Ding Yu seems really honest! Is there something wrong with setier and hollian?

How can you be so honest? Even if you can't maneuver at this time! But at least there should be some movement! And even if you don't go abroad, at least there should be something moving at home!

After all, you are Ding Yu, the famous devil!

You're like a puppet now! Not even a puppet! More precisely, it should be a piece of wood!

Because Ding Yu's situation is clearly visible! Every day is a farm and villa. Occasionally, I have time to go to the hospital and have an operation. That's all! This is too confusing for setier and hollian!

But whether you can understand it or not, setier and hollian can't make other moves. Ding Yu is sitting here! They're not like Bruno and Sanchez! After all, Bruno and Sanchez have a very good relationship with Ding Yu! They are more relaxed and casual!

Setier and hollian live in a relaxed environment, but they have considerable limitations compared with Bruno and Sanchez! This limitation can be seen from the specific situation!

For example, Bruno drives the farm tractor, has fun at will and has freedom to go in and out, but for setier and hollian, it is very face-saving to let them have a look! As for they want to drive? The possibility of walking in is not so big! As for other aspects, don't dream like this!

But from another point of view, Bruno and Sanchez are very knowledgeable. They do their work well. They don't really care about other affairs and maintain a considerable attitude, but they never interfere! Occasionally mentioned some of their own views and ideas! But they all stop at the point!

Anyway, now setier and hollian both feel a little surprised. Why did considerable changes take place one by one after they came to Ding Yu! And this change is really a little unacceptable!

Fortunately, Thornton hasn't changed much during this time! What's more, Ding Yu's attitude towards Thornton! It seems not as good as expected! However, it's understandable. After all, the relationship between Ding Yu and Mr. Goode is so subtle. Under such circumstances, it's difficult to know much about Thornton!

Because tomorrow is February 2, the day when the dragon looks up, Ding Yu deliberately called the children at home! However, Ding Yu's phone call seems to be a little late. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have already called, but their entrustment is so different! Ding Yu wandered to see Thornton!

"Get up a little earlier tomorrow morning! There are other arrangements!"

Ding Yu motioned to saitier behind him. Saitier was deliberately found by Ding Yu. Otherwise, he followed Ding Yu into the ward! It's definitely the way to die! I didn't see hollian. He didn't even mean to show up! I've had enough of Ding Yu! Of course, fear is also more serious!

"Mr. Ding, do we need to make other arrangements?" satyr was puzzled, but satyr also knew Ding Yu's character, so he didn't be too implicit and asked more directly!

"Tomorrow is February 2, the day when the dragon looks up! But it's not suitable to cut his hair in the morning. Find a time to trim his hair tomorrow! And the day when the dragon looks up, it means that hibernation is over! Everything recovers!" Ding Yu deliberately glanced at Thornton, "tomorrow is going to let him go to the ground!"

"Down? Mr. Ding, do you mean to get master Thornton out of bed? Is it appropriate?"

"Getting off the ground is different from getting out of bed!" Ding Yu glanced impatiently at setier. "Just make considerable preparations tomorrow!" he was too lazy to do other explanations. Even if it was an explanation, he couldn't explain clearly and clearly! Because the teaching methods are quite different from each other!

If it is Bruno and Sanchez, Ding Yu may say two more words, but setier doesn't pay special attention to Ding Yu! So don't bother to explain too much! Just tell you the specific arrangement! As for other things, you just need to copy!

"Mr. Ding, is there something inappropriate about master Thornton?"

Ding Yu glanced at the past and didn't mean to explain this at all! But the implication is very clear! Are you a doctor? Or am I a doctor? How I do it is my business. If something goes wrong, it's mine. If you can do this, Thornton won't be here!

Setier's mouth twitched! Ding Yu almost slapped himself! Fortunately, there is no one else in the room. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether you will go out to a qualified room! What a shame! Choked by others, but there can be no refutation! I really don't know this taste. I was shocked when I tasted it!

For such a thing in the future, let hollian! forget it! Hollian now has quite a lot of problems and psychological obstacles, and even can't hear Ding Yu's name! As soon as you hear Ding Yu's name, there may be gastrointestinal disorder!

