Setier and hollian looked at Ding Yu, and their hearts trembled. But at this time, both of them stood in front of Ding Yu, and there was no meaning to get out of the way!

I don't know where the courage came from? Did Liang Jingru give it?

Ding Yu slightly tilted his head and then raised his hand. His action was a little slow! When seeing this scene, both setier and hollian subconsciously want to escape, but the problem is that their body is a little out of control!

Ding Yu patted setier's arm twice, but he didn't pat his shoulder. If he patted his shoulder, he seemed too disrespectful!

Although the person in front of him doesn't deserve his respect, Ding Yu doesn't mean to go too far!

"Have you thought about anything in these two days?" Ding Yu waved his hand to hollian. Although hollian was unwilling, he still stood aside and gave way to his position!

Ding Yu has expressed something! If you don't appreciate it again, it's another thing!

"Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand what you mean!"

Saitil, who said this, hesitated!

Ding Yu smiled. Although it seemed a little ordinary to Qiu Tianyang behind, it was like hearing ghosts crying and howling for saitil and hollian! Two people almost jumped up!

"Really don't understand, or pretend not to understand?"

Ding Yu looked back and Qiu Tianyang left immediately! Hollian hesitated for a moment and then left. Then Ding Yu and setier walked slowly into the room!

"Setier, since you blocked me today, there must be a reason. I thought you were very sober, but today, you are a fool!" Ding Yu found a position and sat down smoothly. Saitil hesitated for a moment, and then sat down next to Ding Yu, but it was only half of his ass!

"All right! Then open up and say it! I'm too lazy to guess riddles with a fool like you!" Ding Yu is really not polite at all, because the level gap between the two people is really a little big! "To be exact, is there a feud between the two of us?"

"No!" Setier sullen his face!

"I didn't throw your son into the well or sprinkle salt on you. Of course, I don't deny that I gave you some lessons, but you must know why I gave you this lesson!" Ding Yu pointed to setier and himself! "Are we two equal?"

"No! Are you a big man?!" That's what I said!

"Although I don't admit it, I won't deny it. If Goodall is sitting here, I may respect it, because his actions are at least worthy of respect, but are you? The gap is a little big, and I've never bothered to talk to you! But the problem is that you always don't know good or bad! There's no way, I can only teach you a lesson! But you Always remember to eat or not to fight! " Ding Yu's voice is as peaceful as ever! I didn't hear any waves!

"Mr. Ding, if you say so, you are oppressing people with power!"

Setier also seems to be quite angry!

"Yes!" Ding Yu said without scruples, "I'm holding you down! What can you do? Don't say it's you! Even if Goodall comes? So what? I treated Thornton because I saw Bruno's face! Say something presumptuous, I'll kick you out now. What do you think Goodall would say?"

Setier was surprised! Even the whole person almost jumped up. He really didn't care about other things, but Ding Yu directly chopped down with a heavy axe. The thunder was so powerful that he didn't have any preparation, even if he was on his own defense! There is no way! I can't carry it at all!

People are simply too lazy to care about those messy, direct and fatal blows! If Ding Yu really mentioned the requirements in this regard, it would take less than two days. He would need to pack up and go away, and he would still be happy! Not even a fart!

"Mr. Ding, I'm here to teach Thornton!"

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu glanced at him and said with disdain, "it's your own business how you do it. I never seem to interfere! So I don't understand. Did I kill your family? Or did I say there's any irreconcilable resentment between each other? Now that it's all open today, let's open it up!"

Ding Yu's remark made saitil's speech stop! Because I don't know what to say!

Since he came here, Ding Yu seems to have never done any interference! On the contrary, Ding Yu came over. He was this and that. Although he did not reveal it on the surface, he made a lot of obstacles secretly!

Now setier finally understands that people are too lazy to see things like themselves, but what about themselves? It's like a toad! Honestly, I want to show off in front of Ding Yu. People don't say they didn't give me a chance, or even gave me two opportunities, but the problem is that they didn't remember it!

This is what Ding Yu said. Remember to eat or not to fight. Now it's good! All the problems are on the surface! Even if I want to argue, I can't find any excuse! And this time people don't give themselves a chance! The stick is placed in front of him, even now let alone show his teeth! Even if you breathe heavily, you may directly knock yourself to death with a stick! It will never leave any future trouble!

