standing there, as if he was busy with something.

"Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang, why are you here?" Su Quan also quickly wiped his hand. Just now, he wiped his hand with water. However, Suquan noticed that besides his father's two parents, there seems to be a young man coming in.

"I heard that the old man was hospitalized again, so come and have a look. Is there any big problem?"

This is to Su Quan, but what about this look? It was already on the old man's body on the bed, and sobolen snorted, "it's far from death! What brings you here? "

Wang Pu motioned to the service personnel behind him, and then the two attendants also went out, and then closed the door, "show him, although the old guy is in good health, he is not young! And I don't want to be old Ding Yu is also stunned for a while, strange two old man's this attitude, but still walked to the bedside position.

Looking at the chair next to me, I sat down and then took a look at the old man's face. This measurement has two meanings: one is to see the appearance, the other is? It is to see the old man's physical condition. After looking at it for a period of time, Ding Yu also put his hand on the old man's pulse.

Su Quan looks at Wang Pu and Uncle Wang. How can this be regarded as a thing? It's not that there is no national doctor to show the old man. Now we have a young man. How can this be regarded as a thing? "Third, I heard that someone has arranged a new job for you recently? Something needs to be investigated, isn't it? "

When talking, Ding Yu also loosened the old man's hand, but he did not think about it. The old man lying on the bed caught Ding Yu's hand. In fact, when the old man started, Ding Yu was stunned. From his own point of view, Ding Yu could escape completely, but Ding Yu gave up.

Su bochen looked at Ding Yu carefully, and then he also looked at Wang Pu with a cold smile, "you old bastard, you finally did something serious. When did it happen?" Speaking of this, Su bochen seems to think of something, "I remember your son-in-law seems to have an accident?"

"It seems that you old guy is really nothing, and your mind is still very clear!" Su bochen on the bed looked at Ding Yu carefully, and then he also frowned. "Third, my in laws have come to visit. This thing is really not normal. What have you done recently?"Su Quan is not a fool. From the two old people's words, he can see what happened. When asked by his father, he also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "he is the little sister's child, my nephew? Don't say, it's quite like my brother-in-law! "

Wang Pu took a look, but also laughed. Although this Su Laosan said it was a big gun barrel, he went to this position today? I'm afraid it can't be done by a simple and crude big gun barrel. This heart is still very meticulous. At least at this time, the choice made is still very appropriate.

"Ding Yu, a child, went to South Korea and solved the contradiction with SK people. By the way, he met Li Jianxi of Samsung. This is the general process."

Ding Yu took a look at his third uncle and hesitated for a moment, but he didn't mean to speak. Both Su bochen and Su Quan were silent. What did SK and Samsung represent? They were very clear in their hearts. If that was the case, it seems that the military could not reach out to investigate the relevant matters?

"Ding Yu? That's not a very good name

When he spoke, Su bochen also looked at his in laws. Wang Pu shook his head slightly. He really had some big grandson who couldn't hold his hand. At least, he had some helplessness towards him. Su bochen's eyes showed a little banter. This old guy was really interesting.

"Do you know

"Well, I know. I've met for a long time, but the situation is very special, so I haven't released the news. Don't you worry that the flood will wash the Dragon King Temple? In addition, you, the old guy, have been admitted to the hospital again, so let him come and have a look at it. It's a great joy to you! "

The time of chatting with each other is not very long. What about some words? It seems that it is not very convenient. There are some inappropriate time. Before leaving, Ding Yu also took a look at his grandfather and nodded his head slightly. Su bochen had been lying on the bed, waiting for his son to come back before opening his eyes.

"Do you know the child?"

Su Quan slightly nodded his head, "I said how can I investigate his relevant situation, it seems that this is intentional, is to let him recognize the door!" Looking at his son's still strict guard against the appearance, Su bochen is also humming, but he is doing this work, strict mouth is not a bad thing.

Then Suquan also handed the phone to his father, Su bochen. However, when his father wanted to make a phone call, Su Quan said to himself, "I know something about this child, and even read some information. It's a little complicated!"

Although he said that his father was watching himself, Su Quan was still thinking about it. After a long time, he slowly said, "when I graduated from high school, I was supposed to be admitted to the Military Medical University, but I was framed. Later, I went to be a soldier. I have been a soldier for six or seven years! And then retired

Before he said this, the old man on the bed also said, "don't give me such a bad look. When I'm a soldier for six or seven years, you're not joking with me. What's his job? What's more, since they are soldiers of six or seven years old, they will retire when they retire? Who are you fooling with? I'm not as old as a fool

Looking at his father's suspicious eyes, Su Quan's expression is also some ferocious, "special arms!"

After that, there was another silence. "I heard that the military had a special plan. He seemed to be one of them. But later, because of his vague feelings, he was forced to retire by his senior official's uncle! I heard that it was hidden at that time, but later I learned about it. It was also a result of not getting over it, but that person's fate was not very good. "

Su bochen also gave a cold hum, and changed it into his own words. If his subordinates dare to do such a thing, he would be light if he killed himself, "and then?"

"Later he went to study. He had a university diploma on his body. After working for a short time, he went to the medical school in the capital city. Later, he communicated with the British side. He has been studying there all the time. He has a certain relationship with the military." Then Su Quan seemed to think of something, "he has special immunity on him!"

"What the hell is this?"

"The British side has given him a special right, a more special right than diplomatic immunity!"

The son's words, also let Su bochen greatly surprised, his grandson seems to be really a very good character! But in that case, why let his son investigate him? It is obvious that the military is aware of the news, and even if it knows the news, it still does so. Why?

"In this case, the investigation of Ding Yu is just a cover. In fact, it has a deeper purpose. Is that right?"

Su Quan also nodded, "I think it should be like this, but there should be news, won't wait too long!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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