The doctor has examined it in detail! This is a neurological problem, specifically a subconscious response! Setier doesn't want to get into such problems and problems! Too uncomfortable not to say, and too embarrassing!

The next morning, Ding Yu also pinched the time! February is the day when the dragon looks up! The Mao hour of Mao month and Mao day, that is, the time period from 5:00 to 7:00 this morning! Has quite different meanings!

Of course, setier and hollian also asked a lot of people before they knew that there was such attention! But they're just hearsay! For the actual situation, I really know that it is not so comprehensive!

In other words, at this time, we can only let Ding Yu go, otherwise what? I don't understand! Moreover, Ding Yu's doorway also makes people know that this guy is a Taoist! As for other aspects, not much is revealed! What's more, this guy can be as low-key as he wants!

Ding Yu came a little early, and even the day outside had not begun to shine. Ding Yu looked at his wrist watch! As for Thornton, it has been cleaned up. Ding Yu is interested in taking a look at Thornton's dress! It's very complete! Protection can also be said to be very strict!

"That's interesting! People who don't know think you're a little bear!"

Thornton glanced at Ding Yu, his eyes were so calm! Thornton's activities have increased a lot during this period, but Ding Yu has never meant to get Thornton out of bed, but today? I skipped this stage and was ready to let Thornton go to the ground, that is, really touch the ground!

To be honest, Thornton didn't understand Ding Yu's operation! It's even a little unclear what Ding Yu wants to do! Can you walk now? I have some doubts!

And Bruno and Sanchez standing not far away! They are not as curious as they think! They knew quite a lot last night! Bruno even called Dongfang Jing! I don't know, but it doesn't mean that others don't know. At least Dongfang Jing is one of them!

Dongfang Jing has made a considerable explanation for this! But for Ding Yu's means, there is also a considerable sigh! I didn't expect Ding Yu to have such a mind. It's hard enough! As for the quality of it, what is it? It doesn't matter!

Because of such a thing, Bruno and Dongfang Jing even inquire about it! I don't understand. After all, they haven't been influenced by oriental culture. There are some unclear explanations for some of the problems and situations!

"Mr. Ding, what are you waiting for?"

"Let me ask you a question! What is the reason why chickens can crow? Is it because their eyes are more sensitive to light? Or for other reasons?"

Ding Yu said an obvious inductive question! Thornton blinked his eyes!

"I'd like to say it's because of the light, but my personal judgment should be the latter one! But I can't tell what the specific reason is?" Thornton slightly glanced at his mouth! I really don't know this problem, although it's a simple problem!

However, the chicken has been eaten, but the problem of ringing is a little out of specification for Thornton!

Ding Yu looked back, and saitil stood up. "Master Thornton, it's because of androgen! Of course, it can also be said that it's because of the biological clock!" saitil can be said to be a treasure for such professional knowledge! But setier really didn't expect Ding Yu to mention such a problem!

Deep? There are really not many profound places. It mainly needs a little broader knowledge!

Ding Yu ignored satyr, but looked at Thornton. Thornton thought for a while! "I see! Mr. Ding, you're waiting for dawn!" Thornton's face was very sure when he said this!

Ding Yu affirmed Thornton's expression! Nodded slightly! "Good! I'm waiting for dawn! It shouldn't take a few minutes!" then Ding Yu waved to the people behind him! Then take the lead to stretch out your hand!

I don't know where the beating sound came from. It was very abrupt and passed to everyone's ears! Ding Yu is holding Thornton's hand! Out of the door!

Facing the East, under Ding Yu's advice, Thornton took a deep breath! I didn't feel any coolness, nor any sense of being stimulated! This makes setier and others who follow behind feel deeply puzzled!

In the morning, when the cold air is stimulated, even ordinary people encounter such a situation! If you don't take proper precautions, you may cough, but what about master Thornton? There is no such problem! Nima's is not in line with common sense! It is not in line with everyone's understanding!

When Thornton opened his eyes, Ding Yu took Thornton to the East. The walking distance was not very far. Bruno counted in the back. Sanchez looked at Bruno curiously! Just ask directly! What does Ding Yu mean by walking with Thornton?

And how can master Thornton walk? Is this a little unreasonable?