"Mr. Ding, I'm master Thornton's teacher. I need to be responsible for him!"

"Who you are has nothing to do with me! Even if you come from the moon or Mars, so what? Do you have any connection with me? Not at all! What's more, do I need to get any benefits from you? No! So you need to explain what you do today! Your explanation is satisfactory to me! I'll let you go Ma, I'm not satisfied with what you told me. I'll kill you with a stick! It's so simple! "

Setier obviously heard quite a difference from Ding Yu's words, but the price is that setier's whole back has been soaked! There's no way! Ding Yu's words are really too shocking! Do it without any preparation! And it's still merciless!

"Mr. Ding, you are the doctor responsible for the treatment of master Thornton. You may be out of friendship and friendship, but I am master Thornton's teacher. I need to consider the problem from his perspective!"

Ding Yu looked at satyr. "Are you using Thornton to prevaricate me? If I were a teacher...!" At this point, Ding Yu snorted slightly! Then asked the question! "What do you think would happen if I were a teacher?"

Looking at Ding Yu's expression, saitil couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva! Because setier knows very well that he must be innovative! Otherwise, I'm sorry about Ding Yu! Because the mace in his hand has been raised! It's definitely not just scaring yourself! In this regard, setier is very convinced!

"Mr. Ding, you may be a good teacher! Even a very excellent teacher! But if you want to be your student, you need Tianzong wizards to a certain extent, because ordinary people can't keep up with your rhythm!"

"Hehe, it seems that your research on me is very thorough!" Ding Yu narrowed his eyes, with some sharp eyes!

"Mr. Ding, I said no, do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway!"

Throughout Ding Yu's conversation with himself, saitil has fully understood it! The positions of each other are quite different, so the way of looking at problems is also quite different! For Ding Yu, what he pursues is not in his heart at all, and he doesn't even have any meaning to pay attention to!

"Setier, people! You can make mistakes, but you can never be stupid! There is still a chance to change your mistakes! But if you make a fool, there is really no way! Understand?"

"Mr. Ding, I won't betray!"

"People are ugly. What you think is very beautiful!" Ding Yu's disdain was like a knife, which was inserted into saitil's heart. Suddenly, it directly made saitil die!

I thought Ding Yu would at least let himself do something, but others didn't mean it at all, and even looked down on him! This made setier's face fall to the ground, and even stepped on several feet!

But such humiliation, setier still had to suffer, before the matter was explained? It may be better, but the problem is that things have been pointed out now! Dare you continue to prick yourself? Not at all!

"Mr. Ding, I'm always master Thornton's teacher!"

"So what?" Ding Yu said with disapproval, "what's the situation of Thornton in the future? Does it have anything to do with me? Do you think I can do it? And do you think you are qualified?"

Satyr was trembling with anger! If you take your blood pressure at this time, it's definitely the existence of a burst watch!

Originally Ding Yu was a little depressed, but now he's fine! It's all gone! Even vaguely have some fun!

Looking at setier, Ding Yu's resentment disappeared, so he was not ready to continue teasing him!

"Tell me a joke!"

Ah? Tell a joke? What's the number? After hesitating for a moment, satyr almost flushed his face, looked at Ding Yu and said bitterly! "I've put on my pants! But I haven't gone to the bathroom in three days!"

Make complaints about it intentionally? But Ding Yu's mouth really showed a smile!

"Shall I help you?" Ding Yu said as if it were true! "At least there are not many problems to meet hollian's standards! You have to believe me! I do what I say! After all, I'm still a good doctor!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, setier's ass had left the sofa! But then he sat down again! I almost flashed to my waist! This is a surprise. It's just a shock, okay?

Looking at setier's surprised appearance, Ding Yu said with a slight warning!

"Setier, I'm a gentleman before a villain. I believe you understand what I mean when I say this! So don't let me find the so-called opportunity again! Otherwise, even if a hair is on the ground, it's your fault! After all, this is my territory!"

This is the last announcement to setier! There is no so-called next time! And if you really pick up quite a problem, it won't be solved when you say you want to solve it!