After Bruno counted 100, he looked up and stopped at Ding Yu! Thornton has some unfinished business, but he still stands beside Ding Yu!

"OK! Go back!" Ding Yu didn't make any other explanation. On the way back, Ding Yu asked Thornton to keep smiling! Don't need to be too deliberate, just keep a good smile! However, when he came to the door, Ding Yu didn't let Thornton go back to the room immediately, but made a considerable pause!

At this time, there are not many people to follow! Hollian stood behind the crowd before, but now he really has no way to face Ding Yu! So only setier stood not far away. Bruno and Sanchez stood side by side with him!

"How do you feel?"

"It's very novel, but I didn't expect that there were no accidents!" Thornton's eyes flashed, which was like what had happened in a dream! It's too incredible! Don't walk when you come by yourself! It was carried here! You can't even do quite activities!

But today? You can get out of bed and walk! The three people standing not far away look very excited at this time! They didn't expect that Thornton would have such a performance. It's not so simple that people are surprised!

It's an amazing operation! How can this be? What kind of means and methods did Ding Yu use in this process? But the problem is that everything is displayed in front of everyone!

"It's barely OK, but you still have a long time and distance to get out of bed! At this time, you still need to adjust slowly. Today's situation is quite special, so I'll take you out to have a look! It doesn't mean you've gone out now! These are two different properties! I hope you can remember!"

Ding Yu glanced at Bruno and others standing behind! Obviously, this problem is not only a warning to Thornton, but also a warning to them! I've said everything anyway! If there are other problems! Then I'm sorry! I'm not responsible anyway!

Everyone knows that Ding Yu did it on purpose! But we all have some helplessness! What can I do?

Ding Yu can do this because others have such ability and ability! As for the others? Now there's no need to come and make a fool of yourself at this time! Were there few such things done in those days?

"Go back to your own room! Relax for a while to calm your mood! I need to check your body again later! And I need to change some drugs today!"

Wave to Thornton! Before going in, Thornton was very grateful and bowed slightly to Bruno to express his gratitude to them! Although he is in a wheelchair! Thornton's action surprised Bruno! Especially setier's reaction is even worse!

Bruno and Sanchez bowed slightly. This is a tribute to the Thornton family! It has nothing to do with anything else! As for the personal friendship with Thornton, now is not the best time to express it! As for setier's action, it doesn't matter to them! Even some of them don't look good!

But think about it, after all, everyone's affiliation is quite different! Two people respect Goodall, but that doesn't mean two people are the same as setier! Although setier can hold it now, to a certain extent, he is too complacent and can't even his own behavior!

It can also be said that it is the way to death! Goodall's name is not enough, but it is definitely not for setier to apply it like this! This kind of behavior is not only tarnishing Goodall's reputation, but even joking about Goodall's family reputation!

It's just that the time is not suitable! It can be predicted that with the change of time, the consequences will become more and more serious! Now Bruno and Sanchez, two old friends, should have a good idea!

However, the two old foxes, even if they had insight into the problems, would never make any mention! Of course, they will not deliberately promote anything! Like now, what did they do to setier?

They're not doing anything. They're just abiding by their responsibilities and responsible for Thornton's safety. As for other aspects? Anyway, setier has excluded them. It is true that sometimes we still need to argue, and even argue with some urgency! But that's it!

But to a certain extent, it also indulged setier and them! Let them go farther and farther on the way to the abyss! There's no way back! Even if they want to go back! Because the brakes on this car have been removed by themselves!

After the cool air on everyone's body had dissipated, Ding Yu walked into the room again! Sitting on the sofa, feeling Thornton's veins! "It's OK, at least not too many problems in terms of effect! However, it still needs to be well conditioned. The air is a little cool! It still has a slight impact on you!"

"Not too much feeling, not even the subconscious reaction of coughing!" Thornton spread out his hands. "In fact, I was warned earlier! Be careful and careful, and never be too capricious!"

Ding Yu loosened his hand and leaned back against his body! Let yourself relax as much as possible!

"Having seen considerable hope shows that the treatment has a considerable effect. This is a happy thing! But don't be too happy!" Ding Yu warned Thornton again! "Also, I need to explain that I just played a little role. You also occupied a very important part. Only our mutual cooperation! Can we!"

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