Setier's face was gloomy, but he nodded at Ding Yu! The position and distance between each other are too far! There is no comparability at all! It's too late for people not to accompany themselves now! So be alert!

"Mr. Ding, I see!" When saying this, saitil had stood up and even bowed to Ding Yu! Obviously, under the pressure of Ding Yu, he has clearly realized the problems between each other!

"I hope you really understand!"

Ding Yu immediately stood up and walked slowly to Thornton's room! This time, setier didn't continue to follow! When hollian showed up, he found that setier seemed to have just taken a shower from the bathroom!

"Did Ding Yu do it to you?" Hollian almost suppressed his anger and fear!

"No hands, but it's more terrible than hands!" Setier sighed deeply! "This time I finally saw Ding Yu's true face! It's more cruel, more vicious and more ruthless than I thought!"

"What does he mean?"

"We're on his turf!" Saitil pointed out, "if something similar happened before, the consequences will not be borne by us. We need a white house or the board of directors to bear!"

"How could he do that? We didn't offend him!"

Hollian's pupils contracted extremely, as if he had been frightened!

"Have offended!" Setier looked at hollian with deep eyes and said, "from beginning to end, people didn't relax their vigilance against us, because Ding Yu knew very well that no matter what reason he was treating master Thornton, they were always in the opposite position! We regarded ourselves as tigers, but we forgot that he was a dragon!"

"Dragon?" Hollian's tone was a little heavy!

"To be exact, he is definitely a dragon, but the dragon in the East is quite different from the dragon in the West. It's hard to say!" In fact, after seeing the dragon in the East, look at the dragon in the west? Each other is really not a level thing!

The dragon in the East is auspicious, a totem, and even a civilization! What about the dragon in the west? Guard the treasure! Symbol of evil, in order to highlight the existence of dragon slaughtering warriors! Two are not the same thing at all, okay?

"Ding Yu is a dragon. We call ourselves tigers, but in front of him, can he be regarded as a vicious dog?"

Setier looked at hollian with meaning! Hollian's expression was also very embarrassing! In front of Ding Yu, they can fight back and scold back. Why? Not because they are not at the same level!

There is no subordinate relationship between them and Ding Yu. They can take Bruno and Sanchez. There are many reasons for Mr. Goode, but the question is what is the relationship between Ding Yu and Mr. Goode? They are completely opposite!

I thought I was a foreign adult. When I went there, someone complimented them? You don't have to think about such a thing! People don't give you two feet, which is already a gentleman's performance! So don't take yourself too seriously here!

Hatred of Ding Yu is one thing, but whether it can solve Ding Yu is another thing! And not only are they thinking about this problem, but even white house and the board of directors are also thinking about this problem, but has the problem been solved?

Not only did it not get any solution, it even tended to worsen the situation!

Now the White House and the board of directors have red eyes! What is the reason? Isn't it still because of Ding Yu? Now Ding Yu has finally stopped. If he really makes any trouble here, he will calm Ding Yu at that time! It's necessary to throw out some of their ants!

Even a few ants can play a bigger role? Something unknown!

Hollian's face was a little pale. Setier didn't say it very clearly, but there was no need to say more about it! But it's really uncomfortable to swallow the breath like this! But what can happen? People stand in front of you so forcefully. What you don't obey doesn't have any effect!

Even when you swallow this breath in front of Ding Yu, you need to give Ding Yu a smiling face and say it's really fragrant! Is it very oppressive, of course, but what can it be? Besides hitting the wall with your head, do you have any other ideas?

"Ding Yu's business is over. Our business has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't bother to pay attention!"

"He won't care?" Hollian looked gloomy! Expression some doubt at the same time, but also quite puzzled!

"Why should he care?"

A rhetorical question, let hollian don't know what to do? Look at setier foolishly!

"He!.." For half a day, hollian didn't say a word, so he came!

Setier said faintly, "the days of the so-called foreign adults have long passed! Who doesn't know what's going on in China now? I don't want to admit it, but I have to face it! This is the reality! What's more, what force Ding Yu is, we're on his territory now! People say to kick you, dare you fart?"

Hollian is biting his teeth! "Our goal was wrong from the beginning! Ding Yu is not what we can deal with! Moreover, once, quite a time, Ding Yu is a good choice!"

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